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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. That would be a nice change. If I have to use it it would be nice to benefit other people as well. Would also be nice to have some kind of way of combining the 250+ ones I have into a permanent one in the mystic forge or something. Or have an item that builds up charges freeing bank space. I know it isn’t likely that many will have countless bank spaces of full stacks of summons or merchants but from a long term perspective getting them from fractals and dailies saving them up to combine them into a permanent one would be a nice change from just shelving them for what if I need this later situations.

  2. I spend all my statuettes on the golden key. First golden key I ever used gave me a permanent merchant that I sold to buy my cosmic infusion so I’d definitely suggest saving the statuettes for big ticket items you can get through other means. Second golden key I got just gave me a skin but it’s still a nice change to the chests and feels worth it. I would however suggest adding mount adoption licenses as random drops at some point, even if super rare items. I think most of the people truly interested in the mounts have already obtained them by now and most people have griffons so they likely don’t even use the other mounts much anymore.

  3. I'd love a new map. Something tropical with jungle and swamp areas. Would love darker nights as well. Plus if you add something tropical you could have the potential for water siege vehicles.


    (I get people don't want a lot of underwater combat, but the water separating the islands or whatever could be shallow and then the outer area of ocean surrounding the map could be deep water with the keeps and towers adjacent being at risk of siege by the outside water area.)


    Just a thought.


    Even without the siege idea having an aesthetically different map would be nice. Desert Borderlands is beautiful and a nice change from ebg and two identical snow maps but it's still kind of a pain to navigate and thus more deserted than the others. I like vertical maps, but it might be a bit too much for a wvw setting.


  4. As stated probably hundreds of times before, along with more flora/tree types of decorations, we desperately need architectural ones for certain projects.




    Wood/stone/tile flooring that's similar to super adventure box platforms and snow mounds that can be used for flooring or ceiling.


    It's a pretty simplistic decoration, but having something like a snow mound made of wood or stone would open up a lot of design possibilities i.e. building a house structure or attempting to replicate the solid ocean fractal with mixtures of solid ocean decorations and wooden planks.


    Also, racial. I keep hoping for some asura style decorations with the nest living story update but I'm not holding my breath.


    Really wish we could get a more steady flow of decorations and more varied outside of just festivals. I get that it and guilds content in general is pretty much a deserted aspect of this game now, but surely there's somebody in the festival team or someone in one of the development teams with as much of a passion for guild halls and decorating as I and the stalwart few that have invested a lot of time and money into a now mostly abandoned profession. :'(


  5. Anything guild related is pretty much dead. So there’s probably another 5. Including missions update and guild hall renovations or additions outside of the 5 non-festival overpriced decorations we get an expansion.


    Buy in bulk for festival decorations.


    Anything dungeon related.


    Those are my biggest concerns along with the general junk you get from festivals that fill up your bags and aren’t worth anything and sometimes can’t even be vendored.


    Guild related stuff is my biggest gripe, missions which will never change and always be the same thing every week with no new kinds of missions.


    Guild halls being practically pointless with no real reason for people to come in and appreciate the insane amount of time and gold I’ve spent decorating them, along with said decorations being limited with a clunky placement tool and most too expensive and complicated to craft anyway.


    And then dungeons or even fractal style dungeons would always be nice. Something that isn’t raid difficulty but has a connection to the lore or environment with lots of explorable areas and at least somewhat challenging bosses that aren’t just 527 mechanics happening at the same time and every one can two shot you.



    Guild stuff though for sure. Needs some major love.

  6. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > I can't say much for predictions outsides of what's sort of been leaked, like the map of Dakjeh? Isles north of Istan or the areas with map touch-ups like Gandarra and some of the places in the blood legion homelands, but I can at least speak for the maps that I've liked so far and why.

    > >

    > > I loved the hot spring and forest area of Bitterfrost so I would love to see some of those assets in some of the newer map. (Not big on snowy maps though.)

    > >

    > > Loved the hidden areas of Lake Doric with the old stone architecture and really love the assets in the Bastion rad wing so I'd love to see some more of those somewhere.

    > >

    > > Draconis Mons had lots of amazing flora that I'd love to even be able to craft as guild decorations and the intricacy of the verticality was really interesting.

    > >

    > > Istan is absolutely stunning though and I look forward to the rest of the maps if it's as detailed as this one. It has so many different areas and it's a reward in itself just exploring.

