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Posts posted by BlueIce.6951

  1. It could also be pretty fun if mastery tracks started being implemented like the original skills system where you had to pick a certain number of each tier to unlock the option to pick the next tier for more skill points. Eventually you would have everything unlocked and usable, but getting to that point gives you control over your horizontal progression allowing you to customize your build.


    If they did this though, would it need to be character specific or still account wide?

  2. > @"LucusAurelius.9820" said:

    > **Gathering**

    > Gain 2 seconds of quickness and stability when you begin the gather. Speeds up the gathering process and keeps the player from getting knocked down during gathering.


    I really like this idea. We really need something that will help speed up the gathering time.


    > **Mystic Forge**

    > Mastery to allow runes and sigils to have a chance of returning a mystic coin, minor 15%, major 20%, superior 25%. This will give runes and sigils a purpose and bring the market back up. These items won’t feel like such a burden but a bonus.


    Maybe there could be a full track for Mystic Forge that increases the types of materials you can put in, like all of the trophies, that would give a chance of something like coins.

  3. It feels weird to be the only one posting on this, but I am kind of a weird Asura anyway. :)


    Thought of another that would be cool



    * zone master - on map completion for each zone, you can unlock a mastery that will unlock all waypoints for that zone. This probably won't work with the waypoint unlock bundle, however that is only per character and the people with a ton of toons won't want to get one for each. (I am only at 30 and already hating big sections of map complete, and yes I have all mounts) -- d**_one sort of with way point unlocks. The unlocks are not helpful if you have more than 1 alt or like spending a lot of money in the store_**

  4. New mastery track suggestions: (none of these are in any specific order of progression for my proposed track)

    # Gathering

    * Increased detection range of materials on the min-map, this can be split into multiple jumps in range to have more mastery track options. If we went with jumps in range for this to be a full mastery track option by itself, I would love to see something like permanent gathering nodes show up on the main map as the top level mastery.

    * As another suggestion, maybe have three tracks one for each gathering type (mining, logging, harvesting).

    * Permanent additional strike chance bonus -- ** kind of covered via glyph**

    * Permanent rare material chance bonus

    * reduced cost of purchasing gathering tools or maybe the ability to sell gathering tools back to vendor



    * Fast or bundle crafting - this would either speed up per item craft time or immediately finish when selecting the craft all button

    * Permanent critical crafting experience chance

    * Efficient crafting - this would give a percent chance to reduce the overall crafting materials per crafted item, or a percent chance to increase the output of the crafted item. I doubt this is doable since it would impact the TP and economy. However, maybe it could be limited to account bound crafted items to minimize that impact.

    * Intuitive crafting - this would add unknown purchasable recipes to your recipe list but direct you where it can be purchased and how much it costs. I know this is on the wiki, but I think it would be a nice QOL addition to the crafting screen that could be selected if you want it.

    * Greatly Skilled - this would unlock ascended crafting for chef and jeweler. Maybe at least for jeweler it could give recipes for crafting non-collectible items that are purchasable from various map vendors. Note: that this would really need work from ArenaNet but it has been asked for a lot


    #General Mount

    * Trick mounting - add a mount skill that after the mount attack, your character dodges or immediately attacks. Maybe setup a combo-field.

    * Mount acrobatics - add function to dismount and immediately glide.

    * Mounted gathering - allow for staying mounted when gathering. Animations can be changed so that you do it on top of the mount saddle.



    #General Mount

    * Quick Switch - Allow a "set" of mounts you can swap between like how we had the weapon sets in GW1. Either skills 2-5 or 7-9 could be used. I think this would add a really cool element to the mount races.

  5. Mastery track unlock suggestion - I have been thinking about how Anet changed experience rewards to take back up after you have completed all of the unlocked mastery track options for specific map/game areas and really love that. I don't want to see more tracks get implemented that force everyone to go need to complete that mastery in order to continue getting experience. My idea to get around that is to introduce some new optional mastery tracks that require specific item purchases, or maybe completion of a scavenger hunt to unlock.


