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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. going by the names without knowing what they actually have or don’t have


    Warrior- hammer / axe / shield

    Guardian - shield

    Mesmer - focus

    Thief - dagger

    Revenant - staff / scepter

    Necromancer- scepter / dagger

    Ranger - bow

    Elementalist - scepter

    Engineer - hammer


    Weapons I would like to see and short spec overview


    Warrior - spear plays similar to rev staff


    Guardian - dual shields but not support oriented outside of tanking


    Mesmer - some kind of bard class similar to aion with pretty spell effects that create creature illusions. (Could work with a cantha expansion and be celestial inspired summons)


    Thief - pistol/torch arsenist burn condi spec


    Revenant - greatsword - similar to guardian and holo with a power/fire condi hybrid potential but standalone with either fine.


    Necromancer - wanted scourge to summon skeletons but would also love a dual sword spec with stealth potential and lifesteal. Power spec only. Vampire themed


    Ranger - Shapeshifter. Become your pet, not just merge with them for passive bonuses and 3 abilities. Weapon - scepter or hammer.


    Elementalist - shield - Avatar - take on a djinn like form of your attuned element. Keeps current ele versatility but can be built to significantly favor tanking/healing/dps depending on traits and gear.


    Engineer - dual shields possibly? But main use would be an attunement type f abilities that are replaced with golems types. Could be race based. Steam creatures for sylvari/ golemns asura / charr machinery / norn and humans would be a little more difficult.




  2. > @Lunateric.3708 said:

    > > @cptaylor.2670 said:

    > > I prefer power builds but holosmith and spell breaker are about the only ones I can tolerate right now. Wel, and soulbeast. Ele sword had me really excited but it’s still pretty lackluster even after the latest changes.


    > If it makes you feel any better rifle is still the BiS weapon for power Holo even after sword buffs :/


    Really? I feel like it’s a big improvement. I haven’t really tried rifle that much though so maybe I should give it a shot. The block and spell reflect from shield is just too nice to give up!

  3. I would prefer a new map, but they could also just be hinting at some kind of new map meta similar to bitterfrost where the wyvern at the end of the trailer has to be defeated to clear the branded storm or something. I have a feeling it’s just the first story instance before we set off to follow kralk south and find aurine. The episode ended with most of the guild reunited but Braham is still missing but he might just show up like Marjory did given he would have heard news about the commanders death and undeath?

  4. > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > I run a I7-6700K, so it's a perfectly fine CPU for this game and is NOT a budget system. I run the game at steady ~60fps (with the limiter on, so it doesn't go higher) on most cases, it only drops to 40-50fps in huge blob fights (SM with 3 blobs, some world bosses etc)

    > > During Serpent's Ire I have 4-6FPS. This is totally unacceptable and unplayable. Especially when the Hydra boss is using the breath weapon attack that covers the entire screen, fps seems to drop even further to 1 or 2.

    > > For Serpent's Ire specifically the problem is the reflecting surface on the ground, which forces the game to render every player twice, it's like having double the amount of players at once, and when I did Serpent's Ire we had nearly 2 FULL SQUADS, that's 100 players, x2 for the reflections = 200 players that need to be rendered at once.

    > >

    > > Now that bright mind that decided to have a fight with 100+ players on top of a reflecting surface needs to re-read how graphics rendering works.


    > omg thank you for pointing out reflections. I am wondering now if just turning that off can get me though serpents ire without thinking my computer is dying.


    > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > I run a I7-6700K, so it's a perfectly fine CPU for this game and is NOT a budget system. I run the game at steady ~60fps (with the limiter on, so it doesn't go higher) on most cases, it only drops to 40-50fps in huge blob fights (SM with 3 blobs, some world bosses etc)

    > > During Serpent's Ire I have 4-6FPS. This is totally unacceptable and unplayable. Especially when the Hydra boss is using the breath weapon attack that covers the entire screen, fps seems to drop even further to 1 or 2.

    > > For Serpent's Ire specifically the problem is the reflecting surface on the ground, which forces the game to render every player twice, it's like having double the amount of players at once, and when I did Serpent's Ire we had nearly 2 FULL SQUADS, that's 100 players, x2 for the reflections = 200 players that need to be rendered at once.

    > >

    > > Now that bright mind that decided to have a fight with 100+ players on top of a reflecting surface needs to re-read how graphics rendering works.


    > omg thank you for pointing out reflections. I am wondering now if just turning that off can get me though serpents ire without thinking my computer is dying.


