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Posts posted by BlueIce.6951

  1. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

    > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > > Being able to open sunken chests everywhere, when we want. You don't mind how many keys I deleted just because I had enough of seeing already opened chests.

    > >

    > > Why don't you just go to the chests in a cycle?


    > Explain. ;) During Halloween I used to have 5 keys, I just wandered at every spot without doing 'blood in water', all chests were open. So totally stupid. If you have to do the achiev to unlock the chest each day, it's even more stupid. :/


    There are 11 chests. You need to open all of them in the group before the cycle resets. You can use this as a guide: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest")


    I have been waiting until I have 40 or more keys and then doing several map runs to open them all. You can also look at the sunken treasure hunter achievement to see which chests you currently have open. This resets with each cycle. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter")

  2. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > In the spirit of how the candy corn node in your home instance can be upgraded to King-sized, how about some quests to upgrade the HOT airship/exalted chests in the home instance into their larger counterparts; i.e. Airship cargo -> Large airship cargo; Exalted chest -> Great Exhalted chest.

    > It would be something for completionists and node-collectors to enjoy and yet another way to bring people back to HOT maps.


    And add noxious pod as a purchase item.

  3. > @"chesayki.8425" said:

    > Make items in Guild Bank able to combine to stack within Guild Bank (also able to combine from Inventory to Guild Bank). Because it's inefficient having to remove items from Guild Bank just to combine an item to a stack in your own inventory and then put it back into Guild Bank. It's also an eyesore in the Guild Bank records, seeing multiple actions done just to achieve one thing.


    Anet said at some point that this was not enabled on guild banks because of the possibility of other users in the guild accessing the same content at the same time. There is something with the auto stack that could get messed up.


    It would be really nice if they could enable this for personal guild banks but it is possible that just being able to add other users to the guild would prevent it.

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Still, i consider it to be my personal problem, and i don't really see anything Anet could do for me in that situation. They can't remove any possible trigger to any possible fobia from the game. That would prevent them from creating anything (imagine having to create a game that would be perfectly safe for both claustrophobia and agoraphobia - that doesn't seem even possible).


    I agree that removing trigger items is not something that should be done. My suggestion is to implement a filter like the other client side filters/mechanics that way it only impacts the person who enables the filter.


    I see it the same way as blocking trolls in map chat. They can do whatever makes them happy, but I can choose to not have to deal with their fun without disabling an entire communication method.


    Does that make sense? I don't think any of the suggestions are actually advocating for removing or changing content.

  5. Something I would like to add to this discussion. If you have a phobia, it does not matter if that trigger is a picture, real, cartoonish, or distorted.


    You react to that trigger the same as any other.


    I do not have Arachnophobia, I have other phobias that for me are severe. One of these is acrophobia. There are some areas that I cannot go to in game without all of the typical fear responses I deal with in real world situations. I do not have this so bad that I freeze, but I do need to leave the game or go to a larger ground area for a while.


    I also love gliding and the mounts (I have the beetle but do not use it) but have to be extremely careful of where my camera is located and how far out I have the zoom when using those items or risk triggering my fear.


    With how inclusive this community is in general, I am very surprised that there is not more push to apply filters to help increase the player base.

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Some people fear clowns. Some fear spiders. Some fear snakes. The game can't accommodate everyone's foibles.

    > (And when I say "fear," I don't mean, "gives the heebie jeebies" or "makes me jump" -- I mean a fear so powerful it can prevent the person from functioning.)


    > I'm not sure what the right balance is, but it isn't "some people have a phobia, so we won't have these things in the game at all."


    > ****

    > FYI halloween transforms include spides, there's a spider-themed bow, and spiders are found in a variety of locations in Tyria. The glider isn't the first and probably won't be the last.


    I understand what you are going for, but there is a difference with spiders in the game. They are in every core map and a fairly popular ranger pet. I have friends who want to play but cannot even watch streams of the game because of the frequency of spiders.


    Personally, I would like to see snakes as pets and mounts in game. The closest we have to snakes are krait and sand eels.


    I also personally have a major issue with bugs and get extremely stressed out in the latest maps with the beetle plague. When someone has the queen bee infusion on, I have to leave that map. The first time I encountered that infusion, I almost broke my screen trying to physically kill the bugs.


    All of that said, there are some fears which are much more common than others. Anet made toggles for equipment sounds and fusions, why couldn't they do a filters that replace those items which correspond to very common fears with a generic place holder?

  7. I would like a view option on the story journal that will show you a path track for the current character or across all characters. It would be really great to be able to see which story paths you chose, or which path for the specific story you are currently on (original, living world, HOT, and POF).


    Doing some kind of view for the paths you chose will help players who want to work on story content together figure out which characters to match up. There is nothing story wise more frustrating than going through a whole section and not getting credit on your character.

  8. > @"LimeTwyst.7039" said:

    > Quality of life for the LFG tool - there should be an error/confirmation message when you try to join a squad that's on a full map - something like "The squad you are trying to join is on a full map, are you sure?" with choices to "Join anyway" or "Close" and return to LFG


    This is an awesome suggestion, you should post it to the QOL thread. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/718805#Comment_718805


    An addition that might also be nice, have a counter on the post that indicates how many spaces on the map are available once it gets to a certain threshold.



  9. Even though this thread is pretty old, I think this idea fits here better than any of the other mount threads.


    Add a feline mount (which would provide the tiger skins requested above), that has the special skill of climbing. I imagine this as essentially speed walking up some vertical surfaces, or even jumping to a section and then running up or down. This mount would be awesome to run through the HOT maps.

