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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. I get that you wanted to give a drawback to picking an elite spec, but this skill feels like you just didn't know what to do. I don't like the way it feels. I'd like it to be replaced, or changed in a way that completes the core class.


    One of the reasons I liked revenant is that nothing felt like a chore. Every skill has a purpose and makes a difference. But when a skill is just something you need to use every time it's off CD it removes that class fluidity, and that's exactly what Ancient Echo does, for the sole reason that it gives back energy. Simple way to fix this? Remove its energy gain component entirely and buff it in consequence. That would change it from something you use just to extend Impossible Odds, to something we use when we actually need its unique effect. And just a thought, what if its effect was based on our second equipped legend, instead of the one we're currently using? That would differenciate it from just an additional utility skill, could open some fun interractions, and would fit right into the class phylosophy.

  2. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"GordonFreeman.6392" said:

    > > I know alot of people like level scaling, but i hate it. Theres enough 80+ content to keep you busy. Plus whats the point of keeping hero points and levels seperate? levels are obviously pointless now since the only reason both levels and hero points are for skills now. I hate going back to Queensdale and dying to something i shouldn't even be damaged by :(. I know there are more people like me that feel the same way that don't like the level scaling, so I was wondering if a non level scaling server could be made at least. I'd switch to wow but i don't want to do the monthly subscription thing. There are so many group events i cant solo at lvl 80 and theres not enough ppl to do them with... its annoying.


    > Won’t do you any good to go to WoW. They have their version of level scaling they’re putting in, [zone scaling](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Zone_scaling). I suppose they feel it’s a good idea for people not to be able to hulk smash low level zones but instead still have a challenge possible wherever they go.


    Unfortunately when you're lvl 120 and go in a low-level area you still obliterate everything, because each area only scales up to the level it was originally supposed to bring you to. For example, starter zone don't scale past lvl 60. Northrend and Outland scale up to 80, Cataclysm and MoP go up to 90. No area ever scales up to the current max lvl 120, except that of the current expansion. I'll never consider going back to WoW unless they make a world scaling where **everything** scales up to my level. They are stupid: They have such a large world with so many adventures to live... But only those of the very last patch are relevant and challenging.

  3. > @"GordonFreeman.6392" said:

    > I know alot of people like level scaling, but i hate it. Theres enough 80+ content to keep you busy. Plus whats the point of keeping hero points and levels seperate? levels are obviously pointless now since the only reason both levels and hero points are for skills now. I hate going back to Queensdale and dying to something i shouldn't even be damaged by :(. I know there are more people like me that feel the same way that don't like the level scaling, so I was wondering if a non level scaling server could be made at least. I'd switch to wow but i don't want to do the monthly subscription thing. There are so many group events i cant solo at lvl 80 and theres not enough ppl to do them with... its annoying.


    The one reason I'm not playing WoW is because there is no level scaling, and you'd like to remove it in GW2?

    Level scaling makes it so that every place feels realistic. If it wasn't there the events would be super easy, low level players wouldn't get to enjoy them because high level players farming for materials would obliterate everything. I'm not okay with making a separate server for it either, it would spread thin the playerbase. While WoW seems to have a high enough population to attempt this sort of things, I'm not so sure for GW2. And if you make it so that we can change server at will? Well people will just go in the non-scaling server to farm, and then move back to the scaled server to do everything else. Nothing interesting there.


    And honnestly, lvl 80 equipment already gives you a hell of an advantage even with level scaling... Not to mention the game still keeps you 1 level above that of the area.

  4. I feel like downstate should be reworked. I like the idea of going through a "weakened" state before truely dying, but the way it is done feels odd. What if we removed the ability to revive someone entirely? That way only healing skills could actually help the downed player? Just right now an idea came to my mind: What if instead of reviving, we could carry the downed player away so they can revive safely themselves? During this they wouldn't take damage over time but neither the downed player or the guy carrying them could do anything else. Perhaps they should even be slowed down as well. Then it would feel like a real commitment to help a downed player, instead of simply chaneling for a few second each time they get defeated?

  5. One of my issues with Tempest is that the gameplay doesn't feel rewarding, it's more of a fixed rotation were you go in an attunement, use all the abilities, overload, and move on.


    What if instead of having separate overloads for each attunement, we instead had a F5 skill, perhaps with 2 charges or something, that would always be avalaible and would effectively overload the attunement we are currently in?


