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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Zelanard.5806" said:

    > If that came out of nowhere, you haven't been paying attention, neither to HoT, PoF nor the core story. How many times do they have to tell you that "Dragons. Eat. Magic" before you catch the hint?

    But never did a NPC say "Hey, what if we destroyed Joko's remains somehow so he doesn't revive?". Nothing led to it. And I don't want to be saved by Aurene every time there's an inconvenience.


    What should have been done: Don't make Aurene finish the job, and don't give Joko a petrify power in the first place, why would he have access to that?


    In others words, they Deus Ex Machina'd Joko so he could have the upper hand, then they Deus Ex Machina'd us so we could get out of it. At this point, let us finish Joko right away? I don't know, let's burn him, anything?

  2. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:> Please, let us be in danger, stop with the guardian angel Aurene.

    > > > Again. We. Already. Died. Despite Aurene rushing to help. How much more danger you wanna be in?

    > >

    > > That was before she was grown up. Now she's not a baby anymore, she can jump in anytime. There is nothing stoping her, not as long as she's flying around freely, and that's what's happening at the moment. Aurene is around so no problem. It's not because we've been in danger once, that it shouldn't still be the case.


    > Depends on the threat. Yeah, she can take out minor villains. She won't be able to save us from Kralkatorrik for instance. Joko is just too... small... after two Elder Dragons and a fallen god, for the players to feel in real danger. Is not that Aurene is around, it's that we've defeated much more formidable foes. But his immortality is well-established, and that's somewhat of a problem in a antagonist. Hence, Aurene.


    But hadn't it been more interesting for us to find a way for Joko to stop resurecting? Even if the answer is still "eat him", that would have been nice to find this out ourselves instead of having it come out of nowhere...

  3. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > Big Air is sort of like the griffon dive - if the griffon dive did nothing useful. It is also a lot more difficult to use because you have to be moving at high speed AND find a cliff to jump off of...at which point all it does is give you a little extra endurance, which you really could have used BEFORE you gained speed, not so much after!


    I'd like to add that, should you remove the gimmick animation, the mechanic has absolutely no point.

    * "Press this button if you'd like to regain endurance."


    Of course I'd like to regain endurance... Having to press a button to do so would be interesting if there was a downside on doing it, but right now it's kind of useless as a game mechanic.



  4. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:> Please, let us be in danger, stop with the guardian angel Aurene.

    > Again. We. Already. Died. Despite Aurene rushing to help. How much more danger you wanna be in?


    That was before she was grown up. Now she's not a baby anymore, she can jump in anytime. There is nothing stoping her, not as long as she's flying around freely, and that's what's happening at the moment. Aurene is around so no problem. It's not because we've been in danger once, that it shouldn't still be the case.

  5. # /!\SPOILERS/!\ /!\SPOILERS/!\ /!\SPOILERS/!\


    I like Aurene, her lore, her relationship with the commander (us), and all, but lately I feel like she's being used like a Deus Ex Machina. When we're in a bad spot she pops out of nowhere and saves our skin... The end.


    In this last episode my personnal disappointment was double, as I was just starting to like Joko's character, and I actually found his monologue interesting... And then Aurene poped all of a sudden and f****** ate him. Okay that was kind of funny, but I don't feel like I played a part in it. Nothing built towards it. Joko beat us, Aurene did everything. Actually I was almost angry at her because I wanted to hear more of what Joko had to say about the dragons and all...


    Please, let us be in danger, stop with the guardian angel Aurene. It doesn't make the story interesting, and I think both she and the commander deserve a little better in the story.


    Edit: Also, is Aurene with us or not? Because she's always giving a helping paw, but she apparently refuses to stay nearby. Does she want to keep her distance or does she want to help? Her behavior is confusing

  6. So right now when we boost, it instantly pushes us to max speed. It would be nice to be able to spend only half the endurance bar so we can control the boost we're having, because right now it's all or nothing and if I want to travel a medium distance I either go super slowly or land waaay behind my objective.


