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Posts posted by Voltekka.2375

  1. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > for the mattering largescale builds, check the build section @ gw2mists site. has working zergbuilds for scrouge and herald. @"Dixa.6017"

    > >

    > > scrouge has a better direct sustain, if u mash your buttons fast enough, herald has faster and direct damage. scrouge does most dmg over corrupts of enemy boons with a lot big AoEs.

    > >

    > > if i want to carry a group, i bring scrouge. as rev u gotta rely on the rest more than scrouge has, since the personal and groupsustain of scrouge is just way stronger.

    > >

    > > too many people here comment on roaming, idk. roaming is ganking meta anyways. u build to fight 1v3 kappa

    > Fun fact:


    > The term **"I got scrouged by a scourge!"** is a correct description for getting killed by a minion master scourge.


    Aktchually, MM scourge with deathmagic (traited for minions) and blood magic (bloodbank GM trait), full trailblazer, kinda doesn't die easily...

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Both classes are meta zergers, condi rev is one strongest roamers due to torment runes. Necro has seen a *massive* revival as of late in smallscale too, reaper + lockdown tempest seem to be the new small guild meta.


    > So pick your poison. You want all classes for WvW anyway.


    Uh could you pm me a lockdown temp build? Much appreciated!

  3. The thing isnt just toxicity (toxic people are everywhere, in real life and in videogames). Its about your attitude towards it. In gw2, block, report or dont report and move on with life. Keep having fun. Toxic people thrive when they get on your nerves. If you dont give them the pleasure, they will get bored easily and leave you alone. At least thats what i do.

  4. > @"MoonT.6845" said:

    > The majority of Gandara has actually stopped playing this week. If it's no fun ANet nobody will play. Happens to every server you deny a link to. Who wants to play a game where all you are doing is recapping paper towers and getting blobbed all day?


    Cam confirm. All day permaoutnumbered. All maps. No comms. Seems like it will be loke this for the next 2 months...

  5. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Condi Rev may be brain dead, but its effectiveness only extends to how knowledgeable their opponent is.

    > If their opponent knows how to approach a Condi rev, Condi revs are actually not too bad, especially when compared to roaming powerhouses like MM Reapers or Core Necros.


    > > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > small input, it's not a wvw-build. once it gets to bigscale, u don't see much condirevs, bc they just don't do well there. it can maybe 1v3, but that's what several classes manage on the right situations.


    > It's a viable roaming and havoc build.

    > In fact, it's extremely strong in small scale fights because the number of players fighting usually allow Condi Rev to actually get a decent heal off using Infuse Light due to lack of coordination.


    > The reason why it is never brought to largescale zerg fights are because its main condition outputs, Torment and Burning, can be Boon converted by enemy Scrappers into Might and Aegis respectively, which is a huge no-no.




    How do you even win against condiheralds with MM reaper? Genuinely interested.

  6. > @"tippolit.3591" said:

    > > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > I enjoy WvW. if you don’t like it just don’t play it. It’s that simple.


    > Fact is, WvW is geared to the lowest common denominator relative to skill. Hence the totally out of control application of conditions . .. run around in a blob, drop a kitten load of them in a general direction without really targeting anything or anyone and hope for a kill. A chimp could be trained to do that kitten. Anyone who thinks different is really not being honest with themselves, or anyone else for that matter. That said, if you like it, fine. but try not being dismissive of those who find fault with it.


    Conditions in a powermeta blob. Riiiiiight.

  7. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > > > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

    > > > > > > @"VICBEAR.1529" said:

    > > > > > > What is about Engineer, Warrior, Ranger, Mesmer etc?

    > > > > > > Many classes can escape from fight but why is thief so big trouble?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Just make topic "Please delete thief class"

    > > > > >

    > > > > > From personal experience, most other classes except for some rangers actually commit to escaping. It's more common to see roaming thieves **_(dash d/p daredevils specifically) _**to be cocky and just ooc, stack on stealth, then come right back to anyone with their back turned and run away again when they realize they're still in hot water.

    > > > >

    > > > > The part nobody else ****ing understands.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's not thief. It's D/P Daredevil.

