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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > Basically as the title states

    > If you had a choice to kill off one of the characters who it be and why?


    > My choice would be to delete Braham

    > mummas boy, spoilt and emotionally fragile especially during S4 (which im sure ANET was intending)


    Braham. Not very smart, not very sympathetic. Not much of a backstory besides being Eir's son... He's like that guy who likes you but you don't really care about, and sticks with you even though you've never asked for it, at a point where it gets annoying.

  2. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Cleansing conditions actively has always been a thing in both gw2 and gw1.


    > The difference is that in gw1 Condi damage is restricted to health Regen/degen pips that is hard capped to +/- 10 which is ~ 4% of a players health. If you had -10 degen on you that was bad.


    > Condition damage should not have been a 2 stat damage source when power is 3 stat. It gives a Condi player a lot of free stat points to bunker up. It probably would have been better if condition damage/duration could not be augmented but instead were supplemental debuffs. But here we are with super easy condition removal but still super easy condition application. I guess things are fine idk.


    Would making critical hits apply twice the conditions of that hit fix the issue you seem to bring up, assuming we then nerf conditions across the game to account for that substantial buff?

  3. > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

    > Mesmers ARE like thieves, it's all about illusions, to trick people, confuse them, make them think "tf is happening?". Stealth is some kind of illusionary magic. I belive mesmers utilize illusion to stealth themselves, it's not shadow magic like thieves do.


    > So... removing stealth from mesmer would be like removing symbols from guardian.


    Lore shouldn't be a reason to give any class too many tools. One thing I would be okay with, would be a shatter skill that applies stealth. That would force the mesmer to choose in which way to be confusing. The whole issue is the combination of the two, having several models with no way of telling if the real one is even here.


    > @"Delofasht.4231" said:

    > Sounds like a problem with clones rather than stealth. Clones are not even deceiving to anyone who knows any of the various tells that separate the Mesmer from them. It requires some learning and some awareness of when you have lost target. Or you can just roll massive AoE and spam it on the clones and kill them all... you know, like every other profession has access to.


    Clones are easily identifyable in a short time. But the mesmer spawns several of them and goes in and out of stealth evey second, and doesn't have to sacrifice any burst potential to do so. Every other class has to choose between offense and defense, the mesmer doesn't. And if your solution to counter the clones is to waste your damaging abilities on them, well, I think you don't exactly grasp what a counter is supposed to be.

  4. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > @op :

    > - Guardian should not have aegis.

    > - Warrior should not have passive sustain.

    > - Rev shoumd not have riposting shadow.

    > - Ele should not have mist form.

    > - Nec should not have 2nd life bar.

    > - Thief should not have evade or no stealth.

    > - Engi should not have stealth.

    > - Ranger should not have tealth.


    > What else ?

    > Everyone should die when targeting in 10 sec so you feel good ?


    I was going to answer all of this but I think you already know why this is different. Mesmers are confusing by nature. For every class with stealth, you always know it when they are in stealth, and it lasts for a set duration with clear rules. They are invisible, but you know that they are.

    When it comes to mesmer, you never know if the character is in stealth, if he's one of the clones, if he's even still there or if he teleported super far away... Now it might just be manageable if all of these parameters didn't change literally every few seconds. Everytime the mesmer spawns new clones, you have to guess which one is the real one, or if the real one is even visible. And to complete all of this, mesmers don't have to sacrifice any damage to get so confusing, which makes them able to burst you down while you're still looking for the real one.

  5. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

    > > > > @"Castiel.9048" said:

    > > > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > > Elementalists shouldn't be able to attune to so many different elements for a weapon. It makes their variety confusing beyond what is healthy for the game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Think about it. Everyone gets 5 skills per weapon with two weapons for 10 skills total. Elementalists get **4 DIFFERENT SETS OF 5 FOR 20 SKILLS!!!!!!**

    > > > > > This gives them twice as much variety as other classes. It makes them no more then Necros with even more confusing spells.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This should be toned down to no more then 3 elements as it is still 50% more weapon variety then other classes.

    > > > > > Anything more is far too confusing and unhealthy for the game!

