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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. I was going to make a really long post of a bunch of stuff I've already said before, but I would just love to see Echovald with its eerie Lord of the Rings vibe forest with a Guild Wars 2 overhaul. It would probably be the greatest map in the game. And Cantha itself has an opportunity to be a lot more diverse than people give it credit for. Sure, it would have the Asian temples and the giant grassy pillars, but it would also have the creepy forest, the snowy mountain area, the rocky gulf area, the tribal coastal area, and a lot more. There's just so much they could do with a deep seas/Canthan expansion.


    The one thing I do hope for if they add Cantha in though, is that they really go all out with armor designs. One disappointing thing about Path of Fire is that there's only a few armor sets that really reflect the culture, and yet you see npc's walking around with armor that isn't obtainable and hasn't even been made into an outfit which is surprising considering how fast they were pumping out outfits for awhile.


  2. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > I speculated that he is going to wind up moving back up north toward scavengers causeway. I still believe that honestly. Plus the causeway had some minor map changes done to the coastline and what appears to be a vertical line. It’s the only movement that makes sense from where he is now. Plus it would be interesting to have the Orr area mostly uncovered, except that middle watery area.

    > I very highly doubt that will happen.


    > No company would follow a desert based expansion that ended in the (mostly) ruined area of a once highly magical nation(Vabbi) with another desert based expansion that ends in the ruined area of a once highly magical nation(Orr). Each expansion is supposed to offer a whole new landscape type to keep things fresh.

    > -GW2 ended is the desolate and dead Orr

    > -Heart of Thorns took us to the exxact opposite of that, with a dense jungle environment full of life

    > -Path of Fire took us to the exact opposite of that, with a wide open desert environment.

    > Expansion 3 will likely take us to someplace like the Far Shiverspeaks, or Cantha, giving us either a very cold environment, or a dense urban one, to serve as an opposite to PoF.


    > We don't need Path of Fire 2: Electric Boogaloo, and I doubt Anet is going to do it either.



    I wasn’t referring to an expansion. I was referring to a living story map this season. As in he moves again after the next episode and then moves up north for some reason. I’m just skeptical they will put a map in the region he is perched at now.


  3. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > But he’s not really commanding anything is he? It doesn’t seem like his branded have any motive or agenda.

    > Hes still learning the full extent of his power after taking in the other dragons, and Baltahzar's power.


    > I do expect we will see more movement when we get into branded territory in future maps.


    I speculated that he is going to wind up moving back up north toward scavengers causeway. I still believe that honestly. Plus the causeway had some minor map changes done to the coastline and what appears to be a vertical line. It’s the only movement that makes sense from where he is now. Plus it would be interesting to have the Orr area mostly uncovered, except that middle watery area.


  4. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Alga.6498" said:

    > > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/KjVdaBQ.png "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > That is a great choice of our upcoming living world areas, I have aswell been thinking about these areas too as our upcoming maps! :)

    > >

    > I like the Jahai bluffs, sunward marchess sulferous wastes then Mt Kralkatorrik if I had my choice.



    I'd love to see some Margonite temples, but other than potentially getting a junundu worm mount I'm not sure what we would have to gain story-wise from going to the Sulfur wastes. And I'm not sure what we would go to the Barb coast for but I guess if we did wind up going to Cantha next expansion having that as the final map instead would be interesting as it would be a good location-wise. And I'm kind of hoping Mt. Kralk won't be just a purple bloodstone fen with branded death floor everywhere.



    It still strikes me as odd that he made such a quick turn to that specific area though. They have enough room to skip that area if they wanted to and have him move back up north along the western coast of Elona, then maybe skip over to Scavenger's Causeway. Not sure they would have him move again but he's kind of cornered into this little area where any movement he makes is going to potentially require updating existing maps which I doubt they would do. It's hard to tell if the movement is implying he's moving towards something or away, but I guess moving to Vabbi originally wasn't really fueled by any motives so this one doesn't really have to be either. Unless he's just recuperating from Balthazar and wanted to get to the nearest safest seeming mountain he could. (Which in that case could have been further into Dzalana or an area east of Vabbi.)

