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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > > @"SoulPrime.8029" said:

    > > so i sent a couple weeks farming and crafting a BS warr. made a few other classes along the way. after learning the mechanics and even leading some training raids myself i actually had some fun. so after all that people would finally let me join groups. but now just forming a group is an all day affair. id join a group, we would sit around for an hour till we had 10 ppl. we make one attempt on the boss. someone dies the entire group leaves.


    > Yes, PUG raiding can be annoying. What exactly prevents you from joining a guild or a semi static or a discord server? Raids were not designed to be PUGed, the fact that they can be already speaks to their ease.




    How can a community be so stubborn and ignore this fact.

    Raids where never designed for pugging. You also miss out the most fun part of that mode, learning a boss as a group (preferable with people you like = guild/static).

    But somehow PPL that join PUG raids for the loot get annoyed by PPL who join PUG raids for the loot, who would have thought.

  2. I would be happy with some kind of solo boss mode.

    A few years back I played a small mmo called raiderz (quite similar mechanics as gw2, but with the addition of active blocks, and p2w obviously... )You basically got 3 tokens a day to start one of 13something bosses on various difficulties. If you died the tokes was gone and you had to spent another one if you would like to continue. After each kill you got a special boss token and could buy nice and useful things with it. (harder bosses had better stuff obviously but you where basicly one shot on the hardest one)


    It was kind of queen's gauntlet but instanced. And damn, I was really looking forward to that activity each day.

  3. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > Its pretty simple. Every online purchase gambling or not is made with a credit card. You cannot apply for a credit card unless you are 18, because a credit card purchase is a contract. A minor cannot enter into a contract. Therefore anytime a kid uses their parents credit card to do any online microtransaction. It's either 100% with the parents consent or the transaction is void and using the card without permission is theft and fraud.

    > > >

    > > > So parents watch your kids. Or put blocks on your kids cell phones and PC with a password that blocks all online purchases and keep your cards in a safe place.

    > > >

    > > > Case closed.

    > >

    > > Ever heard of prepaid cards available at nearly every shops counter? Bad argument, sry.


    > Anyone under 18 cant get a prepaid card. Since it's a contract.


    In my country you can buy them as easily and legal as the chocolate bar next to it at any age.

  4. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > why? I enjoy paid RNG. If you don't like it, why don't you just not buy it?

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm not talking about me but on behalf of the many teens, adolescents and even adults who lose hundreds or thousands of dollars getting addicted to gambling in games (and on related websites). Gambling can be highly addictive and therefore should not be encouraged, but that's just my opinion.

    > > >

    > > > You can get addicted to anything lol... Why don't people have self control? Should we outlaw most foods or drinks or activities because some people out there have horrible addictions to them? Or is the blame placed on the individual to exercise some self control? I'd say that people need to do things in moderation, and holding everyone hostage by banning activities outright that everyone enjoys, because a few people have problems with self moderation while engaging in those activities seems very unreasonable.

    > >

    > > You clearly do not not how addiction works. Inform yourself and then come back and talk to this topic


    > I think I do since I'm a psychologist lol


    Yep, totally imagined that.

  5. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > > > Ah, kitten, I hope not! Just leave us alone politicians! Let US choose as individuals to gamble or not to. I personally have no issue with it and would rather people stop panicking about it

    > > > >

    > > > > Yep, I will choose not to be or get addicted to gambling. Easy.

    > > >

    > > > No, you choose whether or not to gamble. Easy.

    > > >

    > > > I have somehow managed to play Candy Crush to level 400 (or whatever) without buying a single thing from their store. Miraculously I found myself playing Fallout Shelter without spending a dime. And in some mysterious way, I have somehow managed to not spend a single penny or gem buying BL keys for BL chests.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Please read up on addiction. There is a ton of information out there. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it does not affect anyone else." I'm good, so everyone else is" is a very shortsighted view of things.


    > You should take your own advice and educate yourself. Addiction has a beginning, and that begins with a choice. That's a harsh reality, and it's easier for people to blame something/someone else for the path they are currently on, but like everything in life, it all begins with a choice.


    I did.

    And where is it easier to get addicted, when you can dabble with it easily, or when there are some restrictions on the way?


    "Everything begins with a choice" is easy to say but hard to understand. Literally not true for some addictions. Addiction is not a simple yes /no question, and hard to write about in an online forum. There are professions based on that topic. Watching a 3 minute yt video might not be enough.

  6. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > Ah, kitten, I hope not! Just leave us alone politicians! Let US choose as individuals to gamble or not to. I personally have no issue with it and would rather people stop panicking about it

    > >

    > > Yep, I will choose not to be or get addicted to gambling. Easy.


    > No, you choose whether or not to gamble. Easy.


    > I have somehow managed to play Candy Crush to level 400 (or whatever) without buying a single thing from their store. Miraculously I found myself playing Fallout Shelter without spending a dime. And in some mysterious way, I have somehow managed to not spend a single penny or gem buying BL keys for BL chests.