    > > > >

    > > > > Quality over quantity. You are also supporting the argument because Elementalists would love nothing more than to blindly press 1/F1 skills and be meta like so many builds today. Instead we have to be Mozart. Furthermore, we have no weapon swap to balance the quantity, which is debatable.

    > > > >

    > > > > But sadly, Elementalists have no reveal so your argument is weak.

    > > > > So yes, please remove stealth from Mesmers .

    > > >

    > > > Amen.

    > > > A complete non-sequitur about elementalist that has nothing to do with the problems surrounding Mesmer class.

    > > > Not only that but a weak argument as well - ele is pretty hard, in general at least. It's easy to be mediocre at tho. So a lot of reasonably talented players end up wrongly assuming that they know what they're talking about after playing ele for a total of 200 hours or less. Some people are really terrible in one regard though - the ones who play for many, many hours, but still don't understand and want to enforce their wrong opinion on everyone else. I don't know if this is what it is at play here but it's something I like to remind people to keep in mind when assessing responses like these.

    > > >

    > > > Back on subject.

    > > > Does mesmer need stealth to be removed?

    > > >

    > > > I think mesmer needs less f****** clone builds. The clone generation (edit: overall/general) is fine but niche builds that can generate WAY TOO MANY are, well ... generating way too many

    > > >

    > >

    > > No kitten sherlock, once again, I know it is non-sequitur. That is why I made it, to show how the Op's initial argument reasons are flawed by simplifying the argument just to what they said.

    > >

    > > Stealth is not a thief only mechanic. Their mechanic is initiative and steal. That is why mesmer has had some stealth since launch and why ranger and scrapper have stealth. It is almost like 75% of people on the forums don't know how to read or tell when someone is being sarcastic.

    > >

    > >


    > Dude, be an adult and be straight with people. Your disrespect is wasting everyone's time and making things more hostile.


    > -------------------------------------------------------


    > Personally I don't much like stealth in this game. It is way too binary, and easily waltzes into OP territory. However, I recognize that it is necessary for mesmers to be duplicitous. If mesmers didn't have a way to disappear, then all they would be is weaker battlemages that make ignore-able doppelgangers. To get rid of stealth, you'd have to make it so mesmers randomly swap position with their clones whenever they'd use one of these stealth skills (a la mirage deceptions), which would be jarring to play and hard to manage.


    > As much as I don't like stealth, the game is built around it. For better or worse, stealth is here to stay.


    There are abilities that allow the mesmer to swap position with an illusion. Skills that currently apply stealth could be replaced with this kind of mechanics?

  6. > @"Kaspar.3892" said:

    > Are you tired of other people picking up YOUR conjured weapons? I present you with an idea that will make conjured weapons far more easy to use and maybe actually give some of the unused ones a fun little place to be used. I present you with the idea that Conjure Weapons should be just like Engi Kits where you use them and stow them. You know we would all love it for this to be a thing.


    > :D


    Been asking this for years. It seems so simple to do... Is ANet afraid of having a class too complex? I think that they're afraid that we simply use the conjured weapon everytime we have a hole in our rotation. Like for example if I want to use Earth Sword 3 which deals reasonable damage, I'll have to wait a moment auto attacking in earth before I can dual attune, so if conjured weapons could be used liberally I would just fill this downtime. That might mess with the balance and be the reason they're not doing it. It works on engineer because they don't have weapon swap.


    That said, the conjuring mechanic really needs to go. It's clunky, unpleasant to play... What if the weapons had like a 30 seconds cooldown and we could keep them for as long as we want? If that's too powerful, maybe make it so that the cooldown only starts refilling when we drop the weapon?

  7. Elite specs will outshine core specs because they are much more specialised. A core build will have a little bit of everything, but an elite spec will target one specific aspect while ignoring the rest. That's true for almost any role. A DPS will always be higher with an elite spec designed for that, same goes for healing and support.


    A solution would be to stop having core traitlines specialised in a specific aspect of the class, and instead give each line several options to buff different aspects in their own way. They kind of did that lately with the elem's water traitline, with the increased damage on vulnerable targets and when you're high on health. I wouldn't be surprised if a decent Fire/Air/Water core build started being used.

