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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > Unravel is strong, sword and staff skills #3 are useless compared to dual skills, that why no one use this skill with theses weapons.

    > Otherwise it has many uses. Like d/d to cast #3 air or fire for power bonus while casting earth 5, or chain leaps, or fast swap to water for healing/cleansing; for Elements of Rage buff... etc.

    > No; the real useless skills are the aquatic stance, and in some regards the stone resonance.


    The only issue I have with Unravel is that it is a stance. You are in dual attunement, then you use it. You become fully attuned. Then you can swap again right away, which will also fully attune you. But then at the moment where your attunement cooldown is avalaible again, given Unravel's duration of 5 seconds, you can never be really sure wether or not that skill is still up. This is clunky, it messes with the rotation.


    I'd rather have it so that Unravel fully atunes us to our primary atunement, or if we are already fully attuned, reset our attunement cooldown and make the next swap (and only the next one) fully attune us. No lingering effect, just a single-use thing. Perhaps add a charge in compensation?

    That would feel so much better and I might actually use the skill then. But the way it currently works is just too messy...

  2. > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

    > As long as fresh air exists, instant overloads would be impossible to balance.

    This can be balanced. Fresh Air shouldn't affect the overload's cooldown anyway, just that of the attunement.


    > The other reason they probably have a setup time is to avoid burst damage from doing multiple overloads consecutively, though that channel time is already probably enough for that.


    > although, an instant overload wouldn't make much sense thematically speaking. The elementalist should "charge" an element before overloading it, so some kind of time mechanic makes the most sense.

    Hence the idea of making it more powerful as you remain in the attunement, it would then be useless to overload right away.

  3. > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > The elementalist gets a few things that others classes have, but poorly designed in comparison:

    > > * Permanent necro pets? You get a time-limitted mob and you still need to spam the button afterwards if you want maximum efficiency.

    > > * Engineer kits? There you go time-limitted summoned weapons with a clunky pick-up mechanic.

    > > * Useful elite skills? Here take specifically the two utility types that are poorly designed, and add a boring tornado for good measure (but make it only good underwater!).


    > the elemental used to be totally free AI. They add the active skill later and to be honest I like it more that way !


    > but +1 for everything else!


    How do you like it more that way? It's just an ability you have to spam in order to get maximum efficiency, there is literally no gameplay to it. I'd rather have this sort of things being taken care of by the AI, I'd like to at least have the choice to do it. It would be interesting if you had to chose the right moment to use it or if the elemental's ability had several charges, but it's simply not the case.


    Take the necro for example: Their summon's active abilities are all utility skills to time properly, or with long cooldowns. In the case of the Fire elemental, you have a damage ability that you need to press every 5 seconds with no situation awareness.


    I would be totally cool though with a detonation ability though, that would make an interesting mechanic: Have a powerful ability in exchange for puttin the elemental on cooldown.

  4. The elementalist gets a few things that others classes have, but poorly designed in comparison:

    * Permanent necro pets? You get a time-limitted mob and you still need to spam the button afterwards if you want maximum efficiency.

    * Engineer kits? There you go time-limitted summoned weapons with a clunky pick-up mechanic.

    * Useful elite skills? Here take specifically the two utility types that are poorly designed, and add a boring tornado for good measure (but make it only good underwater!).

  5. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > One of the reasons I consider weaver to be better designed is due to threads asking for f5 unravel. It means they like the spec but miss something that was given up.


    I think people are asking for F5 Unravel because that utility is trash. I think it should remain a utility skill, but perhaps add a charge and remove the stance component? Make it a single use thing rather than something that lingers and impairs your rotation after the desired effect...

  6. Wouldn't the specialisation feel much better if we could overload instantly after entering an attunement? Isn't the doubled attunement cooldown enough of a drawback already for overloading?


    What if the overload gradually became more powerful the longer we retained that attunement and the more weapon skills we used before overloading? That would feel more like an _active_ class mechanic in my opinion, instead of _passively_ just... waiting... for the overload to be ready. What if we could slightly customize the overloads with grandmaster trait options?

  7. > @"Draconious.2751" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > > And class is mesmer, in case you were wondering why the GS floats. :lol:

    > > >

    > > > I hope the elementalist gets to weild a GS so we can do that too...

    > >

    > > Fiery Greatsword.


    > *Cries in 180s cooldown*


    *Cries in no skin, stupid conjured weapons design and no dedicated spec*

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > If Bounties respawn so quickly, I'd imagine they would be camped, and die even faster.

    Not if you can only receive their loot once per day

    > And, again, Repeatable Renown Hearts already are Dailies.

    There are two issues with how that is currently implemented: Firstly, core Tyria hearts aren't repeatable. Secondly, there isn't a select number of hearts that are repeatable, they always all reset every day.


    The goal with my suggestion is to revitalize the game in general, including core maps, by having a constant rotation of a **few** randomly selected hearts. This would regroup players around specific areas, making them feel populated, and would ensure that these areas change regularly as to prevent boredom. A related daily achievment would ensure that this content is rewarding, without making it mandatory for those who don't like this content.