    Please read up on addiction. There is a ton of information out there. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it does not affect anyone else." I'm good, so everyone else is" is a very shortsighted view of things.

  7. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > Its pretty simple. Every online purchase gambling or not is made with a credit card. You cannot apply for a credit card unless you are 18, because a credit card purchase is a contract. A minor cannot enter into a contract. Therefore anytime a kid uses their parents credit card to do any online microtransaction. It's either 100% with the parents consent or the transaction is void and using the card without permission is theft and fraud.


    > So parents watch your kids. Or put blocks on your kids cell phones and PC with a password that blocks all online purchases and keep your cards in a safe place.


    > Case closed.


    Ever heard of prepaid cards available at nearly every shops counter? Bad argument, sry.

  8. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > why? I enjoy paid RNG. If you don't like it, why don't you just not buy it?

    > >

    > > I'm not talking about me but on behalf of the many teens, adolescents and even adults who lose hundreds or thousands of dollars getting addicted to gambling in games (and on related websites). Gambling can be highly addictive and therefore should not be encouraged, but that's just my opinion.


    > You can get addicted to anything lol... Why don't people have self control? Should we outlaw most foods or drinks or activities because some people out there have horrible addictions to them? Or is the blame placed on the individual to exercise some self control? I'd say that people need to do things in moderation, and holding everyone hostage by banning activities outright that everyone enjoys, because a few people have problems with self moderation while engaging in those activities seems very unreasonable.


    You clearly do not not how addiction works. Inform yourself and then come back and talk to this topic

  9. depends. best way is to join a guild or static which also has a group of fresh raiders (what @"bOTEB.1573" seams to forget, raid was designed for such groups /guilds after all), or you join a trainings community.

    you have to understand that raiding is no hotjoin activity. at least not for beginners. Mind PUG runs for the start. In PUG runs, ppl are 99% there for the sweet loot and are rather unforgiving to anyone that may hinder them on getting it.

    Overall, Raids were the best expierience i ever had in this game. You should at least try it.

  10. > @"Chrysaliss.8720" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Chrysaliss.8720" said:

    > > > Easiest solution for the raiding inaccessibility would be to make it impossible to link li/kp in the chat. As well as any other potentialy abusable items.

    > >

    > > so no more different classes then i guess. -> potentialy abusable.

    > > not showing another players weapon setup anymore -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more titles -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more mastery levels shown -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more minis -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more special skins -> potentialy abusable.


    > Okay. Most of this is just stupid and you know this. Taking things to extreme on purpose doesnt help your point.



    i listed "other potentialy abusable items/things". please do not write what you apearently do not want to say or stay behind.



    > > ...

    > > ...

    > > ...

    > > its a stupid solution to a selfmade problem.

    > > raids are not inaccessible. some people just do not have the time/mindset to participate.

    > > raiders ARE raiding. non raiders find in inaccessible, because???

    > > i see a lot of raid guilds recruiting, even whole trainings communities. raids are no solo player experience you hotjoin on the go. you are a 10th % of a group, not less not more.

    > > nobody is forced to play with anyone, its a game, you said it yourself.


    > I am going to assume you have played WoW and know how it works there. In WoW the only way to prove your skill is the achievement, that you have killed the boss ONCE. There is no other possible proof. Also WoW bosses are 1000x times more complex.


    just vanilla, cant remember any achievments there, sry.

    you got in the groups if you had friends/ppl you played before on smaller scale content, or you or your guild had a good reputation. (there were no megaservers at the time)

    but i agree that in wow bosses were (or at least as a newbie mmo players perspective) more complex.

    i do not know how that supports your argument though. as in wow, raids are the hardest pve content ingame (+ fractal cm, obvously). it does not really matter HOW hard it is, or who decides what is hard or not (personally i find them too easy still)


    > In GW2 there is the LI/KP..... You see the problem already?


    no, please explane. the one big flaw i see is in the ramdomness in how many of those KP you get / kill. LI is fine, and shows a good general expierence in raids.

    a real killcounter would be way better but i supposte gw2 community would not be entertained by that.


    > Also I never said that I dont raid. I just see the issue unlike other people here mindlessly defending it.


    again, what issues?

    people with "the right mindset" have no problem raiding and understand that there is a general road to be "succesfull".

    Learn your class -> inform over boss mechanics -> join a guild ->......

    i do not want to generalize here but most of those "raids are innaccesible" people, from personal expierience, just want to skip some, if not all of these little steps.

    and therefore are even missing the most fun & rewarding part of raiding itself. to achieve something with a group and rise above all challenges.

    this is raids. you increase fun by 1000% if you have a (semi)static group.

    Pugs are just there for the loot. and people (rightfully) treat it like that.

    you make my loot harder? kick.block.lfg.

    or on the other side. kicked.blocked.forumpost.