    So I just finished that part where you free the hyleks from the awakened inquest and then join Faren Rox and Rytlock... Now when I came close they started a dialogue. I was near them and mindlessly pressed F near Rox who started to speak too and I didn't want to hear that mess of dialogues that was starting so I just disconnected and came back thinking it would simply reset everything... But no, now I have the next objective and didn't get any dialogue. Apparently I planned something with Canach and Braham during the dialogue? And Faren isn't there anymore, is he dead?? Did he go somewhere? What the hell happened? There are no youtube videos about this. Why is that kind of things not tested?

  8. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > > Kits would be far too powerful. On-demand access to 5 skills per utility slot in addition to 20 weapon skills? Come on.

    > > > > Well the engineer already has it. 10 weapon skills plus 4 with the F skills plus 25 if you equip a kit in every slot. That's a total of 39 skills. The elementalist, if we rework conjured weapons into kits, would have a potential of 40 skills. I don't think it's that big of a difference if you ask me.

    > > >

    > > > The engi only has 5 weapon skills, cuz no attunements and no weaponswap.

    > > My bad I thought he had it. Anyway that's still 34 skills. Perhaps put a limit on the number of weapons we can equip at the same time?


    > Or, you know, keep the mechanic different so both have their own thing.


    Why? There's not only one class with shouts. Or Physical. Or stances. Why should we not give kits to someone else than engi too? And anyway when did I say we should make them work the same?

  9. > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > Kits would be far too powerful. On-demand access to 5 skills per utility slot in addition to 20 weapon skills? Come on.

    > > > Well the engineer already has it. 10 weapon skills plus 4 with the F skills plus 25 if you equip a kit in every slot. That's a total of 39 skills. The elementalist, if we rework conjured weapons into kits, would have a potential of 40 skills. I don't think it's that big of a difference if you ask me.

    > >

    > > The engi only has 5 weapon skills, cuz no attunements and no weaponswap.

    > My bad I thought he had it. Anyway that's still 34 skills. Perhaps put a limit on the number of weapons we can equip at the same time? Or ammunitions shared across all weapons, like if you use one it puts the others on cooldown as well?



  10. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > Kits would be far too powerful. On-demand access to 5 skills per utility slot in addition to 20 weapon skills? Come on.

    > > Well the engineer already has it. 10 weapon skills plus 4 with the F skills plus 25 if you equip a kit in every slot. That's a total of 39 skills. The elementalist, if we rework conjured weapons into kits, would have a potential of 40 skills. I don't think it's that big of a difference if you ask me.


    > The engi only has 5 weapon skills, cuz no attunements and no weaponswap.

    My bad I thought he had it. Anyway that's still 34 skills. Perhaps put a limit on the number of weapons we can equip at the same time?

  11. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Kits would be far too powerful. On-demand access to 5 skills per utility slot in addition to 20 weapon skills? Come on.

    Well the engineer already has it. 10 weapon skills plus 4 with the F skills plus 25 if you equip a kit in every slot. That's a total of 39 skills. The elementalist, if we rework conjured weapons into kits, would have a potential of 40 skills. I don't think it's that big of a difference if you ask me.

  12. So I just think it would be nice if we could go back in this zone because, well it's nice for the lore and simply costs nothing to make accessible.


    I got a quick question though, I've read that by unlocking "The Dreamer I: The Experimental Short Bow" collection, it would allow me to talk to a npc and go back in the zone. Do I only need to buy "The Dreamer Vol I", or is there something else to do in order to unlock the entrance? Is this unlock permanent? Thanks


    **Edit:** This might be a little bit confusing, so to be clear, I am refering to this area: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_Collections

  13. > @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

    > While I agree that the base mount should have looked more like an awakened mummy and less like the commander stole the armor off an awakened abomination and slapped it on their mount, I heavily disagree with everything else. the dye slots for these & the Exo-suit pack are, I would argue, the best use of the slots thus far. Fur/feather/scale patterns would not make sense with the Awakened theme, _The eyes are gems _ so it makes sense that they are on that slot, and 4 dye slots work just fine for what is presented to us.


    Well you can perfectly dye the eyes and gems the same, it's all about customization. Moving on to the outfit topic, what is difficult doesn't seem to be separating each peice of equipment, but rather making sure that each of them fit with all the existing armor skins, and that nothing overlaps. Now with the mount-armor thing, it's more like an outfit for the mount that you can swap around your naked mount. I don't think it's _that_ hard, but I'll concede I am not a 3D animator ~~yet~~.

