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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > Its not just about the healing stance and no on is talking in that other threat at all.

    > > >

    > > > I see, but anyway my opinion stays the same, cast time for aquatic stance is too large, apart from all the other problems this skill have.

    > > >

    > > > And now for the other stances with cast time there is only weave self, but i havent problem with this skill having cast time because isnt too large and the situations where you need to use it are not so urgent like when you need to use a healing skill.

    > > But at the same time, because you have to charge it with all elements before actually triggering its full effect, is a cast time really useful?

    > >


    > True, while no other stance has a cast time. At least we should be allowed to move... but no... would be OP, I guess.^^


    My point is more about the first cast, the one that you need to do before swapping to all elements. This one doesn't need a cast time. But I think the AOE stun needs a cast time to allow counterplay, but yea being able to move would be a nice thing.

  2. I think it would be nice if the griffon had 2 endurance stacks instead of only 1. Right now we can't "store" Wing Flap charges like we can with the Raptor's jump or with the Jackal's dash, we only have one that refils at a regular rate.


    Of course just adding one charge would be a buff, because then we would gain an additional boost to gain altitude when starting from the ground (by flapping twice instead of once), so in order to keep things balanced, it should only refill to 1 charge when we're not flying, and the second charge would only refill while airborne.


    The idea is not game-changing, it is simply that if we just glide with our griffon for a while without using Wing Flap, we would have 2 stored charges instead of one, making maneuvring easyer in case we suddenly need to regain altitude. It would also make us more free when trying to maintain altitude, because we could wait a little while before having to Wing Flap again without loosing any efficiency, instead of having to spam it as soon as the endurance bar is full.

  3. > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > Its not just about the healing stance and no on is talking in that other threat at all.


    > I see, but anyway my opinion stays the same, cast time for aquatic stance is too large, apart from all the other problems this skill have.


    > And now for the other stances with cast time there is only weave self, but i havent problem with this skill having cast time because isnt too large and the situations where you need to use it are not so urgent like when you need to use a healing skill.

    But at the same time, because you have to charge it with all elements before actually triggering its full effect, is a cast time really useful?


  4. > @"OddFinrir.6801" said:

    > I just tested this. The overload is not recharged, only the attunement.


    Test again, I've been playing this build for all of HoT and tried it again today, it hasn't changed.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > It's not a particularly strong gameplay either. So there's nothing forcing you to do it. If you like it, go ahead. If you don't, then don't. Simple.


    If you have any Tempest gameplay that deals more damage than by spamming Air Overload, I'm all ears

  5. I don't think that spamming Air Overload is an interesting gameplay. Is making Fresh Air recharge the overload a good idea? I don't think so,: The overload is a damage skill, an AOE by itself. It's not an attunment swap that allow you to access your actual skills. It's just as if Lightning Orb or Cyclone was recharged, it doesn't really make sense to me...

    The tempest spec is weak ATM and needs buffs but I still think that mechanic needs to go. The attunement would be recharged of course, but the overload would still have all its remaining cooldown.

  6. > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

    > I gather there must have been discussions about it already, however I decided to wait what happens after the hype cools down, so I'm making mine now.


    > Let's face it, it doesn't really make much difference wether you have it or not.

    > There are several reasons why it's useless:


    > **1) It's nothing but another nod to the original Guild Wars players**

    > Pretty self-explanatory, so let's move on.

    So what? I don't see why that would be a problem as long as it brings something to the game

    > **2) The way we mount it ridicules it on it's own**

    > I mean the "saddle" is a high-tech bike which hovers above the ground and presumably manipulates nuclear forces to remain attached to the beetle.

    > So remove the beetle and instead attach a jet engine at the back and the saddle will become a better mount on it's own.

    Almost nothing in this game uses magic or energy to move at high speed. This would probably be too unstable to use. However, a lot of things levitate, which is exactly what the saddle does.

    > **3) It's not very convenient to ride**

    > While it can move very fast it all depends on wether you move on a flat surface or downward, but if you are going up a hill it's very inconvenient.

    Well it needs some drawbacks or else it would simply be better than the others mounts, which we don't want it to be.

