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Posts posted by Voltekka.2375

  1. Same thing happened with boreal weapons, where people threw em in mystic toilet or salvaged them and it turned out they were needed to make the illuminated boreal weapons in the next episode. Devs made it possible to repurchase one of each crafted boreal wep by paying a minimal amount of gold and iceshards. It wouldnt surprise me if the same happened here, as well.


    However, veteran players who claim they don't have 16 spare slots don't really make much sense, either. I mean, the weapons came with a warning, how anyone could not pay attention to that and free 16 slots on various chars on a single account, is beyond me...

  2. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"mike.6957" said:

    > > I am starting to dip my toes into WvW. I joined a quild (Thanks [NEW] for letting me join with you) as they are a Darkhaven guild. I was playing with my Necro that I am working towards getting used to and enjoyed. However when I check metabattle, the builds are very glassy. I was thinking of adding some toughness and vitality to increase survival.

    > >

    > > I want to get others opinions on what armor, trinkets, runes and sigils to work towards.

    > >

    > > When I play, I mainly use the mouse for 6-0 and F1-F5 skills. So any other help would be great

    > >

    > > Thanks in Advance


    > I've always promoted Pvt armor with hoelbrak runes, zerker weapons and trinkets and energy and force for the power necro. It's old school good news.


    > It's the minimum I've tried and used versus blobs as a commander and as a pug as necro core reaper and scourge.


    > The other choice is celestials. It's the go to set that works as 2nd best in all occasions especially if you don't want to change stats.


    > Once you have this set. Listen to your team and try to see the effect they want or end goal. So you can find means to make it happen .


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwEcEmpsBGC7hdwMxk3y8lB-z1YYhobEhZDuMysqqIFUaA-w


    Big shades? No. Just take feed from corruption, survivability will shoot through the roof even on full zerk. Bloodmagic? No. Just no. Scourge has enough barrier as it is...

  3. Bjora marches has none of the mentioned features . Drizzlewood coast is the "wvw flavored" map, which is really hard to play if you don't have flying mounts or any of the fast mounts. The various huts/poles etc exist for achievement purposes only and add nothing to the "wvw" experience. The whole map actually adds nothing to the actual wvw experience.

  4. > @"Terrier.8732" said:

    > Yes, but why should it be like that? I don't want to hop between maps, and across characters.. I still need to do the Meta in Istan as well. Kralkatite Ore should be accessible and farmable on the map that is it's currency. I am just frustrated that the method supplied by the game does NOT work as intended. It's buggy and extremely difficult.. and it should not be this difficult. (remember, Bjora and Eternal Ice was not even around until a few months ago).

    > All they would have to do is make the Meteor sites active until the next one fell. You can only mine it 5 times anyway, so not as if you could over farm it or anything.

    > maybe off-peak game play is not wanted or desired.. but then.. why make or play an MMO? Isn't the whole idea to be able to play when you want? I am just annoyed.. i don;t think any other collection item has been this difficult.. even Aurora was easier than this, and that is saying something.


    The map is old. People used to maphop for meteors and quartz, and farm kralka on multiple chars/day. Anet just added more ways to get kralka, which is good and prevents burnouts in a map that is certainly much less populated than 12-15 months ago. You can also buy the quartz off tp.

    Or you can choose to farm a map that is semi empty (apart from meta time) and get what you need at a much slower pace. Oh, Anet also added ways to get ls4 currencies with the various seasonal festivals, too.

  5. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > > @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

    > > > > > > Not realy- beter bring someting that have min. 5 targets on aoe ? like Winds of Disenchantment- 5 targets aoe + nice work, AND last for 5 sec? and war have toons of cc- mele train stunlock/chain meta back? :)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Melee boon is back again. As long as a smart player knows how to interupt, winds is easily stopped as it channels

    > > > > >

    > > > > > How? Guard lines necro staff 5 or warhorn 4. Ele lines. Guard sanc. Ring of warring . Shield 5. Rev staff 5. Glint elite. War hammer 4 or 5.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So many other stuff I have not mentioned.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Of course scourge now has

    > > > > >

    > > > > > F1 = 3 targets and f2 to etc has 2 only.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Meaning necros have to be balls deep for the f bombs to comit 5 targets one from their self and the other from the shades. Wells nerf means more importance of the bomb as one. Meaning it'll be a bit hard to use. So

    > > > > >

    > > > > > WB heralds. WB boon team. WB unkillable blob :3

    > > > >

    > > > > *Cough reaper cough*

    > > >

    > > > Hehe the 8s quickness hasn't been noticed yet

    > >



    > Do you really want that change?


    Shhhh. As long as no one noticed the 8s quickness...

  6. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

    > > > > Not realy- beter bring someting that have min. 5 targets on aoe ? like Winds of Disenchantment- 5 targets aoe + nice work, AND last for 5 sec? and war have toons of cc- mele train stunlock/chain meta back? :)

    > > >

    > > > Melee boon is back again. As long as a smart player knows how to interupt, winds is easily stopped as it channels

    > > >

    > > > How? Guard lines necro staff 5 or warhorn 4. Ele lines. Guard sanc. Ring of warring . Shield 5. Rev staff 5. Glint elite. War hammer 4 or 5.

