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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. I think at some point they might need to look into diminishing returns or something. I know stability is there for a reason but there is a bit too much interrupt, stun, daze, pull, knock back, knock down, fear spam. I can imagine for new players that aren’t used to these abilities pvp is a crappy experience. Not to mention there are some chrono builds that can interrupt/daze/stun/float spam you for the entire duration of a fight all while phantasms and shatters whittle you down.


    And from apparently pistol pistol thieves but I’m assuming they are using the mark refresh utility and daze on steal. Plus headshot spam if they aren’t being focused.

  2. I’ve only seen one for sure hacker. It was a dragon hunter and he was blinking all over the place. It’s even funnier because he was completely useless and they lost by a landslide. If you’re gonna hack, at least be useful.... lol

  3. That was my reason for buying one of these plots as well, and would have bought two if I could have planted flax. But with its current implementation I just don't see the value in it.


    I would attempt to make some guaranteed dye unlocks but I need quite a few of the special seeds, which grow into flowers that do not even have a slot in storage and take up bank space.


    I think that's what irks me the most, actually. Releasing a gemstore item that gives special crafting materials without the foresight to give said crafting materials a slot in storage. lol


    But yeah, it would be nice to be able to plant flax seeds.


    And to the poster above me, you could just park an alt you don't play in one of the 4? flax farming spots and yield better results. But sometimes it's easy to forget and if you're already farming your home instance it's one less thing to worry about farming.


    Also, I think we need more flax farms in general unless they play on reducing the seed cost of linseed oil. It still takes a lot and linseed oil is used in so many things as it is, as well as buckets full just for guild upgrades. >_>


  4. They need to just add another floating set of ruins that’s entirely designated as an arena. With open spaces and rooms and whatever else.


    I do agree with the op that it would be nice if they would just add another wall and completely box in that side of the arena. Safe spot trolling is annoying but so is engaging with someone only to have them repeatedly jump off the edge just to throw off your targeting or sense of where they are.

  5. > @"Kiritodatrth.1548" said:

    > Show this court where the bad War touch you in this doll \o/..


    > Really?? War still? Tip - evade F1, don't hit FC and you should be fine... and NO you don't Need to evade every single thing war does..

    > Let me guess - Necro right?


    You kinda do have to evade everything a warrior does. Full counter assuming someone else procs it even if you don’t. And with the visual bugged half the time you can’t really tell when it’s active. Then you have to evade pretty much all greatsword ability’s because they hit like a truck. You have to avoid dagger 3 and shield 4 as a chain interrupt and stun. Full counter is also a daze.


    All while they’re regenerating health extremely rapidly. I don’t know which build it is but bunker warrior that runs around the free for all arena with 10 people beating on him still able to greatsword crit for 6k and regen more health than the damage being done to him is just dumb.


    I’m sure a lot of it is skill based, but if someone like me can pick up a warrior meta build and survive 3 v 1 for 6 minutes without knowing anything about the class solely because healing signet is regenerating a quarter of my health during one block, full counter, and evade, it’s kind of bad.


    It’s a bit too easy right now. Compared to most other builds at least. Except maybe scourge.



  6. I wish I could find the post again but someone told me to go in and connect to a different IP or something and change something in a text file and it fixed it. I was getting constant disconnects at this part of the story, as well as the final instance.


    I think I may have even had similar issues with the latest episode.


    Personally I think that even though it makes the story flow better, some of these porting from story instance to story instance to story instance to story instance things create more issues. At least on my end. With The Departed there is a lot of disalogue, a cinematic, and like 4 story instances you're teleported between. A lot going on and I think sometimes it's just a loading issue.


  7. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > > > When they take about pvp armor 1 and 2 what set are they talking. Also they are working on armor set 2.5, have we received any info on what this?

    > > > > > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glorious_armor

    > > > > > > > > 2.5 is going to be new variation of the Ascended glorious sets with some fx treatments. It's still in progress.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > How come its not for the legendary armor?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > "Legendary" skin has a certain connotation to it that we don't want to ascribe to these skins. They aren't going to have similar features. Flashy animations and the like. And while they are being enhanced, they are still going to be very similar to the base Glorious armor.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Let me make sure I'm reading this right. So the Ascended 2.5 version is going to be similar to the base Glorious armor, and the legendary is going to be flashier and different?