    > > > > All these people asking for nerfs should go play any other thief build. Anything besides D/P DrD pretty much gets splattered if it botches an engage and deals no damage except for maybe S/P into relatively bad foes who don't know how to punish it or are running bad builds.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thief has been balanced around D/P Daredevil existing because it's the worst offender of unhealthy designs, and ANet absolutely refuses to rework it because it'd require a huge class rework and I know they're too lazy to do so.

    > > > >

    > > > > When DE started eclipsing its bad design it actually got nipped in the bud and reworked properly.

    > > >

    > > > Dwayna help the poor thieves I've Bull's Charged with no Stunbreaks to recover from it...

    > > >

    > > > But there is a point to be made here. If D/P DD is the big problem then is it the D/P part or is it the DD part? I suspect it is the E-Spec driving the problem not the weapon spec. Not that the weapon spec itself isn't a problem, but is it as much a problem on Core or DE? No, and that is because of the DD dodge being a leap. Remove the leap finisher from the dodge and you may see DD become very balanced very quickly. Not that there are other things that could be done, but I suspect that would go a long ways by itself.

    > >

    > > I'd say its definitely daredevil. 3 dodges a side, lets just call it 2 like everyone else. It's a 450 range escape-evade that clears movement condis, and the whole line stacks -30% incoming dmg as well as giving weakness on enemy's after a successful evade and has a 15% dmg modifier. Who else wouldn't take daredevil lol


    > Anet wanted to sell xpacs so they made DD basically mandatory. Same goes for a lot of especs. Let's be honest, how many really run core on the character? If they nerf DD then people will play DE. If they nerfed DE there will be just no thieves. I guess most people with pve specs in greens in WvW will love it but guess what? They they start to die even more to mesmerss/rangers/wars etc. Look at pvp forums: there are multiple threads and posts complaining about revs since main beating target (thief) got for most part removed with sb nerf.


    > As for this thread:

    > if thief got away this means they are not dumb enough to stay in fight they can't win. If they were your enemy - rejoyce, you just won the fight. Once again people, care what you are asking for. If for some reason Anet would nerf thief escape capability completely they would have to compensate it and result would be some really disgusting type of shiro rev. Good thieves will still murder your average WvW player and you still won't get your bags.


    > Isn't it enough for you that every thief player get instantly kicked from squads and flamed on top of it for simply existing? By own teammates? Or like yesterday, i just wanted to do some dailies, enemy comes in group and trash talks me because i had to run away since i just can't fight them all at once, especially with constant reveals from the keep. I am biased but i will still defend the point that thief is not the issue here. WvW community should seriously look in mirror - maybe they would finally see what toxic mass they have become.


    If thief runs and resets, you didnt win any fight.

    Also, two wrongs (thieves being absurdly mobile and them not being welcome in squads) dont make a right.

  8. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

    > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

    > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > As a suggestion, I think Druid for instance is actually in a good place, one that could be used as a model for thief.

    > > >

    > > > Absolutely no. Druid is the worst of ranger specs. Being either useless or hardcarried by a broken mechanic, that requires counterbuilding with little to no way to actually outplay even trash druids without reliable way to get out of the roots, shouldn't be model for anything. I'd rather fight soulbeasts or thieves all day long (even tho both can be quite cancerous in their own ways).

    > > >

    > >

    > > Have you actually played it? I can tell you a decent boon beast is far, far worse than a druid any day. You outplay 'trash' druids by having stab uptime, literally any CC skill, or outranging them, all of which are pretty easy to do. I've played one of the builds that you would hate for many hours and can tell you it's only really effective in group settings (non-zerg).

    > >

    > > Complaints about rooting are very similar to the complaints about thieves bursting from stealth, both require counterplay. Druid roots have major counterplay as unless you are +1'ing, almost all classes have ways to instantly break out of the roots or never be rooted to begin with. Roots aren't even druid specific, it's one trait on a 10 second ICD lol. SB can actually do immob better being selfish, can have sustain all day, only lacking in condi removal unless you run runes of cleansing.

    > >

    > > Anyway, Thieves on the other hand are built so that counterplay will 'kill the class' (see above responses). That's just bad design all the way around, as you either have an unkillable +1ing machine and 'have to deal with it' or you 'break the entire class beyond repair'.


