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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. See it as such: No one is just "using a dagger". Everyone uses it differently, wether it be a thief, an elementalist, a ranger... No one will have the same abilities. There is no "physical" and "magic" damage. What you seem to call "using the dagger" sounds like you expect a thing closer to what a thief would do. Both are using a dagger, but they just don't do the same thing with it. And if you equip a sword, it will also be different than what another class would do with a sword.

  2. They are one of the main reasons I'm staying away from PvP. And in others modes, I hate how many utility tools they have compared to others classes. They can blink a huge distance away with a short cooldown, stealth or perma buff their entire group, teleport 25 people across a great distance, and have a ton of cleanse and defensive cooldowns on top of that. And while building like this does reduce your DPS capabilities, it's not nearly as punishing for mesmers as it is for others classes. And both of the elite specs took what was worst about them and added another ton of it...


    The main problem though is the 3 permanent illusions (but what am I saying, with the delay it's actually 5 or 6...) coupled with the messy targetting system. Rework the targetting system, make a real action camera instead of something that looks like it was stopped mid development, and nerf the utility of mesmers (nerfing their healing or damage won't change anything). Don't just nerf a few niche talents, nerf the core mechanics of the class. Then adapt the talents if the mesmer becomes lackluster in these niches.

  3. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > Never. The game is balanced around 5v5 conquest. If they add 2v2 or 3v3 to the official queue there will be nobody left to play in the conquest queue. The pvp population is very low as it is.


    Honnestly GW2 has never been a game that could be balanced in PvP. The mechanics are simply not suited for this mode, too many RNG, teleports, blinds, stuns, random class specific niche effects... I actually think a 2v2 mode could be the only viable and fun possibility of PvP in GW2. The 5v5 mode is waaay too messy for me.

  4. I do think eles need a buff but I'd rather have a good gameplay update (viable elite skills, reworked summoned weapons, survivability buff in PvE, reworked Tempest to make it interesting instead of "spam Overload Air") rather than having a buff on auras, which are completely uninteresting in a gameplay perspective (I'd like that all auras weapon skills be replaced).

  5. In Aion you could buy move sets and you could then separately pick the things you wanted. For example, there was a ninja move set and a levitating move set, and you could for example chose to run like a ninja, walk by levitating, use the default move set for combat posture...

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Arsenic Touch.7960" said:

    > > Usually support their gem store items but this one is insulting to their playerbase.

    > Only for those who aren't looking at the actual salvage results.


    > > Especially those that already have the silver fed one.

    > If you own the silver-fed one, keep using it. It's still a good option.


    > > Anet needs to sit down for once and address the concerns from players about the charm and symbol drop rate, it's ridiculous.

    > That is the topic of a different thread.




    I usually agree with you but you said yourself that if we had neither of the silverfed or the runecrafter's, we should buy the runecrafter's. You also said that if we already have one, we don't need the other. This basically means that the runecrafter's is overall a better option than the silverfed, just not by a large enough margin to justify buying the runecrafter if we already own the silverfed. But basically, the runecrafter renders the silverfed obsolete, unless I missed something.

  7. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > For those who bought the endless extractor it would actually BE a scam if this thing could 100% extract upgrades.


    The upgrade exctractor is to separate the item and the upgrade while salvaging neither. What some people thought the runecrafter's kit would do was to keep the upgrade but salvage the item, which is not the same thing. For example, one could be used to change gear in raids or whatever, while the other can't.

  8. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > > @"Flying.6509" said:

    > > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > > > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > > Think you guys are looking for the endless upgrade extractor contractor. about 3000g.

    > > > > > No.. im looking for a perma salvage kit that ACTUALLY has a chance to recover upgrades. And no silver kit does not do that, **despite the description saying 80%**

    > > > >

    > > > > The description on the Silver-fed CLEARLY states "80% chance of **salvaging upgrades**"

    > > > > What needs to be introduced is a Permanent Black Lion Salvage Kit, which given the latest changes, wont be too long to see come out I think. *Until then*, your option for a permanent way of recovering upgrades is already in game, via the Endless Upgrade Extractor.

    > > >

    > > > You sure about that? Says "recovering" here. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silver-Fed_Salvage-o-Matic

    > > > Only it doesn't recover anything, it salvages. Outdated description? False advertising? Something doesn't add up.

    > >

    > > Not anymore: This page was last edited on 1 January 2019, at 18:02.

    > > Ninja edited!

    > > Anyway, it's a too cheap way to scam people, so it's not ANet's style (I mean, I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose). But I wouldn't have called it "Runecrafter" kit, since you end up with no rune. Maybe "The Crumbler, "The Destroyer", "The Annihilator" or "Mote Maker" were better names.


    > While I see the confusion, the name is perfectly appropriate as it is the best tool for rune**crafter**s. It will generate the highest amount of materials for *crafting* runes and sigils of all the tools.


