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Posts posted by BlueIce.6951

  1. > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > ● An instant Home instance device, that brings you back to previous location if used again.


    There is a home instance portal that does this. The only problem with it is you cannot select which map, it goes to the characters racial city home. Sucks for me because I main Subaru and hate the grove home instance layout.


    > ● A revert to previous look device like a transmutator charge, if you regret changing your character using a Self Hair Style or a Total Convertion one.


    This would be very cool.


    > ● Also a copper fed, infinite transmutator device.


    What would happen to existing transmutation charges?


    > ● The ability to dye backpacks and weapons.


    I would love this, but don't think it is practical for animations, or the original cut scenes. Also, how would skins that have effects work? There are a lot of skins like the and scientist set that have slight to strong color change effects.


  2. > @"Starblind.5921" said:

    > How about giving us a reason to log in every day to begin with? I recently noticed that I was no longer getting achievement points after doing the daily. I looked into it and discovered that there is a cap at 15,000. Why? Look, I have a full time job and full time family, at the end of the day I like to log in, do the daily, check out the gem store and maybe do a few world bosses before bed. I was hoping to someday get the cool armor and also rack up points toward what ever rewards will be waiting for me in Guild Wars 3. I've been playing since beta and I'm pretty much done with this game. I have everything I want. Done every thing I want to do. World bosses and occasionally joining bounty trains on the weekends is all I do now. If I do the daily all I get is 2 gold and spirit shards? I have 5,751 spirit shards. What am I going to do with more gold? I spent 1500 gold on deathly pauldrons about a month ago just because I thought they would look cool on my Herald. The novelty wore off quickly. Not interested in a second job running around doing collection quests or trying to kill a mob within a certain time period or whatever else you guys can dream up just to get more achievement points. I noticed older players like me who were only logging on to do the daily have left the game or I see them on briefly every month or two. Maybe they made the same discovery I did and figured what's the point?


    That was originally the idea behind the daily log-in reward. I think they should update the options or provide multiple log-in reward tracks that grow up to something unique.

  3. > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > I would like to suggest/Request an inventory slot called Auto Consume, or something of the sort.

    > What it would do is allow you to put a stack of food effects or similar items, and it would automatically use them for us. Keeping you always under the effect of boosters.



    This an extremely popular request with a lot of different suggestions on implementation. However, the main thing if an auto consume of food/utility/boosters really should be added.


    I am hoping it is one of the QoL things being worked on in the background for release soon.

  4. > @"Sehson.2930" said:

    > Here is my feature QOL request.


    > I understand there is messaging limitations to stop gold spammers and the like.


    > But could we get a Self chat window. (Yes I want to talk to myself), this window has no limitations what so ever.

    > The reason for this is I took a break from GW and now am working on some of the various things. so am pasting in Waypoint links.


    > Low and behold, "your message was suppressed.." I mean the map has gotten pretty large, Finding POIs or Waypoints can be pretty daunting, at times.


    > Let us talk to ourselves so we can look up these or port without being supressed





    I have setup a chat tab for a solo/personal guild. It works well for pasting links and other items for me to reference while in the same game session.


    I would really love your idea as a better alternative.


    I would also like to see an option to dump chat to a file like the screen capture functionality, or set some chat content as pinned or accessible in some manner over time and across characters.

  5. > @"Solvar.7953" said:

    > With the addition of the crown markers for various collections, it would be nice if they appeared on the key on the key or something so they would flash if the mouse is over them to better see where they are actually on the map (similar to undiscovered POI, HP, Vista, WP).

    > Bonus would be to update some of the previous collections to use these crown markers, so I don't have to look at the wiki for that info.



    I don't think adding the markers to the overall map key would be practical, as they only show when you have a particular achievement activated. Once you complete the related achievement step, that location is really no longer valid.


    I do agree it should be easier to see them. I suggest as an alternative solution to make them icons bigger like the x on the awakened assault events. I would also like to see them on the full map view.



  6. > @"Aeon.4583" said:

    > This one unusual suggestion...

    > Material storage slot for unidentified gears.


    > It can serve as alternative to prevent any accidental salvage. And, if players wish to prevent unidentified gears to go into material storage, placing unidentified gears in invisible bag or shared slot will be enough.