    The effect of this would be fewer possible overloads over a long period of time, traded for the possibility of overloading right away without a 4 seconds delay. Overloading would then become a tool we use to create a "safe space" with 4 possible effects depending on the situation, rather than a mere additional AOE to squeeze in our rotation. It would introduce decision making: Do I use this overload to increase my DPS output, or does my group need more protection, healing, or might stacks at the moment?

  6. I was wondering if it would just be a better griffon, and it's not. It has its niche and looks fun to play around with. The one thing I don't like is that its body shape is the same as the griffon (4 legs, 2 wings). I assume it uses the same rig? With the front legs and wings being relatively close to each other, I hope we may see a wyvern skin someday, that'd probably be an instant buy from me.


    Is its idle posture a nod to the GW2 logo?

  7. > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

    > I'm not fond of RNG-based money making schemes. I would maybe be interested in buying a set of those mount skins if they came in a pack, like some of the packs we already got. But the current model (pay for a RNG chance to get one you may like or pay premium for the "right" to choose) doesn't really interest me.


    Well 1200 gems is the price for a specific mount. I always buy the 400 gems ones, but I like having that choice of choosing the one mount I want. Granted a fair price would probably be closer to 800 gems. 10€ for a mount skin is enough, especially when compared to the price of outfits, which I'd say probably take more work than a mount skin even though I'm not an expert.

  8. Probably a good way of doing it would have the skill work with an ammo system, and in the conjure itself, put back a charge system with different skills spending a different number of charges (except the auto attack)

  9. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > Maybe they could, but if you don’t have the tree equipped then you shouldn’t get any of the perks. That would mean it’s basic and underpowered.


    I'd actually say, what if you could equip a second elite spec, but it would only give you access to the weapon (and perhaps utility skills?) and wouldn't change anything else? That way you have to sacrifice an entire traitline just to benefit from that weapon

  10. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > > > The system must be improved, simple as that.

    > > > This is your opinion. Others believe that the current system does not need improvement.

    > >

    > > Or perhaps it is your opinion that is different. It is easy to say that just as a way to make it look like the majority agrees with you. And 50 golds to change one outfit isn't cheap, at all.

    > >


    > I never said that the majority agrees with me or anyone. Please don't mis-interpret my posts.

    Sure the phrasing didn't exactly say it, but it was heavily implied by putting "my opinion" as a single voice against "others", which in the context could very well mean "everyone else".

  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > The system must be improved, simple as that.

    > This is your opinion. Others believe that the current system does not need improvement.


    Or perhaps it is your opinion that is different. It is easy to say that just as a way to make it look like the majority agrees with you. And 50 golds to change one outfit isn't cheap, at all.


  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > No, I'm not saying PvP and WvW generate too many, I'm saying PvE doesn't generate enough, and in return PvP and WvW don't receive enough gold.

    > PvP & WvW generate plenty of rewards (comparable to open-world, non-farmed PvE). And PvE generates _sufficient_ transmute charges for those who aren't changing looks frequently, i.e. the ones unlikely to spend on transmutation charges. In contrast, the people who feel there aren't enough charges via PvE are those that feel a need to re-wardrobe often, and thus are closer to ANet's target audience.


    > My point is that you've adequately explained how this change would benefit you (and me, for that matter). That's a good start. Now think about how it looks from ANet's perspective.


    Better general experience keeping people in the game, more interest in buying gemstore cosmetics, healthier WvW and PvP with that new gold income. And honnestly, if they really still had that idea of having to use transmutation charges to change look, why didn't they make gliders, outfits, and mounts require transmutation charges? It is clearly an outdated mechanic, even for them.

  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > I don't think anyone's actually buying any transmutation charge from the gemstore

    > Maybe you aren't. Maybe the people you know aren't. That doesn't mean it's not a big seller.


    > You're also ignoring that xmute charges drop from a variety of other sources, adding to their value for some people. BL Chests are designed to have a lot of low-value items (so you always get 'something') and transmutation charges are among them.


    > I'm not against the idea per se. I'd probably earn a lot of coin, since I transmute at a pace far, far below the rate at which I earn more. I just think that (a) the idea is predicated on mistaken assumptions and/or misunderstandings so that (b) it ignores the costs and benefits as ANet would measure them.


    > Put another way, the simpler solution if PvP & WvW generate too many unused transmute charges... is to remove those from the reward tracks.