  8. That was their first try at selling mounts. We have mount select licenses because people asked for it after the first mount batch was released. ANet said they wouldn't change how the original mount skins are sold because some people already started working towards getting them all, and gambling to have one they like. Not to mention that because this license has twice as many skins as others licenses, selling individual skins for 1200 gems would be less profitable: This price was calculated as a way to skip the RNG of 1/15, it wouldn't have the same value if it allowed to skip the RNG of 1/30. (I don't know if I'm clear on that last part, I'm not native english speaker sorry).

  9. I know it's free and I'm happy to get it, but I still think the outfit could use the improvement. I'm not talking about the HoT logo, but the plain white part of the shirt, would it be possible to let us dye it?


    Also, I don't know about others races, but there's a part of the boots on sylvari that can't be dyed even though it looks like it's supposed to, would it be possible to bind it to the same colour as the short's "pocket" (bottom left dye chanel)?

  10. You seem to want to show us everything, and make a huge event around it, but it ends up kind of underwhelming compared to the hype you built up. A dynamic video with glimpses of what's to come, would've had much more impact in my opinion. The secret is to show just enough so people are interested. If you show everything, they won't want to discover the content.


    How I would've done it: A short teaser video showing a fraction of everything. Starting with where we left of, we then get a few, slow-ish frames of the new area(s) to get people excited over the landscapes. Then we get to the dynamic content. A few frames with a bold text "NEW CONTENT: STRIKES" showing that new boss, just a few seconds to get people excited. Then "MASTERY: NORN SPIRITS", with again a few quick frames, not stretching this over a few minutes like in the live stream. The whole thing undercut with a few quotes from Jormag. Perhaps a glimpse of a new meta event, if there is such a thing?


    My point is, the live wasn't the way to go. Too much hype, not enough content.

  11. > @"Kikokuma.9405" said:

    > I've been thinking a lot about how this game can be improved mechanic wise. Been playing GW1 a fair bit again and to be honest that game just has so much more depth mechanically it makes GW2 look like it is for toddlers. So i've been thinking about downed state and death state and how dying has absolutely no consequence in GW2, and how can we change that?


    > Recently while playing GW2 i've been introduced to the Armistice Bastion Pass. That started the gears... i don't know how many of you have been there but when you are there you have a skill that is marked as "Mist-step travel skills" which lets you travel to any major city in central Tyria or return to your previous location. (remember this mist step skill because it is a major part of my idea)


    > Moving on... dying... consequence... what if dying had consequence? What if when you went down you went down and could fight like you do... yes.... maybe even make you tougher... but what if when you died, like died died... then you traveled to a special map in the mists? A large map filled with everyone else that was dead at the time? You could choose to return right away using that mist-step skill if you wanted... sure. But... what is the point in staying? What is the point in this map you say?... Well... What if instead of returning right away, this map also had things to do? Ghost merchants to take care of your inventory, maybe a bank, more special merchants with unique items? How about special mobs that buff you with + all attributes for 60 mins after killing them? +2 attributes per kill, so if you want, stay and farm the buff for a little so when you go back you will have a nice buff for an hour. Bring back theses guys and stick them in there: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mist_Vaettir

    > Or make them really hard mobs and up the attribute gain to +10 or something. I dunno... something for the balance team to figure out.


    > There is just so much depth missing from this game that GW1 is so abundant in... and i really wish the GW2 dev team after 7 years could finally bring some depth to this game...


    Forcing people through 2 loading screens on death isn't a good idea. Death shouldn't be rewarding either. Sorry but I'm against it.

  12. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Like Danikat, I prefer the daylight. I can see things better, I can get prettier screenshots. Games have a number of approaches to doing day/night and I think GW2's has pleased me the most so far. WoW had a 24 hour cycle and I happened to be on a server that matched my time zone, but that meant that any evening play was going to be night. My vague recollection of Horizons is that it had a short but even cycle, which meant if you needed an event or monster that only spawned in one half of it you might have to wait a long time, and night's visibility issues filled up way too much play time.


    > In GW2 there's enough of a cycle to suggest the passing of days, but the headache-causing squinting hours are less than the good visibility ones. It is true that night is a little hard to notice here other than the washing out of color, but since I don't want my screen to be black while I fumble around bumping into stuff, I find that tolerable.


