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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. I just finished bifrost earlier and tried it out on all my staff characters and was noticing that not only were the ones that had effects a little more muted than nevermore but also that certain professions had more spells affected by wielding it.


    For example, Druid clearly had some rainbow effects, and daredevil as well though I’d say nevermore might win on that one. But guardian symbols and none of the ele spells had a special effect that I could see. Which seems really odd because even ele staff 5, a literal rain cloud, didn’t have any rainbows. Also Mesmer staff 5 didn’t seem to have anything.


    Am I missing something?


    Maybe it was just the area I was in or the lighting.

  2. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed. **


    > >

    > >


    > **Rev is so bad its aggravating. Rev has been nerfed multiple times (and extremely over nerfed at that) purely because of people crying on the forums. Rev has never been the most OP class and I have been legend every season since s1 (outside s6-s7 which I did not playl).**


    > Some of the skills such as shiro heal for example were nerfed immediately after somebody I know personally got farmed in ranked and came to the forums crying and the devs actually implemented his suggested nerf in the immediate patch. (It was never even that good lol).


    > Another story: In season 9 there was a **Rev who could not make it top 250** in any of the previous season as Rev. He re-rolled scourge and was **top 10** season 9. **True and aggravating **


    > If you look at the PVE bench marks, the only spec that rev has that puts out anywhere near as much damage as the other classes is so far useless in PvP its really baffling (Renegade). Not only that, the spec has extremely long ramp up time to reach it's damage so basically unless you are training a target for a good 15-20 seconds it's still not putting out as much damage as other specs.


    > Every day I play Rev there are match ups i come across that are 100% un-winnable and the way I win is by using map terrain to my advantage, hit and run tactics and just generally having a good gauge of what people on my team and enemy team are capable of doing. The only class Rev can win exchanging blows with is thief, and that will only happen vs bad thieves as good ones realize that is not what the class is meant to do.


    > The class has low damage, low baseline sustain, two level resource system with two bar swap which locks you out of skills and puts you at an extreme disadvantage off rip as most classes have just as strong skills (if not stronger) available to them much easier offering smoother game play.


    > I would not play Rev if I did not already spend so much time playing it and tbh it's been boring for a while now because there is only one build that is even capable of doing about 75% of what meta builds can do and outside of that there isn't much a point in trying.


    > **EDIT: Look at my post history lmfao kitten**


    I know nothing about it and tried it out in the arena earlier. Pretty much insta died each time because I don’t know how to even sustain on rev and it only had a few decent damage dealing abilities. The one good thing I noticed was that it had 25 might really easy but I’m not sure what good that does when you spend the entire time the boon is up just trying to stay alive.


    Plus, pretty much everything runs around with easy 25 might stacks right now which is pretty insane to begin with.


    I liked playing it last expansion but in the current meta it just doesn’t seem like it has a place.


    And it’s odd that shiro heal would have a nerf when it doesn’t seem like it’s ever been as strong as the guardian heal with damage or even the weaver aquatic stance which nobody even takes.


    I don’t know. It’s a visually stunning class and fun to play but I just can’t get into it. It also doesn’t feel like a heavy armor class. Both guardian and warrior can run high sustain bursty or consistent builds but if you do that on rev you still won’t have sustain or that high of damage. Seems odd.



  3. Rev can be nice, but it takes a lot more skill than something else that does the same job so most people don't want them. Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed.


    Rev and Ele are usually the most looked down upon because they both just require a lot more skill to not only perform their job but just to stay alive.


    It's a really fun class but I'm certainly no good at it. Hats off if you can make it work for you.


    Renegade is really fun but only in pve. :(



  4. I don't know about disengage potential, but it is insanely difficult to get the mine in Foefire if there is a scourge there due to the point being on higher terrain and the fences, stupid wagon, and whatever else interrupting los to the point. If a scourge has it and you are playing something that can't bathe in condi spam with immunity you might as well give up on that point. Getting up ontop of the two main areas to the right and left of the point is impossible in the time it takes a scourge to just toss down a shade and spam close out the areas.


    Waterfall can be similar but it's less frustrating. It's also strange that they made those two points tiny and then the middle point this huge open field which actually works against scourge most of the time. If any map gets tweaks I think that's the one that needs it the most.



    As far as disengage potential I believe the left point of Nifelhel is the easiest to disengage with due to the numerous colemns and mesmers and thieves being able to easily shadowstep/blink and just kite around the pillars. It can be really frustrating at times.



  5. To be fair, I was a little tilted because some soul east was running around one shorting people and then somehow sprinting across the map when engaged. And managed to one shot me from stealth while I was resing someone. Like, how can you attack someone and not break stealth? I don’t know. The disengaging chasing crap pissed me off the most.


