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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > I feel like they're trying to ship more than just the next episode. Seems like an extra stretch of time was added for it to just be a single episode slowing them down. I have fun when they add new things, so I'm fine with waiting either way.


    Thinking like this is why people will wind up disappointed. Then again someone mentioned Rubi seemed really excited about this episode for some reason but Rubi seems pretty excited usually anyway. Lol Hoping for the best. Honestly, I would just be excited with some guild content or new decorations but I’m not holding my breath. Getting a Joko statue at least seems like it would be necessary for this episode.



  2. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > We will see if it's tomorrow or not, It don't bother me to wait for 1-2 more week now....Speak for yourself. Btw, what kind of map are you expecting? A giant awakened city? Another facility? Or a great surprise like, the episode is set in core tyria like during the old living seasons one and two?


    Kourna probably. Though a surprise would be scavengers causeway. There was some risen model mini I think that had people speculating from a datamine at one point. So seeing another chunk of Orr would be neat!


    And Plauzte, he speaks for multiple people that have voiced their concerns so your correction is a bit unnecessary.


    We shall see though. If it doesn’t come out tomorrow then it certainly won’t be the week of July 4th. So expect it mid to late July at the earliest.



  3. As the main decorator of all 3, I'm pretty proud of what I've managed to do with mostly my own funds and time. Hopefully we'll get another scribe rework at some point and a bunch more decorations, as well as customization options for rotating decorations. (And maybe a slight increase in local cap if that's possible!)




  4. Just an idea since we have a fashion/screenshot thread. Let's have one for sharing our guild halls, whether it be screenshots of decorations you've placed and are proud of or even video walkthroughs. I'll probably try and make a video at some point but always love to see what other people have done, especially with decorating and how creative some people can be with particular decoration placement/grouping.


    (And I might steal some of your ideas. :-P)

  5. Surprisingly I haven't hit this cap yet, but it's just me decorating my three guild halls. lol I don't build a lot of random spammy cloud stair cases usually though and try to actually make things that look like they belong or display a scene. I can imagine if you like building elaborate jumping puzzles and using a lot of easy decorations for puzzles or just to make it easy to get around you probably hit the cap pretty quickly.


    What bothers me most is the local cap, and pretty much all of the terrain in Windswept. You have like 6 actually flat surfaces or the decoration is halfway in the terrain. I actually have a nice little canthan lodge area I'm pretty proud of but the terrain is uneven so the rug I have in the middle is just floating a foot off the ground. >_>

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

    > > I'm seriously too depressed to be angry or disappointed.

    > >

    > > I will say this though, this game ran a lot better when MO was at the wheel. Lets look at MO's track record perfectly executed LW Season 3 with a fast turn around time on Path of Fire.

    > >

    > > Mike Z, Episode 2 late, Episode 3 might as well be my pizza that was already 2 hours late and got delivered to the wrong house.


    > So we are getting longer episodes, better quality episodes (s3 was an inconsistent mish mash), a realisation that this requires a bit more time to make and to quash bugs....and this is meant to representing poor direction?


    > It is a few weeks late to keep the quality up. This is a good thing.


    > I just cant fathom complaints over content being slightly longer in lead times (by a miniscule amount no less) in an industry where pretty much every major product gets delayed.


    I think the issue with this statement is that people are going to expect the next episode to be much more than what it might end up being. The longer it takes for this "quality" the more people are going to expect. Might have just been better to say that it was delayed because of new tech, or just said it was delayed and given us a teaser of some stuff in the episode they know will actually make it into the game. Instead we have a post saying they're pushing it back because they want it to be better quality and then silence for weeks. What happens when this episode releases and there are 10 or 15 bugs? Like a collection item achievement that can't be completed because some events are bugged, or an event that doesn't spawn, or a story instance that disconnects repeatedly? People are going to be expecting a bugless pristine patch and it's an unrealistic expectation that they've almost set for themselves by statements like this.


    I honestly don't think people would be as impatient if they had posted little teasers here and there or a general timeframe. But given no timeframe and no update on where the episode is currently at or teasers it's completely within reason that the patch may not hit until august or later. Even next year. "Delayed for quality" and "on the horizon" doesn't say anything other than the fact that the episode is being worked on. For all we know they started on the episode 5 minutes after that post.


    Not saying they did or didn't, but 2 out of the 3 episodes this living season has been delayed and the amount of bugs with collection items and lack of large events/fractal/raids last episode, I can understand the skepticism.


    It's great the we supposedly have this huge multi-million player influx of people briefly switching over from a failed mmo-launch because of one apparently monumentally influential youtube person and 15 posts a day about how amazing the game is from possibly more than one account, but for the veteran players who have a lot more invested in the game and will stick around after the "refugees" have either stayed or moved on to the next big craze the wait is getting a bit tiresome.




