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Posts posted by BlueIce.6951

  1. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > Please do not override PvE mount selection with the Warclaw after visiting WvW.


    > Scenario: I always use the Griffon as my mount. I logged into the Bloodstone Fen map. Pressed X to mount up and jumped off a cliff. kitten. Warclaw. Oh, darn, I played WvW last evening. ***Craters Warclaw into the ground below**


    > A QoL solution would be if the game remembered the last-used mount if PvE and WvW independently.


    I had that happen for a few days but it seemed to have stopped when I bound the mount action for warclaw like the other mounts. I really doubt that was what fixed it, but it might be worth a try.

  2. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

    > > It works best if you pull off all of the other armor you are not previewing. I hate doing it, but until they let us toggle view pieces for previewing it is the best way to do it without consuming charges.


    > It isnt good for weapon skins. We cant move the preview up and down, only left and right, and we cant zoom in either


    True. We need something that allows for a preview of grabbing weapon, stowing weapon, in use, and screen effects. There should also be something for that with all of the auras now available.


    The workaround I use for weapons is using the wardrobe view that just displays all of the skins both locked and unlocked. Then right-clicking the weapon icon and choosing preview. It is annoying to have to use two windows and you cannot on the fly match up armor and weapons. I have to pick either weapons or armor and then match everything else to the look I want from that.

  3. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > The only way to see if a new skin is nice is to use a transmutation charge to change your item to it

    > The preview window isnt good


    > But if we dont like it, we have to spend another charge to change it back


    > Changing an item back to its original skin should be free and not use a charge


    It works best if you pull off all of the other armor you are not previewing. I hate doing it, but until they let us toggle view pieces for previewing it is the best way to do it without consuming charges.

  4. > @"Uthrax.4975" said:

    > I know people loaded with legendary gear won't care much, but weapon/armor sets would be kinda sweet. Maybe ANet could even apply it to legendary armor/weapons so that it auto changes stats?


    I am not sure what you mean by weapon/armor sets. Do you mean in terms of looks or stats? Could you maybe give an example?


    > Also, it would be really cool to be able to look at your main inventory, but not withdraw or deposit anything, as an option of your character inventory. Maybe put a little icon next to the wallet icon that allows you to click and view.


    Not that this is a bad suggestion, at least for the ability to look, but I don't think it is likely this would be implemented given the permanent bank contract and the bank access express consumable.

  5. > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

    > It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


    > Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


    > This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


    > Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


    I think it could be nice to have some kind of trading option where you give up a mastery point or something permanent to acquire completion on certain achievements like parts of the griffon collections (or the god awful requirements to complete the living story season 2 achievments). I am just extremely thankful that we did not have to do any raids for the collection.


  6. > @"Sepobi.2984" said:

    > Hey Arenanet, with one of your latest patches, you changed the item loot with unidentified gear. I think this was a good idea, but it brings up another "problem".

    > The space in my inventory is limited, but i often use the "salvage Stack"-option, but this selects all items up to the amount of Kits. I always want to open the unidentified gear items -> sometimes you get an "higher item".

    > But now, lets say i open 15 unidentified gear (inventory full), i can't use the "salvage Stack" option anymore, cause it would salvage 10 of the unidentified gear items. I have to salavage each item manually.


    > Can you please bring a "unselect option" within the "Salvae Stack"-Method? Thank you.


    I salvaged things I wanted too many times accidentally with the salvage all option. I worked around it by giving each character an invisible bag as last slotted and now stack the unidentified in there until I get a few stacks of each. Not great, but it is a workable solution until something is added to the game, which would be as awesome of a change as moving the collapse inventory button option.

  7. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > Unlocking a skin shouldn't destroy it, just make it account bound



    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/lFInMkg.png "")



    I would actually prefer that when you add a skin to the wardrobe, it also adds a transmutation charge and deletes the skin. I have a ton of skins sitting in my bank and have actually started just deleting anything I don't plan on reselling or giving away.


    > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > > Unlocking a skin shouldn't destroy it, just make it account bound


    > Or just turn the skins into a transmog if you don't instant skin.


    Didn't see this until after I posted, and I don't have delete option.

