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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > There might be a potential to game this and gain an advantage. I believe Ele’s attunements having cooldowns when out of combat isn’t by accident either.


    Funny that I made a post recently asking to remove attunement swap cooldowns out of combat. Plenty of people said that it would be unbalanced because of arcane traitline, but, I think weapon (attunement) swap boons should be removed too, when out of combat. Why should others classes be free to swap, but not the ele/revenant? And why should the ele be the only one to have weapon swap boons when out of combat? Both the cooldown and the boons need to go. I suppose the same problem applies to the revenant...

  2. I'm not even sure it's worth making a post about it but, perhaps this kind of problem applies to others minis, so here we go:


    The Mini Vinetooth Faolain's tail dives into the ground, the "gravity" effect drags it lower than the tail's movement can balance. Add to that, the mini's legs stick into the ground, it is positionned lower than it should be, making the tail's problem more appearant.


    So, two things:

    Would it be possible to reduce/remove the "gravity" effect on the tail?

    And would it be possible to "heighten" its position (I don't have it but I suppose the problem also applies to the mini Awakened Abomination, since they share the same skull), so that the feet don't burrow into the ground?


    I know minis aren't a big part of the game, but they exist and are a fun gimmick, and I don't think they should be overlooked...

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"RazielSpecter.6295" said:

    > > > PvE players can get completing the map

    > >

    > > Assuming that I get 1 charge per map, that leaves me with about 50 of them. Wow, my problem is sovled here, that will totally last me for the rest of my life, I'll never have to worry about it again.


    > Those who don't wvw or pvp at all run a key toon each week and do a couple of map completions as well. Several of the maps take 5-6 minutes (with practice).


    > But honestly, if _your_ problem is not enough charges, then the solution is buying them from the gem shop. That is precisely the system that ANet intended.



    I don't think having to make a new character should be the way to get them. I should be able to get them on my main.

    And why should PvE players have to spend gold, while PvP and WvW players receive plenty of them for free? I'm sorry but PvE players already represent a good part of those who pay for gemstore things (mount skins, bank access, repair canisters... All of these, PvP and WvW players don't need). Can't it be the other way around, for once? Or better, can't it be equally difficult/easy to get them for everyone?


    And no one is buying charges anyway. Removing them entirely would probably make people more willing to buy weapon and armor skins in the gem store, because they'd be able to change at will. That'd be a mutch better investment.

  4. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > > I have ~1050 unused and want to keep them, thanx.

    > >

    > > If you have so many what will it change to simply remove them?

    > >

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > Play PvP/WvW and you'll be swimming in charges. With this many options to get them without having to buy them they don't need to change

    > >

    > > And nothing for PvE players? Not everyone likes every mode.


    > To your first point: " if having to pay to change armor skin is a good mechanic " you said, well Romang is refuting your statement in saying that you don't have to pay to change armor skin.


    > To your second point: there are many mechanisms through which a PvE only player can earn transmutation charges, the most readily method being map completion. Completing the map on a capital city rewards 1 charge. Completing any other core tyria map rewards either a BL key, or more likely 1 transmutation charge.


    > My wife who is a very casual player, and only steps into WvW to bang out a missing daily, still has about 30 unused charges in her wallet, after only playing this game for 4-5 months.


    > To answer your question, why remove a system that works fine?


    > I'm not going to defend this system by saying it's good (it isn't), but it was a design choice ANET made, and it works just fine, so we just roll with it.



    There is not an infinite amount of maps to complete. I don't think having to recreate characters to dicovers the main cities and then delete them is a good way to obtain them. Sorry.

    As for others potential PvE ways to get them, I'm doing all my daily fractals, all daily PvE, a good amount of world bosses every day, and I don't get even one charge out of it. If you don't think the system should disappear, at least acknowledge that there is a large inbalance between PvP and PvE modes.


    And I don't understand the first thing you said


    > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > It's unlikely that they'll ever remove them because it'd be too much trouble. Doing so would mean refunds for all recent purchases and having to compensate for any existing charges. They'd be far more likely to simply add them to merchants for gold or karma, while removing them from all other sources to turn the wardrobe into a sink. Maybe they'll revamp it if they ever get around to wardrobe slots / build templates.


    Just turn them back into gems?

  5. The game evolved to a point where I'm not sure if having to pay to change armor skin is a good mechanic anymore. It sounds to me like Transmutation Charges come from a time where ANet didn't know yet that the game would be so cosmetic-focused. Now we can freely change our outfit, our dyes, our mount, our glider, our finisher, our gathering tools, our miniature, and our mail carrier, all for free. But armor and weapons still require Transmutation Charges. I understand that some people bought some for money and it wouldn't be nice for them to simply remove these, and there has to be some sort of compensation, but... This problem aside, is there any point keeping transmutation charges in the game?