    > It's also very difficult to steer, which is why no one actually uses it in a race as even if the speed boost will make you really fast it's very likely you will go in the wrong direction when you have to turn. You can hardly see anyone riding it in open world too, most players still prefer to ride Raptors, Jackals and Griffons, also Skimmers when they need to cross water.

    Races are meant to be more than just "the one who goes faster wins". You need some agility. So while a race with jumps and all to do is interesting, a race revolving around who presses their dodge key more often has nothing appealing.

    > **4) It's "Special Ability" is pretty much force implemented**

    > The ability to break through walls is nothing that the Jackals sand portals couldn't solve. There are many places we can't get in directly in PoF and have to use a sand portal to get in.

    > So swapping sand portals with breakable walls in some places does not make the new skill truely useful. More over the sand portals are much more amusing to use, as they can be used to create fun riddles like in the Sanctum of Nabkha. They can also be "fake" i.e. picking the wrong one kicks you back to the start, also they can be hard to find as both exits can be placed very far from one another. Breaking a wall however hardly gives you any feeling of mystery, you obviously know where will you go with that, you could place a wall that leads nowhere, but it will never be as fun as the portals.

    That, I agree on. It's a fun gimmick I suppose, but I've never been fund of things that were placed in the world just to make an ability useful. That was a big problem with HoT: The only thing most masteries did was allowing you to use specific items in the world. On the other side, mounts bring you a new way to move, which can be used everywhere. I like sand portals and I think it would make more sense if you could like, place a portal with your jackal to which you could teleport back for a while. But it's true that walls aren't very interesting...

  7. Right now it's all or nothing. There is no way of chosing what component we want or don't want or even to slightly modulate dynamic cam. I'll try to write a few problems I have with it but I'm certainly going to forget some of them

    * There is no way of changing the height of the aim dot. Especially in boss fights where the camera is super far away, the dot is moved so high that the semi-close range area around our character cannot be targetted with AOE skills. Also, this makes it insanely difficult to target a melee mob, because the dot will never be on them. A very nice change would have an option that would make the dot progressively go down (towards our character) on the screen as we look down, and go up the higher we look, so we don't lose any max range while at the same time being able to attack melee ennemies. A modifier option for the dot's movement rate would be nice, to select at what point at how fast we want the dot to get closer to our character, as well as an option to select how high we want the dot to go at maximum.

    * We can't have the targeting dot without having the dynamic cam enabled. This may seem useless, but it would greatly help fighting groups of ennemies when we don't have any particular ennemy locked. It would also have a niche use with skills like Ride the Lightning (elem dagger off hand), when using them defensively to go away. Having a clear targeting dot would help avoiding rushing in a wall or over a cliff.

    * "Locked on" ennemies aren't really locked. Should we look somewhere else than our target for even a second, our character will stop aiming at the ennemy and will start casting their spells towards where we're looking. Having the option to keep the ennemy locked no matter what would be a great improvement.

    * The base camera doesn't have that "swift turn" thing. I'm talking about that thing in dynamic cam mode, where if you press a movement key other than "forward", our character will turn and move facing that direction, as opposed to side-walk or go backwards. This greatly increases the character's speed and reactivity when changing directions, and there's currently no way to enable this on normal camera. That would be really nice to have as a separate option, perhaps with a toggle key that we could set in case we want our character to go backards without turning, for whatever reason.

    * We can't set any other button than mouse left for the #1 skill, and autoattacking doesn't start when using it that way. We have to use our actual keyboard if we want our character to keep attacking the ennemy. Also, being able to change what that button does would be nice.


    In short, it feels right now like the dynamic cam is still in beta phase. There are no options whatsoever and the inovations that go with it can't be used on the regular camera.

  8. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Before continuing, for what game mode?


    > The biggest advantage to overload vs desert shroud or wells/marks (and guardian symbols) is if someone double dodges it doesn't negate 100% of your damage. If you cast an overload you can reposition. Unless you want it to be a moving field similar to water's warhorn 5 (or necromancer's warhorn 5 , or berserker's torch 5), you'd end up with a DOT (damage over time) field. We see this problem with lava font and all those delayed fields on scepter and staff already (i.e. you would need to CC pretty hard to get a dragon's tooth or ice spike on someone).