  8. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > I am also having a hard time finding skins I have not unlocked in TP - so ressurecting this post, asking kindly the dev team if it's possible to add it. Would help a lot of people for sure.

    > >

    > > PS - in wikipedia you can filter with your API key the dyes so the filter code may already be there.


    > and there are already two other sites mentioned in this where you can put the same key to do the same for skin unlocks ...


    There is a difference between browsing for skins you may not have and actively hunting for them with the help of an external site/API. Not knowing how the coding is configured, I cannot say that this would be a simple change.


    I hope that it would be and that the dev's can put it in place like how they updated recipes for purchase to say you already have it, or the skin locked tag in item descriptions.

  9. > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > @"franzi.8513" said:

    > > How about a reward track for level 80 characters? I have absolutely no use of spirit shards. If I could choose a different reward, I would feel more motivated to complete maps or take part in events with my level 80 characters.


    > I agree! Or even have something else to spend spirit shards on. Like spirit shards for material bags or something.

    > I've got over 4000 spirit shards and I have next to nothing to do with them.


    Spirit shards would be perfect for higher slot bags. Use a bunch of those and laurels to get the 30+ slot bags.

  10. > @"Musha.4025" said:

    > A quick-buff hotkey. A simple keystroke to use 1 food and 1 utility in your inventory without having to open your inventory.


    It would be so great if we could get some kind of buff storage/consumer so that we can use those food, utility, guild, booster, etc... buffs in a more organized way. It would also be good if we could switch active buffs based on map or content.

  11. As Batel.9206 said, the outfits are not affected by armor weight class. I would suggest using the wardrobe function to see how an outfit looks and then go to the gem store if it is available.


    The wardrobe is an extremely useful tool for checking out outfits ahead of time.

  12. I would suggest you check in the Looking for Guild thread ([https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild") to find a guild that you can use to level. I would be willing to offer mine but I was only able to get to 300 before needing to switch in order to craft more unlocked items. If you would like to use my guild to get to that level, just send me an in game mail.


    You can also increase the speed and decrease the cost of leveling by using a guild crafting booster and some of the standard boosters.


  13. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > If you're in a squad or party and you leave it, everything in party and squad chat gets deleted when you change maps or look at a different chat tab


    > Chat should be changed so everything is kept


    > If the chat box has become very full with any kind of chat, when we change maps or look at another chat tab, the top half of the chat will be deleted, including map chat and team chat


    > The chat box shouldn't delete anything. Instead we should be able to choose in the options menu how much chat we'd like to show in the chat box. And please, make it much more than what it is now. We can only see a few hundred lines of chat at the moment. It should be at least twice as much


    or at least dump to a text file log.

  14. > @"PolarTitan.8519" said:


    > Branded or Glint Items

    > Bow (short or long) - You can have it set up to where the bow will temporarily brand your arm when you have it equipped. Possibly dyable branded types as well. It also shoots branded shards.

    > You can also do it with all other weapon types.


    > Frozen Weapons

    > Would be cool to see more frozen options. A lot of people in game love elemental type weapons, and currently the frozen weapons we have now are pretty weak. If we could get one that really shows some cool ice effects that would be epic.


    > Plushie Mounts - goes without saying XD


    > Bladed Mounts- Similar to bladed armor from verdant brink but in mount form.


    I would buy all of these :)



  15. > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:


    > 2.) I've been trying to decide on a glider skin for my elementalist, and I would really love some sort of "Aeromancer's Glider." Elementalists really should be able to manipulate the air around them to glide! I don't think that one should be a standing glider like the cryo and Geo gliders though. The Electromagnetic glider is close but it's awfully flashy and doesn't really feel like you're manipulating air currents.


    I really like the look of the bubble glider for an air based ele. The other options I use with mine are: phoenix glider (for fire); Raven's Spirit (dyed a white or blue color to mimic air - I really like this on my norn ele); and the Electromagnetic Glider (for lightning, I try to pair that with mystic forge weapons for a complete lightning effect).


    Pair the mystic forge weapons, hexed outfit, electromagnetic glider, storm ridge raptor, Sargol Thunderer springer, and storm chaser griffon for a Big Trouble in Little China Lighting themed character. Alternatively the branded mounts work really well. I just need Anet to release a lightning effect armor set.

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