    > > > >

    > > > > My understanding is the legendary component is an upgrade. So it would take the initial appearance of the Ardent Hero or Glorious Hero set. I would imagine this new 2.5 armor can also be used as a precursor as well for the upgrade, perhaps replacing the Glorious Hero. That is my understanding. As in it works just like the wvw legendary upgrade.

    > > >

    > > > Yea but it kinda sounds like legendary armor is going to get it's own look eventually?

    > >

    > > Don’t think so, however, Ben would have to confirm that, not me.


    > No, legendary PvP is not likely to ever get a unique look.



    I don't expect a new look, but I already had to refarm a cloth set for my Mesmer to make legendary armor when it was introduced due to stat changing and it losing its precursor mystic forge component.


    But by the time this is released many people will have already bought armor and upgraded it to legendary or just held it in the bank until they had the gifts. So if a new set of armor is added with a slight fx upgrade that they have to buy while their legendary armor keeps the old appearance of the one without the fx update, it's yet another grind that many players have to repeat because they didn't anticipate a random new set of the modified armor they already have.


    Or am I just confusing myself? Is legendary armor getting the fx upgrades? That's the only thing I'm hoping for.


    Given the fiasco that was the raid armor I don't ever expect another set of unique legendary armor, at least in the complexity that that armor is. Like it or hate it, I'm sure it was a nightmare to create.


  8. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > At this point I feel way better seeing a Rev on my team than an ele.


    This all the way. It’s just not as good as something else could be filling whatever role it’s trying to fill. Not to mention they’re still incredibly easy to kill.


    Revs are in the same boat but they can at least apply pressure with ccs before being bursted down.


    I just don’t understand what people think they’re bringing to a match as an ele. Bunker staff tempest stopped being viable halfway through last expansion but people keep trying to make it relevant. If you’re going to play support then just play firebrand, Druid, or chrono.


  9. I feel like I’ve noticed blocked people not being on my team but that might just be coincidence. Just block them for future matches anyway. Doesn’t change match manipulation but I don’t know that you can really gauge match manipulation versus someone who has just had enough trying and just decided to have fun with it.


    I don’t report people anymore. There’s no use and at the end of the day it’s just a game. People talk trash, you talk trash back or block. Then you get them in the next match on your team and you both move on and keep playing. Lol

  10. Recent history -


    Won, got matched up against someone higher and lost, won, matched up against higher and lost, lost again but that was because my team was stupid and fought off point.


    Now, the last game. 5 gold 3 people against presumably 4 gold 3 people and someone who is currently ranked 3 in the ratings. Of course it was a loss.


    I would rather wait 15 minutes for a queue to be matched with someone within even a fraction of my level than have the team leveled by someone 3 tiers higher and almost legend.


    Broken system.


    Without that one team making stupid mistakes costing us the game despite losing by 4 solely because I held two people at far for the last 5 minutes while they actually got caps, the win/lose/win/lose would have been highly predictable. But this isn't due to my personal skill level and capping out, this is due to matchmaking favoring one team over the other.


    I'm sure I could play better and have certainly made a lot of mistakes. I could handle the other two losses being careless error on my part or not being to a point faster. But being matched up against someone who is near legend is a clear sign that the system isn't doing a good job balancing teams.


    Now, I'm stuck wondering since I've lost two in a row if I'm going to start my 8-12 game losing streak back to gold 2 and have to climb my way up again.


    Just can't fathom how this system determined our team needed to be up against someone of that rating.


    And ended the night with my last two matches having a plat/former legend on my team and both matches being blowouts. It was nice to be on the winning side of the coin, but again isn’t all that fair to the other team. Most of them didn’t realize it at first so I don’t think it was just an issue of feeling discouraged as much as it was skill.


    Even having one person on a team leagues higher and the mean or average or whatever deviation being equal in technicality, it seems like it’s still too skewed in these cases.


    Anyway. Back to the less personal experiences or opinions from others.