  7. > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

    > Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Elder Scrolls VI, Diablo 4, GW expansion 3... and more on the horizon. What a great time for gamers.


    Sweet, it's that Space Odyssey Guild Wars expansion I saw the leak for earlier. We all get player housing in the form of spaceships and travel through the galaxy in search of the human gods who are all actually disguised Charr cubs and reformed inquest!

  8. > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

    > > > Why exactly did you bother attending E3, it's almost as if you're not even there any way since I've seen not one mention of Arenanet. I mean I know you're all really proud of that giant Griffon sculpture you have but that's no reason to go to E3.

    > > >

    > > > I'm hoping we hear some news tomorrow regarding your trip otherwise I've got to wonder why you even bothered.

    > >

    > > A lot of businesses meet and do business at E3. Not everything has to be about us. They are meeting perspective partners there, according to the devs themselves. They stated straight out there would be no announcements.

    > >

    > > At any rate, exposure is always a good thing.


    > It doesn't make sense though, ANet isn't some small indie studio that relies on Crowdfunding, people know who ANet is already and what they do.


    > The only thing that makes sense is they are looking for people for what they're doing next.


    Would this be a good place to find new people if they've lost part of their team? Was wondering if that was part of the reason for the delay. Or even if they wanted to add on more for future production?


    I didn't want to believe it, but given the datamined gem store stuff that could potentially last until June 26th, I wouldn't be surprised if it's August until the patch or later. Maybe something went horribly wrong and they had to start over at some point or did team restructuring halfway through. Here's to the .05% chance that we'll get a trailer on Tuesday!


  9. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > The current expectation is that it won't be released until June 26. The prior expectation was that it'd be revealed or released at E3 on June 12, but if they do that, it's only admitting that it was intentionally held back when they've said otherwise. The development time they've potentially had on this episode is nearly double that of the episodes during season 3, and if they keep up at this rate, they've gone from from 6-7 months per episode to 9-11.


    That’s already been debunked by a post claiming we’re all conspiracy theorists. ??‍♂️


    Whether it is intentional or not I do hope we get a trailer Tuesday. I was hoping for the actual patch since I have the day off but that’s obviously not happening.


  10. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > Mines have an extra tier in all three guild halls. Dunno if it's a long term plan, or just something scrapped. They included it in Windswept Haven as well, so maybe they plan to unlock it some day.


    > Lost Precipice and Gilded Hollow have other unused sections as well. Both have what looks like a jumping puzzle, which most people already knows about, but they also have a port area that isn't as "noticeable" first, but has a lot of infrastructure built around. They might have planned to have something bigger with commerce or transport there, but scrapped it. Windswept Haven has none of those, so I'd say they're pretty done, unfortunately.


    > There's also the "Crystal Throne", which was hinted to be very important at some point, but now is an useless prop that grows automatically every few levels, and that's it.


    > Guild halls are such an unfinished mess :'(.


    Glad someone else remembers the crystal bit being important when they were introduced.


    But yeah, apparently they can’t even be bothered to use resources on steady decorations or a decorating tool rework for more rotation options. Now that heart of thorns is old it’s pretty much done for.



    Oh well. At least mounts are a feature they will most likely continue to expand even if it’s just for more gemstore opportunity.


  11. It opens up the village area and a waypoint in the bottom part of the map and adds a mount ranch. The mine is probably something scrapped that they didn’t finish where the opening is and you can see the cave with the crystals or whatever. But other than that no changes I believe. If that’s your question.

  12. Not sure about what we're getting, but what I would love:


    Elementalist - greatsword melee damage spec that isn't a condi bruiser build. Possibly a dragon-themed spec where each element is empowered by an elder dragon and has abilities based around them. A 5th arcane attunement would be nice to get as well.


    Thief - MONK. Edited because I remembered this was what I wanted for thief from awhile back. A dual mace monk-themed spec that has a playstyle similar to daredevil in terms of mobility and special evades, but with a more magic themed. Thinking something like a cross between Pandaren monks from WoW and Dr. Strange monks. Perhaps thieves start taking lessons from mesmers this time instead of the other way around and it even has some clone/position switching/target breaking ability.


    Mesmer - Shortbow/Longbow Bard spec/Siren. A spec with Mainhand pistol wouldn't be so bad either as I've always liked pistol on Mesmer. Another possibility could be that mesmers start using their illusion magic to summon illusions and powerful phantasms of something other than themselves. Similar to how Jennah created an illusion of Kralk.


    Guardian - Ritualist/Spiritualist. Offhand warhorn? Summons spirits that act more like necro minions or mesmer phantasms than Renegade spirits. Could essentially give them the Mesmer mechanic and have their virtues be like Mesmer shatters where the spirits empower the guard.


    Warrior - a toothpick and light armor and a permanent -50% healing. Nah, hopefully something that makes me enjoy warrior and doesn't wind up being block/evade/health regen tanky in glass cannon gear and has a more unique playstyle. I can see staff being interesting but don't see how it would be better than daredevil or rev staff.