    I would prefer the scavenger hunt option since they have already implemented that sort of with the griffon and it seems that people have enjoyed unlocking that track and it felt like I was more invested in finishing that track.


    This could also take over part of what Anet were trying with the legendary journey scavenger hunts. I would not want something as in depth as that but it could be fun to go around the world working on and learning about something that is related to the mastery track.

  6. If this is just a filter, why would it cause the TP to slow in general? I would think that if it were to slow down, it would only be when you filter for items and have locked/unlocked set to one or the other.


    I would assume that the default settings would be both locked and unlocked.


    I would love to see this implemented for everything as I don't always want to open an external site to review my account or even the wardrobe and then search item by item for what I do not have unlocked already.

  7. Please feel free to contact me if you see me in the game. I am on NA and generally play anytime over weekends, and evening in Eastern Time. I would be happy to run with you. I am generally on with my brother at the same time, and he would be happy to join as well :)

  8. > @"MornJack.3579" said:

    > Hello all !


    > I didn't have my answer, so, i need your opinion.

    > I've sent my gifts yesterday to my official Lucky Tyrian. I followed the rules about the 10g valor and my gifts worth more than that.


    > Now, i'd like to make a least another present. But, hey, i'm quite poor and i can not send 10g again.

    > Do you think it's fair, for this "Extra Secret Toymaker" to send less than 10g ? I will of course explain in the mail that this New Lucky Tyrian is the second one.

    > For exemple, if you believe i can sent 1g, i will be able to make five more Lucky Tyrians. If you believe i have to make another 10g... So, i won't be able to send anything more to anybody else...


    > Feel free to answer. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

    > _MornJack


    I think it is perfectly acceptable. Just mention that you had a little extra to donate. I am going to be doing the same thing. :)

  9. > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

    > i really struggle with depth percepion underwater. its not that im lazy or cant be bothered, i just cannot judge distances on 3d planes that are open space.


    > for underwater combat to be enjoyable for me thi would need to be fixed with either much much better map design, or a counter on each targetable enemy/object that shows how far away it is and if its above or below me.


    That is an awesome idea that would also be useful outside of water environments.

  10. > Interestingly, while I personally don't use it (in or out of water, aside from a few very specific places), the "action camera" mode could conceivably be used to help people who have trouble with underwater combat. (Although, really, I think a great amount of players are too lazy to account for a third dimension, and am not sure what tweaking could be done to help them.)



    I am one of the people who found underwater combat to be extremely difficult and avoided it at all costs. I did take into account the third dimension but I found myself always missing the mark for where I wanted to be and finding placing myself in relation to npc's and items hard to figure out. I had the same difficulty with Tangled Depths and avoid that map except for specific goals.


    Gliding is what made me realize why I was having a hard time underwater and with Tangled Depths. I have no point of reference for distances underwater and trying to orient around what I can see does not translate correctly in my brain as it does on land or in the air.


    I think what would help people like me is more of an angled grid map or maybe a secondary map ui that can be toggled to show depth and/or display the environment more like the land maps with visible gradations in landscape (seascape).


    Once I realized that, I started orienting on different objects that I could place size/shape in relation to my character. I still have difficulty when switching between playable races and it takes a lot of time/effort to adjust my spatial awareness appropriately.


    I now actively champion water content with my friends and really hope that ANET adds in a lot more water content/combat. I would love to see a change to water maps to help me orient, and I still do have a very difficult time in certain water areas (mostly the greater depth areas and inside caves/ships), but I no longer avoid the water.


    I am also hoping for more water based pets for my ranger.... I really want one of those cosmic shark thingies and a kraken.


  11. This is more of a suggestion for the trading post but also applies to the gem store.


    I would love to have a filter or sort option for items that you have already unlocked in the wardrobe. I am not sure why, but there are quite a few items in the gem store that I have had to verify I still have via the wardrobe so I didn't accidentally purchase them again.


    For those of us that actively go after skins, it would be extremely useful to be able to filter out items like armor and weapons in the trading post that we have already gotten unlocked. Currently you have to hover over everything and that is extremely annoying as well as time consuming.

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