    My personnal interrogation is, if the Runecrafter's only has 5% less chances of rare materials, while being half as expensive as the Silver-fed, is it still worth it to use the Silver fed if you just want to sell everything and get the most value out of it? Is 5% chances of rare materials, worth paying twice as mutch on use and losing 20% of rune dust?

  9. > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

    > Runecrafter's kit should give rune not salvage the rune!!!!!!!!!!

    > This is one more scam. I bought this and now i regret that.

    > i want my 200g back!



    You can't get your gold back but you can get a gem refund. You need to contact the support while explaining the confusion and why you didn't get what you expected to get. They will ask you to manually destroy the item (just to be sure, don't do it before they actually tell you to do it). Then they should refund your gems.

  10. I have a few interrogations with the new salvage thing in the gemstore. It gives more upgrades than the Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic, while only giving 5% less rare materials. But it only costs 30 copper on use, half the price of the Silver-fed kit.


    The difference in on use-cost between the Silver-fed kit and the Copper-fed kit was understandable, as the later has mutch lower salvage rates (likely its purpose is to be used on lower-rarity items while the Silver-fed was dedicated to yellow+ items). But here the difference between the Silver-fed kit and that new Runecrafter's kit is so low, I find it hard to justify it being half as expensive.


    So, let's say I only salvage rare items with the Silver-fed kit, is there any reason I shouldn't use the Runecrafter kit instead? If no, why even create a gemstore item that renders another gemstore item obsolete?



    **[Edit]: Copied some answers that better clarify my interrogation:**

    > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    >If the Runecrafter's kit only has 5% less chances of rare materials, while being half as expensive and recovering 20% more rune dust, is it still worth using the Silver fed kit if you just want to sell everything and get the most value out of it?


    >Is 5% chances of rare materials, worth paying twice as mutch on use and losing 20% of rune dust?



    > @"Vyral.9846" said:

    > What is the advantage of the Silver-Fed? It gives an extra 5% chance of salvaging "rarer materials", a 20% less chance of salvaging upgrades, and costs twice as much per use. What are these "rarer materials" it speaks of? T6 materials instead of T5? Does the extra 5% bonus in gaining them outweigh the 2x cost per use and the loss of 20% salvaged runes/sigils over large numbers of salvages?


    **[Edit]:** _A lot of people seem to have misunderstood the tooltip of the Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic and to regret their purchase. I personally advise really considering every parameter (salvage rates, costs, and how you plan on using each kit) before doing so, but **you can get a full gem refund** by contacting the support._

  11. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > > > Second the motion to ban all addons.

    > > >

    > > > Also add the amendment to modernize the UI with some of those functions that people consider essential as addons.

    > >

    > > *cough* *cough* *build saving* *cough*


    > Never gonna happend like its not hard to just put stuff on build saving saves you max 2mins


    2 minutes during which your whole party will be waiting for you. 2 minutes every single time you want to adapt to a situation. 2 minutes each time you want to compare two different builds (and in that case it will probably be more since you will switch between both builds several times).

    And I will add that being a mere mortal myself, I sometimes forget some things when I change my build. Build saving would fix that too.


    All in all, 2 minutes that are completely unnecessary, which could be avoided by implementing a functionality that ArcDPS already does (I mean to point out that we already have proof that this is not impossible to do).

  12. Currently, there are only 2 of the kind: Mirror Masked and Spined Longtail.


    The mounts are well-made and have a good look, but I think any mount that costs gems should have 4 dye channels. It's not because they only have 3 base colours that we should be restricted in their customization. I mean, even the Kourna Jackrabbit has 4 dye channels! If we folow the same logic as the 2 others only 2 dye channels would have been enough.


    Let us dye the under side or the saddle of the Spined Longtail and let us colour the reflections or the belly of the Mirror Masked, if people only want 3 colours they can just put the same one in 2 dye channels.

  13. > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > > @"Evellynn Capone.6584" said:

    > > Fix this ...


    > Can't fix what's not happening to some more people. If Mai Trin would be always invisible, then you would find alot more threads in here. So possibly something on your client made them invisible. Or were the enemies invisible for everyone and not just for you?


    No. This is a known bug, most commonly found on Oasis fractal where people don's see the boss, the adds, or even themselves.

  14. > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > Thanks for your feedbacks.


    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > Red.

    > >

    > > You might want to try Worn Bone or Mithril for the arms


    > Tried those two but they aren't blue enough. As a reference, the one I'm currently using is Glint's Sanctuary.


    Oh, then did you try Blue Ice? That one might work. Perhaps change the dye of the helmet to make it match better?

  15. That comment may fall unnoticed, lost in the middle of a topic that won't last forever. But I think that perhaps it might be a good initiative that, when a member of Arenanet reads a post that consists in an idea or a suggestion from a player, an icon or something would appear somewhere to show people that the thing went into Arenanet's ears.