  14. I really like their style, I always had a thing for egyptian-mummy-mystical things and really gave it some thought. But in the end, I didn't buy them, for one reason that may seem picky but is very important to me.

    The "base body" of the mounts are bound to be fully dyed in the same colour. We cannot dye the fur/spikes/feathers in different colours than the rest of the body, and the mounts, even though their armor is splendid, have no body tatoo or patern of any sort. Furthermore, the eyes are bound to be the same colour as the gems too. And of course, this is because there is currently a maximum of 4 dye channels we can have on the same item.


    So, this gave me an idea, perhaps unrealistic but I'd still like to share it. What if we could give clothes to mounts? For example, the Awakened Mounts Pack would give the signature armor, and a "naked" mount separately. This would allow to consider the mount and its armor as two separate items, allowing for dedicated dye channels. Mount skins eligible to armor wearing (those with the exact same shape as the base mount) would display an armor slot when equipped, in which we could drag our unlocked mount armors.

    There are currently 3 mount packs that _look like_ they could easily benefit from this treatment: Awakened, Wintersday, and Exo-suit. That is, because they are "merely" base mounts with additionnal armor.

  15. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > > I like how the OP said "Stressful chance" as if that was the design purpose of the weapon. They're designed to be picked up by a second player as a weapon of opportunity, and burst whatever function the weapon provides. Before they were all gradually nerfed, it was normal in raid scenarios for a second player to pick up the weapon, unload the highest damage skill or CC on it and then drop the weapon to go back to their normal rotation.

    > > > >

    > > > > But there were a number of internal conflicts with the design of Conjures beyond "one and done' burst damage. Because it was time based AND had limited charges AND had cool downs on its most critical skills AND couldn't be put down to recover later, it made the weapons too inflexible to use for the full duration. This is why they changed it to timer only, and tried to punish players on Icebow for just popping it for ice storms and then getting rid of it. I think at one point they were meant to have the utility level of Engineer kits, but didn't want to just clone the system. But the problem is Ele designed to be juggled, while the Conjures are essentially transform-like skills that need a high amount of commitment to utilize. This creates contention with the fact that the conjures are kind of situational by design..... so I'm not the least bit surprised it got used to burst off whatever advantage it provides (mostly damage or CCs) as fast as possible, so the player can go back to their more utility-capable weapons.

    > > > >

    > > > > I believe one of the issues is that they weren't originally designed in a way to make tandem use advantageous. Not specific synergies, but just the skills should feel like doubling up would be a big deal (and I'm not talking about just big burst damage). This also raises the question about mixed weapon synergies, where 2 different conjures play off each other.... but it then raises the problem of limited utility slots. They could do what they did with Glyphs, and might work.... but would it make the summoning process awkward?

    > > > >

    > > > > If we're keeping the current model, then they have to figure out how to make the skills easier to leverage with the disparity in stats a player could have. With that problem addressed they can then move on to the real problem of rewarding people for using the whole weapon kit, rather then the burst damage skills and dropping it.

    > > >

    > > > Can't really happen. You're replacing 20 skills with 5. The only way to make it worth using full time is to make them overpowered. And then they end up mandatory, which is bad design. Note that this does *NOT* give any incentive to share them either - you still want to pick up the second conjure yourself. Sharing is just a gimmick with a very limited application - two eles picking different conjures and using both for more burst.

    > >

    > > I'm not following how any of this reduces 20 to 5. Secondly, I'm not advocating for a return to ammo that would call for picking up the second weapon; thats what created this problem in the first place. There needs to be a reason to stay in the weapon, and creating a pairing strategy for organized play is the best way to make it work. Either designing it around 2 of the same weapon, or adding a function that allows them to summon 2 different types via the same cast.