  5. So until this weekend I didn't even know who they were. Now I'm wondering how https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Emissary_Heleyne managed to travel all the way through the mists to the Marvel Cinematics universe....


    These seem like really interesting characters and I wonder if we will ever see them in Guild Wars 2. I haven't played the full story yet so I'm not sure if they're still around in the time of Guild Wars 2.




  6. > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > > > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > > > If the next expansion is Jormag and shiver peaks, it will most certainly be Jora and weapon GS. People seem to want GS as well.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Next expansion has heavily been implied to be underwater against the Deep Sea Dragon, so maybe a Largos Legend.

    > > > >

    > > > > Will see as we get closer. However, I am certain that underwater will continue being phased out of the game. Will still have some water masses, but we will never something akin to Stratis of Devastation (or bigger).

    > > >

    > > > Glad to know you're certain of that when they did an entire balance patch for underwater combat, teased the DSD in Path of Fire, wrote the story in a way that the only dragon awake right now is Kralkatorik AND the DSD and even allowed Necro golems to be used underwater [and specifically made them a shark rather than simply letting them swim].

    > >

    > > I'm forgetting, what was the DSD tease?

    > >

    > > Flesh Golem becoming a shark rather than keep the model and swimming is likely because that skeleton doesn't have a swimming animation, iirc.


    > In PoF, when you're in Kesho, you're given a vision that explains why Glint's legacy exists. During the vision, we see a glimpse of an Elder Dragon that looks nothing like the ones we've seen so far, this includes Kralkatorrik at the end of main expansion story. The blue colors along with the slightly tentacle-y look of the dragon would fit the DSD [who is mentioned to created "tentacled horrors"] far more than any of the others.


    > If you're wondering about the colors, the cutscene in Omadd's machine that allows you to see The All has colors representing the Elder Dragons and their order of Awakening, the DSD is colored with Blue.


    Not saying you're wrong, and the color part matches up, but the image was so vague that you could push the idea of it being anything you wanted. I feel like people are putting too much stock into this idea. But the colors matching up with The All is solid at least.


    And as much as I want spiritualist, I feel like that's partially what they were going for with Khala and then just changed their mind halfway or something. I guess it would be different if the spirits weren't stationary and the weapon choice would probably be scepter but none of the offhands really work with scepter. Staff would at least somewhat work well with it though.


    Talon and Jora for potential greatswords seem pretty likely candidates.


    But of the ones I've heard I think the idea of a Largos or Kunnavang legend appeal to me the most. Though we already have Glint, so having a another dragon legend doesn't seem that likely. And Abaddon doesn't seem like it would be that far from Malyx.


    As much as I would love eles to get a Dervish themed spec, I think sacrificing legends and gaining Avatar legends as a dervish elite would be pretty fascinating.


    The idea of eles having Dervish sounds interesting to me with each god empowering a certain element. - Balth for fire, Melandru for earth, Dwayna for air, Lyssa for arcane, and possibly Grenth for water. (Though I think that's Kormir's turf now isn't it? Or is it Lyssa's?)


  7. After exploring Cantha in Guild Wars 1 for the first time this weekend I can definitely say I'd love something that led us there. The echovald forest with a Guild Wars 2 makeover would be amazing.


    I always kind of imagined the end boss of the Solid Ocean fractal as being a minion of champion of the deep sea dragon.


    I feel like Kralk's movement in his latest flight and brand extension is for a reason. I think somebody mentioned it was a potential bloodstone location and he's just following the trail of magic, but what consuming Balthazar's magic has affected his aggression towards the other elder dragons? Perhaps his quick flight west towards the ocean is in fact to take the magic of the deep sea dragon? We could also possibly have another replacement elder dragon in Cantha.


    I don't think that an expansion focused on the deep sea dragon has to be underwater focused or have solely underwater combat. There could be entire largos cities underwater that could be "bubbled" to make it fitting for regular combat. Though I think if this did happen it would be only a couple maps and again, focused in Cantha as the main expansion region. I know everyone wants underwater combat completely revamped, but is it really worth the investment? How much do you need it in core maps? It would fit in terms of what we've gotten with mounts and gliding and its use being implemented in older zones, but I think as much as people say they want a revamp it would just get old to them really quickly. Too quickly to warrant that kind of production. Pulling the focus to the mainland would be better.