    The damage is pretty ridiculous though.


    And why do we need warriors running around with two invulns, a block, full counter, constant health regen, insane toughness boosts, and a newly buffed axe hitting for like 4K. Was that necessary? Lol

  6. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > The most ridiculous game I had was a game where I had over 50% of team damage as a roaming backnoding condi mirage and we barely squeaked out a win witht he scores being 500-475. Like, I was literally the only one capping and decaping nodes, the only person winning fights and the rest of my team were constantly getting vaporized. I'm not a good enough player to generally suggest I'm carrying a team most of the time, but I hard carried the hell out of that team.


    > Another ridiculous game was a game where I won a 3v1 while picking up close and the rest of my team lost the midfight 4v2. They were not up against Scourge+Firebrand.


    > MMR is probably mechanically fine. I've had a few really goofy matches but the bulk of them really aren't like that. Don't think any system is going to be particularly better. The better scenario is get more people into PvP and teach them how to play so that the match maker has more players to pick from across all tiers of play. That's the real fix to the matchmaking the game needs.



    Had this happen plenty of times. I hope condi mirage doesn’t get beefed because sometimes it’s the only way to carry a game. If they nerf it they need to fix the matchmaking so I don’t get teamed up with people that insta die or hit like wet noodles and consistently have ten minute fights on points we don’t even have.


  7. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > They are afraid to buff renegade because there are still like 5 revs that still have most everybody on farm status with it sucking as bad as it does and being about 2 years out dated with repeated nerfs as big as -75% in some cases.


    > They don’t want top 5 to be 5 renegades, assuming they make it as good as the POF specs.


    > True story


    Who are these 5 revs that have everybody on farm status? I've seen you post this several times. Just curious. I know one of the people in the top 5 usually plays thief. Not sure about the other 4 currently.

  8. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > Rather than "don't trust anyone that could tell us" it'd be more of "find a reliable source". Also, being a Primeval King means being part of the dynasty, and Joko specifically claims he is the last of the Primeval Kings.

    > > >

    > > > Still doesn't mean he wasn't a king and doesn't mean he wasn't human. No one has made the claim he isn't human. No one has said he wasn't king.

    > >

    > > Well, yes, he was a king... because he is a king now, and was an undead king of the Desolation during his first attempt at conquering Elona 200 years before GW1.

    > >

    > > However, the Primeval King and Queens met during Hallowed Ground rather do explicitly state that Joko was no king in their dynasty, which is what he claims.

    > >

    > > No one ever made a claim that Joko was a non-Primeval King king prior to undeath.

    > >

    > > And no one ever claimed he wasn't non-human because one's species tends to be an obvious thing when one looks at a person.

    > >

    > > Your argument here basically amounts to "no one says Logan Thackeray wasn't a charr, so maybe he is a charr!" Kind of seems... stupid, don't think you?

    > >

    > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > Maybe destroyed by Joko? This statue seems to be hinting at something.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When the Scarab Plague hit, Dahlah and Nahlah were blamed for it and Elonians believed the two cursed (honestly it's a bit of a surprise they're buried in the Tomb of Primeval Kings TBH). It would be very likely that it was destroyed when the Scarab Plague had struck. Not to mention that it's been nearly a thousand years since Fahranur was first abandoned, it would be a bit more surprising statues survived in tact all that time rather than being destroyed - just because it was destroyed doesn't mean what destroyed it was a person and not erosion.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah, I think it makes mention the statue being crumbled but for some reason the plaque has remained intact.

    > > > >

    > > > > The plaque too is odd as it only mentions Dahlah and not Nahlah, and yet says daughters in the line below. It just seems odd to have only one statue there of Dahlah and nothing of Nahlah.

    > > >

    > > > Doesn’t the statue even mention the suspiciousness of this when you click on it? It clearly seemed like an intentional hint to me.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Possible. Or it could be something they placed as a "just in case we want to go this story route" because they didn't have things solidified for what they were going to do in Episodes 3+ yet (which they most likely didn't, in regards to specifics, given Episode 2 changed pretty drastically). Or it was an intentional red herring to draw players' attention to it and they never had plans to bring it up ever again. Or there was an intended story to be told within Daybreak, which got scrapped last minute due to xyz restraints. Lots of possibilities, all be told, so I'm not sure how meritable the PC stating "I wonder why the statue was destroyed but the plaque wasn't" is for it being an intentional hint.


    > Your analogy to Logan may be correct but only if you can show me here Logan claims to have ruled a char kingdom. Your analogy makes no sense. Please show me where it is denied that Joko was a king. Yes, he wasn't part of the dynasty. But that doesn't mean he wasn't a king. There are countries with multiple dynasties through out history. Are you claiming that only one dynasty was the true ruler of any of these kingdoms.


