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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. > @"Nova.7261" said:

    > You know it was going to happen. Aurene is too powerful of a plot point to keep in play as she is. In becoming an elder dragon, she stands to either blow the world up by starting a war with the other elder dragons that would see her as a threat, or simply be an omnipotent character where the Commander really isn't needed in the story anymore.


    > Aurene is also not truly dead or the mastery track 'Crystal Champion' would have to be removed from the game. Can't share power with a dead thing... That's just way wrong.


    Aurene's involvement becomes rather pointless after she takes over Kralk's position though. Because she's fulfilled her destiny. She wouldn't "blow the world up by starting a war with the other elder dragons" because her entire existence is to keep that from happening and to create balance. She knows from our journeys together that she can't just kill another elder dragon. Sure, she could grant us reinforcements to fight off the elder dragon's minions or attempt to act as a jailor of some sort, but she knows she couldn't just kill them.


    And omnipotent? How would she be omnipotent? And using that logic Kralk is already omnipotent and essentially immortal as we COULD kill him, but we can't without blowing up Tyria. So he's immortal by the necessity his existence has to the fate of the world.


    People just keep assuming that Aurene is our little dragon servant that does our bidding because she's been along with us on this journey and helped us out against Joko and Balthazar, but are missing the point that she was destined to do so to get to where she needed to be. She may resemble the commander's child despite the commander being her "champion" but children grow up and make their own decisions. She's already shown that she is growing up and making those decisions by taking off from us at multiple points this season to go whatever she has or wants to do. Whether it's saving villages from Branded attacks or brooding in Glint's sanctuary.


    I mean, at this point, they either leave her dead and write her death off as some cog in the deus ex machina they come up with to defeat Kralk and resolve the plot, or they bring her back and have her fulfill her destiny and write the bond we have with her off in a way that concludes her immediate involvement in the commander's problems. Either way, when you start creating a plot about Elder Dragons eating god magic, jumping in and out of rifts, consuming reality, and having the deaths of said dragons brining the apocalypse, you're going to have to start stretching the story at some point. And I'd personally rather them stretch the story in the way that make sense and pays off on where we've been instead of being jarringly steered into a new direction that had little to no foreshadowing.


    The only directions that do that, are Aurene coming back, or the Pale Tree getting involved. And if the pale tree gets involved and somehow winds up as the answer to everything, the only difference between what Aurene would have been and what the Pale Tree has become is that one is a lone dragon (the last of her kind who has her own personality), and the other is a sentient tree that fills the role of mother to an entire civilization of people.



    To summarize, it's a mess either way.




  2. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > aurene can't get resurrected because we need a spirit dragon to replace jormag.


    I'd rather us just replicate the cleansing ritual and cleanse Drakkar.


    But if we fight Kralk in the mists, I could see the giant purple crater near Sandswept being a huge Bloodstone Fen-esque area with a giant rift in the center that we fly into to confront Kralk.


    But I still favor the idea of returning to his old resting spot, personally. It would be interesting to find out what drew him to that spot to begin with. I guess there doesn't really have to be a reason for him residing their though, given that all the dragons seem to wander off to a less-populated area anyway. Thus Mordremoth being on one corner of the world at the end of the jungle, Primordus being underground where nothing can really touch him anyway. Steve being in the ocean somewhere. Jormag presumably being up north somewhere but apparently being easily accessible enough for Braham to just waltz up there looking for him?


    Even though Thunderpeaks was right next to Highlands, I think it still signifies that we aren't really stuck to our current region. If they want to take us somewhere else, they clearly will whether it's a subtle hint from Caithe in the mail or a character we haven't seen in awhile saying, "Hey, you should go here because reasons."


    Glint obviously tied into Thunderhead so it made sense, but given where the story stands with Kralk phasing in and out of the mists wherever he pleases it could really be anywhere and they could make it work.


    If I remember correctly, they made some visual changes to Kralk's old resting spot, a minor change to an area near Scavenger's Causeway, and a few others I can't recall. Given that we saw Kourna and it was during the same timeframe as those other visual changes on the map, it seems logical to assume that we could be seeing a map in one of the areas that was changed around that same timeframe.