    > >

    > > I'm hoping whatever maps we get they're as varied as Istan. I wasn't a huge fan of Lake Doric because although it made sense, it was kind of bland with little houses here and there and grass and trees.

    > >

    > > Always a sucker for overgrown ruins though, especially if there's lots of interactable lore collection things to read and learn about the history of the place.

    > >




    > I agree with the places you mentioned, very beautiful. Not sure if I can mention here ( I think so ), but there was a leak a while back.





    > Episode 2 is called Dajkah Isles and is the asuran cube and islands in the Dajkah area, main focus is what Joko did to the inquest and how hes using the knowledge. Episode 3 is Gandara and more about Kralkatorrik. These 2 episodes will be introducing (most likely) the next raid wing and fractal, and legendary warhorn and longbow. I def belive Dajkah because there was a picture, and I THINK the other stuff is from the same person, the point is I believe it. A common belief seems to be xpac 3 is Blood Legion Homelands, with someone telling me specifically it is. I also think this is true.




    Yeah. I saw that leak. Not sure about xpac 3 though. Don’t know what they could do there that would be on par with chasing a rogue god to a desert or fighting an elder dragon. Guess time will tell.


  7. I can't say much for predictions outsides of what's sort of been leaked, like the map of Dakjeh? Isles north of Istan or the areas with map touch-ups like Gandarra and some of the places in the blood legion homelands, but I can at least speak for the maps that I've liked so far and why.


    I loved the hot spring and forest area of Bitterfrost so I would love to see some of those assets in some of the newer map. (Not big on snowy maps though.)


    Loved the hidden areas of Lake Doric with the old stone architecture and really love the assets in the Bastion rad wing so I'd love to see some more of those somewhere.


    Draconis Mons had lots of amazing flora that I'd love to even be able to craft as guild decorations and the intricacy of the verticality was really interesting.


    Istan is absolutely stunning though and I look forward to the rest of the maps if it's as detailed as this one. It has so many different areas and it's a reward in itself just exploring.


    I'm hoping whatever maps we get they're as varied as Istan. I wasn't a huge fan of Lake Doric because although it made sense, it was kind of bland with little houses here and there and grass and trees.


    Always a sucker for overgrown ruins though, especially if there's lots of interactable lore collection things to read and learn about the history of the place.


  8. > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > Ele needs built in condi cleanse without traiting for it and more base health. If you take the water line for condi cleanse you lose pretty much all burst and are then relying solely on outliving your opponent through cooldowns and condition ticks from bleeds and burns.

    > >

    > > I don’t understand why more of the water abilities don’t come with a natural condition cleanse. Or fire for that matter.

    > >

    > > Sword weaver is really fun to play but is at a natural disadvantage and requires far more effort than any other class. Some spell reflect would be nice too for those stupid rangers that sit back and pelt you from their broken 2000 yard auto attack range.


    > That isnt likely to happen. Because it would mean changing WAY too many traits with Diamond Skin, Stop drop roll, Cleansing Wave, Cleansing Water, Woven Stride would all need to be changed. The reason it kinda works at the moment is because we have access to condi removal every few seconds. I'd take that and needing Water over having it on skills and them skills having big cool downs. Lets not forget skills like Ether Renewal arent taken even though they remove conditions because it SUCKS! and other skills like Cleansing Fire isnt taken because its a TERRIBLE condi removal skill and used more fort he burning than anything else.


    > I would disagree with that you lose all burst, that would depend on your build, gear and stats. You can still run Zerk gear and such and still have damage. Air and Fire AREN'T needed to deal damage. Yes they add more damage but they arent needed to have damage. Your stats, gear, weapons and skills are more important than traits when it comes to damage. You could take Fire and Air but have the WORST stats and you would be worse off.


    > As for Ranger, Sword/Dagger kinda has a good time against rangers. Well i do. is it tough? Yes. Thats why i play it! If i wanted easy mode, there are many other classes and builds for that. I like the challenge. The only thing i dont like is fighting Condi Mesmer because well, everyone knows why... and Warrior because they have our levels of sustain without needing to put any effort or stats into it while having Zerk levels of damage and bunker levels of defense. Other than that, i am doing rather well in WvW roaming. Enjoying it so much, i am in the process of making another WvW roaming video, cant remember when i enjoyed it last to actually make one lol


    I’ve been trying to run a full zerker with water line build but I just don’t put out that much damage. It’s good for survivability and condi cleanse but how do you burst with it? I feel like I’m spending most of my time trying to maintain barrier and heals and less actually staying in a damaging attunement. Even churning earth doesn’t seem to hit for that much if water is taken and that’s if you manage to land it. Sword air skills need the full auto attack chain and full air dual attack to really make that much of a difference and the floating elite takes too long to set up. I’m sure some amazingly skilled people can pull off great things with it and figure out a rotation for burst but no matter how much I practice I haven’t found a good combination yet. Not to mention a lot of my cc’s are ruined by stab.