    Whoops. No, it won’t matter most likely. I set mine to the absolute lowest possible and only got up to like 7 frames most times. With the same settings in a three versus Zerg war in the middle of stonemist castle on those setttings I would get at least 25 or 30. It’s just something insane about that area. The reflections, the lightning, something. I stopped doing the event after the funerary completion because I don’t even want to test it out.

  5. Halloween, Wintersday, and New Years decorations should be purchasable all year. The trading post is overflowing with candy corn and snowflakes, and some people are at max magic find with nothing to spend lick on. Having these decorations purchasable all year not only alleviates these issues but also puts less pressure on scribes to sacrifice their enjoyment during the festivals to striving to meet whatever quota they’ve set to make the decorations they want.

  6. They need to expand it anyway. If they’re not going to make any of the twenty buried buildings accessible or add another underground level to it at least expand the borders of the hall to include more of the visible outer area like the canyon with the river and the upper level that you just abruptly hit the invisible wall at.

  7. All decorations are too expensive and most of the plant decorations are a complete pain to make due to requiring ceramic planters over and over again. It would be nice if they would take a pass at the scribing system in general but I gave up hope that they have any intention of making adjustments to it or any of the other guild systems. At some point they decided nothing related to guilds was worth the resources.


    And as to the people that claim scribing is meant to be a guild endeavor, it really isn’t and never will be. It’s a nice interest among select individuals and it’s people like us that have to carry the burden and front the expenses. But that’s in part due to the fact that there hasn’t been any incentive created to actually spend that much time in the guild hall, with no indication that there will ever be any development into any of these systems.


    Personally, with the last patch ending on the note of reforming dragons watch, it would be great to get some guild oriented updates in the next living season update, but I expect that’s a pipe dream.

  8. Also disappointed! Hopefully for wintersday we can get some string lights or something. I like the new path of fire signal light decoration would it would be nice to have a similar decoration for winters day where the lights just stay on and flash or something.


    I'm also really disappointed that we didn't get any new flora with path of fire. Would love to have a larger variety of non potted plants and trees. They have plenty of assets they could toss in and having some of the trees at least from the new maps and desert borderlands would be a great thing for a guild hall like windswept haven that's already kind of barren and lackluster with LOTS of unused space and random rubble.

  9. > @"Chicken Fro.6953" said:

    > ^ On top of that, I don't see why this adds anything to the game. Please, just tell a good story. I'm trying to escape the hyper-sexualized world, not come here for more of it.


    And as my final post in here for the night. Majory and Kasmeer's relationship does nothing for the story. It's especially odd given that it's the only recent romantic relationship I can recall having direct attention drawn to it in the personal story. But a dev or writer somewhere wanted it in, so it's in. I'm not saying that's bad, but I find it humorous that some people seem upset that part of the community wants a male couple relationship with a little spotlight but don't seem to have an issue with the fact that Marjory and Kas's relationship is seemingly only relevant because a writer or dev wanted it to be relevant. (For probably similar reasons certain people want a gay couple represented.)


    Anyway, it's refreshing to see any representation as abundantly as we see throughout the Guild Wars franchise.


  10. > @Coulter.2315 said:

    > This heart just seems weighted randomly generated pairings, though I haven't repeated it enough to know if certain characters have permanent preferences. I have had gay, straight and lesbian couples.


    > There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.


    Lesbians are more widely represented because we still live in a male-oriented heterocentric society in which it's more acceptable to see two women, who men might find attractive or simply excuse simply because they're "just emotional women," than two men who in general just aren't supposed to show emotion.



  11. > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > Aren't like a third of the sylvari male-gay?

    > But why do you want gay couples so badly?

    > Would it affect your gameplay. Can't you RP as a gay player instead? I fail to see how sexual orientation is relevant in a game where mighty warriors duke with dragons and liches


    Well, to your last point, having a gay character that happens to be a "mighty warrior" in a sense helps redefine stereotypes.


    I guess it's rather hard to explain if your sexual orientation doesn't make you a minority, but it is nice to have some relational material in media that you enjoy. If you've ever felt alone, or different than a majority of the people around you, having material that seems inclusive to that aspect of your life in a video game, film, or show, can have an oddly alleviating effect on those feelings.


    As to my initial point, it's another reason why the lgbt community is sometimes seemingly "too invested" in celebrities, sports figures, politics, or military. It's reassuring to see that these people are willing to risk their careers, not to push some agenda, but to bush the boundaries of understanding of orientation and create more widespread acceptance.


    It's arbitrary even attempting to make this point because those who do not understand and insist that it's unnecessary most likely never will understand or simply refuse to try.