    > Outplay druid by bringing stab up time & out range it lol only a few classes have enough stab up time to keep up with druids root access, lastly u say out range it yet druid can out range most classes so.....


    Just so you know, stab is useless against immobilize. If you need a further explanation, immob is a CONDITION. Here, hope this helps!





    So, you actually need another boon to render IMMOBILISE useless, it is called RESISTANCE




    Hope that helped!

  9. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > If you run the aforementioned traits, that reaper isnt really useful. Especially against a blob. Unless you play a condi reaper. Which is pretty bad.


    > Condi reaper isn't much worse than condi core or condi scourge. It's just less popular than it's power variant.


    Mind sharing a build? Cause condireaper lacks the tankiness of core or the corrupts of scourge

  10. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > Booncorrupt is still a thing and several nec skills turn one boon into multiple condies.


    > It's more that it proc condition(s) on applying a condition than turning one boon into multiple condition. A lot of the necromancer's "tools design" are fondamentally dangerous, especially since it's tools are mostly geared toward PvP situations. Traits proc'ing conditions when applying another condition are amongst those dangerous design (I mean, let's imagine that I corrupt stability as a reaper/curse/spite necromancer. This lead me to apply fear that will apply chill, _shiver of dread_, and torment, _insidious disruption_. Chill will then lead to 1 bleeds, _deathly chill_, and 3 vuln, _bitter chill_. Basically, you turn stability into fear and gain 4 condi as bonus for a 5 condi combo.)


    If you run the aforementioned traits, that reaper isnt really useful. Especially against a blob. Unless you play a condi reaper. Which is pretty bad.

  11. > @"God.2708" said:

    > > @"Doug.4930" said:

    > >

    > > .........

    > >

    > > What? Berserker? Of all the stats to draw comparisons to that's the one you chose? Your point is any group not running berserker gear will lose to groups that are running zerk?? Ill humour you. Tell me, assuming 2 duo roamer groups are equally skilled, 2 condi heralds vs 2 berserker heralds. Who wins? Or hell one berserker herald and one condi herald against 2 condi heralds? Spoiler alert the condi builds win. Because condi is typically stronger roaming. Despite the fact that berserker herald is more than viable it just isn't going to stand up to condi stats like dire/trailblazer.

    > >

    > > So..... im not really sure how you think berserker substitutes for minstrel at all. Its all too common that a group that is running zerk will lose to groups running dire, cele or other gear stats. But you throw a minstrel support class into that 2v2 [EDIT: Or any size fight to be honest] and whichever duo [or group] thats running it now becomes un-killable. All other gear stats are now irrelevant. Because like i said above no gear/build comes close to rivaling how much a minsterl support class brings to the table in ANY WvW related fight large or small.

    > >

    > > So you can edit my post to replace minstrel with any gear stat. Personally I would have gone with Marauders/trailblazer/dire etc as those gear stats are usually more powerful than straight zerk. But none of them, not even trailblazer which is an abomination in its own right comes close to affecting/breaking the game as much as minstrel gear does.




    > Two people spiking properly will eat through even dire or minstrel gear. If you think two (or any number of) people coordinating builds to work together should lose to two people simply playing... I don't think you understand how teamwork works.




    I have seen time and again plenty of my server's people spike a fully booned minstrel down to 20% hp.

    Edit: i mean solo spike, not even a coordinated spike from 2 or more.

  12. Yes, yes, bullying is a thing on overstacked "fight" servers. I can only suggest you dont feed them, ignore them, let em upgrade tour whole corner to T3 and play on another map. They get bored eventually and try to bully others, or log off.

  13. > @"tribal.2781" said:

    > Here are 4 skirmishes from tonight on my dagger/focus Aurashare Tempest.


    > ![](https://imgur.com/dVPvNOl.jpg)


    > Aurashare Tempest AOE cleanses with almost everything: applying auras, transmuting auras (removes 2), overloads (because they give auras), water overload AOE cleanse on each pulse, wash the pain away AOE cleanse on last pulse, attuning to water AOE cleanse, shouts AOE cleanse (with rune of the trooper), dodging AOE cleanses (burning and chilled only), and Elemental Bastion cleanses when it grants frost aura. Plus Lesser Cleansing Fire (passive), and Magnetic Wave each remove 3 conditions from the Tempest.