    Not a developped answer, not even a _"The devs liked your idea"_. I feel that just _"Your idea has been read by someone in the dev team"_ might ease the feeling of non-communication that the community might have. I often find myself wondering if ANet even read the suggestion I spent 30 minutes to developp, and knowing that they did might just make me feel a lot better, even if my idea is to be discarded anyway. At least I'd know they noticed it, and from there I can trust them to do the right thing for the game.

  16. The _Action Camera_ has a lot of potential to make for a fluid and pleasant combat experience, but as of now I find it to be too clunky and not flexible enough to be appealing.

    **The general idea:** I find that many features of the Action Camera mode could be used in the Normal Camera mode, and vice versa. Many of them would be better off separated from one another, instead of being forced to pick "all or nothing".


    These are the main features I'd like to be able to toggle on and off, regardless of my selected camera mode:

    * **Automatic camera turn:** With the _Action Camera_ mode, we don't have to press any button in order to turn our camera around. In _Normal Camera_ mode, we have to click on either mouse button to do so. I'd like to have the option to make the camera folow my mouse movements, without having to press any button or use the _Action Camera_.

    * **Fluid movement:** When the _Action Camera_ is enabled and we press the key to move backwards, our character actually turns around and moves at full speed, instead of keeping the same orientation and moving backwards at a greatly reduced speed. This would be amazing to have as a separate option, that we can use even with the _Normal Camera_ setting.

    * **AOE targetting:** This might just be a personnal preference, but I would love to have a _Normal Camera_ targetting system for all single-target abilities, while at the same time having a screen-centered _Action Camera_ aim system for ground-target abilities. This would allow me to have a locked target that doesn't unlock no matter where I orient my field of view (like in _Normal Camera_ mode), while at the same time having a clear, unmoving target reticle for ground-target abilities. It can be really hard to find your tiny mouse cursor in the heat of the fight, and making independent settings for ground-target abilities and for single-target abilities would allow us to always know where our AOE will be aimed at while keeping a clear, locked target for single-target abilities.

    * **Auto attack on left click:** When the _Action Camera_ is enabled, maintaining left-click spams our auto attack. It would be nice as an option to have our character keep on auto attacking, even after releasing left clic, just as they do when pressing the [1] key.


    As a bonus, I think the target reticle could use a few customization options:

    * **Melee aim assistance:** Currently, the reticle never moves, no matter where we are looking at. The only way to make it move down on the screen is to zoom in the camera. Other than that, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to aim anywhere in melee range. I suggest a new **optionnal** setting, that would progressively drag down the target reticle as we lower our field of view. This means that while looking up or straight ahead, the reticle would be in the same position as it is currently in-game, but would progressively move closer to our character as we look down to aim at closer ennemies. At the extreme, it would aim directly at our feet.

    * **Reticle customization:** It would be nice if we could change the colour and opacity of the target reticle. ~~Yea that one was short.~~


    _I will probably clarify/add to the lists as the discussion goes on, so don't be surprised if what you pointed out has been changed or isn't there anymore :p_

  17. What if we could spend up to 3 points in each specialisation, each giving us access to the next minor trait and to the next major trait choice? Kind of like it was with the old trait system, but there would be 3 points to spend instead of 30, and we wouldn't be able to pick a adept trait in a grandmaster slot.


    If we only need a trait that is in the first tier of a specialisation, we could keep the others 2 points for another specialisation. This can even be applied to elite specialisations (while keeping the "only one elite spec at a time" rule, of course). New build possibilities, more flexible classes, more customization to fit your very own playstyle.

  18. There are birds all over the mists, so I think it would be a nice touch to have a mini dedicated to it. It would cost some fractal-related money, enough to make it something special that you are proud to possess (but not too mutch, it's just a mini after all).


    Why not give it some special interactions? Have it phase out from time to time, or give it an etheral touch. The idea is to make it a bit more than just a normal bird.

  19. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > No. The structure to only take 3 utilities has to be preserved.


    > I could see some arguments for “essential” utilities becoming class mechanics in some instances, after long disccisuon and debate. But to just take 4 utilities (possibly on low cooldown) with no consideration to how that could change matchups I don’t think is healthy.


    > Particular worry for Theif, Guard, and maybe Mesmer too, but not for stealth options.


    I'll assume you are talking about PvP and if so I agree with you, because I don't see how that could be true in PvE scenarios. It has been done many times before that a mechanic didn't work the same way in PvP as it does in PvE, that might be needed now: Allow us to put utilities in the elite slot in PvE only.


    While PvP modes can always find a use for an ult, in PvE perspective mutch less utility is needed, and the majority of the ults in the game feel completely pointless, either because they break the DPS rotation or because their effects are simply not interesting.

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