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Everything posted by Spook.5847

  1. > @"Svarty.8019" said: > > @"Spook.5847" said: > > > @"Threather.9354" said: > > > **Following changes are necessary:** > > > #Reduce passive defending: > > > - Nerf claim buff to ground (especially movement speed), even replace whole claim buff with non-combat buffs like siege taking less supply to build and out of combat movement speed > > > - Reduce gliding speed in combat or remove ability to glide in combat. Remove this toxic playstyle, there used to be massive negatives standing on the walls midcombat with pure caster builds like staff ele (and now dps guard). And now you could be fully wipe defenders that lose fight or escape on the wall, deservably. > > > - Increase upgrade times of keeps and castles by 100% and 300% respectively while reducing incoming supply. No logic in every objective requiring same amount. > > > - Fix packed dolyaks that they don't count towards 2 for the upgrade. But make them carry 4x supply to make up for the incoming supply nerfs. > > > > > > #Increase active defending: > > > - Remove shield gens ability to block siege but instead make it pulse like 30% damage reduction that also affects siege > > > - Increase siege damage to siege some because siege health got doubled vs siege for no reason in condi/crit change. > > > - Increase health of upgraded walls/gates (was nerfed for no reason to make up for defensive powercreep by other things introduced with HoT) > > > - Increase supply cost of guild golems to 80 > > > > > > So overall powershift in so that attackers take longer to breach outer and inner walls but if they manage to do, the fighting ground is somewhat equal outside defender having supreme stealth engages, ability to use keep portals and cloud in the lord room. You will maybe take the keep in 1 time out of 6, like in the past, not just get onepushed by equally strong group. And big nerf to clouding playstyle because reworking claim buff will mean one needs permaswift. > > > > > > And please, do not think these changes are unfair, they are for good of WvW and will affect enemy servers as well... > > > > This is exactly the opposite of what is needed. Making stuff actually hard to take is better - but add some bonuses too. Eliminate the horrifically vulnerable designs of the fortifications would be nice too (seriously - anyone who designs games like this should be required to study the history of true castle battles). Farms especially need some updates. No objectives should be soloable. Make siege immune to hand weapons, etc. Quit exposing cannons and other things to easy pickings - make them truly useful - and DEADLY. There needs to be a strong counters to blobs, and artillery fire should be one of them - just as it is IRL. Eliminating the ability to treb keeps from other keeps is also a must. > > > It's funny how you say it's "the opposite of what is needed" and then go on to make other positive suggestions that could be ADDITIONALLY altered. There's no need for the hard "no" at the start of your post. > > The hard no is why we get no updates ever. The devs think we don't agree on what we want. > > They don't have to go nuts to bring back defending. ACs could go back to hitting more targets instead of 15. Manning oil could give you "Determined" buff, like being in spawn (you can still be pulled, so you'd probably need perma-stability, too, while manning it). These easy, small changes could have a great impact AND shake things up again. Small changes will not cure what is basically terrible design overall. It is also clear that the policy is to encourage blob warfare mechanics/tactics/power, which I strongly disagree with. But, we keep hearing about how this company cannot do things due to not being able to read and write their own code, so i guess the argument is pretty academic in the face of that admission (or excuse, however one wishes to interpret it). We have some new games dealing with siege on the horizon now - maybe those will do a better job.
  2. > @"Threather.9354" said: > **Following changes are necessary:** > #Reduce passive defending: > - Nerf claim buff to ground (especially movement speed), even replace whole claim buff with non-combat buffs like siege taking less supply to build and out of combat movement speed > - Reduce gliding speed in combat or remove ability to glide in combat. Remove this toxic playstyle, there used to be massive negatives standing on the walls midcombat with pure caster builds like staff ele (and now dps guard). And now you could be fully wipe defenders that lose fight or escape on the wall, deservably. > - Increase upgrade times of keeps and castles by 100% and 300% respectively while reducing incoming supply. No logic in every objective requiring same amount. > - Fix packed dolyaks that they don't count towards 2 for the upgrade. But make them carry 4x supply to make up for the incoming supply nerfs. > > #Increase active defending: > - Remove shield gens ability to block siege but instead make it pulse like 30% damage reduction that also affects siege > - Increase siege damage to siege some because siege health got doubled vs siege for no reason in condi/crit change. > - Increase health of upgraded walls/gates (was nerfed for no reason to make up for defensive powercreep by other things introduced with HoT) > - Increase supply cost of guild golems to 80 > > So overall powershift in so that attackers take longer to breach outer and inner walls but if they manage to do, the fighting ground is somewhat equal outside defender having supreme stealth engages, ability to use keep portals and cloud in the lord room. You will maybe take the keep in 1 time out of 6, like in the past, not just get onepushed by equally strong group. And big nerf to clouding playstyle because reworking claim buff will mean one needs permaswift. > > And please, do not think these changes are unfair, they are for good of WvW and will affect enemy servers as well... This is exactly the opposite of what is needed. Making stuff actually hard to take is better - but add some bonuses too. Eliminate the horrifically vulnerable designs of the fortifications would be nice too (seriously - anyone who designs games like this should be required to study the history of true castle battles). Farms especially need some updates. No objectives should be soloable. Make siege immune to hand weapons, etc. Quit exposing cannons and other things to easy pickings - make them truly useful - and DEADLY. There needs to be a strong counters to blobs, and artillery fire should be one of them - just as it is IRL. Eliminating the ability to treb keeps from other keeps is also a must.
