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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. Another infusion idea I would love is one similar to the effect you get when you eat the strawberry food that turns you into a ghost and what I would have imagined the ghostly infusions to look like before I realized they were just spastic swirling black and blue particle ribbons.

  2. A less absurdly rare version of the bee infusion with purple lightning as you run would be a nice addition.


    But personally if they add more infusions I’d rather them be collection items and not completely rng or have built in (rng protection like increased drop chance after x number of event completions). They’re clearly meant to be prestige items for the wealthy, but I’m not sure that’s a necessary trend to continue when we have two generations worth of legendary weapons, armor, backpacks, and numerous unique skins only craft able via insanely expensive mystic forge recipes.


    Aurora was a good step and hopefully the start of a pattern they will continue with future living world releases.

  3. And as to Windswept, I’m sure part of their plan was to make it simpler as the community voices they wanted as an alternative, but I’m not sure the execution of that concept was fully fleshed out and am also fairly certain those that requested it be simpler also wanted the upgrades to be more financially manageable but that didn’t happen either. The whole system is honestly an expensive mess and I’ve found is generally funded by a select few that are actually passionate about it. It’s still a very substantial investment for those like myself that have funded most of the upgrades to level 40 or higher and have crafted probably over a thousand decorations between multiple halls.


    I love decorating and the sandbox aspect of this feature but when decorations are limited and there is no incentive to actually spend time in them it is both demoralizing to the player that invests and the developer that put time into creating the original guild hall. You can’t make something and then abandon it most of the way through its expansion release and on and then view it as a waste of resources when it didn’t really get the polishing or attention it needed to become something better.


    At least mounts are a system everyone can love and might stand a chance of being continually developed throughout the games lifespan.


    I fear what will happen if they ever implement player housing if they give it the same treatment as guild halls.

    (At least the home instance gardening node is a neat addition that seems promising for this kind of content.)


    I love what they have done with mounts and ArenaNet tends to reinvision features in a creative way, but guild halls at least seem like a vision long lost and forgotten.

  4. Nothing because the level has been at 69 since heart of thorns, no updated guild missions, and maybe 20 new decorations a year if we’re lucky.


    They won’t come out and say anything about guild halls but it’s clearly a dead project from a previous expansion they see as irrelevant and have dismantled their guild team.


    As much as those of us that dream of them one day being something more, getting updated, getting a scribe overhaul for some of the tedious decorations, getting more non-festival decorations, or just any actual functionality outside of extra gathering nodes and an easy to get to bank attached to a scribing station, as well as a few 24 hour boosts, this part of the game seems dead with no hope in sight. Even the guild hall we got this expansion as pretty and detailed as certain parts of it are seems largely unfinished in comparison to its predecessors.


    Please, by all means, Anet, proove me wrong.


    So the feature most likely to come next is a loading screen that says, “Whoops, this content no longer exists.”


    Yes, I’m a bit too passionate about this aspect of the game, and pretty salty. :expressionless:

  5. [https://imgur.com/nzGD3JO](https://imgur.com/nzGD3JO "https://imgur.com/nzGD3JO")


    There's this little opening at the mine in Windswept and I just finished my Further Exploration upgrade tonight, and all the mine expansions, but apparently this part of the mine is just an illusion. It's almost big enough to fit through but isn't.


    I checked in a max level guild's version too thinking it might be something that came with "Deep Cave" upgrade, but no such luck.


    Was this supposed to be open with one of the upgrades and just bugged out? Or an unfinished part of the hall that got covered up just enough to be a permanent tease?


    If a new hall comes out next expansion, can I take my market cats and mounts with me to the new one? :-P




  6. Just curious about themes or locations people would like to see as a guild hall location.


    I think my top picks are -


    1. The center area of Orr east of the Artesian Waters, but a still mostly in-tact chunk that still has buildings in the former glory and lots of regrowth resembling the environment pre-sinking. (Basically the pre-ruined Orr that so many would love to see but implemented in a smaller and less story driven way.)