    I play that myself, and i am usually top cleanser. The issue is tho that scrapper converts conditions to boons, and that auras arent really making that much of a difference...

  14. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > > This would be my approach.

    > > > >

    > > > > The increased liquid gold has to come on the form when defeating other players and conquering objetives.

    > > > >

    > > > > * Add additional amount of silver coins when every single player is killed. Right now you may not get even rewards for it. ( 10-30)

    > > > > * Add additional liquid silver when conquering objetive. (30-70)

    > > > > * Add additional some liquid silver when you get the XP for defending an objective. (20-50)

    > > > >

    > > > > * All players which logged i during an Skirmish (2 hours each) and collaborated in the war score for more than X minutes ( participation kept over X level ) get a chest with some T5 materials and liquid gold in it depending on the position during that Skirmish( 10-20-35 gold ). ( advised a total of no consecutives 30 mins with Participation over 3 )

    > > > > It is ok if the players come to play for 30 mins and then leave as long as there is rotation. An small icon in the rewards progress indicator over the minimap notifying when the player reached the threshold would suffice. The timer would reset for each Skirmish.

    > > > >

    > > > > That should be rewards enough with no need to reward for the total war score. The players get rewarded for the time they spend in the gamemode helping the war score.

    > > >

    > > > 1. That would encourage spawncamping 24/7.

    > > > 2. That would encourage eotm style play

    > > > 3. That would encourage repairbotting

    > > > 4.That will encourage afking for hours

    > > Not if rewards would be split between involved players. Which would make sense, even with the current reward system. But ofc it would never happen because it goes against GW2 philosophy of "participation rewards for everyone" - even if they are essentially doing nothing but leeching ...

    > >

    > > So yea, let's rather not increase rewards - no matter what kind of rewards - because it will just lead to even more bots, afk farmers and mindless blobbing. Rewards are not the way to go for WvW.

    > >

    > Yeh anything Anet implements will "encourage" something. As any mechanic can be exploited this is the best i can think as design. **Although i usually welcome any type of feedback i don't appreciate Voltekka's feedback because...**


    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > 1. That would encourage spawncamping 24/7.

    > **And you can't use the WPs or one of the 3 exits from respawn. Right.**


    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > 2. That would encourage eotm style play

    > **You mean flipping objetives. Which again is part of the game loop. Nothing bad with it.**

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > 3. That would encourage repairbotting

    > **You mean defending objectives. Which again is good for the game mode. Nothing bad with it.**

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > 4.That will encourage afking for hours

    > **No if you want to keep the participation up and be first so you get the good reward.**


    > So at this point you will have 3 against 2 and 4 against all being 1 part of every one. That sounds like a fun game loop. **Obviously Voltekka does not know the basic mechanics of the game mode**.


    > **The reward system i propose is great, the total reward is on level of PvE Open World farming** (1st winner of the skirmish at least 17 gold per hour). If the Server does not help in war score they would not get such good rewards (around 5 gold an hour) but still not a total waste of time as they will get some rewards either way.


    > WvW is proved to be more resilient to bots than PvP unless the bots use hacks because of how the players are rewarded, so it should be good to be as rewarding game mode as any other.



    Yeah, i am new to wvw and dont understand even the basics (even though i am 10.000 rank and every wvw title has been unlocked), it is also just that i dislike things that have been done in the past (like UD title farm in OS or ktrains eotm style) which will be done in your "suggestions" as well. Not every pve activity yields 17g/hour, if it does i would be thrilled to know how i can make that much by killing centaurs in Queensdale.

    Repairbotting is a thing, killtrading is a thing, ktraining is a thing, bandwagoning is a thing, having a "player" sit on a T3 sm for hours by using a treb is a thing, afk pipfarming is a thing when you kill something/flip a camp every 10 mins or repair something every 5 mins, the list goes on. Obviously, its you who is actually new here. I posted my suggestion on rewards. And, no. Skirmish tickets have a weekly limit FOR A REASON, mainly to prevent burnouts.

