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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > During a large zerg battle in Vabbi I thought I saw a skyscale swooping in and shooting flames. Things were so hectic atm though that I wasn't sure if it really was a skyscale with a rider on it or just a fire wyvern pet. Do the skyscales breathe fire?


    They dp, with their engage skill. But that's not what we're talking about :)

  2. That's less of a real suggestion and more of a carefree "what if" scenario. What if, when mounted, we retained our 2/3/4/5 weapon abilities? The others skills (auto attack, utilities, and elite) would still be unavalaible. That would retain the basic utility of the class, while at the same time still giving drawbacks to remaining mounted? I'm not even sure this would be useful for anything really, but could it be fun?

  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I know it's only my personnal situation, but I was actually on my way doing all of the episodes' achievments progressively. I don't like being forced to do all maps at once when I wanted to do that at my own pace anyway, so yes, I'd personally like it to be reduced. But I might change my mind once I have it? I don't know, I hope so...


    > You’re not being forced to do the maps at a pace other than your own. The skyscale isn’t required for any existing content and it isn’t going anywhere. You can do the episodes at your own pace and you won’t be missing out on anything. Besides, if the currencies were reduced, wouldn’t you still be doing all of the maps at once and not at your own pace?


    I wouldn't have to stay so long in them. 250 will get me bored before I even get to them in my scheldule... And I hate the argument that "it's not required for anything". Playing the game is not required for anything really. I want the skyscale to enjoy the skyscale, I can give my opinion about how we get to it.

  4. I know it's only my personnal situation, but I was actually on my way doing all of the episodes' achievments progressively. I don't like being forced to do all maps at once when I wanted to do that at my own pace anyway, so yes, I'd personally like it to be reduced. But I might change my mind once I have it? I don't know, I hope so...

  5. If they didn't timegate it there would be people who would run through it in 2 days. That's not how you keep a game, and the most recent map, alive. I'm glad it takes some long-term commitment. I also prefer the community slowly discovering the skyscale as more and more people unlock it, rather than knowing every trick you can do with it after a few days after the patch.

  6. > @"Dredlore.1672" said:

    > I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".

    > Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.

    Personal taste. I love them, and honnestly what you're talking about is hardly a "jumping puzzle".

    > Many people hate them.

    > Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on me

    What if I don't like combat? Why should I be forced to fight things in order to advance in the story?

    > Seems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:

    > 1. Get the player lost.

    > 2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.

    > 3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).

    You mean you have to play the game in order to unlock things? Outrageous.

    > 4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.

    > 5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)

    > 6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.

    This is a common issue with any team game. There's no way to accurately judge your personnal skill if you're playing alongside others people. But I thought this was about jumping puzzles?

    > 6. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.

    > 7. STOP PLEASE!!

    > I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.

    > I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.

    > I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straight

    > My video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.

    > Thats a promise.

    > Thanks


    Again, it feels like you want everything, right now. This is not how a game works, and the fact that you paid for it does not matter. There is no big game that gives you everything right after you purchased it. Also, in a game so vast, you might want to develop others skills than just "hitting things until they die". And honnestly, the "jumping puzzle" you're talking about is not hard... Or if it is, then any small jump you have to do must be a pain. I really don't get it.

  7. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Rigs gets reused all the time. Remember, birds evolved from dinosaurs.


    But a pigeon looks nothing like a T-Rex and you can't just put feathers on the later to obtain the former. We aren't complaining about rigs being re-used in general, we are specificly complaining about rigs being re-used for mounts, which until recently always had their own models, animations, and were absolutely top quality compared to what we're generally used to in MMOs.

  8. I find this episode amazing! I don't know how to describe it, for once it felt like something huge (literally) was happening. In a sense I had a warcraft vibe from it, the different biomes with side events and a very "war campaign" ambiance. I absolutely love how every mastery can be used at one point or another, the map is a huge playground where you can move the way you enjoy to. Kralkatorrik's theme is amazing, the music was already good in the last episode but this one takes it to even higher levels! It seems you always know how to bring amazing and fitting music peices to every elder dragon.

    >! The very idea of Kralkatorrik being part of the land is amazing, I didn't play GW1 but I recall reading about how he was mistaken with a mountain at some point during his sleep, so this seems like a nice callback. Even the severed wing is very enjoyable to climb onto and a good introduction to the skyscale's movements. The fight with Kralkatorrik during the instance was very well done as well, I liked the use of the different threats we faced, also corresponding to the different biomes on the map. Though I might've enjoyed it more without the dragonsblood spear (spamming the same key isn't generally enjoyable). Perhaps an achievement related to not using it at all during the instance is in order?

  9. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > Like I said before, I can't see a wyvern mount NOT having an awkward and motion sickness inducing running animation.