  11. > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > People far worse than me with a lot higher rating.

    > Maybe this seems far-fetched and really unbelievable.. But, WHAT IF they are actually better than you, that's why they are on a lot higher rating, while you are just being biased and overrating yourself, leading to blame the system instead?


    > Just wondering.



    I’m just assuming I am because I stomp them every time I fight them. Perhaps they are better in terms of strategy and knowing exactly where to be and who to focus. But in terms of playing their class or 1 v 1, some of them just aren’t. I guess there are different ways to be better though.


  12. I mean, is the above post not a form of wintrading? Nobody is throwing a match or anything, but could activity like this lead to aforementioned imbalanced teams and such? I guess it's not all that different than buying a raid kill. But it might be discouraging to whoever is on the other team and doesn't feel they should be up against a random top 10 player "selling his services."


    No offense to you, but even if nobody on the other team is throwing if it causes a severe match-imbalance in terms of skill it seems like it might be a bad idea to allow this sort of thing.


    Honestly, I may have done something similar back when I was making Ascenscion and needed some wins or something. But other than just really wanting the title I don't know why someone would do this or wintrade.


    I don't expect to hit legend or anything, and as I've already stated my opinion in another thread I won't share it here, but I don't feel like it should be as difficult to move up as it is sometimes solely based on the poor decisions of your team that seems to be substantially lower or "tilted" since that's apparently the new word, or just don't have any situational or map awareness.


    What do you normally carry with anyway? I've been seeing your name up there but I don't think I've actually came across you in a match. Seem to always get Naru and Vallen. And uhhh.. Pzyras the Mesmer or whatever his name is.

  13. Three needless losses yet again. Including a thief that camps mid all match while I'm running around as apparently the only person that can even down somebody just trying to keep caps.


    Why do I never get put in matches with people that carry me? This same thief was on the opposite team and just ran around temple the entire time, with somebody on my team chasing them the majority of the time.


    Why should I have to be in three different places or show up and kill the scourge that's somehow wiping everybody at the same time?


    This is stupid. I have 179 losses and 176 wins. So clearly from what I've learned from this and other posts is that I need to play less because the more I play the more I am expected to carry people making stupid carless decisions.


    I'm not even good. I don't know why I'm expected to be the only one who cares about points the majority of the time or seemingly the only one that can even down people instead of just endlessly swinging at people, respawning, and letting the one or two that are downed get ressed every single time.


    I'm sure I make a lot of mistakes, but I keep getting groups where I literally have to be the one that does everything. Capping and killing.


    So next season I should just limit my games to... what? 20? Or is it too late now and I should pick up an alt account?


    People far worse than me with a lot higher rating. So something isn't working or they are getting carried or paying for wins constantly.


  14. I think one thing I don't understand is why the matches need to be progressively harder the longer the win streak.


    Eventually you will run into a bunch of people higher skill than you and you will lose, so does there need to be a system that makes it increasingly harder to beat people that may be of equal skill just because the system feels that you've exceeded your personal rating?


    Of course it's going to be difficult in a mode like this where your "skill level" is depending on the rest of your team and sometimes strategy more than combat ability, i.e. knowing which point to rotate to in order to keep the points flowing in, but it still seems a bit unnecessary.


    Is it fear of people getting too high? Because I'll admit there are plenty of people I know without a doubt would beat me everytime, like Valen the thief who seemed to be speed hacking but I guess is just extremely good and well known for it.


    I just think there are enough challenges with random team draw to be stacking odds for or against someone based on a number system that may put you in a less favorable team.


    You can tell people to "learn pvp" and "git good" but in the end the mode itself boils down to you and 4 other people controlling 3 points and side objectives and strategizing where to be which sometimes involves actively avoiding other players in "pvp."


    Kinda silly.


    And I'm not sure attacking Trevor who, even if adamantly voicing an opinion you don't agree with, or simplifying and attempting to invalidate someone's opinion with something as simple as "learn pvp" is really doing much to add to the discussion.