    I also feel like the Corsairs, even though they had a large part in Nightfall, will continue playing a significant role moving forward. Having them show up just to help with Joko and then have no way of being overly useful towards Kralkatorik and vanish would be a bit strange.


    All this being said, given the extremely large portion of the map that was added to the east of Ascalon does leave me inclined to believe that it could be our next destination. I'm just not sure what the overall plot would be for that kind of expansion, given that Charr civil war doesn't seem like something we would want to spend an expansion on or be a strong enough plot outside of sharing the spotlight with Kralk if he's still a danger at that point. The best part of this would be that it would introduce never seen areas, potentially entirely new races/creatures/cultures. (Or just some of the ones from Guild Wars 1 that have seemingly vanished, like the mantid creatures or even Saurians though they were on the tarnished coast.)


    Anyway, I think the ideal next expansion for me would be Deep Sea Dragon, Cantha, Tengu as playable race, and new elite specs and weapon types:

    Mesmer - Bard

    Elementalist - Dervish/Djinn based spec

    Necromancer - Lich/new vampiric themed power melee/assassin spec

    Guardian - Spiritualist

    Revenant - Dervish/power based legend. Perhaps Balthazar?


    Thief - monk (though they seem to be very caster-oriented in guild wars which I wasn't expecting)


    Warrior - no idea. We've had zerker which was condi and spellbreaker which is seemingly just boon-hate pvp spec.


    Engineer - golemancer type spec? Holo was kind of random, as was a lot of the others so who knows.



    Another possibility and as much as I hate the idea of Arenanet going all Warlords of Draenor on us, is that the comments Gorrik made about the rift in Gandara and time-space continums could be eluding to something much more. Something more than a potential villain coming out of the rift, but us going into the rift to an earlier time. Perhaps during one of the previous dragon rises, or a time before the gods fought Abaddon. Perhaps it would be tied in with finding a way to combat our elder dragon problem or even something exploring Joko's past. As much possibility as this has in terms of what they could do, the only real reason I think I would ever want something like this is just to see Pre-cataclysm Orr. lol And more focus on the gods.




  8. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > I can see why the OP finds this annoying. Personally, I thought it was brilliant. We had tons of foreshadowing that Aurene operates on a different plane than we do. She's always shown up unexpectedly; she's always done surprising things.



    Yeah, I think with her having visions of events she knows where she needs to go to help us most. And I think she’s more “aggressive” because she’s maturing and knows she is powerful enough to actually fight back. I don’t think there’s anything bad being displayed, I think she’s just growing up.


  9. > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > I think its interesting to consider though how Aurene became a lot more aggressive once she took magic from Balthazar. Mixing in Joko's essence into her now sounds kind of terrifying.



    She hasn’t became more aggressive though. She was defending us like this even as a baby. People just have he idea that she’s more aggressive because of what Canach said. Maybe that’s what Arenanet wants us to think about her, but if so then they should have done a better job of showing that because her behavior hasn’t really changed or seemed out of character.


  10. > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

    > Well, they seem to want to add _something_ major that changes the experience with every expansion. Makes sense, you want something to pull people in, both new players and those who have left but might be tempted back by something new and exciting. Surely just a new set of specializations isn't enough, but they can't keep adding movement abilities forever. If you're doing an undersea expansion, you could have masteries/mounts around that, but what other major features are left? (Player housing?) I doubt they'd want to add another class at this point, it would break up their perfect square of classes with three of each armor class. However, a new race would be doable. Working them into the story might be a bit of a stretch, but it could be either retconned ("Of course Izu Steelshrike, your tengu mentor, is great personal friends with everyone in Destiny's edge, didn't we tell you?") or just ignored that there's no reason for random PC Tengu/Kodan/etc to show up at Caudecus's Manor and immediately be allowed in to help out in story mode.