    It still needs buffs either way. Sword at least. Damage and survivsbility perhaps in pvp and wvw only. It takes significantly more work to get the same results as a scourge spamming 5 buttons or a holo popping into photon and pressing 5 and 3. Or a ranger pressing longbow 2. At least give a significant buff to base health.


    Also, does anyone run aquatic stance or does everyone just use signet.


    Everything about the sword play style requires you to be in melee but it just doesn’t synergize well with the fundamental flaws of the profession, like the poor vitality and slow sword attacks. Fire sword 2 feels like I’m winding up for the worlds slowest pitch and sword air feels like I’m hitting with a foam sword.

  9. Ele needs built in condi cleanse without traiting for it and more base health. If you take the water line for condi cleanse you lose pretty much all burst and are then relying solely on outliving your opponent through cooldowns and condition ticks from bleeds and burns.


    I don’t understand why more of the water abilities don’t come with a natural condition cleanse. Or fire for that matter.


    Sword weaver is really fun to play but is at a natural disadvantage and requires far more effort than any other class. Some spell reflect would be nice too for those stupid rangers that sit back and pelt you from their broken 2000 yard auto attack range.

  10. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > We lack more interactive stuff.

    > Stuff that actually not just looks good but allows us to do stuff like, rewards for a jumping puzzle.

    > Crafting stations for other stuff not just scribe, a home instance portal, or better, the option for players to "share" their home instance stuff in the guild hall...

    > There's a whole slew of decorations they could add.



    A LOT of decorations they could add. :'(


    I think one day I'm just going to make a forum post compiling all the various already existing assets I'd love to have as a decoration and hope it gets some attention.


    Specifically trees and architectural assets.


    Would also love to have some asuran style architectural things and decorations. (And would love a functioning teleport pad/portal but that might be technically challenging.)

  11. I’d rather have more functioning dynamic light. When I go to make a cave out of stuff it ignores the shadows and doesn’t make it dark enough.


    But I’ve also been practically begging for more non-potted tree variations for like a year now and they’ve yet to add anything other than more complicated expensive decorations. At least the winters day ones weren’t too bad aside from the fog machine.


    I know they don’t have a guild team anymore but it would be nice if guild halls would get some patch love at some point and a ton more decorations of all kinds.

  12. > @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

    > Vanilla WoW? Where T3 Warlocks did nothing but DoT you and run away? I find conditions are way easier to deal with in this game than debuffs in WoW.


    I never played during vanilla but always found shadow priests to be a little deadlier. Warlocks were a lot different last time I played though and had a lot more involved with haunt and whatever else. Pvp in this game despite the imbalance and gimicy specs is still leagues better than WoW though.

  13. > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > The biggest problem I have with invuln is on warriors and specifically spell breakers. Not only do they have a passive traited invuln but an active as well. Then full counter which blocks an attack and then does insane damage and transfers conditions. If all that fails they can chain cc you if you manage to outlive their heavy damage, both invulns, constant interrupts, potential shield blocks, full counter block, and seemingly infinite gap closers. It’s just not fun fighting something that is constantly immune to damage, constantly had stability and cannot be stunned, and can passively avoid pretty much all damage for a good 2 minutes of a fight while their heath rapidly regenerates and they’re back to having their cool downs up again. Out of all the classes I hate playing against they are by far the worst, followed by push pull dragon hunter builds and evade spam condi thieves.

    > >

    > > Rangers have two invulns now too but they at least have to be activated. And engineers double invulns aren’t TOO bad as long as you manage to kite them or stay away long enough for them to get photon forge on cool down.

    > >

    > >

    > > Warriors still need some balance tuning though. Having some warrior stick to you an entire fight and just run around interrupting you or stunning you and everyone else amidst all the damage knowing they have a passive trait to keep them from dying if they screw up is just dumb.

    > >

    > > Can’t really complain about any others because they at least take some skill, have some risk involved, and take you actually pushing a button or timing your abilities right. Holo being the exception but they at least have to rely on cool down management and take more effort for mobility.