  12. At least turn in bury some of the giant buildings in the back, and expand the borders to include the area right of the entry waypoint, and if you're feeling really ambitious add in a big grotto cave type area somewhere!


    I was so frustrated last night decorating with the cliff area right of the waypoint near the waterfall last night because I just kept unexpectedly hitting invisible wall where it didn't look like there should be a wall.

  13. If arenanet decided to devote actual resources to one giant guild focused update, what kind of things would you like to see in it?


    My top choices would be:

    1. A scribing profession revision and potential simplification with more affordable recipes.

    2. Possible revision to actual activities you can do in your guild hall i.e. Training golemns, treasure chests and more player customizable options for creating activities within the hall itself.

    3. A little bit more detail/less rubble/more depth to Windswept Haven.

    4. More varied guild missions and additions to current types of missions i.e. Fractal guild missions, bounties, and races. And possibly jumping puzzles.

    5. More customizable decorating options such as being able to rotate decorations on different axes.



    I know it's been stated that they have no team designated to guilds and this being the first mmo I've played in which I've actually gotten truly invested in the idea of being in a guild, it's unfortunate that the content specifically taking advantage of guilds has been stagnant for so long with no change in the foreseeable future. I have a suspicion that guild content was originally going to have more focus with the addition of guild halls but due to the seeming lack of initial interest in guild halls with their release the idea of devoting resources to this aspect of the game seemed like a risky and fruitless endeavor. However, from my standpoint that lack of interest stemmed from their being an actual point to guild halls or a lack of activities such as weekly summonable bosses or potentially spawning invasions in which the guild must defend (just as quick examples), AS WELL as the complexity and cost of ny only upgrading the guild halls but decorating them and scribing as well people just quickly lost interest unless it specifically appeals to them or they took the time to really dive in. It's more of a niche interest for the community because there isn't any variety in the gameplay to attract multiple types of players.



    Anyway, rambling. Just curious about people's opinions and possible wishes if Arenanet decided to have a guild specific update at some point.

  14. Others are having the same issue and yet everyone in general discussion wants to shout that it's my fault. Glad to see it isn't just me.


    I'll try deleting my gw2 cache later and seeing if that resolves some of the issue.


    So frustrating because the story is actually pretty fun but the constant disconnect errors and loss of progress keep me from even wanting to attempt them.

  15. > @FogLeg.9354 said:

    > > @cptaylor.2670 said:

    > > And before anyone mentions that it may be something on my end, I've never had this happen with any other story instance until this expansion. Also, I even attempted to turn my settings to the absolute lowest the first time around and it made no difference. I know it isn't on my end.


    > Graphics settings have no impact on your connection.


    > Players do these story instances hundreds of times every day without problems. If it would be completely broken for everyone, nobody would be able to continue and forum would be filled with complaints. It could be something with your ISP or anywhere in the connection between your PC and Anet server, none of which can be solved by Anet.


    Then why do I only have this problem with story instances and only in this expansion?


    I know I'm not the only one because at least 3 other people were having the same issue. And how exactly would I fix the problem if it were my isp? And how would I know?


    Why would I not have this issue in other parts of the game if it were something on my end?


  16. Second time doing the story and STILL getting connection losses during story instances. Happened in Glint's lair and now, as usual because it seems to happen at least 20 times with The Departing. Twice now already and I'm not even sure I want to attempt to do this again. Last time it took me at least 15 times until I was able to complete it. It's disconnecting after the Balth fight this time, first time loading the cinematic, and second time trying to load the afterlife instance. Last time I had to do the soul eater pre-nerf 5 times and it would disconnect when speaking to Joko.


    What is it with these story instances that is creating such a problem?


    And before anyone mentions that it may be something on my end, I've never had this happen with any other story instance until this expansion. Also, I even attempted to turn my settings to the absolute lowest the first time around and it made no difference. I know it isn't on my end.


    So I'm not sure what the deal is, but how do you expect people to complete these story achievements if they have to run the same long instance 10 times at lightning speed for fear of disconnecting and losing all progress. At least add some more checkpoints during some of these instances, because The Departing is by far the worst one to get disconnected during.


    I honestly thought this would have been resolved by now.


  17. Gonna get a way to obtain grevious insignia or whatever it's called?


    I was most excited about this particular stat combo but it seems like it's just never going to be implemented or obtainable outside of legendary/stat selectable ascended gear/funerary armor.


    And not a word has been specifically said about it. Only that "some ascended" recipes are temporarily unobtainable. But that doesn't really clarify whether the exotic insignia is actually currently discoverable or unobtainable.



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