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Posts posted by Samnang.1879

  1. how do u spell resurrection?... two ses or 1? am not sure anymore , anyways


    suggestion for w8:


    boss 1: LORD and saviour JOKO comes back to life comes out of Aurene like a parasitic wasp, kills Glenna and makes her awakened. Awakened Glenna = First boss


    boss 2: lord joko kills someone in ur raid group and makes him the boss (think doppelganger elon riverlands meta)


    Boss 3: ALL THE BOSSES OF all wings become awakened and we have to kill all of them vg sabetha sloth deimos in the same arena.... how fun would that be??? XD

  2. killing VG for the first time with random ppl who have no clues of the meta, n like i was using runes of the golemancer rofl (this was like the very first week of the very first raid release there was no qT no sc no raid bible geni0ouses)... that was the best feeling ever akin to getting ur first kiss or ha ving ur first love or having ur first child. u'know what am sayin?


    defeating other bosses just dont have the same feeling u'no? its like once ur boss virginity is gone u just cant get that feeling back

  3. delete them obviously.......................................... same with mystic forge stones bloodstone dusts


    all these completely utterly useless items that can't be sold... all items should be sellable so we don't have to delete them... and just sell junk. some ppl told me to go mystic forge to use tones, and am just like, girl, i dont e ven do my dailies .... u expect me to gather 4 items and put them in the mystic forge?????

  4. these r my personal reasons (and may not apply to u or other ppl)

    - annoy ppl by kicking dusts in their face

    - good for collecting volatile magic (not related to Vision), its just good for farming VM in general cuz it doesn't go down like grrifies

    - it is actually faster than the **obsolete** griffie cuz you dont have to dive down to go fast

    - u wont die in DS island part where random dragons spit lava on you


    - you can RP as Danaerys tangaryean and breathe fire down on enemies

    - when skins come out its gonna be epic, cuz it'll be dragon-related and not cat bird owl related



  5. > @"Akari Storm.6809" said:

    > > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

    > > And did anyone mention that the voice actors are speaking in ENGLISH??? Scientifically speaking any Earth language wouldn't be spoken on another planet


    > Ever watch the show "Vikings", they aren't actually speaking English to each other, anet gods just let us hear it that way so we can follow along.


    me right now imagining Charrs go "meow meow"... while asura go "squeak squeak"

  6. it wasn't mentioned in the "what we have in-stall for the future" post from the guy. so I doubt we'd get gen3.


    also they should give us build templates and finish off the legendary trinkets and runes/sigils before thinking about gen 3... one step at a time is better.


    also Gen 3 should come with Expac 3... it'd be perfect... The trifecta...

  7. i used to want harder content, but now i believe there are enough challenging content... dhuum cm drove me up the walls.


    nowadays i just want to come on gw2 to relax... and ppl rarely do challenging content anyway (.e.g serpents ire)... and the ppl who do them are mostly toxic... so i just want easy-moderate content nowadays... (the level of tangled depths, where its doable by everyone).

  8. > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > sis back in high school i get a daily budget of $5 per day... i skipped lunch for a whole week to get what i want...

    > > ppl these days can't even do that? the expansions are only like $15 at 50% :dead:


    > When I tell people I saved up by quitting smoking that's different, it's not healthy to skip meals.

    > Also not taking into account how unhelpful it is to people already at the end of their budget.

    > If that was your situation I'd expect you to have more empathy not go "I'm alright Jack I got mine and you can go whistle".


    sis... if u feel sorry for them, you'd tell them (ftp) to get the 2 expacs... cuz they are missing out on 80% of the fun.. playing the core game alone = bored within 1-2 years.

  9. playing stock market bores me. but it must work for some ppl cuz the richest person has 1mil+ gold... and I doubt anyone earned that by actually playing the game or converting gems to gold.


    see for example ecto it was at 12s at one point, if u bought 10k, and sell it now while it's rising to 20s... u would have made a lot of profit. and that's just 1 material... there are many others like the 6th tier trophies, mithril, elder wood..

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