    Wvw is in dire need of other changes, first and foremost.

  15. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > This would be my approach.


    > The increased liquid gold has to come on the form when defeating other players and conquering objetives.


    > * Add additional amount of silver coins when every single player is killed. Right now you may not get even rewards for it. ( 10-30)

    > * Add additional liquid silver when conquering objetive. (30-70)

    > * Add additional some liquid silver when you get the XP for defending an objective. (20-50)


    > * All players which logged i during an Skirmish (2 hours each) and collaborated in the war score for more than X minutes ( participation kept over X level ) get a chest with some T5 materials and liquid gold in it depending on the position during that Skirmish( 10-20-35 gold ). ( advised a total of no consecutives 30 mins with Participation over 3 )

    > It is ok if the players come to play for 30 mins and then leave as long as there is rotation. An small icon in the rewards progress indicator over the minimap notifying when the player reached the threshold would suffice. The timer would reset for each Skirmish.


    > That should be rewards enough with no need to reward for the total war score. The players get rewarded for the time they spend in the gamemode helping the war score.


    1. That would encourage spawncamping 24/7.

    2. That would encourage eotm style play

    3. That would encourage repairbotting

    4. That will encourage afking for hours



    Just include 2g, one mc or another similar small amount of gold. Nothing gamebreaking.

  16. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > Btw, on a completely unrelated comment, that scourge build he mentions isnt really good. May work against clueless pvers, and thats it. Who runs without stunbreaks or cleanses, anyway?

    > > >

    > > > Spectral Walk is a stunbreak and Cleanse. Consume Conditions is a full cleanse. Sigil of Cleansing removes 3. Putrid Mark removes 3. Nefarious Favor removes 2 on a low cooldown.

    > > >

    > > > And yes I agree it's bad. I share builds that I have fun with and that are good in their niche to hopefully inspire others to give it a try or to create ones of their own. I've shared lots of build threads in the past and almost every time I'll add a disclaimer that it isn't meta and will state its weaknesses so people know what they're getting themselves in to if they try it.

    > > >

    > > > I never said it was good, just that it's good at some things. Anything can steamroll clueless PVErs so I don't think that's much of a statement.

    > > >

    > > > I just want to remind people that not everyone who visits the forum are experienced veterans. There are a lot of people that read this and never comment. It is helpful to criticize things, but just saying "x thing is bad" is not. This is why we have a community of players that have 0 creativity. Because any time they experiment with something they're met with insults rather than criticisms like what you've just said-

    > > >

    > > > > that scourge build he mentions isnt really good. May work against clueless pvers, and thats it.

    > > >

    > > > Very insightful.

    > >

    > > In my opinion, this is a bad build. People have offered you insight on another thread (most classes will just stunlock you or pewpew you from a distance), yet the reply is always the same: "no insight". Non meta builds can be great, i myself run offmeta builds but this one is just bad.

    > > Btw, you havent actually given the full build (correct me if i am mistaken). I imagine it is full trailblazer, some torment runes or necromancer runes or nightmare runes (or similar) with death 2-2-2, curses 1-3-2, scourge 2-2-1 or 2-2-2. Scepter-torch and staff. Either way, you have 3 fear skills, f4, staff 5 and spectral ring (all on high cd), you could run corrupt boon hoping to corrupt stab (into fear for terror to kick in), spectral walk (kinda bad since you desperately need lifeforce, so spectral armor may be better), or trail of anguish for another stunbreak. Assuming you take corrupt boon and spectral ring, you have ONE stunbreak. Good luck with that.

    > > Corrupting boons isnt this build's strong suit either. Scepter 3 and corrupt boon, plus any shade skills you use (but this is a shadeless build). So... Yeah.

    > > Conditions get mitigated nowadays from enemy roamers, as condirevs are abundant (and generally speaking, condiroamers arent a rarity). You boom condispike on a target? Cleanse, your main offenders (torment and burning) get cleansed and you dont really have the chance to reapply them fast enough, as scourge.

    > > What this build offers is tankiness. Warriors, rangers, reapers, corenecs, weavers, mirages, engies, thieves wont have an actual issue against this build.