    Necro - would love a stealth themed necro spec that really focuses on vampiric/life siphon abilities. Perhaps dual swords. A sort of demonic assassin that has the power damage capabilities that reaper never got. Perhaps the shroud skill could be a demon form inspired by Abaddon or the margonites.


    Revenant - although I originally thought of this for elementalist given the ability visuals used in Twilight Oasis, I would love for revenant to get a dervish elite assuming they didn't just make the dervish a separate profession. Not sure how they would make a profession with so little utility choice a dervish that channels 5 different entities but it would be a great gift for revenants who have been probably the least popular class since they were added.


    Engineer - I personally like holo better than scrapper, but I think taking the inventions to the next level and creating more of a golem-themed spec could be interesting. On a more broad note, I think two roles that could be really good for engineer to fill with greater potential would be somekind of healing/boon spec support build and a much easier condi build. Whatever it is I hope it's fun, unique, and has a lot of utility that fits the engineer theme.


    Ranger - completely forgot this one. I'd still love a transformation spec. I originally thought soulbeast was going to be more of a shapeshifter spec but it wasn't. Soulbeast for me is a lot more underwhelming than druid for some reason. Would love for the next ranger spec to be something similar to WoW druids with shapeshifting abilities and unique utilities similar to engineer kits that let you transform into a multitude of different pets with unique abilities. This seems incredibly unlikely and a lot to program though so I imagine if ranger gets anything they will get rifle and a very pet-empowering beast mastery spec.



  13. They’ve already set the time frame for living season. They haven’t made it for 2 out of three episodes. Perhaps this one being 4 months will make the next one 2 months giving the appearance of a quicker release schedule due to changes made during this episode.


    I can definitely say 6 months is too long though.

  14. Did anyone ever figure out the purpose of the blood ruby in the tomb of primevil kings? Or is it just a reference to something else? I was wondering at one point if it had something to do with the Djinn mini's but it might just be an Aladdin reference or something.



  15. In an old post I can't find anymore someone told me to edit a textfile somewhere that would change the ip I was connecting with. It allowed me to get through this constant dc in The Departing at launch. I had to reset my pc recently and decided to give this story another run through for some more banner collection items and just for fun.


    Well, here I am disconnecting in The Deparing, only to realize that they STILL have not added any checkpoints in this instance. I thought they would at least add one to get directly the Domain of the Lost, but nope. I have to kill Balth all over again, go through 10 minutes of dialogue, kill the eater of souls, another 3 minutes of dialogue, and all through that make it through 2 cut scenes without disconnecting.


    I'm glad I've already done this story step, but it's sad that nothing has ever been done to fix the issues with this instance. And yes, it is most definitely this instance and nothing on my end. No issues anywhere else in the game, at least not as frequent and consistent as this particular story step.


    Would be nice to have multiple checkpoints if you don't know how to fix the disconnect issue that is affecting quite a number of people. The layering of this instance seems extremely messy anyway. It's great that it seems more fluid this way, but having an instance, cutscene, cutscene, instance, cutscene is creating too many issues. Might have been better to dice the episode up.


    Anyway, I'll give it one more shot for the night and if it does it again I'll just forget redoing this story.



    Got through it this second time. Only advice if you're struggling is to go as quickly as possible through it. When you get to the domain of the lost and you already know the steps, just run towards each objective ignoring that the dialogue hasn't finished and it lets you skip most of it. Then it's just a matter of luck.

  16. Not sure if anyone has said this already, but to the new players don't feel overwhelmed. You have plenty of time to learn and plenty of things to do. I think one person mentioned focusing on dynamic events instead of hearts and that's good advice. If you focus on hearts you will find leveling a lot slower and perhaps more tedious than it really is. (Though always make sure to talk to npc's with hearts over their head after you complete them because they sometimes offer neat stuff for sale. In some cases unique devices you can use like teleporter guns and things that aren't really weapons so much as silly unique ways to enjoy the game.)


    Most importantly, ask for help if you don't know where to find something or what to do, whether that's equipping a certain piece of gear, knowing how a skill works, or where to go, because unlike many games you will almost always get a straight answer from people excited to help.



    Also, look for commander tags on your minimap. They're colorful icons that look like... pentagons? Or cat faces. It can lead you to a fun event like a world boss, guild missions to help you find a guild that will make the game that much more enjoyable, or even something like a 30 person squad marching through several zones in a day to make a semi-roleplaying voyage across the continent completing events and just exploring the open world.


    Admittedly, check the guild wars 2 reddit forums for a better preview of player-hosted events that are upcoming.


    My last word of advice, remember to dodge, and remember that in another game when you see something bad coming your way you probably won't have the ability to dodge and will immediately realize that you miss the combat system in this game. :-P

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