  3. > @"Ubi.4136" said: > The balance has never favored defenders. In fact, every advantage defenders has had, except guild aura buffs, has been removed or nerfed into oblivion. The time to enter a T3 tower was 45 seconds, people complained that was too long and too hard. So, they nerf walls and make the flip time 25 seconds. Yes, a T3 tower can be flipped in under 30 seconds from siege drop to lord dead when the attacker has an IQ. Doesn't hurt they almost always log an alt and troll the invulnerable before the attack begins. The only true advantage the game has is whether or not you have the most people. And, as players have proven time and time again, they are rarely willing to fight unless they know they will win. The only exception (in NA) seems to be TC, who will throw bodies in PVE builds at blobs trying desperately to maintain the structure for honor sake. That is why some servers, especially with high KDR, hide inside fully fortified, siege capped SMC until they know they are the only blob on the map, then they leave the comfort of the SMC aura to take a tower they have been trebbing for 12 straight hours. Every relink is the same. Instantly, people flock to a link to make a bunch of megalinks that rarely can lose a fight, because they know the enemy has 1/4th their numbers and the attacker has the advantage. > > Players have shown they want free/easy loot and ranks, and will do anything including using third party tools, alts, and spending real money to transfer to stack every 8 weeks to do it. And sadly, since profit is involved, no way are any game-improving changes going to happen (e.g. reversal of the nerfs, BETTER defenses, anything that might threaten blobs, etc). Maybe they would see their way clear to at least give participation for seige construction, being killed in combat, and a few other things. If it weren't for being able to quickly generate resources and other rewards from the tracks, I wouldn't even play in WvW because it certainly isnt any fun, and is so completely pointless generally, and for the server without realm bonuses (like the old gathering strike boost, etc).
  4. > @"Lily.1935" said: > PvE is mine and many other's preferred game mode. And from that perspective it often seems that PvE is largely ignored when it comes to balance which I feel is a mistake. A lot of classes under preform and the dominant builds tend to stay dominant for years. This creates a rather stale format. Although some like the consistency of it never or rarely changing, I don't hold that position at all. > > Tackling new content with the same exact build I've been using for 4 years leads to long periods of fatigue with the game and short bursts of interest. > > You could tell me to do PvP or WvW more. But those formats are extremely stressful for me. I don't like killing other players, I get no enjoyment from being killed by them myself. I prefer spectating those. And my involvement with spectating is directly linked to my enjoyment of PvE. > > So this post is more personal feels on the issue. From my perspective, PvE is the most important part of the game. And new content is soured for me when the gameplay has stagnated for me. I enjoy a PvE experience that is evolving. And without new skills being added, balance is where I turn to to find my thrills with experimentation and adapting. They "evolved" it by "making it more challenging" - aka "nerfing". The same for all kinds of farming (anyone try and get any slabs of poultry lately???), and just about every other aspect of the game. Honestly, it isnt much fun - more like masochism ;b
  5. The problems with WvW have little to do with classes and players (stealth being the exception), and much to do with a lack of overall vision towards real realm combat, vs forced PvP which is where they seem to be driving it. It would be nice to have WvW recognized (and developed) as not primarily PvP-driven, as there is a separate part of the game for that.
