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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > If they really decide to enable the feature on Elementalist for real, best wishes pulling of the meta-rotations with swapping through 8 attunements, chaining 40+ skills in a row, without getting hit.


    I can see weapon swap becoming the next elementalist elite spec mechanic. Longbow anyone?

  2. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > > > They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.

    > > > >

    > > > > Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.

    > > >

    > > > How could you pay them if you already own those items?

    > > .

    > > > The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed

    > > .

    > > > kept me from buying


    > Ok, but that's just your personal taste, there may be people who already bought those backpacks and others who would be satisfied just by having the ones available in-game (no gem store) if they make them dyable.

    > What I mean is, which group would be more in numbers? Those who think like yourself or those in the two categories i said above? I think the latter, and thus it doesn't justify an effort from anet's point of view sadly...


    There is currently no backpack/glider combo in which only the glider is dyable, outside of gemstore. Those who are already satisfied with the ones available in-game won't change their habits if gemstore items become dyable. That leaves us with only those who already bought the backpeices vs those who would buy them only if they become dyable, and I'd say the later wins on the long term.


    Let's be honnest, there is an advantage to having entirely non-dyable backpack/glider combos, in that the textures and effects are more intricate. But when your backpack is just a non-dyable version of a dyable glider, you get the worst of both world: lower-quality textures and effects, and no customization option.

    Where I'm going with this is that I don't want ANet to revisit every backpeice in the game, only those that are non-dyable version of a dyable item. They already have the model and it's already dyable, they don't need to remodel anything. They just need to let us exchange our non-dyable versions for dyable ones using the new code.

  3. > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > Of all the great and interesting things I had imagined or thought Anet capable of, this is none of them and is EXACTLY what I had hoped they would not go with. I expected they would go this route, but had a little faith they would be better than this.


    > Convoluted, redundant, unnecessary mastery? - Check

    > Restricted to certain zones and maps to make it even more irrelevant and give less incentive? - Check

    > Boring, bland, and lacking of any real imagination? - Check

    > Stretched-out and repetitive to give the illusion of actual endgame content and longevity? - Check


    > The new map is dull and uninspired. The story was completely predictable, short, and contrived. There are many fans who love to eat-up even the worse GW 2 content and even most of them are unimpressed and disappointed.


    > I pointed out all of this years ago, that this is what would transpire for the game. I saw masteries ending up this way after gliding and mounts. There is just no fire or energy behind the creative direction of GW 2 currently. It all feels so meh and empty.


    > The only thing that could explain and make up for all this is an awesome expansion coming up with new ground-breaking masteries, map types, mechanics, features, ect. But after the last 2 years and now the long slog to drudge through with this tired Icebrood Saga, I can't say that I'm very hopeful for anything new.


    > The QoL updates are great. But in terms of new content, the game is going nowhere.


    You can't expect ANet to always have a new ground-breaking mastery idea everytime a living world episode comes out

  4. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.

    > >

    > > Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.


    > How could you pay them if you already own those items?


    > The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed


    > kept me from buying

  5. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.


    Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > You are essentially asking for an alternative way of dyeing existing items. The answer is basically going to boil down to the same problem as to why weapons and older back items aren't dyable - they weren;t designed for it and the work to retroact those would be too much.

    I can only assume, but I'd say adding non-dyable layers to an item that was designed to be dyable should be easier than adding dyable layers to an item that wasn't designed to be dyable. Dyable items sometimes have non-dyable parts.

    > Doing what you suggest here, is not a fast and easy task. Every armour, every mount skin would need to be looked at.

    Or maybe not, perhaps at first it can be exclusive to 2K gems mount skins?

  7. It's secret to no one that having dyable mounts and armors is both a great thing for players, but also reduces the creative freedom of the artistic team behind those creations. Instead of being able to create intricate nuances, they need to stick to single colours. It's obvious when you compare the level of details on weapons and backpieces to that of armors and mounts.


    I was just thinking, would it be possible to effectively make two versions of each dyable item in order to get the better of both worlds?

    A mount skin for example, would display its base, undyable colours when no dye is used at all, leaving complete freedom to the creators to make all the intricacies they want.

    But there would still be dye chanels, and if we apply even one dye, the mount skin would stop displaying in its undyable, intricate patern, and would instead switch to the dyable, block colours version we already know today.


    Why do I care? As an aspiring artist myself, I imagine it must be difficult being restricted in your creativity in order to stick to a customizable system. Having a system that allows players to chose between customization or a higher level of details, offers more possibilities for everyone involved. Plus artists can create several intricate, undyable recolours, that players can select at will, and even add more of those recolours later on if they get more cool ideas. Even having this as a 2k-gems mounts exclusivity would already be an amazing feature in my opinion.


    Writing this, I'm thinking this might be a great in-game feature for unlocking mount skins through achievments. One could unlock a single version of an intricate, undyable version of a mount, themed to the meta-achievment. The gemstore would still hold the exclusivity on dyable versions of these mounts. More in-game quality content without devaluating the purchases of people who paid for these mounts.