    > If you're talking about PvE then tempest isn't the spec you're looking for unless you are using the utilities, aurashare, and/or warhorn. Most people are running weaver because of +120 power in fire in addition to the crit and damage boosts that are ridiculously easy to satisfy. There are instances mobs run out of DOT AoEs but generally if you aim them right it isn't as huge an issue in PvE.


    I was thinking about PvE because I rarely play PvP, but even in PvP I think that would be a good thing. Sure, you can move your AOE around for a few seconds, but during that time, you are vulnerable. You can receive a ton of damage, and you can't do anything while chaneling your thing. And during those 4 seconds, that's all the time the ennemy needs to interrupt you (and the one stack of stability on Harmonious Conduit won't change mutch of that). I think the ability would be way more versatile if you could rapidly cast it on the control point, as an area denyal thing.


    And I don't think there should be a PvP spec and a PvE spec... Both should have uses in every mode.

  9. > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > It's meant to be a penalty even though its free of cost.


    So... It's not a penalty? ^^

    The whole point of armor damage is that if you die too mutch on the same encounter you'll have to stop. In others situations, having to go back to a waypoint is enough of a penalty. And I don't think that "Now you have to click there" is a good penalty gameplay anyway...


    > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I feel like you didn't even read the whole first post...


    > You're right, my apology. I only read the title and the first part of the first sentence.


    > After reading the whole thing, I still don't see the use in this. Most people go sell stuff from their inventory frequently, and where there's a Merchant, there's usually an Anvil of Repair nearby. Wasting points on a Mastery that does auto-repair only one damaged stack in such a long time period (as you suggest) is pointless, everyone will have their whole equipment repaired by then.


    Try to see it the other way around: If people are going to have their armor repaired every time they see a vendor (which usually happens way more frequently than every hour), what's the point of requiring the additional action of clicking on an anvil?

    But we can't just remove armor damage, because then there's no penalty for dying a lot in a short time. So regaining our armor over time is the solution, I think.


    If you think spending points on that mastery is a waste, there is absolutely no problem with that. Nothing forces you to train that mastery.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The entire point of damaged armor is so that there are some minor consequences of dying, but nothing complicated or onerous. The OP proposes replacing this simple system with a more complicated one, without offering anything new in terms of gameplay.


    > Or put it another way: if ANet is going to introduce a new core mastery (whether QoL or not), is this really the best idea for the use of those limited resources?



    Well, ANet already spent "limited resources" on making masteries that make you move and revive low-level players faster, and make you repair the armor of players you revive. They made a mastery for automatic loot. Heck, the entire Pact Commander mastery line is just about quality of life... If these masteries were introduced now, would you say they are a waste of resources?

  10. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > * I can just imagine players standing in story instances for hours waiting for armor to regen before trying against the boss again, some people are going to do just that, and they're going to complain about it.

    I honnestly doubt people would do that. If your armor is that mutch damaged, it's mutch faster to go out, repair, and come back in the instance, even if that means doing it all over again. That said, most instances have hidden checkpoints that allows you to come back where ou stopped. If you were at a boss, you will likely spawn just before that boss when you come back.

    > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > * I personally actually enjoy playing new character in higher level areas and play until all my armor breaks, and wouldn't like to see that option go away, and I can't imagine this would be something with an on/off button (and I already have pact mastery maxed out, thus the above point).

    I didn't know that was a thing. I suppose an on/off button would be possible, just like the autoloot mastery. I don't think that's a big deal really ^^

  11. > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > That would trivialize all of the more challenging story bosses - you could just endlessly bum-rush without taking any consequence for dying.


    > If you do that now, you will eventually have to leave the instance, repair, and start over until you figure out what you are doing wrong.


    > I would like more skippable dialog, however.


    Can you explain me how exactly having one armor stack repared every hour would allow you to "bum-rush without taking any consequence for dying"? I really don't see how that would be possible

  12. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > So this is about armor damage and it's an attempt to remove the obligation of going to an anvil to repair every time our amor takes damage


    > So? What's the big deal?


    > Also, your suggestion would render this item useless: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Repair_Canister


    I feel like you didn't even read the whole first post...

    > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > That way, having instant repair canisters or anvils nearby is still useful in difficult instances where you risk dying a lot, but the meaningless preoccupation of having to remember repairing our armor after each death is removed.