    No, I'm not saying PvP and WvW generate too many, I'm saying PvE doesn't generate enough, and in return PvP and WvW don't receive enough gold.

  14. > @"Kanok.3027" said:

    > No thanks. Let's keep it this way. Aion didn't have that and you had to ACQUIRE any skin all over again just to use it. If they removed them, this would probably be the route to go and you'd have to continuously buy weapon/armor skins from the Gem Store just to keep it on. And don't say "Well, they can let us keep the skins". Yeah, and how are they supposed to profit from that? They wouldn't and they'd have to make that revenue back somehow. Leave charges as they are. They are more than easy to get and if you don't need them, get rid of them. If you do, there are plenty of ways to get them.


    Aion's system is garbage. Why would they require us to buy a skin again if they removed transmutation charges? I'm not folowing you. As for profit, I don't think anyone's actually buying any transmutation charge from the gemstore... 60 golds to change 5 armor peices? Might as well spend an hour in WvW. But that's not a good thing. Imagine if WvW players could only get armor skins by playing dungeons? That would be terrible. So why should PvE players have to play WvW in order to benefit from the skins?

  15. Since transmutation charges exist as consumable items before becoming a currency, why not make that item tradeable? This would help both PvP players (by giving them access to a new way of earning gold, which they notoriously struggle to do) and PvE players (by allowing them to gain transmutation charges at a reasonable price, since they loot very few of them compared to others game modes).


    In short, my suggestion aims to take an outdated mechanic (having to use charges in order to change gear), and transform it into a way of redistributing gold throughout the game, which would also act as a gold sink via market taxes, all by simply making the item exchangeable.


    As a bonus, there could be a merchant somewhere who could convert your accumulated transmutation charges back into their consumable version, so people who have thousands of them can sell them right away?

  16. > @"Klipso.8653" said:

    > I can't even find them :(


    They spawn every 10 minutes on several maps. Once you've entered one portal, done the event, and exit, you'll be moved to the same place as every other player who did the event (no matter where their portal was). That means you can shit talk with everyone, which let's face it is the true interest of the event :p

  17. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Starter skins, sure, why not, since there is no other way to acquire them except by creating new characters. But cultural skins might be going too far. Logistically that's a ton of skins, and I'm not convinced that transmutation charges are an issue. Even if it were, it makes more sense to then to add more ways to get transmutation charges, rather than making all cultural skins free to apply.


    I'd love to see transmutation charges exchangeable on the trading post. That alone would fix both PvP and PvE players problems: PvE players would have the ability to get those for a reasonable price, and PvP players would have a decent gold income.

  18. Zerk PvE weaver here. Playing full offensive is totally viable if you have a healer to back you up. That said, you will probably have to get used to using your endurance cautiously. Never use it as a movement tool, only for dodging things you wouldn't otherwise be able to dodge.


    That said, while I do play full offensive in higher-tier fractals, in others areas of the game I usually switch Superior Elements to Master's Fortitude, and Signet of Fire to Signet of Earth. It effectively makes you around 50% harder to kill, and surprisingly doesn't reduce your DPS by a lot. I am more confortable playing this way and only go full offensive when I know I can trust my healer in group content.

  19. > @"Zirken.5184" said:

    > Hey i came back after few years not playing the game...

    > I wanted to play elementalist .. cast some big spells etc...

    > but everyone tell me that i must play with a sword... melee wizard yay..... sound really awful and not fun if i wanted a melee class i would play warrior or thief

    > gameplay feel out of place...


    > so i don't like sword or melee combat ... it's really not possible to play other ways ?.... disappointing...

    > i don't wanna be ultra potato and get salt from randoms or kicked from fractals & raids in future with class i invested so much on over years....


    PvE DPS weaver main here. I love playing sword, but it's clearly not the only way to play the class. The meta was actually staff weaver/tempest for a long time. You should fin dyour happiness somewhere. :)

  20. > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > Sounds nice and all, but I prefer keeping Lightning Bolt as it is. It's such a simple skill, yet it's so useful. An instant cast skill that deals solid damage, has a very short cooldown especially when traited and it doesn't require line of sight i.e. you don't have to be facing towards your enemy for it to be used.

    My suggestion wouldn't remove any of this


    > @"Arkaile.5604" said:

    >There should, however, be some minor benefit to using a single bolt over firing off both in quick succession.

    What if, on the contrary, using Lightning Bolt while 2 charges are stored unleashed both at the same time?

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