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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. I love playing it but I can't decide if I like Grieving stats or Viper stats better. Grieving FELT like more damage, but I didn't look at my combat logs to see what my condition ticks got up to and I'm not very good at rotations. Also, I can't for the life of me figure out how to install arcdps or get it to work to see how poorly I'm doing against my peers in fractals. >_> Also, grieving seems like it would be more efficient given Khalia's focus on ferocity?





    It is however, no matter which stats you run with, really fun for bounty trains and the offensive support does really seem to make a big difference.

  2. To say that I spent the past 4 days or so returning to Smite while waiting for the next living story episode and can honestly say I would rather do the same event 1000 times in this game with you people than spend 10 minutes in one match with the people in that game.


    It's a really neat idea and they have great artists, but wow those are some of the rudest people I have ever met. I thought World of Warcraft had the worst community, but Smite really takes the whole bakery.


    So, to the developers that create amazing artwork, a non-hot mess of an interface, easy accessibility to important features, forum moderators whom everyone may not agree with from time to time are passionate and dedicated to creating a positive atmosphere, and to the many diverse players that log in and find their fun in whatever game mode they choose, thank you.


    This experience has inspired me to want to the more helpful in-game to all of the new players (are there really that many?) and to cherish that even though there are bad experiences with certain players and in certain game modes, the good still far outweigh the bad.


    I encourage all of you to do the same, to continue creating such a positive experience in a world so far from what we have that for some people may be their only way of connecting to other people or escaping what awaits us in the real world.



  3. A couple things:


    I still prefer hot maps because of their complexity and meta.


    But part of the problem is that meta events in pof don’t reward anything more than a bounty train or Istan meta does. If they rewarded something unique I think more people would do the ones that require coordination. A lot of the reason people do hot metas too is because they need the currencies for legendaries. I don’t know how crafting a pof legendary works but if the metas rewarded some of the items needed for the legendaries instead of the possibility of some amount of currency you need to buy the items it might increase participation. Also some amalgamated gemstones would be nice.


    Looking back to the times I’ve had the most fun in open world pve I think of world boss trains and hot metas. Things that require groups of people working together is a lot more fun for me personally but I can understand wanting the old Orr event train and champion slaughter.


    Moving forward though I hope they come up with better scaling for some of these events and champions or even potential legendary spawns like in silverwastes because sometimes the champs just die in a few seconds. At that point it’s neither challenging, fun, or efficient.

  4. > @"Rognik.2579" said:

    > I think the title of the next episode will be "Djinni with the Light Brown Hair".


    False. It’s Djinni from the block. It will be another escaped inquest member that is a djinn that will be in a love triangle with the full metal brothers.


  5. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > > > > I would say it would be better to just say you’re holding off until e3 intentionally but there’s no indication the patch will even make it out then.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Unless that’s not even why they’re holding off on it. The E3 thing was just player speculation based solely on Anet being a part of.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > It doesn’t seem like a coincidence. They only thing I can think of from the post is that they are restructuring the teams and the initial restructure delayed this release but may improve the future releases. But again, there seems to always be that carrot on a stick of, this is setting the groundwork for the future or this will improve the content or content stream.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not flaming, and I can understand how much work goes into these releases, but it’s not like we’ve never heard this before.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Some people are only saying it isn’t a coincidence because of E3. There are still others reasons for delays. From what another poster said, Anet isn’t even scheduled to reveal anything.

    > >

    > > They may not be. But I doubt they will have a presence there just to attend. They may be using it as marketing for this “upcoming” episode if they aren’t revealing anything else.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Why would they attend E3 just to market the episode?


    Aren’t they attending it either way? If they aren’t revealing anything what are they going to do besides market the game and talk about living world with a recently released or in progress example to talk about? It’s not so much marketing the episode as it is marketing the game with an example of the content they create to show.


    Pretty sure they’re attending this year either way.



  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > > I would say it would be better to just say you’re holding off until e3 intentionally but there’s no indication the patch will even make it out then.

    > > >

    > > > Unless that’s not even why they’re holding off on it. The E3 thing was just player speculation based solely on Anet being a part of.