    Scavenger's Causeway may be something I'm mis-remembering. But the changes to Sandswept, Kourna, and Jahai.


    That still leaves Kralk's old resting spot at the same timeframe of brand extension and Sandswept. This was a year ago.


    And the scavenger's causeway was actually two years ago -

    So it seems kind of irrelevant at this point.



    The outlier for this is Thunderhead Peaks, as it wasn't one of the changes that was noticed on the map at the same time of the others.


    But again, it could be anywhere and be made to make sense.


  3. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > > I secretly hope for the Pale Tree to step in, but all I want is to not have Season 3's finale 2.0. Please Do not introduce Anise and Kryta in the finale!

    > >

    > > I hope for the confirmation of my theory that Joko was actually using the Staff of the Mists, and it will be Livia who confirms it because she wields the Scepter of Orr.

    > >

    > > The reason why I think Joko used this artefact is because he actually could command the dead and he could trap the spirits of his Awakened inside of them as he wants. Also Joko saying that he entered the Mists with Balthazar to get more spirits from the Mists, so I guess his Staff was capable to do so.

    > >

    > > Also I think Joko was never immortal and Aurene only consumed some low quality lich magic, not magic that gives immortality, there is no such a thing, and certainly Joko wouldnt scream like a baby if he could just restore himself out of Aurene's teeth. I doubt Joko's death will be that meaningful, and it was left for us as a false path. Joko fooled us, was playing a role as an actor, I think his power came from the Staff itself or he was doing Abaddon's bidding all along with the Staff of the Mists in his hand.


    > Immortality doesn't make one exempt from pain, and we got Joko's staff which is 100% not the Staff of the Mists as they existed at the same time, in very different appearances, in GW1. Plus the Staff of the Mists was destroyed at the Hollow Point while we retrieved Joko's staff from some random general of his. Plus, Joko was not the first to be immortal - Khilbron and The Hunter are also immortal in GW1, Khilbron dying by a similar method as Joko's death: his magic was unbound, the spell that kept him alive broken. And the magic being unbound is why Joko could never restore himself out of Aurene's teeth.


    > As to Aurene eating it... Elder Dragons only gain the abilities of those connected to domains of magic like Elder Dragons and (former) gods. Normal beings don't have that connection, and while powerful, Joko was ultimately a normal being.


    We don't really know what kind of magic Joko had or where he got it from though. So while Joko himself may have been an ordinary human, the magic that made him capable of what he did hasn't ever been explicitly stated to be normal lich magic.


    And reading from the lost scrolls which were hidden by the six, caused the cataclysm and created a lich. So, the lost scrolls being related to the gods meant that god magic was used to create a lich. Joko, who had to die a similar death to Khilibron, could presumably have only been made a lich with god magic. Making whatever Aurene consumed some remnant of said god magic. Though, arguably, as the wiki states, we don't really know that the lost scrolls were god magic or even their origin. But in that case, we have a third kind of special magic with no known origin. If Khilibron and Joko achieved Lichdom using this same form of unknown magic, and we know that Joko's magic is capable of awakening Sylvari, then we don't really know what impact it could have on a dragon that consumed it.


    Ruling Joko's magic out isn't really a possibility at this point. Given we only know a little more about his timeline with the latest Halloween texts, and not how he actually became a lich. He abandoned his necromancy teachings to pursue a different path, and that path is what led to him becoming a lich. Given that we don't know the full extent of that path or what it involved, his magic and history can't really be ruled out.



    Ruling anything out at this point, seems pretty futile. Because as much research as you do, as much citation as you seed into a post, the writers can still take it whatever direction they want and find a way to make it fit. *shrug*



    But in terms of this specific point, ruling out Joko as being just an ordinary human lich with some advanced understanding of Necromancy that somehow makes him unkillable unless killed similarly to Khilibron who became a Lichdom via some unknown ancient magic even the Gods wanted locked away, seems a little misguided.