    Don't exagerrate, we clearly see everything even in night (do you have the "light adaptation" setting enabled?). I'd even say that I see more clearly during night, because everything isn't bathed in saturated light. As for the prettier sceenshorts, that's a suvjective point of view, I much prefer the night time ones.


    I agree that a 24 hours cycle is not a good idea. I wouldn't mind increasing GW2's cycle to maybe 5 hours (as to make it so that night isn't at the exact same hours everyday). That would feel very immersive in my opinion. Again, I don't see how night time can make stuff hard to see for you. Perhaps it's a setting you need to change?

  13. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > all i want are actual sunset and sunrises, like actual pink and orange/red skies, I think this would look awesome instead of the weird transition we've got now.


    That would probably require much more work than just changing the timers. But yea that would be super cool, like a yellow-orange-ish sky in the morning and an orange-red-ish sky in the evening? I'd love that.

    And how about a tiny cadrant right nex to the mini map that shows us what time of the day it is in-game?

  14. The day/night cycle is a good thing that accentuates the passing of time and regularly changes the appearance of the landscape, and visually affects many weapons and items. I'm one of those who prefer the night time, which unfortunately lasts 40 minutes while the daytime lasts 70 minutes... I think it would be more coherent, and more changing, if the day and night times were equalized. Of course the maps that have mechanics based on that (like Verdant Brink) should remain unchanged, and the sigils should be rebalanced or perhaps made active for a maximum of 40 minutes per night. But I think it's for the best, if only for the aesthetic of the game, to have a more regularly changed light. Perhaps the transition times should be increased as well, I thin 5 minutes aren't very immersive even in game logic, I find it too quick as I can clearly see the changes happening right under my nose. My personnal suggestion is 15 minutes for these transition times.

    If we keep the 2 hours cycle, that would mean that, 15 minutes would be dedicated to each transition time, and 45 minutes would be dedicated to night and day respectively.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I'm no programmer, so what I will say here might be complete nonsense.

    > >

    > > Is it possible to get around the system completely, by making a new skin every time we change the colours?

    > > For example, if I want to dye a backpiece, the interface would show it like any other piece of armor. But in the code, the game would create a new skin using my selected dyes, then apply it to my backpiece, just as if I used a transmutation charge.


    > Short story: no.

    > For starters, there's no way for the game to know where to put the colors. Dye channels are part of the design of the skin and weapons and backs don't have them.


    That's not true for backpieces that are also glider skins. The channels exist on these items, or if they don't it looks pretty easy to do by just using the attached glider's model.

  16. I'm no programmer, so what I will say here might be complete nonsense.


    Is it possible to get around the system completely, by making a new skin every time we change the colours?

    For example, if I want to dye a backpiece, the interface would show it like any other piece of armor. But in the code, the game would create a new skin using my selected dyes, then apply it to my backpiece, just as if I used a transmutation charge.

  17. > @"Jaceena.9463" said:

    > I bought PoF and applied my Lvl 80 boost to my lvl 45 character 5 days ago. Since then I've been playing non-stop. Only thing is, my now lvl 80 character hasn't been leveling, nor does she show any xps gained at all on the progress bar, it's just blank. Only thing she's been getting is points for the Raptor's skills.

    > Is this normal? If so it's getting boring pretty fast. This never happened before till I used that lvl booster.

    > Any helpful explanation please?


    Part of the philosophy of GW2 is that there's no point eternally increasing in lvl. You'll get to lvl 90, and then what? GW2 takes a horizontal progression approach: Once lvl 80 is reached (and let's be honnest, until then it's only a "tutorial"), you now level up masteries in the order you want. You will never go past lvl 80 but you will learn to mount your raptor, others mounts, gliding, that sort of things.


    On your blank progress bar problem though, THAT is not normal. It should have been replaced by your mastery bar. Check your mastery window in your Hero pannel and see if one of them is enabled. If not, then simply clic on the one you want to train. Note that once the bar is full, you will need to manually unlock the mastery, using mastery points which are gained through mildly difficult challenged through the world.

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