    > Lol what? "Not only do they have traited invuln but an active as well"? You know engi and ranger are the exact same way right? Ranger signer is a utility which can be activated, and also traited to proc at a %hp. Engi elixer is a utility that can be activated and traited to proc at a %hp. Exactly the same as warrior, except warriors only lasts 2 seconds compared to 6 for ranger and 3 for engi.


    Except engineers don’t have as easy access to stubs or an ability that blocks a full attack, deals high damage, and transfers all conditions, or for that matter as much mobility without rocket boots or rifle 5 and then you’re wasting abilities you could use for sustain via finishers.


    I️ didn’t realize rangers had a traited invuln though and agree it lasts way too long. They’re just not as annoying unless they’re really skilled.


    Warriors just have too much access to things that give them an immediate advantage to most classes with the other exception of necro, guardian, and sometimes Mesmer.

  14. I have literally never seen a single renegade in a pvp match. That should tell them something about the class, right?


    Herald could use more cleanse or at least staff 4 with more cleanse and a stronger heal, or even a heal that increases based on conditions cleansed, but Khala is a lost cause. The energy requirement is still too much and the spirits being killable Wells is just a joke. Short bow as a primary weapon for any class is kind of a joke though. At least condi ranger has a little more defensive capability with theirs though.


    I think rev just has the problem of being designed too complex initially and a lack of vision for the specs outside of group utility. The next elite spec really needs to be like shiro and just focus on the revenant being their own selfish profession without trying to be some pseudo-effective damage or defensive support class that usually winds up requiring more skill than any of the other support classes to be efficient. Probably the biggest disappointment out of all of the new elite specs was khala. It’s really fun for bounty trains and decent for solo play but even trying to run the hammer build on metabattle for wvw is just nothing in comparison to herald.


    Don’t queue for ranked within the next 2 hours if you’re in mid tier gold because I think I’m going to test out a renegade build just to mark it off my bucket list. And probably get well-deserved hate from everyone on my team. Lul

  15. The biggest problem I have with invuln is on warriors and specifically spell breakers. Not only do they have a passive traited invuln but an active as well. Then full counter which blocks an attack and then does insane damage and transfers conditions. If all that fails they can chain cc you if you manage to outlive their heavy damage, both invulns, constant interrupts, potential shield blocks, full counter block, and seemingly infinite gap closers. It’s just not fun fighting something that is constantly immune to damage, constantly had stability and cannot be stunned, and can passively avoid pretty much all damage for a good 2 minutes of a fight while their heath rapidly regenerates and they’re back to having their cool downs up again. Out of all the classes I hate playing against they are by far the worst, followed by push pull dragon hunter builds and evade spam condi thieves.


    Rangers have two invulns now too but they at least have to be activated. And engineers double invulns aren’t TOO bad as long as you manage to kite them or stay away long enough for them to get photon forge on cool down.



    Warriors still need some balance tuning though. Having some warrior stick to you an entire fight and just run around interrupting you or stunning you and everyone else amidst all the damage knowing they have a passive trait to keep them from dying if they screw up is just dumb.


    Can’t really complain about any others because they at least take some skill, have some risk involved, and take you actually pushing a button or timing your abilities right. Holo being the exception but they at least have to rely on cool down management and take more effort for mobility.

  16. It is really frustrating playing wvw and having a ranger pelt me from the wall while I'm standing in inner Stonemist, knowing I can't reach. But it's the same with ele staff skills and probably necro though I haven't noticed. The way the projectile is designed.


    Honestly wouldn't mind getting a bit of a range increase as Deadeye rifle unless you're really skilled or have a specific build for increased stealth isn't very viable when you have rangers sitting back farther than you shooting you with arrows. Half the time when I'm going up against a zerg I'm getting "out of range," "obstructed," or "blocked" anyway which means I just wasted a ton of resources on my biggest damaging skill. (All while rangers are still hitting you or scourges are running at you like suicide bombers spamming shade skills.)

  17. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

    > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf


    > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.


    > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

    > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.


    > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.



    If you're going as a thief against a power shatter Mesmer, or really any Mesmer, I recommend a staff daredevil build. Staff 2 can instantly destroy clones so precast staff 2 and shadowstep you can pretty much destroy their clones instantly. Then maybe staff 4 for a blind or straight up vault to finish them. The only difficult part is getting them before they stealth and one shot you. Some just have a lot of practice and always kill you first. Some seem to have infinite stealth which I haven't quite figured out yet but I'm a bit out of practice on mine and am not particularly good at any of the professions.


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