  6. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > Keeping the way it is now is easier than changing it. There are traits and abilities that key off of how it works now, as others have pointed out. So the question is, why should others have to change the way they play because you find something annoying? A change like this would have to be worthwhile in more than PvE to justify changing how the Arcane traitline works.

    > >

    > > We're not changing anything with how the Arcane traitline works. It's just that you'll have to be in combat.



    > So you're saying no more elem roaming in pvp wvw, that's it ? I don't get why it bother you there is 4s or less CD on all attunements in weaver, or 10s on the last attunement in core.

    > Okai you have to wait 8sec for a #4 or # 5 with weaver if we put you in fight while you are in a /wrong attunement.

    > So your deal is to nerf all arcane's lane to reach 4sec CD instead of 8sec ? But what the interest to swap Attunement out of combat if traits don't trigger? Just run the attunement you want to engage with ? Akward.


    > edit : my bad it doesn't change anything for weaver ; 4s to double attunenement with your nerf or not. It's always 4sec or less.

    > So I don't know where you've seen 10 or 12sec with weaver.


    There are others traits and skills if you want to increase your move speed.

    And again...

    > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > It's possible to make the change in PvE only.

    There is no rotation to do in PvE. Keeping the arcane rotation is useless in that mode.


    8-12 seconds:

    For example, I am in Air/Fire and I want to go into Earth/Fire before engaging: I have to go into Fire first, which may take time if my attunement is still on cooldown, then wait 4 seconds to go into Earth, then wait 4 seconds again if I want my attunement swap to be ready for the rotation (which I personnally want it to be or else I'll have to delay my rotation)

  7. > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > Keeping the way it is now is easier than changing it. There are traits and abilities that key off of how it works now, as others have pointed out. So the question is, why should others have to change the way they play because you find something annoying? A change like this would have to be worthwhile in more than PvE to justify changing how the Arcane traitline works.


    We're not changing anything with how the Arcane traitline works. It's just that you'll have to be in combat.

    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > It's already bad enough that dual attunement doesn't trigger traits and sigils, now you want them not to trigger when out of combat too?


    And why should it trigger out of combat? If it never worked that way and I suggested that it does, would you agree? I'm really not sure of that

  8. > @"lLobo.7960" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > Others classes don't prebuff ?

    > >

    > > Others classes don't have their weapon swap procs when they are not in combat


    > We don't have weapon swap. Don't compare attunement CD with it. It is not the same.

    > Same goes for engi traits with kits. They work out of combat so the engi can keep swiftness.


    > The fact that you don't care about swiftness or buffs OOC does not mean they are not absolutely needed for the class on other environments that you might not be familiar with.


    We already talked about this. Doing this is only useful in WvW, and _maybe_ in PvP. It's possible to make the change in PvE only.

  9. > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > And how do we buff a bit with swiftness and protection before engaging ?

    > >

    > > You don't. Do you need it? Others classes don't.

    > > Just because one trait line makes it very slightly useful means that all eles should be forced to wait so long?


    > You would be forcing us who WvW roam on weaver with arcane traitline to either run air traitline or rune of the pack because you cannot wait 8-12 seconds before starting a fight which you can mostly control the start if by not engaging until ready.

    > If anything that would limit the build diversity, moving at basespeed is in most cases not an option in roaming, too slow, too clunky.


    I'd prefer that, than having these skills being useless. Because currently they are, guess why, because you can get perma swiftness anyway. It's just one ability slot...


    And excuse me, but in open world situations, I don't have time to wait 8-10 seconds, and even if I had it, it would still be terribly annoying. Less annoying than having to actually pick movement speed traits to get more movement speed.

    > @"Glacial.9516" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > Because most of arcane traits work ooc.

    > > > Enjoy your 25mights, 20min protection and regen before engaging fight if there is no cast

    > >

    > > Then make them not work OOC... Others classes don't have their weapon swap procs OOC.

    > This would be a nerf imo and would be greatly unappreciated. Attunements having a cooldown while out of combat is a minor issue at best. Losing swiftness from arcane swaps would be a much greater QoL loss.


    Yes, it would be a nerf. And the elementalist is already in a bad spot. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. I don't think the power of the elementalist should lie in the ability to get perma swiftness... It should be in the combat capabilities.

    While buffing the rest of his kit, it's perfectly possible to "nerf" this aspect, even if in my point of view it would actually be a buff, because I would be able to fight mutch earlyer.




