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Posts posted by Samnang.1879

  1. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > Short version: because they want to.


    **> They aren't, but the game uses human speech to represent it, universal-translator style, because we've simply learned to understand them.**


    > They do! But, also like common felines, they're hidden by thicker fur (also clothes, but most felines don't wear them). The bikini/tank top on the naked model is purely for identification purposes.


    sis if we have a universal-translator... why do quaggans' speech sound like "coo"...

    and why does the springer sound like the spawn of satan?

  2. > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > Scientifically speaking, plants are substantially different from metazoans down to the cellular level and it would not be possible for them to move around as they do. But this is fantasy and magic! ;)


    thats another good point, although one can argue if those plants (sylvari) eat meat i guess they can attain enough energy to move like these carnivorous plants that can move on their own


  3. > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > Right, because even if they have human physical physiques and likenesses, need to eat and drink like humans, even feel hot and or cold like humans, but let's dismiss these facts because they were born in a magical fantasy way.


    > If you don't want a scientific explanation, don't ask for one. But the sylvari biology (including human like sexual anatomy minus the reproductive capability from what i remember) was made to mimic human biology where it could (wood for bone, bark for flesh, they even heal at the same rate as humans and have the same biological needs as other mammilian species). So the idea that they wouldn't have a close approximation to human vocal cords when so many things ARE similar is dismissive of facts at best.


    sis i like your answer but it still doesn't answer how woody material in form of vocal cords = human voices...

    robots sound like robots because theyre not made of muscles

    nodules on the human vocal cord = changes the smoothness of the voice dramatically


    so wooden/plant made vocal cord = ... ????


    though i do like the answer about the psychic thingy...


    but need an official LORE statement from @anet_lore_teller otherwise i wont be satisfied

  4. > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > @anet ... plz lower requirements 6 astral weapons is too much .... >.<


    > Surely you jest! It IS a legendary after all! :p


    semi-jesting... was hoping ppl would make a fuss and maybe anet reduce to 3 xDDDD

    astral weapons was next on my to -do-list but i convereted all my gold to gem cuz i thought there was gonna be something cool (like a skycale skin) in the gemstore.....................................

    let the grindfest begin i guess

  5. > @"castlemanic.3198" said:


    > There's no actual guarantee that a humanoid plant being would have a voice like that though, considering that we don't really have anything close to an approximation of plant matter shaped like a human vocal cord. That's flavour that many fantasy worlds go with, but from a _scientific_ standpoint (as the title of your thread suggests it to be), it's more likely not to be anything close to that.


    > In fact, like I already stated, the plant matter of sylvari mimics human anatomy, which means from a scientific standpoint, we could get pretty close to human sounding voices from an arrangement of plant matter that mimics human vocal cords. So for sylvari to have human like voices, it's not really that scientifically far off.


    considering they dont reproduce in the same way that humans do (they come from pods or whatever iirc)...

    i am doubtful their vocal cord is a perfect or near perfection imitation of the human vocal cord...


    but i'll take your words for it sis

  6. > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > The lore (from what I understand) is that the sylvari were shaped from the bodies of Ronin and his family from GW1, meaning that their vocal cords are shaped like human vocal cords, despite being plantlike. their anatomy would theoretically mimic that of a human, and as such, would provide similar results on all fronts, including vocal.


    > Also, that video you linked is very specifically **not the sound of trees talking**. Trees blowing in the wind =/= trees actually talking and using human language.


    i know sis... how would u want me to find a video of a tree talking when trees dont talk irl... ? :confused :

    voice is produced by air + vocal folds in the throat. in the same way wind + leaves = produces the sound of rustling leaves, when the leaves touch one another that's when we can hear the sound, winds don't make sound, it catalyses the sound against an object through a hole and friction. the video is just a simulation of what a sylvari's voice would sound like, not how it would sound when talking, in other words their voice shouldn't sound smooth like a human's, but more like leaves rustling in the wind.

  7. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > Yeah, I hope it's a bug. It makes it hard to keep people around. Once they see the volunteer pop-up, they are inclined to click it just because they are so used to doing it.


    for me, it's my ocd, after i click no, then WP, it keeps popping up again... and it drives me crazy

  8. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > Eh, I have the same question about Charr like... why don't they have 6 breasts like other felines.


    > Some things are just not meant to be, lol.


    according to anet, "what look likes a cat but stupider than a cat"... so technically they're not feline but ... something else...


    > @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

    > I blame modremoth.


    according to the lore, mordy corrupts minds not vocal cords :disappointed:

  9. > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

    > Sound is just movement in the air. For all we know Sylvari have the plant version of an electric speaker or a mechanical gramophone.


    yes sis, but each sound sounds different depending on the material, e.g. human vocal folds produce human voices, violins make violin noise. each material and the way it is constructed makes the sound what it is. no two humans can sound alike (even monozygous twins).


    so it confuses me that sylvari sound like humans, their vocal box should be of different material (not muscle) and constructed differently... its impossible for a natural creature to form a gramophone in their voice box... and even then, it shouldn't sound like a human...


    at best, it should sound like a xylophone since that is made out of wood material or something woody instrument

  10. my tip is to do the 1 easy heart on each map with 20+ alts. thats how i got 250 of each in 24 hours (not continuously obviously need sleep xD)


    then farm the nodes

    do metas in between if there are groups

    map completion on 20+ alts


    say u play 3 hours per night 7pm-10pm.... 24/3 = 8. You only need 8 days to complete. Do you play more on the weekends? Even fewer days required.


    Happy hunting

    Hope my post helps

  11. > @"DreamyAbaddon.3265" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > i want a story where neither good or evil wins... just a beautifully written story that touches the strings of my heart or scares the living hell out of me


    > I would also love a villain who isn't necessarily evil.

    > I watch a lot of Anime like Naruto and FairyTail and I love how they make the villains likable and in the end, they aren't all bad, they are people like us too and have their own motives for doing what they think is right. Something like that where we can relate to the villains and feel bad for them and want to save them while stopping them at the same time or something. I like something like that. Life isn't all black and white. It would also be refreshing if we were on the bad and someone in the story had to stop us from almost destorying Tyria and we learn from our own mistake and the villain is actually the hero and we join that hero or something. These are just ideas I'm sharing.


    i agree sis, am tired of the goody2shoes commander. he neeeds to make a huge mistake (and i dont mean dying to balthazar n then coming back as a zombie :rip: )

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