  6. > @"Axl.8924" said: > > @"Spook.5847" said: > > > @"manu.7539" said: > > > > @"Spook.5847" said: > > > > > > > the overall wvw experience is horrible. > > > > > > I can only disagree. Lets say WvW isnt perfect and can be frustrating sometimes whatever if you are zerging, roaming etc but its a great game. After 40 years of gaming... I never played any game so involving and exciting! > > > JQ arena in gw1 was all about strategy, killing people and die didnt matter at all. I just hope that the next expansion will bring JQ back since the arena was in Cantha. I saw something on the forum about it but I dont know much yet. > > > > After years of EQ1, I played DAoC. Even though rudimentary, the way that keeps were structured, their innate defenses, how hookpoints were created, materials handling, and the benefits of owning disputed territories was much superior. It also did not have the absurd glowing arrows floating above everyone's head, so you actually had to be alert, and have much more situational awareness than in this game. I really do not care for PvP, as I think it is simply laziness on the part of game devs who are to cheap to put out decent content and plenty of it. I do not mind it as a side effect of immersive gameplay, but mindless, overpowering, unstoppable zerging has no redeeming qualities whatever. > > EQ1 isn't a good example of pvp, since it was busted op. A warr with 400 resistance to all was neigh impossible since he resisted everything. PVP was unbalanced. > > I never played DAOC though but i can talk about wow PVP: > > Sure it was unbalanced in WOTLK but it was the most fun i had during TBC and WOTLK even if DK were insane and druids could basically regen through all attacks. It was offset by having weaknesses some classes could exploit, such as being purged by shaman repeatedly and priest. > > The reason is that perfect balance is a simple impossibility, but you can make said classes fun to play to the point you got so many counters to something that you need to think about, it makes the game more fun for me at least. Wow suffers from something similar to GW2, and many look back to a nostalgic time of WOTLK and TBC. > > Anet needs to be careful about listening to folks too much and wreck classes. Also: I believe 1 good thing to take from wow is this: Having someone who truly cares about the class and remembers to play around a lot to get a idea of whats wrong. I remember that on forums folks were complaining because they had staff that was split and some classes were less cared for than others other than the bottom line: Profit. > > So personally i think we should have 1 developer for each class, so problems get dealt with and can speak passionately about said class to fix. > > > I am talking about WvW, which i agree has devolved into forced PvP, rather than any kind of strategy or game designed around realm conflict. EQ1 has nothing to do with PvP imo, nor with WvW, but it is an excellent example of interesting classes, and a myriad of cool powers/abilities/spells by a vast array of classes - which is sorely lacking in GW2. WvW in GW2 is beyond broken. It suffers from fundamental problems relating to the desire of certain devs to control "how" people play, and trying to force them to play in certain ways, etc - they frequently admit it! The "castles" are absurdly designed with all of the (easily destroyed by hand weaponry) defenses and (absurdly expensive and weak) siege on weak, low walls exposed to every kind of fire; the farms are remote, and very poorly defended with no way to upgrade those defenses to anything sensible; "guards" in this game are some of the weakest I have ever seen anywhere, and with very poor AI; numerous bugs with targeting, LOS for archery, etc - coupled with inconsistent physics for other things like rifles and mortars (and by the way, rifles shoot much further than arrows do, folks); mount bugs that send you off cliffs and random directions when you try and get on your "warclaw"; seige that does nothing against attackers, etc, etc, etc. Top that all off with one of the worst implementations of stealth I have ever seen in a game (e.g., stealthing while in combat or dotted, repeatedly stealthing, almost no ways to force out of stealth (and all of which are purgeable), using a bow to stealth teleport in any direction - including across gaps with no valid path or up onto ledges and the like, stealthing while driving a dune roller, and so forth. The very poor design, and weak mechanics ,make it unfun to play. I doubt it will be fixed given the resources it would take.
  7. > @"manu.7539" said: > > @"Spook.5847" said: > > > the overall wvw experience is horrible. > > I can only disagree. Lets say WvW isnt perfect and can be frustrating sometimes whatever if you are zerging, roaming etc but its a great game. After 40 years of gaming... I never played any game so involving and exciting! > JQ arena in gw1 was all about strategy, killing people and die didnt matter at all. I just hope that the next expansion will bring JQ back since the arena was in Cantha. I saw something on the forum about it but I dont know much yet. After years of EQ1, I played DAoC. Even though rudimentary, the way that keeps were structured, their innate defenses, how hookpoints were created, materials handling, and the benefits of owning disputed territories was much superior. It also did not have the absurd glowing arrows floating above everyone's head, so you actually had to be alert, and have much more situational awareness than in this game. I really do not care for PvP, as I think it is simply laziness on the part of game devs who are to cheap to put out decent content and plenty of it. I do not mind it as a side effect of immersive gameplay, but mindless, overpowering, unstoppable zerging has no redeeming qualities whatever.