  4. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > > > > In between April 16th and 30th. B)

    > > >

    > > > Ugh, that would be a bummer.

    > > 4 out of the last 5 episodes were all above 3 months, so my estimate isn't far off.

    > > Season 3 episode 6; July 25th, 2017

    > > Episode 1; November 28, 2017 = 4 months, 3 days later

    > > Episode 2; March 6, 2018 =3 months, 1 week, 2 days later

    > > Episode 3; June 26, 2018 = 3 months, 2 weeks, 6 days later

    > > Episode 4; September 18, 2018 = 2 month, 3 weeks, 2 days later

    > > Episode 5; January 8, 2019 = 3 months, 3 weeks later


    > You're ignoring the release of Path of Fire in your claims; Episode 1 wasn't past the 3 month mark. Also, you should by the weeks, not "direct months then days". If you do that then you get:

    > * Season 3 Episode 6: July 25th, 2017

    > * Path of Fire: September 22nd, 2017; 7.5 weeks

    > * Episode 1: November 28, 2017; 8.5 weeks

    > * Episode 2: March 6, 2018; 13 weeks (officially minor delay for technical issues)

    > * Episode 3: June 26, 2018; 17 weeks (officially delayed due to internal restructuring at ArenaNet)

    > * Episode 4: September 18, 2018; 12 weeks

    > * Episode 5: January 8, 2019; 16 weeks (delayed for winter holidays)


    > So since Season 3 ended, three out of six were delayed past the 12 week mark, not four out of five, and one was for the reason of "bad timing" (winter holidays when ArenaNet's not working nor should you expect them to). And if you include Season 3, you get:


    > * Episode 1: July 26, 2016

    > * Episode 2: September 20, 2016; 8 weeks (aka 2 months)

    > * Episode 3: November 21, 2016; 9 weeks (aka 2 months, 6 days)

    > * Episode 4: February 8, 2017; 11 weeks 1 day (aka 2 months, 3 weeks, 1 day)

    > * Episode 5: May 2, 2017; 12 weeks (aka 3 months; officially delayed)

    > * Episode 6: July 25th, 2017; 12 weeks (aka 3 months)


    > All within the 3 month period. So out of 12 releases (S3 1-6, PoF, S4 1-5), we had 3 that were past the 3 month / 12 week mark.


    > Not as bad as folks love to proclaim it to be.


    I think he's not including Path of Fire release because he's only talking about the living story team.


    Path of Fire team was the expansion team.


    But even if they had season 4 episode 1 ready, they couldn't release it until after Path of Fire was released. So I don't really factor that into it, despite it being a different team.


    And as their previous window statement was 2 to 3 months - 2 of the releases this season have been closer to 4 months than 3, and all of them with the exception of the first have been at least 3 months.


    So, if we're assuming 2 to 3 months means the max would be 3 months, with only one of them being 12 weeks (3 months) then only one has fallen within that window.


    If 2 to 3 months means, minimum of 2 months and maximum of 4 months minus 1 day, then sure, they're right on target.


    I think it's pretty obvious that the window is just 3 to 4 months now though. And with that being said, the last super adventure box lasted from March 29th to April 19th.


    So, if we don't get it mid-march, which would make it well under their typical 3 month+ release schedule, then it's reasonable to expect it closer to the end of April. Though if SAB started on March 26th and ended on April 16th this year, it seems reasonable to expect a one to two week gap between them putting the episode on the 23rd or the 30th of April. Which would be 3 months and 15 days or 3 months and 22 days if I'm not mistaken. Which would be within the typical release window for season 4. Though, it could technically be released on May 7th and be one day less than 4 months, leaving it within this "3 month and x days" window.



    Bottom line - I wouldn't expect it before April after SAB ends.



    And given that we haven't had anymore stories revealed from Requiem, it seems like that may be a monthly addition. With the last being on January 29th, perhaps Zafirah will be the one released at the end of this month, and Caithe being released at the end of March as a potential minor lead-in to the episode released in April.

