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Posts posted by Samnang.1879

  1. > @"Ezsper.3097" said:

    > - Home sweet Home

    > Your Home instance should have a house where you can do stuff maybe get special buffs exclusiv when you sleep in your own house in your own bed, having a house could also be unique way to access things like crafting and so on, it should be possible to invite people into your house and expand your house like the guild hall maybe with mini games or something like that





    100% support this idea

  2. just a guess, but it might be related to the fantasy genre and the idea that soldiers that use "magic" wear robes and gowns stemming from priests and priestesses, witches and wizards. while heavy armor is related to warriors and knights in battles and cavaliers.

    and i guess medium stems from things like assassins and ninjas, where they dont wear robes or heavy armors



    hope this answer helps

  3. the reward is the reward

    ppl want tangible reward like chak egg sac invisible boots thats why HoT metas r popular

    watch this weekend bonus is gonna be insane


    anet server will crash cuz everyone will be doing world bosses... why is it only a 1 time event... should be permanent

  4. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > or because they dont want us to spend too much $$

    > Uh, what? This part of the statement makes no sense.



    by putting a limit on the amount of bundle we can buy, they are helping us become better savers...

    now instead of spending real money to buy the bundle, i just wait for my gold to increase again, then convert to gems to buy the 400 exotic mount licences................................................

  5. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > Essentially the story in this game is built like a mix of Movies and Mini-series, not as a "rolePlayingGame". Only the Personal Story of the original game had some traces off this, but it was later completely removed when they started on LS 1/2.


    > If you want deep story and character development, I'd recommend to find another game, instead of disappointing yourself with wishing this game turns into that. Take this game for what it is, good action-combat and open-world with popcorn-flick story.


    > (Sorry, I'm physically incapable of writing short posts it seems...)


    The beauty of storytelling is that it doesn't have to make sense, I guess. See: commander coming back to life after being braindead.... yet Eir or any other dead characters couldn't. :confounded:

    In regards to Zhaitan, i guess he could have wiped most ppl, but narrator could turn around and say that there are humans living underground, or people who are immuned to his attacks, or it doesn't affect people living in Crystal desert.



    Nah, I'm not expecting anything from GW2 in terms of stories, I don't expect MMO's to have a deep story. I didn't play this game for the story.

    But this game seems to be focusing on stories more than ever especially with the releases of living worlds season 4 and soon S5, so just offering suggestions on how they can make it so I can enjoy the story.

    Am perfectly aware some people are fine with how the story is progressing, in fact, they still want to fight more dragons i.e. Bubbles or something, whereas for me, I'm tired of fighting Elder dragons... story-wise. From my perspective, it needs a change up, or let us have the choice to side with the Elder Dragon...

  6. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:


    > There is a reason why branching story-lines are so rare in computer games (and why so few so called cRPG's can actually be called Roleplaying games instead of just ROLLplaying games), They take a huge amount of work, and it's creative work which is the hardest to "force".



    > /rant


    i dont believe its that hard, (storytelling-wise, dont know about programming-wise).


    lets use ur example. we choose to side with zhaitan. that is that. then in HoT, mordremoth comes and it endangers even zhaitan and his minions, so we have to go n kill mordremoth. then you meet the "other" side (that side that play the good guys) and join in to fight with them. then both side may betray each other at the end or something like that.


    Then comes PoF, Joko, a totally different enemy again... now it branches to others like what if joko didn't die etc.


    idk maybe this comes naturally to me cuz i like telling stories, but it's not that hard to make up something to fit a plot. @anet feel free to use my ideas... i mean anything is better than linear storytelling


    and what is the point of playing a story when we know the good guys win anyway ... . :expressionless:

  7. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > Mental image: My character riding down toward an Iron Node, grabs his Pickaxe, and whacks at the node like at a Polo match, rides by, turn around and repeat 3 times for all the nodes. And then having to train the raptor to not eat the ore I whack loose.


    this is why i have another suggestion; NPC companions who gather trees ores for you so u dont have to do that

  8. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > > @"Shiv.5781" said:

    > > > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > > > > ...or an option to become branded myself... im sick of playing the good guy

    > > > I kinda like this idea...

    > >

    > > i suggested years ago i want my commander to be white mantle, ppl told me to buy outfit and RP as 1 :astonished:


    > still your best option when wanting to play a villain in this game


    i don't RP sis... dont see the point of it...

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