    Anyway, that's my latest 2 cents to the discussion. Why? I guess I don't understand how the current system benefits anyone if teams truly do get more difficult to face the higher your rating instead of keeping the rating as close as possible and ensuring that it's always an even rating between both? Or why I in gold 3 would face a duo that's currently in plat 3. In what way is this a fair match-up? We had maybe one MAYBE two tier 3 plat on our team as well, but then you're expecting the ones on my team to carry me against their plat 3. How is that fair to them? Is this just an issue of low population?




  15. Because nobody enjoys need one person or an entire build just to counter a scourge that if left unchecked will just spam the entire team down in seconds. Or bunker warriors that do not die but still cleave everything down in a few hits.


    Or bunker mesmers that interrupt you every .5 seconds while hitting you with shatters and blocks and defenders and disenchanters.


    And the rating system is terrible unless you're of the chosen few that gets selected for teams of people that don't just zerg from point to point and still wipe.


  16. Just lost a match, yet again, with a 100 point lead. People not defending caps. Downing a necro and then being bombared by a Mesmer who I get to 10%, and our team thief STILL dies to the Mesmer.


    I'm just over it.


    I want my placements to be reset or to be manually adjusted to bronze at this point. I'm done with even thinking I have the slightest chance of getting back to where I should be at this point because matchmaking is perpetually putting me with people who have no situational awareness. Two scourge dying to 1 because they apparently do not know how to transfer conditions back.


    Just all of it. I'm done with it and would like to just be placed in the lowest possible division because that is where the matchmaking is taking me. I'm tired of the 10-12 game losing streaks over careless errors only to be followed with 2 or 3 wins.



  17. > @"rwolf.9571" said:

    > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:


    > >

    > > While the skill rating and standard deviation differences are a bit higher in this set, these numbers aren't too bad overall.

    > >

    > > I'm not trying to say that the matcher is perfect, but the vast majority of games are pretty balanced.


    > I wish I had your optimism. But when over 50% of my matches are 1 sided (Win or Lose, mostly losing). I would hardly call that balanced. Maybe the "Big Picture" everything looks fine. But on the individual scale it isn't.


    > (In Tier 3 Gold/ T1 Plat for frame of reference)




    I was staying in that rank for awhile. Then got down to the beginning of gold 3 and got discouraged so I stopped even trying. Now I've dropped below that a bit and am losing games with a 100-200 point lead because my entire team gets farmed standing in one scourge shade with a thief fighting a warrior off point and 3 people fighting a sword ele for 10 minutes.


    I'm sure I'm absolutely terrible, but I'm not this terrible. I don't know how these people are making it to this level, whether it's imbalance and playing the flavor of the month easy class in placements and getting higher than they should due to serious imbalance and bad class design like scourge in a point capture game, or what the deal is. I honestly don't know. But I'm infuriated at some of the things these people are doing in my matches.




  18. > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

    > > @"Frostball.9108" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > I asked for numbers for this season to be pulled since people are always interested:

    > > >

    > > > Average skill rating difference between teams: 11.866

    > > > Average standard deviation difference between teams: 11.643

    > > > Average rating difference in a match: 98.203 (min rating vs max rating across all players in the match)

    > > >

    > > > One thing to keep in mind that end score difference never means that the match didn't start off even. Scores tend to snowball in our game for a number of factors. Some due to map layout/mechanic design. Some due to human nature, as people tend to tilt or give up after getting behind by a certain number. Sometimes people play above or below their potential. That's just part of human performance.

    > >

    > > Im curious about what the average rating difference in a match is when there is a legend tier player in it? This season or last season or whatever


    > The sample of games with a legend player is pretty low, so I extended it down to 1700 (plat 3+). Here's the data including last season and this season:

    > Average skill rating difference between teams: 14.16

    > Average standard deviation difference between teams: 13.55

    > Average rating difference in a match: 189.71

    > Percent of games with average skill rating difference >50: 0.4%


    > There's a significant increase in rating range at this level, but as seen the skill rating mean and standard deviation differences between teams are pretty similar. The rating range is always going to be higher at the edges of the rating curve as a tradeoff with keeping reasonable queue times , but it doesn't stop the matcher from making fair teams which is the most important.