  8. You can't just repeat the post for others classes mechanics and act like you've made a point. The elementalist is balanced. The ranger is balanced. Firebrand is balanced. Mesmer might be balanced to players who can somehow spot the right one (strangely enough there's never a real tip for that from the chrono players who say it's easy), but that's the deal: most players can't, and that's saying something when there are so many complaints about the visual soup every Mesmer puts us in before making their one shot combo one second later.


    I've tried to counter that too, duh. The only tip I got for that was to "spot the sword". The small, foggy, transparent, very quick sword that travels to me before the combo hits. To spot that thing in between 4 character models throwing their purple auto attacks, plus any other skill the Mesmer might have used, is a very poor idea of a "balanced" counter. Because here's the other thing: Every Mesmer animation is the same. You never know what they do. If their hard-hitting skills had some obvious animations like others classes, that might do the trick. But it's simply not the case.

  9. > @"Solnos.8045" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > We need less boons in this game. I'm actually wondering if it wouldn't be better if we had a maximum amount of boons at any given time, because this is becoming ridiculous.


    > Why do we need less boons in the game exactly?


    All these bunkers builds, there are so many boon applications that you can remove 3 boons, 3 times in a row and the next second the guy got them all back. There's the same problem with condi to be honnest. Not to mention that having several classes revolve around generic boons reduces the impact of their class specific mechanics.

  10. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > That sounds like your browser is ignoring/blocking the redirect responses that sends you over to account.arena.net.


    > It might also be that the maximum redirect limit is set very low(2 is used here) but the default on most browsers shouldn't be an issue. At least on Firefox a "The page isn’t redirecting properly" message gets displayed instead of just a blank screen.


    > Another possibility is that your browser/computer is set to block access to https://account.arena.net . This is the easiest to check since you can just try going to that address.


    Would that mean that if I went to the address directly, it should work? Because it doesn't either :/

    I don't know what could've caused my computer to block it, I didn't touch any parameter...

  11. A "remove player summons interactions" option, that would make us unable to interact with anything that was spawned by another player unless we select it beforehand. That would avoid all the trolls that spawn aviator chests and black lion merchants on top of loot chests, as well as avoiding picking the elementalist's conjured weapon when we try to pick up the cultists hammer, for example.

  12. I have to write this from my phone. My computer simply won't load the login page. The rest of the forum works properly, but when I clic on any "sign in" button, I get a white page. It started suddenly a few days ago. What can I do?


    **[FIXED]** The chrome addon "I don't care about cookies" which is supposed to automatically accept cookies on every website was apparently interfering with the login page. It's still weird that I've had it all this time and it only just started to interfere recently, but disabling it solved the issue right away. Thanks a lot to everyone who took time to answer!

  13. I really like the idea of having a longbow with weapon swap as a mechanic, it's amazing. However I'm not sure I understand what you're doing with the attunements?


    Here's an idea: Give the elementalist a revenant-style "attunement" swap. You can equip 2 attunements which work exactly the same as today, and swap between them with the F1 button, on the same cooldown as core elementalist. But you can't use those you haven't equipped. Perhaps there's something to do with a revenant-style resource bar too?


    That would:

    * Make the elementalist still feel like an elementalist (which would be a problem if you changed all weapons skills for the elite spec) by keeping the original weapon skills.

    * Give a trade-off to the elite spec by removing two attunements.

    * Give that elite spec its own unique feeling, especially if the longbow has some limitted mobility with things like slide-shot. I like the concept of a damage skill that we would aim in a direction, and our character would slide in this direction (300 range?) while evading attacks. The initial cast would interrupt others casts, but you could start a new one during the evade phase.

  14. I main elementalist but play a little bit of everything. Elementalist or Mesmer would be good classes for you given your requirement on complexity and versatility (careful though, as elementalist has almost NO group utility skill, as opposed to mesmer. *cries in frustration*). However you might want to check out Revenant and Guardian, especially with the elite specializations. Those are all very decent classes in PvP, and see good use in PvE. Keep in mind that all classes are made to reach roughly the same DPS in PvE, if you build them for it. What will change are the supportive capabilities, the gameplay, and the utility tools.

  15. Too bad we can't queue for it. What a way to ruin a good idea. My only option is to get in a custom arena that may or may not be open to bublic, wait 30 minutes for someone to perhaps show up, and pray that we are about the same skill level. Wonderful.

  16. > @"Nate.8146" said:

    > As Ultramex pointed out above, setting character quality to lowest will remove a lot of flair. Also setting character limit to lowest will simply not render most toons & mounts. IMO, a better option would be to dynamically scale those two values based on frame rate. Lately I've been forced to use the lowest character count because large scale battles in WvW or most World Bosses hits my frame rate pretty bad, but I have no problems rendering 10 char instances in max quality.


    I would definitely use an "adaptative" setting for those two parameters.

  17. If the gemstore didn't exist, all of these outfits, minis and mount skins would be made as PvE rewards. That would push players to do a specific thing in order to get a specific reward, giving prestige to each skin and encouraging people to explore the game. However that would require some other mean of monetization for the game, most likely a monthly subscription. I would prefer that, but I see why they're not doing it.

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