    2. An enchanted forest themed hall with large tree houses and underground caves. Possibly set in Verdant Cascades or an area similar to the forest in Bitterfrost Frontier but with some non-snowy parts.

    3. Some ancient Dwarven ruins filled with lots of secret passageways and hidden areas that you really have to explore to find.

    4. Zhangjiajie park themed Canthan hall with towering green mountains deep in a forest with areas of rolling hills and waterfalls.



    What are some of your ideas?




  7. Zhaitan the elder dragon is a singular entity, but his actual corpse is comprised of multiple dragons. It's obvious even from his model. Like the size variations from his multiple tails.


    All this talk of other dragons and Orr makes me wish we could get a long series of fractals or something set back in Orr's prime. :( With the pretty jungle landscape and the architecture not being ruined, and dragons flying around everywhere like they're looking for their Khaleesi. (And the non decaying gorillas making some sound other than whatever the creepy screeching mechanical sound is they make.) Oh, the things that would be amazing but will never be. :(

  8. On my sylvar at least it just made it really white. It kind of dulls the effect of each individual one unless you’re going for an intentionally blank white character. It’s also kind of difficult finding armor for this combo because your character and some of the armor will be really muted and then others pieces will look completely different. It looks alright for a frosty ele character though.


    I also tried this combo with celestial infusion and it made the celestial pointless almost.


    I would also advise against using the poly black infusion with these but that might be common sense. The teal might look alright though. I’m just not a fan of most of the poly infusions because I don’t like characters that look like they have been submerged in nuclear waste for centuries.

  9. Please, please, PLEASE add an option to spend furniture coins in bulk this year. I always try to get the max amount of clouds I can as the primary source for the guild halls but every year my mouse and fingers scream in agony!




  10. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > Most likely Aurene is going to pull a Kormir. I could also see the Pale Tree taking over Mordremoth’s spot and the Orrian Royalty or just King Reza himself taking up Zhaitan’s position.

    > > I don't think a human ghost can become an Elder dragon tier being. I would assume that Zhaitan and Mordremoth will likely simply remain unreplaced. The world is seemingly able to exist without two Elder Dragons being alive, its going below 4 that is the world ending threat.

    > >

    > In most circumstances I would agree, however King Reza was the former Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan, and commanded Zhaitan’s forces in that instance alone, which makes him a lieutenant at the very least and he guarded a very important area. He almost acts like a purified dragon minion.


    > As for your other comment the way further cutscene in Kesha advised that magic needs to eventually come to balance, which means replacing Zhaitan and Mordremoth’s vacancy.




    I still don't understand why if it's this simple, the gods aren't just staying on Tyria and absorbing all of these elder dragon's magic. Balth took Primordus and Jormag and a bloodstone, so it's clearly not a matter of it being too much magic for them to handle. They were afraid of going to war with the elder dragons but was that because of the pure destruction of the battle with them or the imbalance in the eternal alchemy that they were afraid of? Unless there's some rule that according to the eternal alchemy there must always be a dragon or dragon champion because of the nature of their power being different than "divine" power, it seems the gods could just pick a dragon and let us less destructively wage war with it and give the gods the power boost to help create the balance.

    This whole scenario is just still too vague to really apply anykind of logic to though. We still don't really know anything about the eternal alchemy, or even definitively about the spheres of influence. Just an open plot for them to dive into and switch around whenever they need to.


    But I didn't think the Kesha vision hinted that we needed to replace Zhaitan and Mordremoth as much as the original plan was that Aurene and Vlast would alternate possibly taking 3 elder dragons each creating the balance or whatever?

  11. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Furthermore, we don’t have a lot of information on the Orr Ghosts, they seem to act purified champions and want to actively reverse the corruption, which Crysader Aliyana has no mention of. Reza seems to act much like Glint, the Pale Tree as well as Vlast and he is the only benevolent entity that resides in Orr that had any sort of real power with Zhaitan, which is why I went down this line of thought.