    Well they managed making a bouncing bunny without giving motion sickness. As for a wyvern, long back legs are your friend, giving a more balanced shape to the creature. Character design, basically.

  10. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > I think they made the better choice, recycled assets not of particular relevance. The pet wyverns have a really awkward running animation, which would only be exacerbated when riding the kitten thing, and I don't think Anet wouldn't been able to fix that.


    They didn't the mobs wolf rig to make the Jackal. I don't see why they would re-use the existing wyvern rig to make a mount, they would create a new one, with new animations.

  11. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > I think the Skyscale is essentially a cut and paste model of Aurine.. and Aurine is pretty much a modified model of the Griffon.

    > > >

    > > > It probably wouldn't be too much work to modify the Wyvern models into usable mounts but I guess it was simply quicker and easier to go with the Skyscale as that work had already been done for Aurine.

    > > >

    > > > I like both Wyverns and Dragons but given the choice I'd rather have gone with the Skyscale as it is rather than a Wyvern, this is mostly due to Wyverns becoming increasingly common in games, movies and even popular Tv often times wrongly potrayed as Dragons despite their obvious Wyvern traits.

    > > > Both Skyrim and Game of Thrones are very popular examples of this mislabeling.

    > > >

    > > > Having more traditional Dragon designs in Guidlwars is something i'm pretty happy about and we've seen various forms so far along side Wyverns as well which makes me even more happy.

    > > > Skyscales, Aurine and Kralkatorrik all have great 4 legged designs and Mordremoth followed the Serpent design, I dunno what the hell Zhatan was supposed to be but it worked for him lol

    > > > Makes me very curious as to what the other 3 Elders look like but in my mind I picture Bubbles looking something akin to a hybrid of Turtle, Dragon and Kraken.

    > >

    > > As I said, a dragon skin for the griffon would've covered that. It would've allowed for a wyvern to exist and for people to have a dragon if they want to, win-win.

    > >


    > Wouldn't for me, I have a personal distaste for mount skins that replace the actual mount for a different creature.

    > That's the main reason I don't like most of the 2000 gem premium skins which turn the Griffon into a Lion, Springer into a Goat, Skimmer into a Hummingbird and Jackel into a Forged etc.

    > Don't get me wrong the skins are cool but they bug the hell out of me in all honesty.. and I kinda wish there was an option for me to disable them specifically so I wouldn't have to see others using them.

    > I'm not going to go begging for that though nor am I going to berate other players for using them for obvious reasons.


    > I wanted a Dragon mount not a Dragon skin for a different animal and i'm glad the Skyscale was unique enough to warrant it, and as I said in my post, Wyverns are so overdone in games and other media these days.. it's refreshing to me anyway that GW2 has actual Dragons with actual Dragon designs.


    Okay, but the skyscale actually is a griffon skin with slightly different animations, so the situation isn't great for you either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  12. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I think the Skyscale is essentially a cut and paste model of Aurine.. and Aurine is pretty much a modified model of the Griffon.


    > It probably wouldn't be too much work to modify the Wyvern models into usable mounts but I guess it was simply quicker and easier to go with the Skyscale as that work had already been done for Aurine.


    > I like both Wyverns and Dragons but given the choice I'd rather have gone with the Skyscale as it is rather than a Wyvern, this is mostly due to Wyverns becoming increasingly common in games, movies and even popular Tv often times wrongly potrayed as Dragons despite their obvious Wyvern traits.

    > Both Skyrim and Game of Thrones are very popular examples of this mislabeling.


    > Having more traditional Dragon designs in Guidlwars is something i'm pretty happy about and we've seen various forms so far along side Wyverns as well which makes me even more happy.

    > Skyscales, Aurine and Kralkatorrik all have great 4 legged designs and Mordremoth followed the Serpent design, I dunno what the hell Zhatan was supposed to be but it worked for him lol

    > Makes me very curious as to what the other 3 Elders look like but in my mind I picture Bubbles looking something akin to a hybrid of Turtle, Dragon and Kraken.


    As I said, a dragon skin for the griffon would've covered that. It would've allowed for a wyvern to exist and for people to have a dragon if they want to, win-win.


    > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:


    > Easy solution to the problem you're describing:


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/OWyRH39.png "")


    I sincerely hope for this. They're gonna have a hard time merging the front legs and the wings, but it looks doable. If it's a 1600 gems skin it will be my first purchase of those, though I hope we get some less flashy wyvern versions in mount liscences as well. But still, a dedicated wyvern rig would've been so much better...

  13. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Dragons are simply way more popular. Plus the focus of guild wars 2 is elder dragons, not elder wyverns.


