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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Terek.8923" said:

    > Hey guys my first toon in this game was Elementalist way back at launch but i havent played it in 3-4 years, mostly been playing soulbeast and reaper.

    > i have been having trouble in the pof and hot maps where i have no problem running pure zerk on the other 2 classes if i run zerk on the weaver i only have 11k hp and the damage isnt that amazing either.

    > i switched to marauder gear yeasterday and now i dont die so fast but the damage i put out is meh, i was wondering if condi weaver is better than power currently?


    > pls help me T_T


    I play full zerk weaver in PvE. Picking Master's Fortitude changed my life. I also recomment you pick at least one defensive utility skill, I personally use Twist of Fate.

  2. > @"Zadok.3279" said:

    > give anyone who has a permanent repair kit, the current market price in gold to that person... and delete repairing from the game...

    > it isn't fun and I dont personally know any one who enjoys the time wasted over repairing..


    > sure youll have those derps who say ' it only takes 1 sec '


    > im thinking in your lifetime you've wasted more time than you had to because of digital pixels losing durability.


    > should we talk more about the amount of fun per time given in this example?


    > anyone highly against it screaming that they want to keep repairs in the game? anyone? .... remove it ....


    > quality of life change that you wont see in gw2. why?


    The reason they aren't removing the durability system entirely is because of people who purchased single-use repair kits. These purchases would instantly become obsolete.


    This actually makes me think about an dea I had a while ago:

    What if we took all of these single-use utility things, removed them from the gemstore entirely, and instead distributed them to different crafting professions? The armorsmiths for all armor types would for example be the ones to craft Instant Repair Canisters, and could sell them on the TP. It could make all professions equally relevant if they each produced repair canisters that only work for their specific armor type.

    Merchants express, bank access and others things could be crafted by others professions, so that each of them ends up with a consumable that is relevant and useful and that constantly needs to be replenished. This would be a really nice boost to the economy depending on what materials are necessary for these different things.


    Bonus point if all of these consumables had a special status that allowed them to be instantly delivered without being near a trading post: There would be an interface and when you'd want to do something that requires one of these consumables, it would instead display their current price and you could just pay it to benefit from its effects. So for example you wouldn't need to constantly carry bank accesses with you: You could just clic somewhere and if the price of that item is, lets say, 50 silvers at the time, you could just pay those 50 silvers and get instant access to your bank.

  3. I would like it if we had an option so that the boons and conditions we received appeared in the opposite order above our utility skills.


    Currently, everytime a new one is received, its icon appears on the left and pushes all of the others to the right, making it extremely difficult in some cases to read and learn what it does or even ping it. It is especially true in combat when we're trying to see what a specific effect does, and it's constantly being pushed out of our mouse cursor because others effects are constantly applied and removed all the time.


    If they appeared in the opposite order, the older, longer-lasting effects would appear on the very left and stay there, while the newer, shorter-lasting ones would stack on the right one by one without affecting the position of the previous ones. We could read them without their icons being pushed away by new buffs or debuffs.

  4. > @"Skyronight.6370" said:

    > 3. Casual friendly mechanics such as passive traits and the overtuned downstate mechanics, when a player get downed they should be punished for the misplay but instead gw2 is the only game that gives really overpowered abilities in the downstate making it near impossible to win outnumbered fights since its so easy to res and interrupt the stomp, basically its easier to play defensively than offensively thus favoring the casual player more. Imagine playing PUBG squads and the downed player could throw smokes or molotovs at you etc, why is it so hard to kill someone that has already been partially defeated, to balance downstate there should be no abilities available aside from self res and it should take at least 2 other players to get the full res when 1 person is cleaving. Do not reward people for misplays. Same applies to passive traits like passive aegis, passive invul etc, basically making PvP too casual friendly made all the hardcore pvpers quit that are looking for a competitive game which brings me to reason number 4.


    I just have to answer this. If you're not in a 1v1 fight, your best chance to finish someone is to just keep damaging them with your abilities instead of trying to stomp them. And if their team regroups around them to rez? That's the best case scenario! You have 2-3 ennemies stunning themselves for several seconds in the exact same spot, for you to throw all of your damaging abilities.

  5. I'd like it there be an **option** (and that word is important) allowing us to have the Fresh Air talent reduce the Air Attunement cooldown to 1/4 second instead of reseting it entirely. That would avoid, when playing Weaver, double-tapping the key and missing the double-attunement phase.

  6. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > I saw a suggestion about dual skills somewhere and I liked it: every time you cast dual skill, it disappears and your main weapon skill 3 becomes available until you swap attunements.