  9. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > So, you open the World Map and scroll around looking for one? several? Repeatable Renown Hearts (not in Core as those aren't repeatable), and/or Bounties? And these would be Dailies in addition to them already being Dailies for their individual maps (in the case of Repeatable Renown Hearts)?


    > And you hope to be able to get there in time in the case of Bounties? As Bounties don't take long to clear when they are Dailies, as is.


    No, the core hearts would be repeatable for a period of time, during which they would be highlighted on the map. Highlighted bounties would have a faster respawn timer, so if you miss the previous one you wouldn't have to wait more than a couple minutes before doing it.

    The rate could be tuned so that, for example, one heart or bounty is randomly highlighted every 3 hour, for a duration of 24 hours (that would mean 8 daily). Over time they would cumulate so that there are several tasks avalaible to complete throughout the world.

    Doing any highlighted bounty or heart would count towards the daily achievment.


    > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > Uh ... great job not actually addressing any of the problems with bounties?


    What are they, in your opinion?

  10. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Do you mean like the Bloodstone-Crazed Beasts, or the Awakened Portal Invasions?


    Well, a bit yes, but extended to hearts and bounties on a larger and more diverse scale, and with a much clearer interface: The specific renown hearts and bounties would be visible directly on the world map (you could disable that), and they wouldn't be bound to an event chain which means it would be possible to make it so that they are visible from another map.


    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > It seems to me thats wows answer for anets open world events and world bosses.



    And dare I say they did the job well. Their boss events manage to gather people around a different fight everyday (unlike world bosses which get boring pretty quickly), and the progress bar events also gather people, and can be done without the aid of anyone else if you're a loner.

    On GW2's side, you get into a map and you'll perhaps encounter an event with one or two people folowing it, because there's absolutely no meaningful reward, and no way to know if something's hapening if you're not in the direct vicinity.


    Since a lot of events also allow to complete a nearby renown heart, having that renown heart in the "expedition" rotation would also revitalize the nearby events. The whole idea is to make the game feel more alive, not only for new players who are leveling up, but for the entire playerbase.

  11. I've played a little bit of WoW recently. Didn't stick, but they sure had something interesting: Expeditions. Those are small events that pop up regularly and remain avalaible to complete for a few hours. There are basically two types of them:

    * The first just so happens to work like renown hearts in GW2: Complete tasks in an area and fill up a progress bar. They are completed in solo but they do gather players nonetheless (which is the idea).

    * The second type are bosses that require several players to complete, just like our bounty hunts, with the difference that they respawn very fast as long as the expedition is avalaible.


    Sticking to the idea of "_not having a NPC just waiting around for you to talk to them and give you a quest_", which seemed like a big deal at launch, I think the game would feel much more **alive** if renown hearts and bounty hunts were revamped in a similar way to WoW's expeditions: Renown hearts and bounties would randomly be pointed out on the map, to be repeatable once (for hearts) or as a call for players to gather around a specific bounty.


    Of course, players won't have interest in completing those if there isn't some kind of reward, so there could be something like a daily achievment, which would reward us for completing a few (3?) bounties or hearts each day. Just as to make them interesting, but not mandatory.


    **It is important to note that implementing a system like this would not change in any way how bounties and hearts can be done today: You could still complete a heart or pick up a bounty even if it's not pointed out on the map.**

  12. That's just an idea, what if we had bouncing mushrooms and updrafts in the Grove? Perhaps even a few Nuhoc Wallows? How about one or two ley lines to glide over? Oarkheart essences? The Grove is basically built like HoT maps, 3 levels with a very dense atmosphere. Not to mention it's very much related to Mordremoth...

    I think it could create a really fun ambiance to add a few HoT masteries in there.


    ...Thermal tubes in Hoebrak?

  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > My solution against boredom is to do _fewer_ dailies, not more. And I still can't find a map in the game that is underpopulated during peak periods. Between special events and festivals and various scavenger hunts, and updated rewards, people head all over now.


    > Because I don't agree with the premise, I can't see that the OP's suggestion will be a solution to anything.


    > ****

    > > I wish players had more reason to revisit "old" zones.

    > Dailies aren't a sustainable reason; people get bored of them, no matter how interesting they might be at first.


    > I think ANet's been on the right track, by continually offering special events and scavenger hunts that give people an excuse to return.


    You will be bored of anything with time. But it'll take a long time before you get bored of every event of every map. And I can assure you, core maps are very much populated when the daily event completer are on them.

  14. > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

    > No thanks. Dailies are already tedious enough. Your suggestions will not repopulate any map in the long run.


    > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

    > No thanks. Dailies are already tedious enough. Your suggestions will not repopulate any map in the long run.


    You don't need to run the new ones if you don't want to. 3 dailies would still be all it takes to complete the daily completionist.

  15. Most PvE areas feel empty and dead, especially in core Tyria. Daily event completer achievments seem to "revive" these areas for a day, everyone is running around doing events, the game feels populated. The daily puzzle and minidungeon achievments also push you to explore these small areas.