    > > >

    > >

    > >

    > > It doesn’t seem like a coincidence. They only thing I can think of from the post is that they are restructuring the teams and the initial restructure delayed this release but may improve the future releases. But again, there seems to always be that carrot on a stick of, this is setting the groundwork for the future or this will improve the content or content stream.

    > >

    > > Not flaming, and I can understand how much work goes into these releases, but it’s not like we’ve never heard this before.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Some people are only saying it isn’t a coincidence because of E3. There are still others reasons for delays. From what another poster said, Anet isn’t even scheduled to reveal anything.


    They may not be. But I doubt they will have a presence there just to attend. They may be using it as marketing for this “upcoming” episode if they aren’t revealing anything else.




  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > I would say it would be better to just say you’re holding off until e3 intentionally but there’s no indication the patch will even make it out then.


    > Unless that’s not even why they’re holding off on it. The E3 thing was just player speculation based solely on Anet being a part of.




    It doesn’t seem like a coincidence. They only thing I can think of from the post is that they are restructuring the teams and the initial restructure delayed this release but may improve the future releases. But again, there seems to always be that carrot on a stick of, this is setting the groundwork for the future or this will improve the content or content stream.


    Not flaming, and I can understand how much work goes into these releases, but it’s not like we’ve never heard this before.




  8. That doesn’t really say anything though. They always claim that something they are doing is improving for future releases. Such and such is setting the foundation for upcoming content.


    But it’s cool they acknowledge it exists I guess.


    I would say it would be better to just say you’re holding off until e3 intentionally but there’s no indication the patch will even make it out then.

  9. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > I hope the delay has been caused by something big to come. if that's the case, they can take as long as they want.


    Betting there won’t be a fractal or a raid and a mastery that gives us something akin to a suicide heal while on our mount.




  10. Given no news about episode 3, it seems likely they will just talk about episode 3, living story, and potentially the wvw changes coming at some point to servers.


    As much as I would like a teaser for an expansion or something bigger for guild wars 2 than just talking about their quarterly content update, I think the timing is too intentional with this release for it to not be the big part of their presentation at e3.


    That's of course assuming that episode 3 is actually coming out within the next 2 to 3 weeks.

  11. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > the Cliffside Fractal is describe as something about "early Tyria" https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cliffside_Fractal


    I never knew this, that's fascinating. When I first stepped into the Bastion of the Penitent I got a Cliffside feel from it as if they could be in the same area. Also given the weird things that were going on with time and the fact that some of the objects eluded to some connection to the mists and the general floaty mist-like nature of cliffside I always wondered if that area and the woodland cascades/isles of janthir were somehow more connected to the mists than the rest of Tyria.


    Although I love the idea of Cantha more, I do look forward to possibly someday exploring more from this part of Tyria.


    Also, that makes me wonder who the blue giant is in Cliffside. Could that be Janthir whom this area is named after?


  12. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > There's another possibility that is extremely unlikely...they wanted to save it for the Cinematics Guild Chat this Friday the 25th(which would be out of the ordinary, but plausible).


    For a second I thought the same but nah. Doubt it. It is weird that they are timing a cinematics guild chat when the last cinematic was 3 months ago. Odd timing for sure.


  13. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > > Having no trailer confirms only one thing that even if we get a trailer next week that means episode 3 will release not before the 5th of June.

    > > Where am I going with this you asked? It means what I feared it meant at episode 2's release. Having mounts now means bigger maps which means no more release every 2 months from now on it'll be only every 3 months, instead of a potential 6 maps a year now 4 you will get. If like that makes you unsatisfied then do dailies and episode then play other games. Come on " Aquanox: Deep Descent", come out already. B)

    > >

    > > Another possibility is that this has quite a bit of water combat an since Anet has lost their touch with water content it'll take another 3 months so be patient or go play a game of Russian Roulette. :o :'(

    > >

    > >


    > You reasoning is...incomplete, just because we haven't seen a release for LWS4 within the minimum 2 month window yet does not mean it won't happen...maps are the least likely thing to prevent a shorter release window. Also keep in mind they have 3 LW teams, each working on an episode concurrently with the other two teams, so by now it's conceivable that the EP1 team is already finished with EP4(though unlikely it is possible, the entire seasons story line was previously mapped out long ago and only needs tweaking/tightening up, as per the last Guild Chat). Which also means that the EP2 team has already been hard at work on EP5, etc., etc., etc.,


    > Furthermore, in the other thread when people where speculating on the trailers release date and the date for the release of EP3, I had already said it wouldn't be until the 29th of May at the earliest(for the trailer), but more likely on the 5th of June instead.