  5. I think if anything we will see Aurene come back, we’ll kill Kralk in his old resting spot, and it will somehow lead to a charr war fighting over excess magic or something. Though theoretically there wouldn’t be that much excess magic because Aurene would have done her thing.



    Or who knows. Maybe Kralk is really an illusion created by Lyssa and we’re all really in a vision created by Kralk, and this is all just a fractal that’s been messed up by Ark, and Ark is really Scarlett, and we’re alp still trapped in Mordremoths mind.

  6. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > Thanks for the input. Since this is primarily for guild decorations, I think I'll just put this whole thing on the backburner until we get our guild hall up higher levels.


    I would also focus less on following a guide and more on making all the tedious stuff you will need later for the decorations you really want. If you want a potted plant you'll probably need 2093923039290230932902309 and 1 empty planters or whatever for the 15 different tiers. Because apparently you can't reuse the planters for some reason in the Tyrian universe.


    Chairs and columns have low tier things required for some of the fancier stuff as well. That way you're leveling scribing up, but you're also banking things that you will need later down the road and be glad you have in storage. The potted plants are definitely the worst though.


    And some of them are insanely expensive and practically require a magnifying glass to even see the details of. I believe it's a blue orchid or something. Crazy expensive and is about the same size as one of those baskets you buy from the basic decoration vendor.


    There's a lot of work they could put into scribing to improve the quality of life, but they obviously don't see the benefit of investing the resources in fixing any of them and we're lucky to get decorations with festivals. Lunar New Year was the backpack turned into a wall sconce?


    They did good with the beetle racing decorations though, and the Festival of the Four winds planks. Other than those I think the biggest addition we've gotten was the vendor in Kourna which was appreciated.


    So many assets that look like they could be recoded but with the current system it's probably not worth the effort of recoding those assets because of the sometimes insane amount of work that goes into creating the recipes which were always awkward anyway.


    I think moving forward it's probably more likely that we will just get vendors that sell the decorations instead of adding recipes, and it's probably a better system overall.


  7. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > If you set your camera collision to the max, you can move around outside and "clip" into the house with your camera FOV to see most of it.


    > I've never been into map breaking/void jumping so I don't know if it can be done on that map but that might also get you in.


    Void jumping doesn’t work anymore. Now if you log out out of bounds you just stay there. :(


    With mounts there’s still a pretty easy way to break out though. I found a few awesome places in Cursed Shore with some great views.


  8. > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    > I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.


    > Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.


    > I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.



    I’ve never had more fun in the game than when I was playing through heart of thorns and it what made me really fall in love with it after playing it off and on throughout the years. Will never understand the resentment some people have towards it.


    And path of fire has a lot of neat places and the story is alright, but I can’t say I’ve had as much fun as I did with heart of thorns. If I’m sitting around bored, 9 times out of 10 I’m going to just go to Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, or Dragon Stand just to have that fun interactive group experience that really makes the game feel alive.

  9. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > I believe we are having a new one sept/oct this year, as we had in 2015 and 2017


    Given that it’s taken what will be close to two years for season 4, I’d say with jumping into season 5 after this anything before 2020 is a pipe dream.


    And if season 5 was less episodes, it would seem strange starting a new season instead of just adding it to the end of the season before.


    He also mentioned that season 5 would potentially bring expansion worthy content. But that could just be PR talk for more features like suns refuge that get used once and tossed aside.



    To be honest, I think this whole seasons story would have been significantly better played as an expansion without the gaps in between. But when you put a world is ending cliffhanger on nearly every episode the gap is going to seem significantly worse anyway. I kind of liked it when living story gave us an opportunity to really jump around and tackle multiple plots interconnected on higher levels than just immediately chain chain chain chain. Kind of nice filling up the unexpected areas of the map!


    But I imagine the final episode of this season will give us a bit more of a hint about what to expect next and a clue as to whether we are getting an expansion or what it could be about.