    > To be fair, Orr is their homeland. Of course they want to cleanse their homeland of dragon corruption. Aliyana on the other hand is Krytan and not even in Orr.


    > That's like saying "Jennah wants to stay on the throne that was given to her ancestor by the gods, therefore she can become a god".


    > I would hardly say that they act like purified champions, however. They literally just stand there and tell others what to do. They're not the ones purifying Orr either - the sylvari present throughout are.


    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > I think at least one of the two need replacement in order to replace any other. We don't know the exact circumstances, but Season 3 heavily implies that one more Elder Dragon death - potentially even momentarily - could lead to the world's destruction. Besides that, with just two dragons dead we see a ton of issues throughout the world ([Conservation of Magic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Conservation_of_Magic) and [Anomalous Occurances](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Anomalous_Occurrences) being the prime examples of this, but so is all the ley-crazed creatures that the Order of Shadows have been marking with bounties).

    > > I never said it was all sunshine, rainbows, and hand-holding, only that is still functional without two.


    > Massive energy build ups resulting in people dying or going insane is hardly what I would call functional.


    Was it the magic in general that caused them to go insane or the fact that it was bloodstone magic? I can't remember back when it all started if it was the general excess magic or the fact that it was bloodstone which had been infused with souls for however long.


    I guess magic is magic.


    Kind of interested in how the Olmakhan play out in all this too. For some reason it seemed like they may have been normal charr that (although more of a nature magic shaman type) have a bit more affinity for magic in general. But even in isolation on that island for what somewhat small time they've been there they haven't really been exposed to enough to cause them to evolve so that may just be wild speculation.



    As to the rest of this thread, although it's possible we could find another dragon champion at some point, how would we free their will if the forgotten are truly completely extinct? And would they really go down this plot again with Aurene having already taken this spotlight?


    I do find it hard to believe the forgotten are COMPLETELY extinct but that's probably just blind hope that somewhere there's some ancient ruins hidden like Tarir full of forgotten that have just avoided being hunted and stayed intentionally cut off from everyone else. (I guess theoretically if Aurene did take over Kralk's position she would have control over the branded forgotten and those could perform the ritual they used to free Glint?)

  12. Since there are a few people with overflowing golden fractal relics, could we possibly get a mystic forge recipe at some point to create a golden Ad Infinitum using these relics at some point?


    I've always liked Ad Infinitum but I think it would find a lot more use in Fashion Wars if it had a gold tone instead of the bluish/purple it has now. It's also kind of odd that the legendary backpack has the same color scheme as the non-exotic fractal weapons.



  13. Given the issues they had with the existing unique-skin legendary armors between the long development time and the multitude of comments about people unhappy with a lot of the skins, I don't see them ever making another unique skin legendary armor set ever again. Which I'm personally glad for because I will probably never get the ones that are already in the game. (Only one I would want would be the heavy armor set.)


    I would however like a similar system to wvw/spvp for fractals to obtain legendary armor. It would give us incentive to keep doing fractals past dailies if we already have the backpack. Fractals development is a lot slower than I personally like anyway, but the reward system for them is pretty terrible unless they're dailies.


    Perhaps more daily categories would help. Say for instance, another daily added that gives another 4 chests for doing 5 fractals in a certain tier.




  14. What would the correlating matches be?


    Melandru Mordremoth.

    Balthazar Primordus.

    Grenth Jormag.

    Abaddon/Kormir deep sea dragon.

    Lyssa Kralkatorrik.

    Zhaitan is kind on outlier though. Unless it’s meant to be the opposite of Dwayna.


    I do hope to see something about Lyssa at some point given the teased relation between her and Balthazar and I like the idea that the ruined Mirror of Lys in Vabbi is all branded and twisted vaguely forshadowing that she could be corrupted or just that the two are equal but opposite forces. Especially if the theory that Jenna is really Lyssa ever turned out to be true given that Jenna summoned an illusion of Kralk.