  11. > @"Chrysaliss.8720" said:

    > Easiest solution for the raiding inaccessibility would be to make it impossible to link li/kp in the chat. As well as any other potentialy abusable items.


    so no more different classes then i guess. -> potentialy abusable.

    not showing another players weapon setup anymore -> potentialy abusable.

    no more titles -> potentialy abusable.

    no more mastery levels shown -> potentialy abusable.

    no more minis -> potentialy abusable.

    no more special skins -> potentialy abusable.




    its a stupid solution to a selfmade problem.

    raids are not inaccessible. some people just do not have the time/mindset to participate.

    raiders ARE raiding. non raiders find in inaccessible, because???

    i see a lot of raid guilds recruiting, even whole trainings communities. raids are no solo player experience you hotjoin on the go. you are a 10th % of a group, not less not more.

    nobody is forced to play with anyone, its a game, you said it yourself.

  12. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > When your individual skill is more of an impact on your groups performance(20% vs 10%, 5 man vs 10man) the content feels harder and more satisfying as an individual.


    It just feels harder for ppl that "do not perform that well" in 10 ppl content. Current 5man content does not feel a lot more different then 10 man, except less complex mechanics and less ppl to chat with on the ts. Your math is also a bit flawed, would be OK if everyone is a dps without having a mechanic to do, but that happens not too regularly in raids.

  13. > @"melandru.3876" said:


    > 32.5k dps isn't that bad really, and the build can be further optimized and the rotation needs to be ironed out


    > i'm sure the build can go up to 33k which is decent


    nice video.

    the only thing that turns me off is that there are sooo many channeling skills in the rotation. time to unbind dodge i guess.

  14. > @"Xervite.5493" said:

    > > @"Cameron.6450" said:

    > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thank you for the laugh.

    > > >

    > > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

    > >

    > > I think that makes it funnier tbh...


    > He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.


    what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.

    This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.

    Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.

    The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick.


    Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @"sarkysek.1085" and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.

  15. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > I think you'd enjoy dungeons and fractals. Raids are clearly not your content. Sincerely a rude and disrespectful person.


    > lol dude. I've done raids in this game and raided in other MMO's that are massively more difficult than this games raids will ever be and consistently cleared them in every game(including this).


    > I don't like raids, but I think the current state of raids is incredibly unhealthy for this games player base.


    I don't know how and why you bring difficultly into this now.

    So have I, whatever, raids are still the most fun content for me in gw2.

    Raids are exactly for the people that like.. You guessed it... Raids. This game luckily offers content for everyone's needs.

    I do not know what mental gymnastics you made with analysing that raids are unhealthy for this games playerbase. on the contrary, a lot of ppl would NOT play this game if it wasn't for raids.

    If your greatest concern is a part of pve that gets updated once a year, you must be having the time of you life anyway.

  16. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > To be fair, if you read between the lines it exactly says that. The important sentence was filteterd through the pr department though.

    > > > > **"The Living World of Guild Wars 2 is a great way for us to accomplish all of that. "**

    > > > > Let that sink in.

    > > > It's not a new claim. It's very old one - they made it first time during **LS1**. Unfortunately, the past experiences have shown they were never able to deliver on it.

    > >

    > > Your point is? (serious question)

    > > You mean this sentence is irrelevant since they wrote it once before?

    > No, i meant that based on past experiences, you should not expect too much out of it. Not only their previous attempts to live up to that idea were a failure, but also they've shown us that their definition of an expac-equivalent content is much, much wider than for most people, and includes things that are on a far much smaller scale than the expacs we've got so far (hint: according to Anet, **LS2** was an expac-level content).



    Then we have a misunderstanding here. I quoted their sentence to show another poster where they (anet) were saying "no more exp. We double down on LS". I am not a fan of this myself. LS episodes won't bring me to reinstall the game. Agreeing on the rest of your post.

  17. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > To be fair, if you read between the lines it exactly says that. The important sentence was filteterd through the pr department though.

    > > **"The Living World of Guild Wars 2 is a great way for us to accomplish all of that. "**

    > > Let that sink in.

    > It's not a new claim. It's very old one - they made it first time during **LS1**. Unfortunately, the past experiences have shown they were never able to deliver on it.


    Your point is? (serious question)

    You mean this sentence is irrelevant since they wrote it once before?


  18. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > @"Wade.2597" said:

    > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > Can we have him back ?

    > > > >

    > > > > I'll glady give any one of the "Gem Store" artist for him.

    > > >

    > > > I will give any 3 "Gem Store" artists to get him back.

    > >

    > > Don't be a jerk to game artists, please. Artists in any industry already have rough job prospects and remuneration despite how much effort goes into their work.

    > >

    > > This is not a zero sum issue, don't treat it like one.

    > >

    > > My mount skins, my exalted gloves/backpack, some gorgeous outfits like Lyssa's or Braham's set or my crystalline dragon wings are as much part of my entertainment in this game as are my participation in raids and fractals.


    > Well said. Ben will be dearly missed, but you don't tear other people down to build someone else up.


    i think s/he is not literally running around with some "gem store" artist on chains available for a trade. Sometimes you treat a joke (no matter if its a good one or a bad on) as it is...a joke.

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