    I’d still really love another profession, something called like Legacy or something that could be a Dervish/Paragon/Ritualist/Shaman based on elite spec. But a lot of their abilities have already been added in to existing classes and the dervish I would want to play is probably a bit more akin to Amala op fire raining from the sky than what I’ve experienced in guild wars 1. I could easily see them fitting each of these into existing elite specs but find it unlikely given we just went to Elona where most of them were more prevelant.


    As far as game changing systems, I’m not sure they would do a secondary profession system in guild wars 2 due to the balancing overload that would ensue, but I could see them doing spell and ability augmentation and customization. Perhaps giving different abilities different functionality or effects. But you have the balancing issue again.



    I’m always a sucker for housing though, and given how creative and innovative they have been with mounts, I would love to see how they would reimagine player housing.


    Only concern is that they would abandon it like they have guild halls, and as far as a gameplay feature outside of having a hero system similar to guild wars 1 or Skyrim in which your heroes live in your player housing I’m not sure how much they could do to attract a large enough audience to warrant that much development or sustained interest. But I think there is probably more interest than expressed. He hero system would be a bit hard to implement in the way guild wars 2 is designed though unless they had some special campaign mode that’s phased or in different instances of the open world maps.


    Another feature that I think would incorporate housing and movement would be a buildable and customizable player house in the form of a ship. It would probably be a nightmare to program but if they had dedicated maps with a more strict amount of players allowed on them they could even have the ships visitable in open world by other players. Something like this could also give reason to implement fishing, an underwater mount, and even racial themed ships/boats. Perhaps the waypoint/death system could tether itself to your ship or your ship to a specific port. And the customization adjustments could be localized to a home instance style port. Just imagine drifting through some really foggy area in the open seas and stumbling upon another players ship anchored. They’re fishing or fighting some random corsairs or sea creatures that are trying to invade and you decide to help and check out their sea crib! Would potentially even give scribing a reason to be overhauled and decorations potentially able to be sold on the trading post to recuperate the insane cost of leveling the profession.



    There is a lot they could do that would be game changing and revistalize certain aspects.


    And as far as adding a race goes, if we didn’t do deep seas or Cantha and instead went to the eastern unexplored lands they could even add a race we have never seen before, and give it a brand new personal story that deals with the conflict on their land unknown to us in the West. But then you would probably get people pretty upset that wanted Largos, Tengu, Kodan, Quaggan or whatever.



    You also have to consider the gem store aspect of the next biggest feature. And when you take that into consideration, what would sell?


    A new race would just increase sales of existing cosmetic items but probably not by that much.


    A hero system could mean unique heroes being sold on the gemstore, but would have to be purely cosmetic.


    Player housing/ship feature would be the most likely as it would be 1. Purely cosmetic. 2. A lot of already existing assets that could be part of the reason we never get any guild decorations added. 3. Functionality items added similar to the home instance in which you could add material nodes, mount stables to show off skins, mini minagerie to show off minis, armor mannekins to show off specific looks and possibly even copy that look to your character as sort of a transmutation save feature. Garden plots that already exist. The amount of things they could add to this sort of feature I think people just don’t take into account. Lol





  11. I think part of this could be solved by putting in more decorations in general. If you are like me you can find yourself trying to make something look like something else using 5 decorations that could just be 1 already existing asset that for some reason has never been added as a decoration. But I’ve been asking for more for like a year and a half now. More trees apparently are just too many resources.



    They just don’t have any interest in guild halls, or regret implementing them in general and seem to never want to expand on that system. ??‍♂️

  12. Is it possible to mess up builds on your heroes? I changed a few things around on Ogden for spells, gave him more healing spells that I picked up and increased some of his healing stats and I feel like he’s just not healing as well as he used to. A lot of them seem to be less functional when I have attempted to add additional spells or customization. Lol maybe I’m overwhelming the ai?



    Also, I thought I was almost done with nightfall and then realized I just entered vabbi last night. This campaign feels larger than eye of the north. Lol and the asura quests for eye of the north seemed WAY harder than all the others! Even the zones. Those saurians are not messing around.

  13. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Join a guild in gw1. Loads of master players in there willing to help you. Yes the game is old, but the players really love it. I would suggest rolling one “pre searing” toon. (Wiki it) You will learn a lot about the game and some of the biggest alliances recruit there.