  10. > @"Alimar.8760" said:

    > What are your favorite secret areas in the game. Places You just loved to visit, time and time again and marvel at how great it looked and how so little people would see it because it was hidden, out of the way, or locked behind a puzzle?


    > A few places of mine is:

    > 1. Disco Room in Tangled Depths

    > 2. Bamboo Garden under The Grove

    > 3. Unfinished JP in Caledon Forest (Never to be seen or accessed again.)

    > 4. Disappearing Djinn City in the sky in Desert Highlands

    > 5. The starry vault in the Desert Highlands. (Last room in the Dwarven Puzzle Dungeon)


    > What're yours?


    I forgot about the starry vault in the dwarven puzzle dungeon.


  11. > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

    > Thanks. I've never known the timeframe.


    Well the time frame has been pretty consistently inconsistent. Their window original puts it at 2 to 3 months. But we've had quite a few delays this season so it's really anyone's guess.


    Super Adventure Box begins around April 1st and will probably last a month, so if it isn't March it's probably going to be may. May would be... 4 months? What was episode 2 to 3 gap? Was it 4 or 5 months? And the same team, so given that, the fact that it's the final of the season, and the SAB, as much as I would like it to be in March I wouldn't be surprised to see it in May. Especially given they're jumping into another season instead of an expansion.


  12. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > https://www.forbes.com/sites/hnewman/2019/02/08/developers-explain-why-a-major-character-had-to-die-in-guild-wars-2/#4a412a82a1f2


    > Whilst i disagree with so much of their thought process behind how they crafted this arc, this feels like a nod towards trying to say shes gone without outright saying it and that its the effects of her death not her resurrection which is next to come.


    > Could be a misinterpretation, but im now going with her staying dead


    It’s pretty ambiguous even after the interview. I can see how you would reach that conclusion but if they did go that direction I would hate to think of what they have planned to fix this otherwise.


    Because at this point it’s either misdirection or it will wind up in a total ass pull.



  13. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > That interview for me is simply saying: she's dead. peeps like to think she's alive but she's not. But maybe something interesting with Caithe, it's confirmed to be branding so corruption.


    The interview didn’t confirm anything. And we know it was branding that aurene did to Caithe. But it wasn’t corruption as said in the story itself because Caithe accepted it willingly.


  14. Well they apparently originally planned to kill Caithe off with Aurene but decided it would lessen the impact of Aurene. So that to me tells me that, “ I know my purpose and I’m humbled” isn’t really foreshadowing anything long term. But that could have been added in later on to make way for something else. If it isn’t foreshadowing anything then I think that scene was just to show what Aurene was capable of and ease the team that was acting up about her branding stuff a second before.



    I don’t feel like she pulled a Mordremoth vs Traeherne and implanted herself in Caithe or something.



    But who knows. Only way we’ll ever have a definitive answer to any of this is when the next patch comes out

  15. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > a) never saw the 'confirmation', is there any link?

    > > b) not-a-mordrem doesn't mean anything. The sylvari form could just be kind of a larval state. A waiting state until M. is ready.

    > > c) Pale Tree dream, Malyck kitten is the dream? hm, big difference, no?


    > 1) I'd have to dig a lot through reddit, unfortunately. But iirc, it was Bobby Stein who confirmed it.

    > 2) Except that sylvari don't come out of Blighting Trees, Mordrem do. In addition, Mordrem Guard are never corrupted, technically; we have confirmation as of Festival of the Four Winds that the Mordrem Guard can - and some have - reverted to their original looks and personality (albeit changed from the experience of succumbing to Mordremoth).

    > 3) Not sure what you're saying, but Malyck has no connection to the Dream of Dreams, yet otherwise functions like other sylvari (just different moral code really - which is pure nurture not nature).


    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > Well without Aurene we can’t kill Kralk or Tyria will explode. If he stays alive reality is destroyed.

    > >

    > >

    > > But this whole thing has gotten out of hand because if reality is destroyed won’t the elder dragons go with it? Won’t they eventually starve or at the very least fight each other for magic? I don’t know. The story has just gotten out of control.