    If you die 10 times in your instance, having one stack repaired every hour will not change anything. You will still have to repair, and having a repair canister with you will still be useful. It would simply remove the annoyance of having to think about it when you die just once in open world.

  13. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > This would only really be useful in instanced content ? Everywhere else you should have access to repair stations, or just the ability to drop by GH, WvW, PvP or any other map where you can teleport to and back, just to repair.


    > At which point I wonder, the game does throw the random repair cannister at us, why not bring it along and use it once you get a broken armor piece ?


    > ---


    > I do agree that the broken armor system doesn't serve *much* of a purpose, but it does serve a very minor purpose, and it is probably more work to remove it than just leaving it in place. Especially considering how easy it is to repair.


    No, it wouldn't be useful in instanced content. That is kinda the point, offer a long-term armor repair without changing the instanced content (in order to keep instant repair canisters useful).


    > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > Eh.. just get a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Repair_Contract .. be done with it.




    First of, you say that like it's the cheap thing that costs 2 silvers at any random merchant...

    Second, that does not fix the issue I want to adress at all.

    Sure, the action of clicking on an anvil (or a canister, or a repair contract...) is not difficult. It is not long. But it is annoyning. And unnecessary unless you really die a lot. I think penalties for dying a lot are a good thing, but right now it acts as an annoyance for players who don't die that often and never get to a "broken" armor. It's an unnecessary action to remember and to make every now and then, which could be avoided with a repair-over-time system, without removing the idea of being penalized for dying a lot in a short time.


    In others words, players who die a lot in a short time will still need to repair their broken armor, because one repaired stack every hour will change almost nothing for them.

    On the other hand, players who only die every once in a while won't have to have that concern of repairing their armor every time that occurs anymore. In practice, their death/playtime ratio is low enough that by the time their armor receives 8 damage stacks, they would have had the occasion to use an anvil anyway, so might as well make it automatic for them.

  14. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > If the cast time was shorter then it would do less damage unless damage per strike was increased.


    If the cast time is shorter that allows you to go on with your rotation ealrlyer, allowing you to deal damage. But if this really is a problem the duration of the AOE can be increased as well, I don't see a problem with that.


  15. This is an idea i've been wondering for a while now. The big problem I've always had with the tempest spec is that it feels sooo slooooow to play, mainly because of the long overload cast times during which all you do is just running around.


    So what if the DPS/combos overloads (Air and Fire) behaved more like "normal" abilities? With a short cast time and then a persisting AOE?

    I feel like the change would balance itself: Shorter cast times would free us faster to do others things (combos with the fire AOE and DPS with the air one) but would decrease its overall duration. Of course all that can be further balanced if needed.


    I think it would greatly help to fluidify the gameplay, especially that which consists in continually spamming Air Overload with Fresh Air... It wouldn't necessarily make the spec more interesting, but I think it would make it feel mutch better to play. What do you think?

  16. Right now they have only 2 stances with a cast time: Aquatic Stance (healing) and Weave Self (elite).


    Considering that, like all stances, these skills do not apply their full effect directly (as opposed to others stances, they even have the particularity of requiring others actions after their cast to be fully effective), I'm wondering if a cast time for these is really necessary. The healing one wouldn't be too strong considering the weakness of the first heal (and the elementalist needs more viable healing skills anyway), and the elite skill wouldn't change mutch because it has to be "charged" with all elements.


    I've always seen the weaver as a very fluid gameplay and I feel like these skills break with this idea. I think it would be worth reconsidering this part of their gameplay.

  17. > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

    > While this would be a nice QoL upgrade, I still find it kind of unnecessary. Like already mentioned, anvils are absolutely everywhere, save for instances, but a hour-long wait per armor part in an instance wouldn't do much good anyway. The whole armor repairing thing is kind of outdated and pointless anyway, I'd rather see them do away with it for good.


    > I also hate the idea of a new Core Tyria mastery because of the mastery points. Even with the semi-recently added MP insights and LW2 I barely maxed my masteries, and have earned only 2 extra points ever since (versus a dozen extra leftover MPs from HoT). Getting the rest would be an incredibly long and frustrating grind, and I know people who swear will never max their Tyria masteries because the points are difficult to obtain as it is. Of course, it would be a different story if Anet added new easily-obtainable MPs to go with a new mastery.