    I see here a good oportunity to make the game feel more alive for lvl 80 players, by "reworking" daily achievments:

    * The **daily completionist** achievment, rewarding completing 3 daily achivements, would still exist.

    * The **daily vista viewer** achievments would be reworked to require more than just one vista to complete, and would direct you to specific vistas instead of a general location. This would push people to see something different every day, instead of always going for the easyest vista to reach.

    * For each expansion and living world season, there would automatically always be at least one **daily event completer** or **daily bounty hunter** achievment. These would be in addition to the core Tyria daily achievments, as to reward people for playing expansion contents, without preventing core players from completing the **daily completionist** achievment.


    What this aims to do is rewarding players for repopulating different maps and locations every day, without forcing them to do things they really don't like. Do you dislike vista viewer achievments because they are boring? You can still complete your **daily completionist** achievment by doing the **daily event completer** in core Tyria, the Heart of Maguuma and the Crystal Desert. Do you only have access to core Tyria or just like the way events currently are? You can still do it. And you are still rewarded with respective daily achievments, event after finishing the **daily completionist**.

  16. There's a bit of a struggle finding a name for a character these days. We can't save our character creation and don't want to loose everything, and I personally end up sometimes finding a name that I don't really like. So I think it would be awesome if the Name Change Contract in the gemstore refunded gems on use depending on how many levels away from 80 the character we're changing the name of is currently at, making its price progressively increase as we advance in the game.


    For example, if we're using it on a level 75 character, the Name Change Contract would actually cost us 750 gems instead of 800, because it would refund 50 gems on use. If the character is level 3, the contract would cost 30 gems and refund the 770 remaining gems.

    In the end, the name change would cost 10x the character's level.

  17. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > cuz underwater fighting is broke. many if not all HoT and PoF specs dont work well with Core tyria UW weapons... and its way too late to go back trying to make UW work, most of us hate it and we dont want it and they have other stuffs planned on their shoulders


    > i hope theyre not thinking of an UW expansion unless they really want to seal their fate once & 4 all


    A deep-sea dragon centered expansion might be in the work and I'd like it. But underwater doesn't have to be all of it, we can have ship battles, islands, and meta-events where several things need to be done at once and so those who want to avoid underwater can stay on land without loosing anything.

  18. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > The clipping issue really only highlights how big of a mistake it was to make Gw2 a multi playble race game.. specially when you factor in how completely irrelevant your race and decisions becomes after you join one of the 3 orders in the personal story.


    > Once the story merged into the orders those story choices diminished from 5 different races to 3 different orders .. and later on they all merged into a single Pact story ark and then into a progressing story where your race and previous creation choices mean utterly nothing.


    > Don't get me wrong.. I get why Anet did this but if they had predicted it they could have saved themselves a lot of time, effort and money keeping Gw2 a single playable race game like the original.

    > Gw2 could have been pretty different.. personal story could have been pretty different and maybe better as a result, and there certainly wouldn't be a need to hire and bring back 10 different PC voice actors per every living world release.


    > This only further highlighted by the fact that each race has no special features or traits.. race skills being little more than a joke or novelty rather than a viable alternative to your class skills, again get why Anet did it but it still proves my point that having multiple playable races was a mistake.


    > I know a lot of people don't like that opinion and they may even feel like Gw2 wouldn't a game they'd care for if they couldn't play as an Asura or Charr or Norn etc..

    > But if Anet only had to make armor for a single class/frame, only had to write the PC from the perspective of a single race, only had to hire 2 voice acters and bring them back for living world.

    > Content would likely be coming out much quicker and the Pc wouldn't be so much of a generic blank slate which has long been a criticism people have had, which is largely due to how the PC has to be written to incorporate all 5 races and can't differ much if at all in conversation.. even though there is a blatantly obvious personality shift between each different race.


    > Should the time come when a Gw3 comes around, I do hope Anet reconsiders going back to a single playable race, just to save themselves a lot of hastle..

    > Or at the very least make each race unique enough to warrant having..

    > They could do that in Gw2 to if they just made racial skills viable in exclusively open world PvE.. or reworked them into special f6-0 abilities to give each race a little unique element that can be played with.. I know a lot of Norn players would love to be able to utalize their animal form into their normal buid even if it were only cosmetic.

    > It's a defining powerful aspect of their race in the lore, yet the commander, one of their races greatest heroes.. never uses it.


    Some games fix this by simply having every race have their own specific classes that no other race can do. You can then adapt the specific gear and stats to every race without worrying as much about these issues.

  19. It's a weird turn considering the previous mount skins were obtainable with RNG liscences. The first pack was made for the Warclaw and I already didn't like it, but I just assumed it was because the mount was made for a separate mode. But this one is for PvE. It could be that it's a premium mount or that you need to have living world season 4 in order to unlock it, but yet again the griffon and the roller beetle are avalaible in mount liscences. So what makes the skyscale different?

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