    > My understanding, given Kralkatorrik's wants as shown in Edge of Destiny, would be that he'd just end up consuming until all that's left is himself he'd create a world in his image.


    So ultimately, it’s in everyone’s favor to kill Kralk then. Even the other dragons? But we can’t let them access the capabilities that he has anyway. Seems odd the stakes are so high and we only have a few parties interested in the fight against him. Jenna couldn’t at least spare a few watchknights or something?



  16. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"vier.1327" said:


    > > Lately, i have been reading about the theory of Yoko´s powers. Aurene ate Yoko so Aurene is inmortal. I have to admit this was the first though >i had, but then i realize, imo, how lame it is. Because, if this is true, Aurene is inmortal and all the dangerous in the future story is lost for this >character.


    > That is nothing more than conjecture. Its nothing but speculation that Aurene killing Joko will make her immortal, or allow her revival.

    > Aurene was a key in defeating Joko, but that was to wrap up Joko’s story. He was immortal because he could drain magic and convert it to life force. Aurene was necessary to unbind that magic. If they pull a revival stunt on Aurene, it would be considered poor, if not downright terrible storyboard writing.


    > > We know that Glint is a dragon, a death dragon, and she is in the mist. So, we can conclude that when this kind of dragon dies, they go to the >Mist. So, Aurene, rigth now, is inside the Mist.


    > I think you mean _dead_ dragon? Zhaitan was the death dragon. But it’s only Glint we know of.

    > There was no mention of the dead elder dragons, Vlast, etc. so we have one point from which we cannot extrapolate information.


    You know what would be worse than reviving Aurene? Sitting on the current plot of the world is ending and reality is being undone by a dragon we can't kill because he will destroy Tyria and a dragon we can't leave alive because... he's tearing apart the fabric of reality. Then, while we sit with this for another season, we find some random solution out of nowhere that we've spent a few episodes discovering despite years developing Aurene's story and the fact that all evidence thus far points to her being our only solution. Even if there were another solution, finding it all of a sudden after exhausting everything else would be far more terrible and cheap.


    The only less insufferable alternative would be to somehow leave Aurene dead and use the Pale Tree as another solution with her ascending. But honestly, that would be just as bad as the former because we've known the Pale Tree being of Mordremoth since... a little before Heart of Thorns?


    I mean, whatever way you cut it, when you start exponentially increasing the odds the way they have, any solution is going to seem "terrible and cheap." But weighing whether you want them to create a brand new solution out of thin air, or pay tribute to the story they've been working on for years. So, I mean, you have two options: 1. "Terrible and cheap" revival of Aurene that gives her character and a very long running story arc a good and decisive ending, or 2. "Terrible and cheap" leaving Aurene dead for shock value and as a catalyst to move the story towards whatever solution they pull out of thin air to get us moving forward.


    As to your comment about her being immortal making all future dangers trivial, if she is immortal she becomes the perfect unkillable magic sponge that we need in an Elder Dragon. You also have to consider that upon taking up the mantle, for all we know, she could go straight into hibernation as elder dragons do. Thus, she wouldn't have any involvement with "future dangerous" because she would be asleep. She would also more than likely, if not asleep, be too busy fixing the brand and damage that Kralk has done to help us with Joko/Balthazar/Lazarus/Cadeacus 2.0. To be honest, the only real threat I can see her having any necessary involvement in story-wise, would be another elder dragon threat. But, having traveled with us, she knows that we cannot simply kill another Elder Dragon, so while she could potentially enforce our armies with her own branded reinforcements, but she wouldn't be able to just swoop down and take out the Elder Dragon and save the day.


    I mean, I get that people want to keep spouting out this idea that reviving Aurene is cheap, but it doesn't seem like anyone is actually thinking it through or considering the alternatives. We've gone from killing two elder dragons, to putting two to sleep in the same episode with the help of a machine and a God. Killed said God, and now we're attempting to fight another dragon with the strength of two of those plus the god, and now Tyria is doomed or Reality & Tyria is doomed. The story needs to be reeled in somehow, to be frank. And I would find it a lot more enjoyable and it would make a lot more sense to have it end the way it was designed to, with Aurene replacing Kralk.