    I think the only evidence is the primevil ghosts saying he’s lying, as well as the text in Istan hideout implying that he is a fake.


    The Istan text was vague and broad. The ghosts could just be resentful.


    I don’t think he was ever really a king though. Maybe he was the lover of one of the two sisters that were thought to be responsible for the scarab plague? No clue.


  9. Warrior damage in general is over the top for their sustain. One boulder or bull’s charge and it’s good game. Not to mention full counter and the other interrupts/stuns. Meanwhile the warriors health went down to 90% and they still have a block and two endure pains plus two dodges and a greatsword evade. Oh, and shield bash. It’s just dumb that they can be so tanky and do so much damage. And yet again, it’s a point capture game so the whole time you’re trying to kite them while not gaining the cap.


    It’s a mindless build that anyone can pick up and do decent with solely due to the regen and constant damage mitigation and avoidance.

  10. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > Maybe destroyed by Joko? This statue seems to be hinting at something.

    > >

    > > When the Scarab Plague hit, Dahlah and Nahlah were blamed for it and Elonians believed the two cursed (honestly it's a bit of a surprise they're buried in the Tomb of Primeval Kings TBH). It would be very likely that it was destroyed when the Scarab Plague had struck. Not to mention that it's been nearly a thousand years since Fahranur was first abandoned, it would be a bit more surprising statues survived in tact all that time rather than being destroyed - just because it was destroyed doesn't mean what destroyed it was a person and not erosion.


    > Yeah, I think it makes mention the statue being crumbled but for some reason the plaque has remained intact.


    > The plaque too is odd as it only mentions Dahlah and not Nahlah, and yet says daughters in the line below. It just seems odd to have only one statue there of Dahlah and nothing of Nahlah.


    Doesn’t the statue even mention the suspiciousness of this when you click on it? It clearly seemed like an intentional hint to me.


  11. There is way too much stealth tracking anyway. I assume people are precasting things when they see the thief stealthing but it’s quite annoying stealthing as your only defense and then having something teleport, leap, or pew pew in your direction and having it hit you. At the very least it should break enemy targeting so pew pew rangers can’t just longbow 2 you repeatedly while you try and disengage.

  12. I like the idea that he could be something other than just an undead human that happened to be a powerful and egotistical lich. Would love to find out the complete backstory of him this living world season, especially if there's something more to it than him just being an undead human. Never considered the possibility of him being a mursaat and don't believe it now, but it's a unique suggestion.


    I find it interesting that djinn look to be undead mummies instead of purely elemental beings, but that's probably just how they envisioned them. Are they just so hold that they want them portrayed as mummies? I wonder what they looked like before that? Similar but with more flesh I suppose?


    But anyway, kudos to the suggestion even if unlikely. Still would love to find out some undiscovered secret about Palawa's origin, gain of power, or something more mystical about the scarab plague and it's sudden appearance. A lot of the parts of this story have so much mystery around them that would be great to find out in an upcoming episode, though it seems they may bypass that and stick to simply resolving the problems at hand whilst keeping origin stories vague and mysterious.


    The story never really explained the relationship between the eye of janthir and the mursaat either which was a little disappointing. I think some people have speculated some correlations between the eye and Abaddon which I always found interesting.


  13. It happens to me all the time. Though I played yesterday and specifically opened it as administrator and I don't recall it doing it even once. I believe it has something to do with Windows update or some obscure setting for windows and that may be why running it as administrator prevented the issue. Will test it again here in a bit and hope it continues to work.


    It always happens at the most in-opportune time too, like in the middle of a fight with someone and due to running gw2 hook for more graphics customizations each time I alt tab back it has to spend a good 30 seconds or so loading all of the presets and filters. Gets really frustrating!


  14. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"zombeaver.1650" said:

    > > in playing pvp when system is so bad and broken. Im close to plat, had few times missing 1 or 2 points to get there, but ofc then animals in teams happen and i get -18 for trolls games few times in a row.

    > > If i got really hard game, where both teams work really hard and i can easly say it was a good game i got +8 for win. kitten?

    > > my mmr should be ok i was getting 12-14 for wins and loses whole season, now this game just kitten on me becouse im close to next division?

    > > can someone explain how this game works?


    > Sure: the system looks at the MMR of your team, vs the opposition, and expects you to win each game. When you are predicted to win, and you do win, you gain a small amount of MMR. When you are predicted to win, and you lose, you lose a larger amount of MMR. If you are predicted to lose, the reverse is true: big gain on win, small loss if you don't.