    > > I hope this was insightful enough. I used to run a similar build when boonrip wasnt nerfed, with curses

    > > 2-2-3 or 2-2-2, scourge 1-2-1 (boonsteals amd lifeforce management). This is obsolete, now.


    > That is a better explanation, most of which I agree.


    > It frustrates me when people come in to those threads just to say the build is bad, so I defend myself as necessary. _X thing will roflstomp you_ is a criticism and advice, but it isn't very constructive either. You could say that about an entire class in some cases, never mind specific builds.


    > I suppose I should just stop making build threads since this is about 99% of the types of comments I get. Often times I agree when someone points out a serious flaw, but again, it is rarely constructive.

    > I just want to be able to share things I'm proud of and to discuss; ways to improve the build, to hear about similar builds other people have run, and to learn about or focus on underused things _(be it trait, utility, stat, etc.)_ to see how flexible they can be.


    > The builds' strong suit is aggression, like I'd said in the thread. I also said it doesn't have many Corrupts, so you're correct. It has many weaknesses, but not every build needs to have a 90% rate of success to be fun. I just don't think I'll ever get why that's so hard for some people to grasp is all.


    So... You want insight, but you dont like it? People point out flaws, suggest better things, get constructive, and yet... Theyre the problem? No.


  17. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > Btw, on a completely unrelated comment, that scourge build he mentions isnt really good. May work against clueless pvers, and thats it. Who runs without stunbreaks or cleanses, anyway?


    > Spectral Walk is a stunbreak and Cleanse. Consume Conditions is a full cleanse. Sigil of Cleansing removes 3. Putrid Mark removes 3. Nefarious Favor removes 2 on a low cooldown.


    > And yes I agree it's bad. I share builds that I have fun with and that are good in their niche to hopefully inspire others to give it a try or to create ones of their own. I've shared lots of build threads in the past and almost every time I'll add a disclaimer that it isn't meta and will state its weaknesses so people know what they're getting themselves in to if they try it.


    > I never said it was good, just that it's good at some things. Anything can steamroll clueless PVErs so I don't think that's much of a statement.


    > I just want to remind people that not everyone who visits the forum are experienced veterans. There are a lot of people that read this and never comment. It is helpful to criticize things, but just saying "x thing is bad" is not. This is why we have a community of players that have 0 creativity. Because any time they experiment with something they're met with insults rather than criticisms like what you've just said-


    > > that scourge build he mentions isnt really good. May work against clueless pvers, and thats it.


    > Very insightful.


    In my opinion, this is a bad build. People have offered you insight on another thread (most classes will just stunlock you or pewpew you from a distance), yet the reply is always the same: "no insight". Non meta builds can be great, i myself run offmeta builds but this one is just bad.

    Btw, you havent actually given the full build (correct me if i am mistaken). I imagine it is full trailblazer, some torment runes or necromancer runes or nightmare runes (or similar) with death 2-2-2, curses 1-3-2, scourge 2-2-1 or 2-2-2. Scepter-torch and staff. Either way, you have 3 fear skills, f4, staff 5 and spectral ring (all on high cd), you could run corrupt boon hoping to corrupt stab (into fear for terror to kick in), spectral walk (kinda bad since you desperately need lifeforce, so spectral armor may be better), or trail of anguish for another stunbreak. Assuming you take corrupt boon and spectral ring, you have ONE stunbreak. Good luck with that.

    Corrupting boons isnt this build's strong suit either. Scepter 3 and corrupt boon, plus any shade skills you use (but this is a shadeless build). So... Yeah.

    Conditions get mitigated nowadays from enemy roamers, as condirevs are abundant (and generally speaking, condiroamers arent a rarity). You boom condispike on a target? Cleanse, your main offenders (torment and burning) get cleansed and you dont really have the chance to reapply them fast enough, as scourge.

    What this build offers is tankiness. Warriors, rangers, reapers, corenecs, weavers, mirages, engies, thieves wont have an actual issue against this build.

    I hope this was insightful enough. I used to run a similar build when boonrip wasnt nerfed, with curses

    2-2-3 or 2-2-2, scourge 1-2-1 (boonsteals amd lifeforce management). This is obsolete, now.

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