    As far as the mists goes, it's honestly another "terrible and cheap" plot decision for me if they have her be able to fulfill that role solely from the mists. Because why would her being in the mists be necessary? And how would, if her corpse released its magic, she suddenly have all of the same magic and potential she had when she's alive carry over into the mists? And if that were the case, why would Glint not have been able to achieve this all along instead of priming Aurene?


    It's going to be a messy resolution either way, but it's far less messier having Aurene revive - especially via the magic of a being that had to have his body be ripped apart and eaten by a being that eats magic in order to actually permanently die. Kralk didn't do what Aurene did to Joko and eat her or rip her body apart, or chomp down on all that magic. He just left her there. It's also logical to assume that Kralk wouldn't know Aurene ate Joko or that her revival could be possible as Joko wouldn't have been on his radar. He may have left partially because he was wounded but also left thinking that he took out his only threat.


    It's just the lesser of two evils at this point, and can make far more sense than whatever else I see happening.


    There's just no other way that does the same justice to the story and where we've been, while giving a conclusive ending that makes the most sense. And I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready to be done with Kralk and these end of reality circumstances.


  17. Well without Aurene we can’t kill Kralk or Tyria will explode. If he stays alive reality is destroyed.



    But this whole thing has gotten out of hand because if reality is destroyed won’t the elder dragons go with it? Won’t they eventually starve or at the very least fight each other for magic? I don’t know. The story has just gotten out of control.

  18. @"Konig Des Todes.2086"



    Maybe Largos could be to Abaddon what Harpies could be to Dwayna? In that originally they may have been the same species but have been warped over time. Harpies remaining in the domain of air and Largos remaining in the depths?



    We do see some blue-skinned harpies in POF if I'm not mistaken. Which is interesting because I don't think there were any before. They all looked brown/greyish in vanilla didn't they?






  19. I got lucky with a few of the things I posted in here like the Mistlock Sanctuary and the Exalted gloves. (And just noticed the horns too! Ty!) But I'm going to repost a few and add some. A little upset that I've tried for the shoulders with keys twice now and didn't get them though. Makes it hard to complete a set but there's always statuette saving I guess.


    Now that we can preview novelties in the gemstore, is this opening up the possibility of combat tonics making it into the gemstore?


    If so:

    Combat Tonics:

    1. Largos

    2. Margonite

    3. Joko

    4. Awakened Canid

    5. Mursaat

    6. Jotun

    7. Krait

    8. Forgotten

    9. Dwarf

    10. Djinn

    11. Anomaly

    12. Monkey King combat version



    1. Melandru outfit

    2. Kormir outfit

    3. Abaddon outfit/armor set - feels like this is what the hellfire gear was originally designed to be.

    4. Double winged backpack and glider set - https://www.engadget.com/2013/09/18/smite-unveils-thanatos-hand-of-death/ Like this guy has in his model for example (or the existing Zerphyrite glider given a matching backpack at least.)

    5. Utopia concept art being made into armor/outfits - Chronomancer & Azetec themes

    6. Some of the awakened models have really elegant Egyptian looking armor that would be cool as armor sets. Especially the ones with the large headgear.

    7. A hood that you can mix and match with other armor similar to Phantom's hood but more like Reaper's mask - would love on my guardian for a Tyraeal theme.


    Non-tonic novelties:

    1. Crystal throne

    2. Fish tank that you sit in with your swim suit and aquabreather. (just for laughs)

    3. A large stone throne set on a platform like this: https://blenderartists.org/t/stone-throne/699684 But with a big tree behind it with the canopy giving it shade.

    4. A movement toy that is a carriage/curtained throne being carried by four Skritt. Could be bundled with a chair item of the same model and the skritt sitting beside it.

    5. Beach umbrella and beach chair for summer - maybe a boombox with it that plays something fun. Or the lab cliffs theme.