    Yeah, I’ll try posting a request to join one. I’m still getting used to the ui and the few times I have spoken around other players it was troll responses or nothing. I did have one person help me get through shards of Orr to the portal though. That was really nice. Died constantly trying to do that for days. Lol

  14. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > I guess there is something I should save up for to buy something to give my heroes before I can submit them to the tapestry thing? That I have to buy from other players in kamadan?

    > You need to upgrade their armour appearance (except M.O.X.) - Wiki information [here](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hero_armor#Armor_appearance_upgrades "here"). This involves getting the appropriate item from a challenge mission (or buying it off another player). You also need to have hung a tapestry in the [Fellowship](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/%22Fellowship%22 "Fellowship") monument in the Hall of Monuments.


    > > And some minis I have to buy the same way? And level a ranger pet to 20? Or that I can level a heroes pet to 20 and submit it?

    > The main way to get minis is from birthday presents, so if you want them quickly, you'll have to trade with someone. If you're lucky, you might find a veteran player who has loads of spares they'll just give away.


    > You can't add a hero's pet, but you can take Ranger as you secondary profession to tame a pet of your own. You do have to raise them to level 20, though you can do that via [death leveling](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Death_leveling "death leveling").


    > > Why is guild wars 1 so confusing? I guess I also have to look up builds for them online but I wouldn’t know how to capture more skills for them. It only lets me capture skills for my character?

    > You can take their profession as your secondary profession and buy skills for them that way, or you can use [hero skill points](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hero_skill_point "hero skill points") for buying some skills. For elite skills you have to capture them from a boss with [signet of Capture](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Signet_of_Capture "Signet of Capture"), and you have to have the right profession (either primary or secondary). You could also create a new character with a different profession to get the skills - that might be easier at first since skills become more expensive the more you buy (up to a maximum of 1 platinum).


    > > It might be less discouraging if I felt like I wasn’t made of paper or had the slightest clue how to play the only character I’ve bothered to level and run through the campaigns.

    > My guess is you feel like you're made of paper because you still have starter armour.


    > > Any tips on what I can do? It just seems weird that I’ve completed most of two primary campaigns and only have three points from linking accounts. I just assumed that shield thing that popped up in eye of the north after you complete part of the main campaign was a point in hall of monuments. But I guess it’s just a graphic showing you’ve completed it.

    > Completing quests in Nightfall is a reasonable way to get gold, although you don't get a huge amount per quest. [Zaishen challenge quests](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zaishen_Challenge_Quest "Zaishen challenge quests") give better gold rewards, and many of them just require you to do a certain mission on normal mode for the gold. Also, if you get a rune or insignia drop that you don't want, check its price at a rune trader - salvaging an upgrade out of a salvage item and selling to the rune trader can be way more lucrative than just selling to the normal merchant.



    This made a whole lot more sense than some of the guides I’ve read. Thank you!


  15. So I recently picked up guild wars 1 on steam and figured I would work towards some of the things I want in the hall of monuments.



    Well, a week later and probably a thousand deaths on my dervish that I’m clearly playing wrong, almost finishing eye of the north and getting close to finishing nightfall campaign, I still only have three points from linking accounts.



    I have no clue how to earn more, and from what I’ve read it sounds like a lot comes from having millions of gold in guild wars 1 when I’m sitting at like 1 platinum most of the time and am still wearing mostly starter armor.



    I guess there is something I should save up for to buy something to give my heroes before I can submit them to the tapestry thing? That I have to buy from other players in kamadan?



    And some minis I have to buy the same way? And level a ranger pet to 20? Or that I can level a heroes pet to 20 and submit it?




    Why is guild wars 1 so confusing? I guess I also have to look up builds for them online but I wouldn’t know how to capture more skills for them. It only lets me capture skills for my character?



    I really wanted to work my way up to the heavenly glove things but at this point I would settle for the fiery dragon sword.



    It might be less discouraging if I felt like I wasn’t made of paper or had the slightest clue how to play the only character I’ve bothered to level and run through the campaigns.



    I guess this system is really just meant for veteran players that already had the fancy armor and millions of gold.