    What about adding unidentified gear as a crafting material. Might be cool with ascended jeweler if that happens.

  7. I would really love for the ability to share/mail/deposit to guild bank all of the currency items in the wallet with the exception of karma, and all competitive currencies that are not Badges of Honor.


    To prevent abuse of the system, if that is a concern, tie in something like the old guild influence system that required working with players in your guild to earn. So you can only transfer to players you team up with a given amount of time. Track it like the WvW and PvP reward tracks.


    Maybe even add this as a set of Mastery Track items - one tier to be able to unlock currency sharing tracks and another to unlock currency acceptance tracks. You have to earn the ability to share and earn the ability to have currencies shared with you.

  8. Two separate suggestions:


    1) I noticed that the QoL thread was no longer stuck on the front page and was replaced with the Library thread. That is all fine and good, but now that thread is no longer stuck. There are a lot of people still out there who do not know that searching works with the new forums and it would help prevent multiple similar threads if at least the library thread was stuck again.


    2) It would be awesome if we could get an exchange vendor for all of the Black Lion items that users get as monthly login rewards, or BLC drops but wouldn't actually need or want to use. Items like the BL Salvage kit, teleport to friend, merchant express, trading post express, bank access express, revive orb, upgrade extractor, total makeover kit, self-style hair kit, instant repair canister, etc... If we could get a black lion statuette it gives a lot of options that would be useful for a lot if not most users. If nothing else, you can get a coin to exchange for 1 gold.

  9. > @"Greener.6204" said:

    > > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

    > > I want to add information on material farms and was able to add an entry for one of the spinach locations. However, I cannot figure out how to add an icon on the map.

    > >

    > > Are there instructions somewhere on adding icons to the static and interactive maps?


    > Hey BlueIce! Adding farming locations to the interactive maps is definitely an interesting idea. It's not one we've currently implemented, and I can speak to its feasibility, but I'd love to see it brought up for discussion on the wiki.


    > If you would like to bring this topic up yourself, please head to [our community page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki:Community_portal "our community page"), click the "+" symbol at the top of the page to start a new topic, and type away!


    > If you're more interested in simply helping us document the locations, taking screenshots and circling the locations (as seen [on the spinach page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spinach#Maps "on the spinach page")), is also incredibly helpful and appreciated. =)


    Thank you very much Greener!


    I have posted to the community page you recommended. I would really love to get involved with updating and maintaining the wiki.


    I cannot tell you how much it has impacted my time in world and how grateful I am to the community that has helped build it up.


    I have almost no experience with wiki pages but I am eager to learn and be part of the group that helps the rest of the community :).

  10. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

    > > I want to add information on material farms and was able to add an entry for one of the spinach locations. However, I cannot figure out how to add an icon on the map.

    > >

    > > Are there instructions somewhere on adding icons to the static and interactive maps?


    > The wiki code to add it gets pretty involved. Leave a note on the discussion page for the relevant article (spinach) and one of the gurus might be able to walk you through the details.


    Thank you very much for that suggestion. Hopefully someone will be able to point me further along the correct path. :)

  11. > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > There are some materials that would make sense to have space for in material storage, such as the flowers obtainable from the home garden plots. Meanwhile, there are some storage spaces that make no sense to me, specifically an item needed for a specific legendary weapon — why would you need a material storage space for that??? It is something that you are going to obtain/craft probably once at most and could be stored in bank or inventory while working on the legendary item. Storage space should be reserved for items you will be regularly finding, crafting, etc.


    Not everyone uses the garden plots for the metabolism items, so for me that would also be one that makes no sense.


    I would love to see the material storage grow in options (including flowers) just because we can stack massive amounts of that material. However, I would hate to see any current item removed to make way for new items.


    From previous conversations with the dev who works/worked (not sure if she left), I know it takes a lot to adjust the mat storage. I just really hope that this feature continues to grow and stays relevant to current game mechanics/items.

  12. > @"Aeon.4583" said:

    > Can you ( please!!! ) do something about offensive mount abilities and Soulbest's Beast mode?

    > Each time when i use offensive dismount, Beastmode disengages. If i use simple dismount, if Beastmode was active before mount use, it reactivates normally.