    Mount skins:


    1. Panther/Tiger jackal skin.

    2. Mordrem themed mounts

    3. Golemn springer skin - jetpack to boost up.

    4. Charr car for roller beetle.

    5. Awakened abomination - in place of... a raptor maybe?

    6. Celestial themed mounts - not star themed but see through with constellations forming them

    7. Chinese dragon themed griffon - hovers above ground with wings hidden? (would probably be hard to match up to current animations though)

    8. Any dragon themed griffon skin

    9. Unicorn/Pegasus griffon skin

    10. Unicorn themed jackal for that matter

    11. Fernhound jackal

    12. Windrider skimmer?

    13. Qilin themed mount - https://www.hexapolis.com/2014/09/24/12-strangest-hybrid-creatures-from-mythology/ Kirin in guild wars 1. Nian.

    14. Manticore - but probably too similar to lion griffon skin.

    15. Elk themed jackal skin - somewhat similar to warbeast jackal in terms of silhouette.

    16. Giant quaggan roller beetle skin? Probably not possible with the way the character sits on the saddle and stays in the same position. Quaggan holding a balloon and player sitting on the balloon instead of saddle? idk.

    17. Skale and skelk

    18. Mantid and trihorns


    I wish I could think of more for skimmer, but it's really difficult thinking of something that could fit that model. Outside of some Asura themed spacecraft.




    - don't really see these anymore. Guessing because Mistlok has kind of trumped them all.. but:

    1. A pre-cataclysm Orrian bazaar would be neat. Also be set in a time-rift or fractal or something and function similarly to Mistlock Sanctuary in terms of access to fractals and core map? As a less favorable alternative - just a cleansed version of Arah we haven't seen. Similar to Siren's Landing... maybe near the uncovered area near the Artesian waters? Feel like that area would make an awesome guild hall though.



    All I can think of for now. If I list enough stuff eventually the odds will be greater that I see more of them, right? =p




  20. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > So minor spoilers from the new episode.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    Kralkatorrik also has the gift of seeing the future, much like Glint and Aurene. Would this be Kralkatorrik’s other sphere of influence?


    > > > >

    > > > > depends on what crystal magic actually entails. (is it a particular type of crystal or is it broader. and if the second, just how broad is it)

    > > >

    > > > Well it could be prophecy(which could be an extension of crystal) and then you also have the fact that the Zephyrites use the powers that they recovered from Glint, including air, storm and sun. So where does fit in this whole scheme, I don’t know. I do hope the devs reveal what’s Kralkatorrik’s second sphere of influence is.

    > >

    > > Its been so long, so I don't remember who it was, but someone suggested crystal contains prophecy because of the trope of crystal balls.

    > >

    > >


    > More than just the trope, vision crystals have been a thing from the start too.


    I think it was also suggested in another thread that water could have similar capability. Which leads me to believe that maybe reflection/prophecy is something that Kralk and DSD could have in common down the road.


    On my earlier statement, upon looking at that diagram of the All again.


    It sort of lines up.


    With the diagonal lines drawn between Primordus and Kralk, perhaps on Zhaitan's side the line that runs through the medium circle could be death as we've seen death touched kralk minions and death touched primordus minions. On mordremoth's side it gets a little fuzzier though, because that would imply that the corresponding circle on Mordy's side would be either mind or vine. I believe we've seen vine-touched Jormag minions, which leads me to believe that following the same pattern, the Mordy-medium circle that Zhaitan and Primordus share would be mind. Which doesn't add up because we've seen vine-touched destroyers.


    I don't know. I digress.


    Next patch we could have some being from the mists come and tell us something completely different about the All and change everything. Or some random asura could pop out and use Omadd's Machine 2.0 to just rearrange it however they see fit while simultaneously putting all the remaining dragons to sleep. Or we could just have Caithe become some super Saiyan tree goddess and replace all the dragons at this point. As much as you try to predict and make sense out of everything, in the end the writers will do what they're going to do. Can't really apply logic to any of this in the end anyway.


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