    > Over time this gives you an MMR that closely approximates your actual skill level, and will constantly fluctuate around it, moving up and down small amounts. This, it sounds like, is what is currently happening, so your personal skill level is "just below platinum tier."


    > As you practice, and improve, you may graduate to the skill level required to join the players in platinum.


    This seems like an awfully elaborate way to say "git good."


    There really are times when you simply cannot do anything to help the match. You either play a more-support role like a blood scourge and your team leaves you alone the entire match and doesn't peel people off of you or instantly die... or you play a side-noder and no matter how many times you cap a point your team is either splitting up outnumbering themselves trying to get the other two points or getting literally blown up 3 seconds into a fight repeatedly. Or 3 people are chasing 1 Mesmer or druid around 1 point instead of pursuing another point and letting them troll it.


    I won't necessarily agree that one bad person or troll is good game, but it has to balance out with the rest of your team being much better. If they're all relatively equal but then you have that one bad player or troll, yes it's a loss.


    Also, as far as the op is concerned, there have been multiple times when I have been one game away from platinum and been placed into a match with a top 10-25 on each team. It's happened so much that I believe it must be a pattern. The match is extremely difficult simply because I'm trying to move up to the next division and matchmaking has made sure of it.


    Thankfully the lats time it happened the person higher up on my team was a good scourge and can carry a fight even against their firebrand who was also top tier.


    There are certainly odds too stacked against you at times, and I think that breaking point of one match to the next division or even tier is seemingly always exponentially more difficult than all of the previous. Then if you win and continue to advance you'll eventually be put in with the thief that rushes mid and dies, the Mesmer that instantly dies and somehow manages to do 0 damage, or some other person or person(s) that are not carrying their weight or intentionally throwing. In my case last night there is one Mesmer who is seemingly always platinum despite dying repeatedly, not capping any points or doing any damage, and spends half the match seemingly trolling. So, either he was throwing, or he's had some extremely favorable matchmaking that has kept him in his position and that is not fair and leads people to post threads like these about matchmaking being bogus or underperforming.


    In theory your explanation of mmr works and is how they intend for it to work, but unless all of the circumstances are always the same, it will never be accurate.


  15. > @"Pimpology.6234" said:

    > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > Depends on the revamp and patch. Personally, I wouldn't mind an underwater expansion . . . if they do it right.

    > >

    > > Here's to hoping they let me use my druid staff underwater. ☺


    > I'd be really surprised if the new underwater combat is copy paste land combat for the seas. I mean you'd be using spears , tridents and harpoons for your weapons anyways not a staff. Maybe they'll do something new with weapons, but i'd assume they are tweaking the utilities, so you can use them all. Maybe the utilities have new skills for underwater so they're not just locked from being used because anet didn't work stuff out properly the first time.




    I suppose it is possible that they do plan on adding some of the underwater weapon sets as usable on land for upcoming elite specs. Perhaps that's part of the reason for the underwater combat update. Something they needed to recode anyway to make this possible?


    I don't think they'll be adding new weapons to use underwater though.

  16. So, this is just completely dead now, right?


    I mean, I've been trying it out in unranked because I used to enjoy it, but every match I'm in I can't even land anything because the second I get close to someone I'm nearly one shot by some passive cleave damage from a reaper just popping into shroud, or a shatter from someone, or a warrior just swinging away at everything while taking no damage, or a holo using one ability in holo mode, or a core guard.


    How do you effectively play this spec in pvp now? I'm terrible at landing steal/backstab for some reason. Don't know if it's lag or I just have really terrible timing and can never seem to be behind my target to get the most damage out of it. And I can't just go up and auto anyone because everything is running around with 25 might stacks from 3 abilities taking 0 damage and cleaving everything in sight.


    I guess I should give up and just go back to running rifle/sword/dagger or acro sword/dagger. I know it's meant to be a +1 build, but you can't even hardly effectively plus 1 due to cleave/aoe.


  17. I don't think it's going to be a huge rework. I think some skills will be able to be used underwater that weren't before and some number adjustments but not much else.

    Who knows though. ThatShaman datamined a couple things called "water walk" and "deep dive" or something so who knows, we may start walking under water instead of swimming. It would be similar to how WoW did their underwater content in Cataclysm.


    I don't really mind the way underwater combat is now, it's just how long it takes to kill things at times, the amount of kiting you have to do, and the fact that many abilities are locked out.


    People are taking this as concrete proof that we're getting an underwater expansion but I don't know why people keep insisting that we have to fight the deep sea dragon IN the sea. It could easily surface or be in some dark cavern somewhere underneath the ocean for all we know.


    I do however believe that we will be getting a revamped Aquatic fractal and potentially some underwater content in the next living story episode though. Don't think it will be an entire map.


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