    > I am a Soulbeast with my Ranger in Open World PvE, and it's really annoying to always have a cooldown on Beastmode, that appears after using mount attack. I really prefer Open World with Soulbeast while Beastmode always active, less agro from mobs on pet.


    > p.s. as for Open World PvE you cad add 'automatic activation of beastmode' setting in options ( situations: dismount, offensive dismount, ground-water change, log-in, map change ). There are no ccompetitive sides in Open World PvE anyway.


    There is also an issue of frequent mount/unmount keeping the ranger pet in stowed mode. It also doesn't seem to come up on conflict when stuck like this. I really want to submit a bug report, but when I notice i am already in combat and dropping fast so I cannot screen shot.


    Also, elementalist minions (summoned elementals) disappear in mount and do not come back but the skill cool down doesn't adjust. That should be fixed as well.

  13. > @"Plexxing.2978" said:

    > I'd like to have my selected pve mount to remain what I chose in pve rather than switching to Warclaw when I exit wvw.


    This is definitely needed. There is a work around you can use until they get this fixed. Bind mount/unmount to specific keys for each mount. You may only need to bind two mounts.... I had already been binding the first 6. Once I bound warclaw it no longer swapped up when going to PVE.

  14. > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > Build templates (switching gears, traits and also things like ranger pets), please. Make it work seamlessly with game modes (open world, fractals, pvp, wvw). It would be single most important feature to increase my quality of life.


    > I would really like to experiment builds, but it is very laborous and expensive before you have legendary items. Could this be eased even a little bit? Some suggestions:


    > - We have Ascended quality legendary pieces. How about adding much cheaper e.g. Rare quality legendary pieces (armor, weapons, trinkets) to the game, for making test builds? That is, rare quality pieces that you can stat change "on the fly", with ability to drop off runes (for switching them). Of course, it wouldn't hurt to have infusion slots in them, so you could try out them in fractals, but that is not mandatory.


    > - If not that, could we have some sort of mechanics to "merge" stats to pieces (armor, weapons, trinkets)? For example, if you are using e.g. Exotic or Ascended Berserker pieces, but you would like to try out something else (e.g. Marauder, Valkyrie), instead of crafting new armor piece, you would craft "stat merge device" (same cost or maybe slightly more expensive than actual armor), and apply it to existing piece. After that, you could switch between these merged stats "on the fly". Sort of "poor man's legendary"


    This could be like the trial section you get when you have an instant 80 boost.


    Put the character into a zone either as open or instanced and allow stat change on armor, weapons, trinkets, and back items (including underwater gear). Allowing a selection of open zone would let players build characters based on working with other players. Instanced will allow players to focus on specific testing.


    Whatever would be chosen though should definitely include underwater items and combat.


    This could also be an excellent training area for users on things like break bars.



    > Some other possible suggestions:


    > - Faction (Vigils, Priory, Whisper) visible in login screen. This has been asked a lot, I think. It wouldn't hurt to have some other additional character information, too.


    > - Organize character slots better. Single list gets tedious with many characters. Make it something like 3 x 5 bar, or so, that you could pick the character more quickly.


    Yes to both of these. PLEASE let us have some options for what we can view on the character select screen so those of us who want a lot of data to determine who to play will not negatively impact those that love the minimalist selection of character name, level, location, and professions only.


    I would love to see things like:

    * what level each profession on the character is at

    * if they are geared with visual effect items

    * how many bag slots are available/used

    * if there are any world zone maps open/complete

    * which faction the character chose

    * which story level the character is at

    * If the character is geared all at ascended, legendary, or exotic level items

    * a whole lot more but this list is getting too long for this post


    I would also love options for character screen layout. by played hours, world complete, faction, active guild, general grid, alphabetical, class, race, etc.



  15. > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > Ability to drag character boxes in character selection screen. So we can group certain characters next to each other.


    100% agree. A lot of people have posted about sort, view, and filter options on the log in screen as well.