    I don't like it. I think you should have to fully attune in order to get benefit from that 3rd skill. A thing you can do is picking Fresh Air, so you can "climb" from Air to Fire while using all three weapon skills #3 in a matter of 2 seconds, I do that and it feels amazing (yes, even in PvP). Picking Fresh Air also gives you near-instant access to all of your off hand weapon skills, by swapping to the attunement you want and then instantly going back to Air.

  7. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > I’m used to grind Asian mmos and this imo is a awfull grind, the way one unlocks the mount ...


    > Nope another thing that I will avoid in gw2... just hope they will never force me to get it, even the griffon is harder to me to get due how boring is to achieve it...gw2 pve LoL... boring, just doing it to follow thebhistory/plot.


    I love it, I find it great that some features require some perseverence to acquire.

  8. > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > I am sorry but I can't agree with you on the jumping puzzle part. Jumping puzzles are not necessary for anything else in the game, they offer nothing more than their respective rewards. If you can't do them, I think you shouldn't have any alternate option for them. I don't personally have time for raids, but I'm not asking for an alternate path to raid rewards, I simply don't have access to them, and I'm fine with that...

    > > > > ...I have always been (and probably ever will be) against portals, gliders, mounts, and even speed boosts, in jumping puzzles that were not designed with these advantages in mind.

    > > >

    > > > Let me ask this as a serious question, not a trolling attempt - Why are you opposed to such alternatives? The chest rewards for jumping puzzles don't seem that rewarding to me. I assumed that people did them for the fun of the challenge not for the actual chests. When jps show up in the dailies, some people race through them on their own while others use mesmer portals if they are available. If I use a portal how does that affect your enjoyment of doing the jumping yourself? I'm not arguing here but am wanting to understand your point of view.

    > >

    > > Most of the enjoyment I get from jumping puzzles is being proud of reaching the end. It's that feeling of "yeah, I did it, not everyone can reach this place". If everyone can do it with the push of a button, how does it matter?


    > I get it, really I do, but remember that ability =/= skill.

    > Skill is something learned and requires the attitude of willing and determination to get to a peak level. It's inclusive because everyone has the potential to be skilled or at least more skilled than they are when they start something and it's up to them to become so.

    > Ability is just something you're stuck with, you can be more than adequately skilled but still unfairly hindered when you have a condition that impares your ability.

    > OP clearly has a lot of skill because they got this far despite having a disablity, they already did the jump puzzles by taking their time, careful aiming of a jump is a skill.

    > (Just want to add Jps are skill based because it's about making it to the end, not ability based because they aren't about making it to the end and within a time frame that people who have to go slower are likely to never be able to achieve.)


    > Anet have made changes to the ball catch so it is more skill based rather than hang on ability so much so as to give disabled players a fairer chance at getting it done.


    > If you mean things should be sufficiently difficult that it requires skill to do that is fair comment.

    > But if you mean things should be so difficult in such a way that it relies more on ability than skill that's just being mean to people with disabilities.


    > It's ok to be proud of your skill. But maybe for the sake of the discussion and removing the need for assumptions could you clarify more what position you are actually taking?


    I admit I didn't think about that distinction, probably because the two, while different, are inherently linked. It's difficult to create a mechanic that requires skill but not ability. It is possible but it limits what the game has to offer, a lot.


    Again, I do agree that an alternative to the ball challenge should exist. All of my disagreements are about the jumping puzzles, and that's where I probably should've made a distinction: When it specifically comes to the jumping puzzle that's required in the skyscale collections, I also think that there should be an alternative. The only thing I'm against is having ways to reach the end of these puzzles without having to actually do them.

  9. > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I am sorry but I can't agree with you on the jumping puzzle part. Jumping puzzles are not necessary for anything else in the game, they offer nothing more than their respective rewards. If you can't do them, I think you shouldn't have any alternate option for them. I don't personally have time for raids, but I'm not asking for an alternate path to raid rewards, I simply don't have access to them, and I'm fine with that...

    > > ...I have always been (and probably ever will be) against portals, gliders, mounts, and even speed boosts, in jumping puzzles that were not designed with these advantages in mind.


    > Let me ask this as a serious question, not a trolling attempt - Why are you opposed to such alternatives? The chest rewards for jumping puzzles don't seem that rewarding to me. I assumed that people did them for the fun of the challenge not for the actual chests. When jps show up in the dailies, some people race through them on their own while others use mesmer portals if they are available. If I use a portal how does that affect your enjoyment of doing the jumping yourself? I'm not arguing here but am wanting to understand your point of view.