  8. > @"manu.7539" said: > Except for some very annoying gimmicks like stealthing and immo, I felt like the game was well balanced lately. Rangers are a bit broken and engis could use some buff but beside them, most of my duels feels fair and fun whatever the class I'm dueling with my weaver. There is so many changes, I cant judge this new upcoming balance yet but its scary. Duels, maybe; the overall wvw experience is horrible. it is clearly geared towards forcing people to PvP rather than embodying any sort of strategy gaming, while WvW itself is pretty pointless aside from reward tracks now that they nerfed the realm bonuses from owning objectives. To make matters worse, it seems that mindless zerg play is catered to, with any efforts to reform the ability of people to withstand zergs being subject to much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The defensive structures, guards, seige equipment, etc are also completely underpowered, and flat ludicrous if you are even a minor student of history.
  9. > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said: > How many of the food recipes are based on real recipes and is there a story behind the choice to include them? I think it would be interesting if various people with ANet did a regular video program making the recipes IRL, discussing and taste testing them. Can't say that I care much about that, although it is "flavor" if you will. What I do care about is the absurdity of having to kill 40 giant Moas to get a SINGLE bit of poultry meat to drop. It is a shame that the team doesn't go over things like supply and tweak to eliminate grossly artificial shortages like that. Frustration and annoyance coupled with forced mindless grinding/farming does not a fun game make.
  10. > @"Psykewne.3025" said: > > @"Spook.5847" said: > > I just suffered through an hour plus of one chapter to unlock a WvW track, and realized how many times I have been stuck in the same or a similar position - doing stuff I really dislike just to be able to play the game. Absolutely NOTHING should be required in the "personal story" or the Living World instance stuff for a person to go anywhere in the world, or to have a means to get the stuff in the game. There's nothing I dislike more than to be forced to do content like this - even JPs, which I despise, are not as bad (although the forced wintersday and clocktower JPs come close). > > > > Look, I dont care about cut scenes or voice acting in this case. If I want that, I can watch anime. I care about being able to play without worrying I will get disconnected or something and have to start over, or that I will be put in the same boat due to not realizing what a huge timesink I got into until it is almost time for work, etc. Having whatever insane, overly-costly open world requirements is fine - but requiring personal instances for unlocks is not. Just let us skip the entire thing if we want to, or play it for the mastery points BY CHOICE. > > What WvW track was this? > Sounds like you're playing the wrong genre of game, you know every mmo will tie rewards behind certain content right? The WvW track unlock is a reward for doing that content. If you don't like the content then don't do it, but then you don't get the reward. I am very familiar with the MMO genre, having played them since the original EQ over 26 years ago. In this case, the "content" is WvW. I should not have to gain the opportunity to work to earn my rewards ONLY by being forced to participate in the school play. Not only that, but this game is never retuned after they nerf our powers into the ground, as has been repeatedly done over the years.
  11. > @"Tornjak.6425" said: > Making a argument that offering economic compensation to players willing to don on the blue tag and put in a healthy amount of wvw hours would do more for game mode than any of the other bandaids that the community is crying for. > > Blue tags are far more valuable for the experience of entire servers than any other change that has been implemented since game release. WvW is totally borked. Tagging should not be necessary to survive, progress, or to build/defend forts. The structure and abilities of almost every item and NPC need serious reworking. Not going to happen at this point.
  12. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said: > > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said: > > So here's the problem: Casuals are money, hardcore players are not. In the hardcore mindset, the need for reward dictates that ArenaNet should be doing all they can to sate that desire for the raider's "hard work." There is little concept of recompense that I have borne witness to in raid culture. What this means is that any product that isn't _that one_ (World of Warcraft, yes) is doomed to bankruptcy. See: WildStar. > > > Anet is right, "raid economy" hurts the game. first they create a "elite group" aka experienced speed runners, then later, these speed runners just sit themselfs on LFG selling runs. but the Catch-22 of this content kill itself in long-term, so starts complaints about "no ones play its anymore", at same time they still blame pugs for game mode ruin. in WvW we see this sometimes, dudes complaining about game mode dying at same time complain when Anet try attract pugs/casuals to the game mode. They are not doing a proper job of that. WvW needs to be completely rebuilt. Stop putting hookpoints in vulnerable positions; raise walls so that they are effective; make seige engines immune to plinking by small arms while dramatically increasing their power so as to kill zergs; add incentive to deploy, build, and use seige equipment; beef guard powers immensely; etc, etc. Redesigning the castles etc with real defense in mind is a no-brainer. Every time I am in one now, I grit my teeth at how absurd it is. Oh - and for the love of god, get rid of targeting circles for seige! So lame.