    > > >

    > > > So many other stuff I have not mentioned.

    > > >

    > > > Of course scourge now has

    > > >

    > > > F1 = 3 targets and f2 to etc has 2 only.

    > > >

    > > > Meaning necros have to be balls deep for the f bombs to comit 5 targets one from their self and the other from the shades. Wells nerf means more importance of the bomb as one. Meaning it'll be a bit hard to use. So

    > > >

    > > > WB heralds. WB boon team. WB unkillable blob :3

    > >

    > > *Cough reaper cough*


    > Hehe the 8s quickness hasn't been noticed yet



  7. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

    > > Not realy- beter bring someting that have min. 5 targets on aoe ? like Winds of Disenchantment- 5 targets aoe + nice work, AND last for 5 sec? and war have toons of cc- mele train stunlock/chain meta back? :)


    > Melee boon is back again. As long as a smart player knows how to interupt, winds is easily stopped as it channels


    > How? Guard lines necro staff 5 or warhorn 4. Ele lines. Guard sanc. Ring of warring . Shield 5. Rev staff 5. Glint elite. War hammer 4 or 5.


    > So many other stuff I have not mentioned.


    > Of course scourge now has


    > F1 = 3 targets and f2 to etc has 2 only.


    > Meaning necros have to be balls deep for the f bombs to comit 5 targets one from their self and the other from the shades. Wells nerf means more importance of the bomb as one. Meaning it'll be a bit hard to use. So


    > WB heralds. WB boon team. WB unkillable blob :3


    *Cough reaper cough*

  8. This is a typical behavior from people who aren't happy with the 95% of the content catered to them, and think somehow that the rest 5% that's targeted to other players somehow.... Ruins their fun. People who never ever step foot in wvw and complain about "GoB acquisition OmAgAwD sO hArD" when they wanna make a leggy .

  9. I hate to be "that guy", bud, but this game is 5% about wvw/Pvp and 95% about pve, where Necro Is a complete meme with all the nerfs it has been getting.


    Moreover, guard and Necro have always been the backbone of every wvw squad composition in large scale fights since the game came out. If you talk about the incoming shade rework, there are plenty of similar threads on this

  10. > @"Warlord.9074" said:

    > Everyone is complaining about the shade revert like that was the only bad decision.

    > It's not like making wells baseline, giving them a free grand master basically does any harm.

    > It's not like giving them permanent barrier in wvw, if they ran bloodmagic in wvw because you can never be overhealed in zergs.

    > It's not like giving Necros permanent quickness in WvW zergs is bad either.

    > These changes are literally the **worst** thing ANET coud of done to WVW and it take them 6 months to do this.

    > So essentially you are now faster, unkillable, can spam wells and shades all over, and you have even more boonrip and perma quickness.

    > Great patch. Necro needed this. WvW needed this.


    Lol at blobscourge run blood magic in wvw

  11. > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > > > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > > > > Why do people get upset when necro finally gets something good?

    > > >

    > > > Finally?? Have you played playing scourge in the last 4 years in WvW?? They've dominated the mode to the point they actually broke the meta for YEARS.

    > >

    > > PoF (hence scourge) came out in 22nd of September, 2017. Bit hard for the spec to... Dominate for 4 years.


    > Oh kitten 3 years and 9 months, that is SUPER RELEVANT.


    Bud, I personally live in 2020. Do you somehow live in 2021?

    You may wanna recheck that math of yours

  12. > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > > Why do people get upset when necro finally gets something good?


    > Finally?? Have you played playing scourge in the last 4 years in WvW?? They've dominated the mode to the point they actually broke the meta for YEARS.


    PoF (hence scourge) came out in 22nd of September, 2017. Bit hard for the spec to... Dominate for 4 years.

  13. > @"ancafr.9274" said:

    > > @"Orack.9756" said:

    > > Ascended trinket are faster and cheaper to get than Exo TBH with S3.

    > > So, just weapon requiert craft, and, you can just pick some assa/zerk and save mat/money to get full ascended faster (that what I did and went full ascended very fast, way more easy than I though).


    > If ascend gears were ''that easy'' me and many other players would be full ascend already, the only ascends i have are only trinkets(bought from vendor w/ laureus and 2-3 earned from wvw). I spent around 300G on craft ascend for nothing, just wasted the cash and so far 0, nada, nothing crafted. Seriously this game craft system and end gear(ascend/legendary) are kinda outdated, in my opinion they should make it easier specially for new players.


    > The world has changed they need to update the craft system asap, **AT LEAST** adding new items on crafting. There are a lot of items to craft legend/ascend the players don't need/use who could be sold to help other player to craft his item or help them to make gold selling what they dont need.


    If you spent 300g on asc crafting and got nothing, the mistake lies with you for bad management. Craft guides are there, you can ask guildies, you can ask in LA and people will still help you

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