    Most of the enjoyment I get from jumping puzzles is being proud of reaching the end. It's that feeling of "yeah, I did it, not everyone can reach this place". If everyone can do it with the push of a button, how does it matter? I also don't understand your point of view, if the end chests don't seem that rewarding to you, why do you want to run these puzzles? If that's because of the daily achievments, there are plenty of alternatives already. You have the choice of 3 out of 4 achievment in PvE, and if that's not enough, you have 8 additional options throughout the others modes. In total you only have to run 3 out of 12 options to get the daily rewards. And if you really can't run any of these, then perhaps leave the reward to those who can, just like with raids.

  10. > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy...

    > > ...And, while I am against making the challenge easyer, I would be totally fine with an easyer alternative, if it was balanced by being longer to run than the ball challenge, as you suggested:


    > Hmm, I find myself disagreeing with your initial comment a bit but agreeing with your suggested solution. The point of disagreement is simple. Difficult challenges make the game fun for some players but not for all of them. At age 17 I thrived on high intensity, high pressure situations. At age 70, with significantly reduced physical abilities, I find "difficult" challenges to be tiresome if not frustrating. I'm into a much more relaxed, casual mode these days. Should Anet push me out of their player base because of that? Well, that's up to them. They are welcome to take a look at my account to decide if they want me as a player or not.


    > The place where I very strongly agree with you though is in your suggested solution. Rather than a one size fits all approach - making everything either really hard or really easy, let's continue to have a range of options. Some people love jumping puzzles but I physically can't do most of them myself. Thank you Anet for the concept of mesmers with portals and a special thanks to those mesmers who so freely create portals for those who need them. The built in alternative to jumping puzzles for the Skyscale is equally cool. In both cases, the option to go the physically challenging route or to use an alternative that may cost more time and money is up to the individual player. Which option I choose shouldn't have a notable effect on anyone else's gameplay. Options and alternatives like these - that's what I'd like to see wherever Anet locks things behind gates that take fast physical abilities to unlock.


    I am sorry but I can't agree with you on the jumping puzzle part. Jumping puzzles are not necessary for anything else in the game, they offer nothing more than their respective rewards. If you can't do them, I think you shouldn't have any alternate option for them. I don't personally have time for raids, but I'm not asking for an alternate path to raid rewards, I simply don't have access to them, and I'm fine with that.


    The reason I am supportive of an alternate solution for the ball challenge is because it unlocks the skyscale, which is quite a big feature. But I have always been (and probably ever will be) against portals, gliders, mounts, and even speed boosts, in jumping puzzles that were not designed with these advantages in mind.

  11. > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy. However, I will admit that this argument holds:

    > >

    > > This is an achievment, it's supposed to be challenging and isn't required for anything else in the game. I'm completely against balancing this kind of content around disabilities.


    > This achievement is one of the components of acquiring the Skyscale mount and we want that journey to be accessible to the entire playerbase, including Guild Wars 2 players with disabilities. We're happy to make adjustments wherever relevant and believe that making the game more accessible improves it, without removing anything from everyone's experience.


    I was talking about the "Three Golem Monte" achievment, which isn't required in the acquisition of the Skyscale.


    About the achievments that are necessary in order to unlock a big feature, yes, I totally agree that some alternative ways to unlock them should exist.

  12. I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy. However, I will admit that this argument holds:


    > @"The Quad.8625" said:

    > Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale!


    And, while I am against making the challenge easyer, I would be totally fine with an easyer alternative, if it was balanced by being longer to run than the ball challenge, as you suggested:


    > @"The Quad.8625" said:

    > Arenanet, please [...] make a way for me to bypass it




    > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > Thanks


    > Devs really should take disabilities and possible health issues into consideration when designing contents


    > One of the bad ones I can think of is the 'Three Golem Monte' achieve, it can pretty much give you a seizure

    > Though I got it done on my third try, but I got a bit of headache from eye strain of eyeballs moving too fast afterwards; hence I have stopping playing FPS games like CS:GO, CoD, etc, gives me a headache in 10-20min


    This is an achievment, it's supposed to be challenging and isn't required for anything else in the game. I'm completely against balancing this kind of content around disabilities.

  13. > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

    > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

    > > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.


    > I don't think Anet would go this way, it's 1. Too expensive, and 2. Shared Inventory slots don't work this way.


    > What they might do, is sell each slot separately for 2k gems, and a bundle back discounted to 5k gems.


    > Even if it cost 2k per slot, I would get them. However, I wouldn't bother if one has to pay 1k per character.