    > As some others have pointed out, the average game doesn't always tell the whole story. So I also grabbed all matches from last and this season and paired it down to the set of games with a rating range over 200 (these account for about 10% of all matches). Here's the data for that set:

    > Average skill rating difference between teams: 19.83

    > Average standard deviation difference between teams: 33.67

    > Average rating difference in a match: 279.42

    > Percent of games with average skill rating difference >50: 7.5%


    > While the skill rating and standard deviation differences are a bit higher in this set, these numbers aren't too bad overall.


    > I'm not trying to say that the matcher is perfect, but the vast majority of games are pretty balanced.


    I should probably be able to understand what this means, but it's not making a whole lot of sense to me.


    Average skill rating difference between teams being the average of the ratings of the 5 person on one team being a 20 point difference between the other team?

    Deviation difference between teams? Not sure what this is.


    Rating difference in a match between the lowest rated player and the highest? Is this on the same team or just everyone in both teams? Either way that's a pretty huge difference.


    Percent of games with average skill rating difference? Not sure what this is either, but it's weird that it jumps from .4% to 7.5% just in one season? I know that's still less than 10% but it's huge in comparison to the previous. This might not mean anything given that I'm not entirely sure what it is to begin with. lol


  19. Experiences of matches so far tonight alone, win, lose, win, lose lose lose. So the three losses we had two eles on the team. What does ele bring to this meta that we need two of them? Didn't even pay attention to their build because they were fighting one scrapper at home for the majority of the match and didn't kill him once.


    Second loss, downed two people and had a third run off, I was down, and two of my team ran off to chase the remaining person off point while the other was down on the point. (Keep in mind that before they even came I was fighting two of them and had already downed 1 before I got ambushed by the thief. Later in the match a scourge was down and a scourge from my team was auto attacking them to death. Not using shade skills, AUTOATTACKING. And of course the one on my team got downed without even using barrier once whether it was on cooldown or they just didn't know they had actual skills to press, and finished resing their scourge and wiping the rest. (I was dead after helping down the scourge and running in from having just recapped home for the 10th time because the thief could not kill their Mesmer and of course ambushed by the salty thief. Honestly, I couldn't kill a chrono as a thief either so I don't blame the thief for not wanting to deal with it in this case. Then again, I don't main thief.)


    Third loss, team constantly dies at mid. I go far and am fighting two people, we still don't have mid or another point, and the team still wipes. People rush to bell one at a time. One of them, yet again, an ele, rushes in with 3 people on bell.


    There is nothing I can do about this matchmaking. Sorry. But, matchmaking is failing. I'm sure I'm terrible. Probably the worst player in the game, but even I have enough common sense to not make the mistakes these people are making and they should NOT be in my team or even at this level.


    Even if I were some brilliant strategist and could figure out exactly what I needed to do to "carry" the match be it capping another portal or running a different utility like portal giving me an advantage capping two different points and somehow magically 1v3'ing people as my team wipes, why should this burden be upon me instead of just being matched evenly and with people that are competent enough to not make brainless mistakes? Why should matchmaking force you to have to outskill 9 people, including your own teammates, in order to progress?


    I've had 3 losses now, so I'm sure my next one I will auto attack and enemies will fall over dead, there will be a dc, or two will rage quit and afk in the middle of the fight for a complete 500-100 blowout. Because matchmaking has decided it's time for me to win again.


    I'm sorry, I don't care how many people want to accuse me of being whiny and or insisting that I'm just redirecting my frustration because I'm "terribad," but this matchmaking system isn't working or people have been so completely "tilted" by the current meta that everyone is just auto-attacking or running subpar builds or trying out new classes and not caring whether we actually win or not.)


    Seriously though, what does ele actually bring to ranked right now? What ele build is superior in the current state of this game that it is worth taking over something else that performs the same function more efficiently? Of course this falls back on the balance team, but I guess I need to check metabattle and see what the current build is and why it's favorable to something else.


    Anyway, on to most likely win a game by a landslide and maybe a couple after only to repeatedly lose over simple mistakes or because I have two thieves, and two eles, or two scourges that both go mid and somehow die in the first 10 seconds of the fight.


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