    You would think. But theoretically episode 2 and 3 would have been mostly done while episode 1 was created or episode 3 while 2 was worked on. Yet it’s still a 3 month + wait each episode despite the separate teams. So either there are major steps that cannot be completed until the prior episode is finished which is likely with voice acting and story progression steps, or they’re just holding back and pacing themselves as previously suggested to space out content until the next expansion.


    That’s fine and all, but having silence makes the 3 month gap plus a little frustrating. Would be nice to get little teaser screenshots or something even if they don’t want to release the trailer.


    I’m a little disappointed just because I wasn’t a huge fan of the previous episode. It’s hard to top an episode like daybreak which came out already so close to the expansion release.





  14. Figured it out. The one setting I thought I had set lower was shaders. Clicked it to medium and it looks the way it did before. Thought I was going crazy. 6 hours of trying to get your computer functioning after an update that's supposed to improve it will do that to you!

  15. Yeah. Got all the best texture options checked.


    I kept my files when I did the pc reset and I still have a 32 bit client and potentially some lost folders from previous game installs mixed in various places. So unless something is overwriting something else I don't think that's an issue. Plus I ran the repair just in case and it just took me to the game like it didn't need to repair.


    No idea....


  16. So, thanks to the latest Windows 10 update I had to go back and do a complete pc reset and reinstall guild wars 2.


    But ever since I've reloaded it my textures look flat. For instance, my warbeast armor was a shiny silver color before and now it's kind of a flat grey.


    I've updated my graphics drivers AND taken another look at my settings which are the same as they were before.


    Any idea what else I could do to get them looking back the way they were? I don't know what would have changed. Someone suggested running a client repair so that's my next step but as I just reinstalled the 64 bit client I can't see how that will help.


    Any other suggestions or anyone had this happen before?


  17. > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

    > Yes to this. No to any subsequent demands that Asura get golems.


    A golem would be perfect for Springer though. They haven’t really branched out at all with these mount skins though. It’s surprising because they get really creative with glider skins but mount skins always stay pretty similar to the original. A little disappointing. >_>


    Kind of hoping if we don’t get a trailer announcement for next week we will get a new mount skin or datamined mount skin.


  18. Expiring siege is annoying and frustrating imo. But it’s also annoying having to place your siege somewhere an ele or necro wont just aoe it and you down. Defeats the purpose of siege if you can’t use it to pressure the people attacking. Especially in outnumbered situations when the only way to defend would be to use siege. It would also force people to be more strategic like using siege in a captured tower across from it instead of bombing the siege on the walls and losing that pressure.


    Another thing would be targeting mechanics. I personally refer using the target treb in Kylo vs guesstimating distance even if the latter is more realistic and not overly difficult.


    Maybe another added siege. Something similar to a golem but faster? A multi seater battle machine that can be used as a structure damaging siege with one person driving it and using that and maybe a bubble, with additional people on the siege weapon able to use attached arrow carts or ballista? It would have to require more supplies than all the others to keep people from just spam building them but could be fun.


    Shield generators could use a pass at their abilities. Other than the bubble most of the others are pretty pointless. Having the one that creates a line people cannot cross would be a lot more effective if it were a large ring that traps or at least wall length line.



    Another suggestion would be something that could potentially benefit out numbered servers and small group defenders. - A lower cost barricade that keeps people from being able to enter. Like the hallways leading into the lords room in stone mist. It may ultimately be pointless if ranged nuke it down but could add some fun gameplay and trap creation

  19. I have an easier time with chrono than condi mirage. With enough cover conditions the confusion stacks can really eat a weaver if timed right.


    Bunker Druid still has more damage with ease though. A weaver had to sacrifice their damage abilities for survival where as a Druid can just have their obnoxious pet chain cc’ing you and beating on you while they cycle through their cleanse and heals and stealth repeatedly.


    Roots are still a bit too strong imo.

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