    > Here is how it works. Or rather, how it doesn't:

    > Players will only stay on the weapon for its full duration if it is better to do so rather than use and drop like now. For that to happen, the overall power of the attacks you can do in these 30 seconds needs to be greater than the power of the weapon attacks you can do in this same period. Meaning you should outperform 5 Lava Fonts, 1 Meteor Shower and some other "filler" skills which still pack a punch (Plasma Blast, Pyro Blast, even Fireball). Obviously, If you *can* outperform the best you can do on a normal weapon, you want to stay on a conjure 24/7. So you conjure, you use it until it almost times out at which moment you pick up the second or cast the second charge assuming ammo system. By the time the second one runs out you're ready to cast it again. And you've replaced your 20 weapon skills (5 skills x 4 attunements) with the 5 skills from the conjure, which simply are too strong to pass.


    > This is why the conjures are the way they are. They are an excellent supplement to our already impressive array of skills. Which is exactly what an utility skill is supposed to be. But because they are (and I dare say - they are meant to be) a supplement, their usefulness is limited and the typical usage pattern will always be "conjure, burst, drop".


    I think I get your point. What if tuning the weapon's power via its skills cooldowns was the solution? That way, once you summon it, you have that set of powerful abilities, but once you've used them, you have to wait a time before using them again that would be too long to make the conjured weapon worth maintaining in prolonged combat. This removes, however, that feeling that you have to spam all of your abilities in order to get the most out of your conjure during the short time it lasts, and leaves the option to keep carrying the weapon if what we need is occasionnal bursts (in open world for example).

    In others words, shift the weapon's limitations from a set duration to longer cooldowns.


    Another possibility would be to go back to a charge system, except that each weapon skill would have its unique charges. For example, the Ice Bow would have just one or two charges of Deep Freeze given how powerful that skill is, perhaps 2 or 3 charges of Ice Storm, and a higher number of charges for its less impactful abilities. The auto-attack wouldn't require any charge and you would have the possibility to keep the weapon for as long as you want. In order to fluidify the gameplay, why not make it possible to refresh the charges without having to drop the weapon by using the conjure skill's second ammo? Of course, the cooldowns of all that need to be adjusted, but I think such a mechanic has the potential to be quite fun to use and to bring interesting plays and decision making.

  16. What about having a personnal area where absoluetly every mount, glider, outfit, dye, and all, would be unlocked for free, but would go away as soon as we leave it? This would allow us to see things like, what would this or that mount give with these colours, or does this weapon go well with my armor, that kind of things... It just needs to be a small area with a little bit of high ground to test gliders and griffons. Also with different mini-biomes (swamp, forest, city...) with different lightings to see what the colours would give in different backgrounds.

  17. > @"reikken.4961" said:

    > I like raiding as much as the next guy, but there's no way I would trade being able to give other people fiery greatswords and magnetic shields for making rotations smoother

    I understand for the greatsword, but, the shield? Everyone can dodge and all, I don't think a 1 minute cooldown protection is going to change a lot of things.

  18. > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

    > Not only you have to go back, but also pay attention to time left if you wanna use the most of it. And sometime, because of this precise timing, you miss the opportunity to grab the 2nd one that is simply lost for everybody.


    > But it won't change that much, it was designed for team play. And I do pick up FGS when I see one because I love it. It might not be the best elite, it's the most fun to me.


    > There are already many threads around them.

    As I said, no one really picks regular weapons anymore... So the teamplay side of things isn't exactly a success. I guess people simply prefer to keep going with their own rotation, and I would do the same.

    Though I understand that some people like this mechanic for the Fire Greatsword specificly, that's why I hinted that we can make a separate treatment for the ultimate _(But it would still be really amazing if we could use it as an attunnement, perhaps with slight nerfs or a damage falloff mechanic to balance the unlimitted duration?)_.

  19. So no one really picks up conjured weapons anymore, and when you're the one who conjures it and you want to keep the second one for later it doesn't feel right to have to go back to the location you conjured it, and there's still that stressful chance that someone might pick up your weapon before you get to use it. Now with the ammo/charge system, why not simply give conjured weapons 2 or 3 charges instead of conjuring a second weapon on use?


    As a second suggestion, it would be really nice if instead of having a duration on them (and thus being interrupted mid combo or skill chain when the weapon drops off), we could keep them for as long as we want _but_ the cooldown would start when we un-equip it rather than when we first conjure it. A bit like a very long cooldown attunement.


    _If needed for balance's sake, keep a limitted duration on Fire Greatsword._

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