    > A neat idea though.


    Excuse me but you can't say that it's unnecessary and then say that you wouldn't like it to be locked behind mastery points ^^

    If you don't care about the functionnality, you don't have to farm the masteries, simple as that :p

    And I don't see why it should absolutely require more mastery points than the previous ones. It can be a 2 or 3 points mastery, no need to make it extreemly difficult. But if that really is a problem, as I already said, there's always the possibility of simply adding the functionnality to an already existing mastery


    **StinVec.3621** beautifully clarified the idea, I didn't precise it but I was indeed thinking of a priority system to repair "broken" armor before "damaged" armor. What you described is exactly the process I had in mind.

  18. So this is about armor damage and it's an attempt to remove the obligation of going to an anvil to repair every time our amor takes damage, while avoiding rendering instant repair canisters useless. It has no goal other than slightly improving the general quality of life while adding a fun mastery to train.


    The idea would be to have a new functionnality, either as part of Advanced Logistics or as a new Pact Commander mastery, that would repair one stack of armor damage every hour or so (so if we died 3 times in a row for example, it would take 3 hours to fully repair). A bit like a long-term downed penalty.


    That way, having instant repair canisters or anvils nearby is still useful in difficult instances where you risk dying a lot, but the meaningless preoccupation of having to remember repairing our armor after each death is removed.

  19. > @"reaVer.4056" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I think the issue about raid or fractal elitism is that you get forced to play in a way you don't enjoy to play. I don't mean that you'll have to take another elite skill or change one trait for a specific boss, I mean that if you don't play a very specific build (or even a specific class!) you are not considered worth inviting to the raid.


    > You are free to do whatever you want, as they are free to decide not to play with you. It's a team effort and everyone in there is making sacrifices one way or the other. And if you have a genius new plan that you would like to try you could offer it to them ahead of time. Then they can decide "this may work" or "we can't be bothered" and you can act accordingly. Notice that the key thing here is communicating ahead of time rather than making players find out about your intentions as time goes on.



    Of course they are free to ask for whatever they want. They are not the problem. The problem is on class balancing. Every class should have several viable DPS options. And every class should have **at least** one viable support option, may it be by healing, boon sharing, utility, or even something I may not imagine right now.

  20. I think the issue about raid or fractal elitism is that you get forced to play in a way you don't enjoy to play. I don't mean that you'll have to take another elite skill or change one trait for a specific boss, I mean that if you don't play a very specific build (or even a specific class!) you are not considered worth inviting to the raid. I don't want to learn chronomancer or druid just to be able to join a raid. And even if I did, I still have to stuff them. And where do I get all the bag slots I had on my main back? I will never have enough space in my inventory just with the base thing. And let's admit I just change from DPS to healer on my main. I have to change all of my stats, with a pretty high cost. Which I'll have to do again if I wish to do solo content or DPS again. No thanks.


    In others words, making a reroll just to raid is both unfun and too long, too hard. Of course some builds are going to be better than others, but having at least 2 viable DPS builds, and perhaps a support build, for each class, which we could change depending on our preferences without giving up too mutch on its efficiency, would already be a great improvement. Also, niche meta builds should be looked at. For example, giving alacrity and quickness options to others classes than chronomancer, or making these boons less game-changing, would push players to be more flexible in their compositions.

  21. I didn't read all the comments I admit, but the main reason making a new race would be difficult, is because they have to make a personnal story path for them. With new voices, new areas, new instances, new paths, all fitting perfectly into the end of the personnal story with the pact and all. This is no small work. Add to that they need to design new racial skills for the sake of "race equality", and that they also need to record new dialogues for ALL the living story and expansions, and you start to understand why this would be quite difficult. And don't forget adapting the armors and weapons to that new race's body shape, for both genders...


    But yea, I would absolutely love a new race. Tengu? People have been asking for them for quite a while and we already have a dedicated, unused spot in the map for their starting area (behind the great wall that's east of the Caledon Forest). I've always imagined the skritt as a playable race but you would control 3 grouped individuals, to fit with their "smarter in numbers" lore. Of course they would count as one for all the game's mechanics, it would be merely cosmetic.

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