    5k gems for something that should be in the game baseline? That's like 60 euros!

    Remember that most games don't even require you to equip a tool. That shared slot should be given for free when we purchase any unbreakable tool, and if it's not, it shouldn't be expensive at all (400 gems max). The only reason one would want to buy a shared slot is to gain advantage out of the unlimited tools. What this means is that you already paid for a convenience. I think it's a bad thing to be forced to pay again if we want to fully gain this convenience.

  14. It certainly fits the bill. My issues with it is that we could have a wyvern instead with a unique body shape, but they choose to re-use the griffon's rig again, and also that the skyscale seems to render the raptor and the springer obsoletes. Sure they can do their things faster, but when the skyscale is so much more precise and can go further and higher, is it really enough?

  15. I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.


    I do not want to have to play in a way that isn't optimal, that will get me late to events and such, in order to have that fun. This is why I share my thoughts about it, so if the majority of people agreed to it, we could maybe implement that change and all have a better game. I don't see how I'm supposed to know most people don't like this idea, and you know what? That's why forums exist.


    > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.


    > Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".


    This is... actually supporting my suggestion?


    People don't play meta builds, because they are sub-optimal. In a way we actually do take away their choice of playing these builds because meta builds are mandatory. These non-meta builds should be buffed so these people can have their fun. If swaping to griffon was just as good as gliding after using Bound of Faith, I would have no problem. But it is not the case.

  16. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > > > **This entire complaint can be summarized as:

    > > > > > > > > > I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.**

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

    > > > >

    > > > > And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

    > > >

    > > > Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

    > >

    > > I already adressed that...


    > you haven't really addressed..why you can't just choose not to use the skill.


    > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.



  17. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > **This entire complaint can be summarized as:

    > > > > > > > I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.**

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

    > > > >

    > > > > I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

    > > > >

    > > > > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

    > > >

    > > > For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

    > >

    > > And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?


    > Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?


    I already adressed that...

  18. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > **This entire complaint can be summarized as:

    > > > > > I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.**

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

    > >

    > > I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

    > >

    > > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.


    > For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?


    And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

  19. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > **This entire complaint can be summarized as:

    > > > I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.**

    > >

    > > I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

    > >

    > >


    > Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.


    I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:


    The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

  20. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > **This entire complaint can be summarized as:

    > I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.**


    I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"



    > I'm sorry to say, but that's not how balance should work. Bond of Faith and the other mount masteries are designed with enough limitations in mind. What about the next person who disagrees with the Bunny being able to jump so high? After all, in days long past we had to meticulously jumping puzzle traverse up on a horizontal plane. What about people who disagree with the raptor jump? Etc.


    This is simply a personal point of view. You think Bound of Faith is limited enough already, I don't. My issue with it, and that's what differenciates my complain from one about the springer, for example, is that it allows to chain together movement options that were not designed to be chained in the first place. The mastery feels like something that was made because they ran short of ideas, it is clunky and doesn't participate in the "joy of movement". It has some fun uses, like getting that one last push you need to get over that cliff. But I do not think that making the springer mandatory in order to optimize our griffon is a fun mechanic, it feels like a chore we have to do in order to get to the fun part. In some situations, it also removes the idea of each mount having a niche use: I don't have to choose between the springer and the griffon, since I can use both.

  21. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > I don't understand your point of view because mine is almost the exact opposite. Being able to chain together these kinds of abilities to reach new heights it, to me, a thing that makes the game feel more dynamic and fun.


    I don't personally like having to combine so many actions for something that simple. To put it simply, if we're _supposed_ to be able to launch ourselves from such heights before using the griffon, why does the griffon not have its own jump skill? In my opinion, Bound of Faith should be restricted to a way of leaving our mount from great heights, without dying from fall damage, a bit like a parachute... Or a glider.


    And I'll admit, that making gliding useful again makes, to me, most of the appeal of my suggestion. I find the gliding mechanic amazing, and I don't like that the only true opportunity to use it is when we're in combat, near a cliff, and want to get away. And even in this very niche and rare situation, we swap to our griffon as soon as we get out of combat...

  22. I don't like having to mount my Springer, jump, use Bound of Faith, glide, and then take the Griffon in order to optimize my altitude. There are many places where this skillchain can get us to places that we wouldn't be able to reach so easily otherwise because of our comparatively lower altitude (notably in the Domain of Istan), and I feel like this removes the fun out of the "joy of movement" the devs were so proud of when introducing the mounts.


    There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!


    As a bonus, maybe we could have the option of replacing the crystaline wings animation by our currently equipped glider? I really don't like this animation... :/

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