    We're not riding elder dragons, this argument is invalid.


    > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    >Let me know which mobs you think use the animation skeleton of any of those mounts.


    Yea I'm curious about that as well

  14. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > > Yep, unbelievable that they're reusing the griffon skeleton a **THIRD** time. A 200-300 person developer that can't stop reusing assets. The "it's good enough" mentality has claimed yet another victim, it would seem.

    > >

    > > Oh, by the way ANet, if you're going to endlessly reuse the griffon skeleton, how about fixing the hickup/stutter in its run loop before doing so?


    > You haven't been paying much attention if this is the first recycled rig you've noticed. It's a very common time- and cost-saving practice. At least ANet takes the time to create a different creature, with its own skin, body type, and animations rather than just change the color palate.


    Yea it's already been done. For random open world mobs. A mount deserves better, it's something tied to your character that you bring everywhere.


    > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > There are wyverns in almost every other game. So, no thanks. I prefer traditional european dragons.


    We could have a dragon skin for the griffon. It wouldn't be incompatible with the addition of a wyvern mount, and more different models allow for more original skins for everyone to enjoy. I mean, a wyvern rig would've allowed bird-themed skins, imagine riding a vulture, how cool would that be? But we can't have that with a"traditional European dragon" rig.

  15. It was said in the Skyscale demo that they wanted to keep the "4 legs, 2 wings" model because it was more familiar to the player and that a "2 legs, 2 wings" model was generally for the bad guys. I do not think this is the real reason, and if it is I think it's a bad one. What I think is that it was easyer for the animation team to re-use the griffon model again, and so they just had to go for an identical body shape.


    I find it sad because every mount so far had its identity, up to its movements and proportions. The roller beetle was amazing and refreshing! Now we have a griffon, and a scaly griffon thing, and they both have the same shape and share several animations... They obviously tried to make it look different, so hard that the thing has a permanent weird pose and seems to tell "Hey! Look how I'm standing, I'm not a griffon okay"...


    It was already not great for the Warclaw but still good because it shared a coherent feline base and wasn't in the same gamemode, but this new one is bugging me. I think a wyvern would've been mutch better, original and differenciated from the others mounts, not to mention more fitting to the lore: We've already seen pleny of firebreathing wyverns, why bother creating a new beast that's related to dragons but somehow not an actual dragon? Why not give us something that we've already seen and thus can be excited about, but never actually experienced? I hope we see a good wyvern skin someday, it looks possible with a few animation tweaks...

  16. > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > Here's an exercise in thought: What if Ancient Echo gave us +100 Energy? Would it be worth it then? What if it had a 13s cd?


    > Hypothetically-speaking, how would that affect viability?


    I personnally never said it wasn't viable or underpowered. My point is that it doesn't fit into the class gameplay and mechanic.

  17. > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

    > If the skill had instant cast, it could be used for getting out of emergencies (eg: recover enough energy to cast great dwarf rite while stun locked).


    I agree, though it should be noted that it already gives you a mini dwarf rite :p

  18. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > > > It is kind of meh, but I think that is exactly what it was supposed to be; a button for people who camp legends while leveling up, and knighthonor. Its 2019 not 2014, pick an elite specialization.

    > > > >

    > > > > The whole point of adding this skill was to make core class viable. You can't justify its lackluster design by saying that you shouldn't play core class...

    > > >

    > > > The only way to make "core" revenant "viable" is to make herald not an elite specialization. Notice how people don't say herald all that often? Because when they say renegade they mean renegade and when they say revenant they mean herald.

    > > >

    > > > Tell us what build you would play as core with a moronic level of buffed Ancient Echo, and I am sure someone would still be able to point you to a better build improved by herald or renegade.

    > >

    > > Wasn't even aware the skill existed tbh, which proves your point I guess.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Echo


    > Was just added last month in an attempt to appease the ~~"core"~~ special players.


    It was added because ANet wants to give a drawback to every elite spec, which is very good for the game. If you are always in elite spec, any change to that skill will not affect you. But please, let the people who want to play core revenant discuss about it...


    > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > I feel like Ancient Echo highlights issues with the core class more than anything: We don't have any worth spending excess energy on.


    This. I almost never fall short of energy when playing core revenant. If anything, it should be something more impactful that takes us energy, rather than giving back some. The challenge is to make it so that it doesn't overshadow elite specs mechanics... I stand by my idea of some kind of interraction with our second equipped legend.

  19. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > It is kind of meh, but I think that is exactly what it was supposed to be; a button for people who camp legends while leveling up, and knighthonor. Its 2019 not 2014, pick an elite specialization.


    The whole point of adding this skill was to make core class viable. You can't justify its lackluster design by saying that you shouldn't play core class...

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