  10. An addition/change to the wardrobe tab of the Hero panel.


    Allow us to turn off a view of current armor so you can see how equipment pieces would work together without needing to remove all of your armor first. This is particularly annoying on medium armor with all of the long jackets, you cannot change legs to go for a new look and actually see what you are building.


    It would also be awesome to show animation previews on weapons and armor


    Add the makeover kits and hair kits to the wardrobe window with counters under the transmutation charges showing what you have for each.

  11. This is an old idea I had suggested on the reddit forum, but still think would be nice.

    New consumables window


    The consumables window could be a new interface, or a new part of the inventory/wallet interface. The purpose is to hold and quickly access boon consumables. This is shared across the account, and not character specific. This would not be for consumables such as experience tomes or tonics.


    The actual slots that hold the consumables should be set up like inventory slots with a default assignment from top to bottom, left to right. You would organize the consumable per tab in the order that you want them used with a check box that would set the option to automatically activate the consumable when the previous one expires. There should also be some dynamic to switch up if you want to go through a whole stack of a particular consumable before moving on to another type.


    Maybe there could be some code that applies the most appropriate consumable of that type for the land you are currently in when the next consumable activates?



    for food consumables (for only your account, not the mass consumables like feasts and trays). Include food items purchased from vendors as well as Chef crafted consumables.


    **Utility Closet**

    For utility consumables like potions, sharpening stones, crystals, etc..


    **Holiday Bag**

    For those holiday specific items that have additional functions during the said holiday like the stuff from lunar new year.



    For all of the various boosters, but it would prioritize boosters that apply to your current environment. This would be like the finishers tab of the hero panel that would show the number of boosters of that particular type you have available.


    **Tool chest**

    For limited charge gathering tools.


    **Salvage chest**

    For all of salvage kits and the permanent Bronze and Silver salvage tools.

  12. > @"Amir.3461" said:

    > Two suggestions for the gem store


    > 1st A skeleton skin thay would be able to wear your armour, clothes,mounts and emotes such as sitting on a chair. In this case the tonic would just be replacing your character skinnrather theb the whole outfit, giving players the option to roleplay as undead or awaken.


    > 2nd I don't have the pof mount that constantly teleports but how awesome would a skin be that changes after every teleport? Maybe even go as far as to allow dying it to prefered colours to which it changes.


    > I curios what the community and arena net thinks about it.


    I suggest posting this to the gemstore suggestion forum named "[suggestions] Gemstore Items - New Items; Items offered again". I cannot find that page at the moment but here is a link to the latest post [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/711437#Comment_711437](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/711437#Comment_711437 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/711437#Comment_711437").


    In my opinion they have done a good job of listening to suggestions for store items, although some things should be implemented in a different manner (looking at the waypoint unlock that is character specific rather than account wide).

  13. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > How about a /home/ instance teleport scroll, hear me out. not the home city, directly into instance, regardless of toon's race(?)


    I am not sure if you are aware of the home portal stone ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_Portal_Stone](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_Portal_Stone "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_Portal_Stone")), or if you are requesting a change to that which will allow you to choose which home instance to port into.


    If you do not have the portal stone, I highly recommend getting one. It will port you to the home instance in the city of the race you are playing and then back to the world where you started before traveling.

  14. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > Here's your problem: I don't need anything of this. I do not need housing, and I don't need a shitton of hair styles (there are a lot anyway). You may be right with more long hair styles though.


    > A lot of people think it is fine as it is. There are to me a lot more stressing points I want. Mainly quality of life features like additional side bars for food and utility, a fully customisable UI. Those things.


    I would suggest looking at the Quality of Life thread for your suggestions. This is now stuck to the main page, but you can find a bunch of others posted throughout the forum using the search, which now works btw.

  15. > @"Gradash.3271" said:

    > Heart of Thorns Rebalance


    > Let face the real, HoT is abandoned. I'm trying to complete the skills points challenges and is just impossible! There are not enough people to complete it! For META events the situation is EVEN WORSE! Just there are not enough people to complete it and they require a lot of people to be complete. If you are a lone wolf is just not possible to complete HoT anymore.


    > Skill Points Events should be Reduced to Cooper or Silver

    > META Events should have those difficulties drastically reduced.


    I have gone through a few times and found people running the HOT maps, not saying you are on a map with people and just not seeing them, just saying there are times when people are on. I found the best way to do the Hero Points in those maps now is to either look for an LFG post stating it is for an HP train or advertising for a group to do an HP train.


    I would be happy to help out if I am on at the same time. I have a ton of characters that still have to go through those maps so it would help me as well. Feel free to ping me if you see me online.


    Another option is to look at the Players Helping Players forum.


    That being said, yes it is not possible to do the Meta in those maps without either pulling in a group or finding one advertised. It would be really nice if they could add a floating count of users on that map instance that refreshes in a given interval. If it was live, I think it would change too much to be useful. It would also help if other players on that map could get a mini-map tag life if you were in the same guild, party, or squad.


    Having markers would also allow groups to form larger than the 5 party limit without needing a commander.

  16. > @"qbalrog.8017" said:

    > Not sure if this is QoL or a Black Lion option, but I'd like to be able to see PoF trade caches on the mini-map, just like gathering nodes. I'd be happy to buy that from the gemstore or do a collection for that. Thx!


    They already have this with the special currencies on some of the living world maps. I would love to see this implemented in general as a mastery trait line that allows you to see chests, caches, and the other interactive items for loot across all of the maps. It could be the first cross game version mastery.

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