    Any tips on what I can do? It just seems weird that I’ve completed most of two primary campaigns and only have three points from linking accounts. I just assumed that shield thing that popped up in eye of the north after you complete part of the main campaign was a point in hall of monuments. But I guess it’s just a graphic showing you’ve completed it.



    My training raids in guild wars 2 a few nights ago have gone better than most of my dungeons in guild wars 1....... lol

  16. > @"Victus.9301" said:

    > ArenaNet you are freaking cowards, at best this is a kitten "talk with HR" situation, but no gotta appease the mob calling for blood. Glad to see we haven't progressed at all from 2014.


    I mean, I don't know why this is still going on. But another possible scenario is that they asked her to apologize and smooth the situation over, and she either quit or had a fit and it escalated.


    We don't know the whole story behind their decision, which is why I feel like it may have been better left closed after Mike's comment. Then again, if the 20 posts on the same subject not including the ones that were already shut down prior is any indication, this train wasn't going to stop anytime soon.


    I didn't know the full context of her tweets, and they were pretty ridiculous, but I'm partially wondering if this sudden urge to jump on the bandwagon with pitchforks held high is in part due to the issues with the latest release. Would this kind of animosity be so intense if it was mostly unanimously regarded as a great addition? I mean, it's the internet, and it's remarks about sexism, so I guess it probably would either way.


    Anyway, stepping out now. More heat in here than Thaumanova.

  17. But if we can't get a plethora of various decorations added during one of these living story updates, can we at least get some non-planted trees? Like the Savannah looking ones? And cherry trees? And pretty much anything other than palm, green, and Ascalon.


    I think my guild hall has more Ascalonian trees than Ascalon does. But the green trees are small, the palm trees are also small and aren't quite as high quality texture as the ones already in Windswept Haven, and super trees aren't exactly the look I'm going for.


    A part of me knows asking is pointless, but a small part of me deep down is hoping that some passionate decorator dev out there somewhere on the fringe of the universe will be like, "Oh yeah, I think we could swing that."




  18. > @"Nabuko Darayon.9645" said:

    > I will be closely watching the aftermath of this decision MO.


    > If ANet decides to turn their company into a more totalitarian way to accommodate the new rising spirit in the world I will be leaving this game as well.


    > By aftermath, I mean you just created a new precedent on how to get a dev fired so start expecting major provocations by trolls towards your devs that are active on twitter. And trust me they will abuse it.



    I’m pretty sure they know how to tell the difference. And honestly, that kind of personality that she exhibited probably found it’s way into the office and other coworkers as well.


    Either way, there doesn’t seem to be much of a point in keeping this thread open, or having 20 on the same subject anymore.


  19. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > @"Neil Pollner II.7602" said:

    > > > Hi all.

    > > >

    > > > As the main writer for the A story of episode 3, and as a member of the team that broke this season’s arc/story, I can tell you that bringing the conflict with Joko to a deadly conclusion was not about sewing up lose threads. Or finding an antagonist we can just kill. We know that killing anyone iconic will be met with applause as well as boos. That’s testimony to having a rich world with rich characters and a wide fan base that is passionate and really connected to the experience. We expected that some will love how we orchestrated Joko’s demise and some will have issues with it. Both are valid. But please know, we don’t plan and do anything like this casually or for fleeting reasons. We pour over story and dig in deep and care immensely about the world and characters.

    > > >

    > > > So please trust me — episode 3’s developments and joko’s fate were not cavalier or whimsical dart throws.

    > > >

    > > > Thank you all for being so involved and for caring so much. That more than anything makes this job a pleasure!

    > >

    > > Are you allowed to confirm that we will get more on Joko's backstory later in the season? Like his origins and what-not? Probably not, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. That was one of the things I was really looking forward to and kind of hoped we would get this episode as I knew he was reaching his conclusion. It would be really sad if we didn't at least get a vision or somekind of lore collectables somewhere that would tell us his full story. :(


    > U might wonna talk to statues.



    You mean the one where he talks about creating the gods and being born with the universe or whatever? No. I’ve already heard that. The other statues in Kourna or just like the intercom system in Vabbi.


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