    I like the idea that there could be a relation between the elder dragons and gods but there hasn’t really been any connection in game. There is mention of the jotun believing that the stars themselves shift with the awakenings of elder dragons and cycles, so it would be neat if their existence and awakenings or even deaths had some kind of impact on a corresponding god.


    I do have my doubts however even if there is no connection to any of it that the gods actually left. Kormir says they did, but if you didn’t want humanity believing you were hiding in plain site or silently working in less destructive ways to protect humanity and Tyria even if just politically, then you would want them to think that you were gone.


    But who knows, I honestly don’t think their writing goes that far ahead. The writing of last season in particular with Lazarus and Balthazar just left me thinking they make things up as they go and will quickly change things however it needs to fit where they want to take the game.


    I think Mordremoth and Sylvari has good build up and might have been planned pretty well when the game came out, but I’m not sure any of this magic exploding Tyria with the death of too many dragons was ever a thing too many years back and they just decided they didn’t want to keep following a dragon centric plot.


    Given Kormirs ascension, I don’t believe the gods were really anything other than extraordinarily powerful humans from the mists anyway.



    I think in the end there are just a lot of questions that will never be answered and things never to be expanded upon for the simple fact that they don’t even know where they want to take it and are just going with the flow.


    Not saying that’s a bad thing, just that you can’t really speculate too much as a community because you’re ultimately probably creating more to a story that hasn’t been written or finished yet.

  15. Yeah, i still find reasons to go to POF zones but in terms of being enjoyable I definitely find hot zones hitting the mark. Just the metas alone are really fun and make everything seem so much more alive. But I imagine we won’t get anymore like those metas.

  16. Nothing other than the fact that they were are probably using a non-fire version of a lot of the flame legion shaman spells, like a sand effigy instead of molten. And lightning instead of fire rain. They certainly seem powerful though constantly preventing my death every 2 seconds from the inquest golem!

  17. > @"Fundor.2098" said:

    > Its called _playable content_? The skins are rewards you can earn by playing the game. As it should be.


    > Personally I'm not a fan of time gating though. It's the most annoying and boring way of making things "hard to get". Take for example collecting the 28 fractal research pages for each of the four Ad Infinitum collections, when you can only earn three per day. Or collecting the rune stone shards for the Wayfarer's Henge backpack, when you can only earn 5 per day, which makes one rune stone per day, and you need who knows how many of them for the collection itself.


    The problem isn’t having to play the content, the problem is that it’s faster and easier doing a reward track for the same thing you have to do 30 achievements for. The older episodes didn’t require as much and you only had to do a few here and there, not nearly every one of the episode.


    Doing every achievement should just reward extra ap, which has also gotten significantly reduced it seems.



  18. The achievment requirements for the armor skins like the shoulders and gloves I usually just get from a reward track solely because it’s significantly less effort. But this time around I wanted to the AP so I actually did the sub achievements.


    It should probably be revised in future episodes though. When it takes you doing 35 achievements versus a few hours of pvp or wvw something isn’t quite right. And some of those achievements were really not fun to have to do. Lol


    As far as the weapons from daybreak I have a couple and have like 2000 kralk ingots from reward tracks but haven’t taken the time to make any weapons because I’m bad at keeping up with my ascended dailies.


    It would be nice if we got a full armor set at some point instead of just a shoulder or a glove but that is easy money taken away from the gemstone.


    I’m saving a lot of this seasons map currencies in case they do another legendary item like aurora but may wind up turning it all into material crates at some point anyway.


    Off topic, but the meta achievements I can agree are a bit over the top sometimes.

  19. As amusing as it would be to have a king toad Springer or great eagle griffin with glowing pixels I imagine if they do SaB mounts it will probably just be minor details on the existing mounts so as to use the same rig. The frog would be a bit different skeleton I’d imagine.


    I guess if they add a world 3 this year they could add in something to use for jackal and skimmer though. It’s been so long I forget what creatures they have. The piranhas from world 2 for skimmer?

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