  13. Simple stuff seems hard to do in this game for some reason.
  14. Hope so. Since I wont be doing the "special event", or going to the new areas, I'll just trash them and home I dont see any more. That doesn't detract from the main point of my post though. This stuff has been building up for a while, but getting repeated mail with these items attached prompted me to finally post.
  15. If it drops, and sits in my inventory, it's a problem, and one I shouldn't be forced to deal with if I am not interested in the reward. Reminds me of the lodestone thing, emblems of the whatever, etc, etc. Destroy them all you want, but they just come back. Only thing to do to save all that clicking is sacrifice a slot to let them stack :(
  16. Or you could, you know, do the easy thing and just let everything stack for hours like most other stuff. The reasons they wont fix this are the same as why they nerfed the candy gobbler into the ground.
  17. > @"Teratus.2859" said: > I've loved the Necromancer profession in this franchise for almost 15 years.. my first character in Gw1 was a Necromancer and in Gw2 I use them very often as a second main and have a good few of them. > Minions are also one of my favourite class mechanics in this game and I am heavily invested in them on a few builds. > > This fear that Minions will end up being gutted and completely destroyed because of these AFK farmers is something I have expressed many many times on the forums and in game as an argument for why this should not be allowed. I dont see why. This game has -0- pet control, and they are the weakest of any game system I've seen. They clearly dont intend to fix that, either.
  18. > @"Swagger.1459" said: > All this ascended and legendary stuff has been added, so I'm confused as to why runes and sigils have been stuck at the exotic level? This game has long limited content by claiming that "power creep" is bad in some way. This means they dont have to pay for any of the costs associated with designing and implementing such improvements, nor the content that would require.
  19. > @"lummuss.6850" said: > Wintersday is alive, but the festival's content is dead. Is it so hard to create a map in which there are many frozen monsters and frozen bosses for players to build squadrons and play fun ?! Would it be too much to ask ?! Why I am part of the group of players who have never been familiar with the structure of this holiday festival. (for me it was always one of the worst and boring). > The purchase of items is very scarce and poor, the festival's gameplay is very limited and repetitive. The "Choir Bell", I joined for the first time today and found it very confusing. The "Jump Puzzle", I never managed to finish, and even now that I have a faster and more powerful computer, I still can't do that. The only positive part of the festival is the "Secret Lair of Snowman", but it is also nauseating and exhausting. > If the festival had a fixed map filled with Christmas monsters and group challenges, the festival and Guild Wars 2 itself would gain much more attention. Otherwise, if there are no changes or improvements, I believe the tendency of the game is to lose a lot of attention. (Which is my case, I don't intend to play a festival with repetitive and unsatisfactory mechanics. Anyway, I will look for another game to play over Christmas) XD > Share your opinions ... The jumping puzzle design for this festival is a total dumpster fire. People have complained about it for years, and Anet refuses to modify it any way. It should be just a normal JP, with the same rules...not all the extra junk they put in. The map resetting all the time is particularly annoying, as is no save points.
  20. > @"dodgerrule.8739" said: > Sorry but I don’t think that should be done. That would be putting limits on play and not having freedom to choose. > > Every class should be able to perform most roles. The fact atm is that there’s only like 2-3 builds for tanks. Without more expansion there will never be diversity in endgame content. If you ever played a game that had real classes that were properly formed around a role, you'd know how extremely limited and weak the design of GW2 actually is (weapon swap mechanic being the lone exception). I think EQ1 had the very best examples of pure classes, as well as hybrids that sacrificed power in chosen traits for versatility as the OP is discussing. Now that the guy pushing this restrictive "vision" has left the building, it might be worth lobbying for some changes that actually help the game.
  21. You'd think with all the patching this would be working by now. Not to mention it is an odd thing to have break in the first place. How and why did it happen?
  22. > @"Menzo.2185" said: > "World vs. World > Tactic banners (Dragon Banner, Centaur Banner, Turtle Banner) are now restricted to the general area around the objective they are spawned in. Leaving the objective area while carrying a tactic banner will display a warning message, and failing to return to the objective area within the allocated time will destroy the banner." > > Who came up with this dumb idea? > It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years? > > I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision! > > **For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box. This game is about having as close to -0- fun as possible, obviously. Instead of dealing with the indestructible blobs insta-killing everyone, we get this stuff - one of the few viable counters. Another example of the stunning lack of imagination and technical expertise that permeates this game.
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