    ANET has done a really good job of listening to the community and posts on this forum to make changes that are heavily requested or easily made. The more people that post or thumbs up these suggestions the better. :)

  16. > @"Warlord.9082" said:

    > **Portals:**

    > - Item that allows you to bind all the passes (like for example Royal Terrace Pass andd Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey) into a single item like the Season 3 and 4 Portal Tomes do

    > - Extendable item that allows you to create your own places that you can portal to. You'd first have to visit the spot and then you can commit it to the item and give the spot a name. Then you can travel to them like you would with the Season 3/4 Portal Tomes

    > - Extension of Home Portal Stone to allow selection of which Home Instance you go to


    This would be a really awesome change and I think it would encourage more players to collect the devices. I would also love to see the world bosses portal device, renewable portal to friend, and HOT portal device be included in a bulk portal storage utility.



    > **Home Instance:**

    > - 3rd home instance Black Lion Gardening Spot (there's 3 spots in every Home Instance and you are only giving us 2? Why?)

    > - Item that allows you to upgrade all your Home Instance nodes to Rich versions (including trees, plants, map currency, etc)

    > - Access pass that I can give out to friends that allows them to enter my home instance (great idea by phs.6089)

    > - More Black Lion Hunters Board teams



    Third garden plot really should happen. There should also be an expansion of seeds for growing items. There would have to be a rich version of trees, the garden plots act as rich versions for the plants. It would be really great to be able to do garden plots or expanded nodes for the other dedicated harvesting nodes.


    The access pass would also be really great and something I would gladly purchase.


    > **Storage:**

    > - New Shared Inventory cap of 40

    > - New Bank Tab cap of 25

    > - New Material Storage cap of 10000

    > - Bauble Bubbles and Baubles should get their own Material Storage spots

    > - Material Storage for Gem Store Boosters (Heroic Boosters for example), the Expresses (like Merchant Express) and Experience Scrolls



    Definitely agree on needing more than 2000 for material storage. I think upping straight to 10000 would be excessive though. Also definitely need storage for bubbles and baubles.

    Personally, I want to see boosters go into an item like a combination of the novelties tab and the finisher tab of the hero window. I also want to see foods and utilities go into that panel and allow for the player to select which ones are used.


    > **Gathering Tools:**

    > - Shared Gathering Tool Slot so you dont constantly have to go through the hassle of swapping them over

    > - Allowing for multiple glyphs to be used on gathering tools


    I would love to see multiple glyphs per tool but follow the same idea as weapon sigils in limiting stacking of types.

  17. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > Instead of world completion for Gift of Exploration, I think map completing any 25 maps would be better. Core Tyria is a snooze fest for level 80’s to map complete and there are too many hearts.


    I really disagree. I find it fun going back through core maps that I haven't hung around in for quite a while. Especially with mounts, this is a fairly quick task.


    Edit: I need to state that this is merely my opinion on getting the GoE and central Tyria map complete. I also want to state that I hate HOT maps and love most of the POF maps. I wouldn't be against allowing you to have random map completes count, but I do think that the ones that count should be similar in size or challenge. Tangled depths alone would be all of Orr.

  18. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > When I get a new skin, let me add it to my inventory and then make it disappear. I have over 1000 transmutation charges. I can wait for using a skin for quite some time after I acquire it.



    Or add it to the wardrobe and give a transmutation charge. That will work for those of us with a ton of skins and charges that don't want to waste bank space on a skin and those who don't have charges and would want to apply it immediately.

  19. > @"Uthrax.4975" said:

    > > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

    > > > @"Uthrax.4975" said:

    > > > I know people loaded with legendary gear won't care much, but weapon/armor sets would be kinda sweet. Maybe ANet could even apply it to legendary armor/weapons so that it auto changes stats?

    > > >

    > > I am not sure what you mean by weapon/armor sets. Do you mean in terms of looks or stats? Could you maybe give an example?

    > >


    > Until I was able to get my cloth legendary armor set for my ele, which took a ton of WvW gameplay and real money, I carried around 2 sets of ascended armor and weapons to change between a full minstrel build and a cleric/magi hybrid build. Mostly to switch up between Wvw/Pve. Took up a lot of inventory space, and was tedious to switch between. Now that I have legendary I don't really need to do this other than a few trinkets and rings. Would have been nice to have a set system to switch between, but I'm sure as you mentioned in your comment below about the inventory viewing suggestion, it's a monetization issue with ANet. Meaning, they'd rather have us buy more inventory slots.....


    It would be awesome if with the build templates we could have some kind of armor swap storage that allows for two or three sets that you can switch between with a command option. Kind of like the GW1 weapon storage bags.



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