    All that being said, it's not the first time ANet makes separate versions of a skills in different game modes. If the perma swiftness is that mutch of a loss in WvW and PvP, it is perfectly possible to make the change only in PvE.

  10. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > **If** we get new mounts. It seems there’s very little they can have a new mount do without stepping over other mounts. There’s underwater but we lack underwater content and there are the infusions they recently added.


    > I’m not against some story elements being added to collections.


    If they're gonna make an underwater mount they'd better just adapt the Skimmer. There's nothing in the lore that would justify Skimmers not being able to dive, so if an underwater mount is to be added, I don't think they should bother making a new one...

  11. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > No it doesn't. You don't like it? Don't use it. Simple.


    If you're gonna say that, better not say anything at all.


    I would like to play Tempest spec without having to use that brainless gameplay if I want to be effective.

  12. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Zyph.8401" said:

    > > > > @"OddFinrir.6801" said:

    > > > > I just tested this. The overload is not recharged, only the attunement.

    > > >

    > > > The Overload is just using the Attunement again. When you use the Overload, it increases the cooldown of the Attunement, so when you swap to fire and activate fresh air, the Air Attunement gets its cooldown reset. Then when you switch back to air, you have around a five-second default cooldown before you can use it's Overload, just like any other Attunement swap. However that 5 seconds is way down from around 20 seconds without Fresh Air.

    > >

    > > That is what I am saying. You basically reduce the cooldown of Air Overload by 15 seconds. I don't think that should be possible.


    > Again, there's no problem with this. Otherwise Fresh Air overload spam wouldn't be so far outside the meta.


    I agree that Tempest spec needs buffs, but this mechanic needs to go, it's just brainless and not even pleasant to use

  13. > @"Zyph.8401" said:

    > > @"OddFinrir.6801" said:

    > > I just tested this. The overload is not recharged, only the attunement.


    > The Overload is just using the Attunement again. When you use the Overload, it increases the cooldown of the Attunement, so when you swap to fire and activate fresh air, the Air Attunement gets its cooldown reset. Then when you switch back to air, you have around a five-second default cooldown before you can use it's Overload, just like any other Attunement swap. However that 5 seconds is way down from around 20 seconds without Fresh Air.


    That is what I am saying. You basically reduce the cooldown of Air Overload by 15 seconds. I don't think that should be possible.

  14. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Why would you ever switch out of Air/Fire Fire/Air on Weaver is the better question :P


    Flame Uprising => Earh Attunement => Earthen Vortex => Fire Attunement+Lava Skin => Flame Uprising => Earthquake => Churning Earth => Fire Attunement during Churning Earth's channel time to gain Elements of Rage = Big ass AOE damage + Group might stack

    There is a rotation through Earth Attunement with the staff gameplay as well.


    But that isn't the question...

  15. The attunements are basically the ele's weapon swap. Why do we still have our full cooldown even when we're out of combat, while others classes are free to change at will?


    I mean it's not terrible, but it's annoying when playing weaver for example, to have to wait 8 seconds (12 if you wait for the last cooldown to go off so you can begin your rotation right away when starting the fight) to get the correct combination before engaging.

    For example, I'm not using the same rotation at all depending on wether I'm fighting a single ennemy, or a pack of mobs. And usually, by the time I get ready for my pack rotation, the players around me already finished most of them.


    And even with base ele, it's weird that our attunement is unavalaible for 10 full seconds, even if we didn't gain any combat efficiency with it... I would receive the argument of abusing the faster Might stacking combos rotations, but really it wouldn't change that mutch compared to what we're already capable of, and yet again, others classes can do that freely. Why should we have it different?

  16. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Sort of a really awkward workaround but if you change weapon (not swap - go into your inventory and equip a new one) it will show up during the emote for some reason.


    > I like to re-equip Twilight during my male Norn /dance because the trails go totally haywire, lol.


    You probably should've done like me and not talk about it here, it may get fixed now. Though I'll enjoy it while I can

  17. Please. It's been since launch. Fix that damn bug, or if it's not a bug just remove it, or at least add the option to do so...


    And before people hit me with "this would enter in conflict with the character/environment", this is invalid for 2 reasons:

    * First, aside from /sleep (and even then the backpeice would be hidden by the ground so no need to hide it), there is no emote where showing backpeices would enter in conflict with anything. Trust me, I tried*, with a very large backpeice (Ad Infinitum deployed). There's the emote /talk that moves your backpeice in a weird way (the same way as with the animation of Overload Earth, yet another bug to fix), but that's just a matter of fixing the animation.

    * Second, even if it entered in conflict with anything, I'd still prefer that than the backpeice and weapons just disappearing.


    _*Before you ask how I can test these things, I use a bug that allows me to show the backpeice during emotes. But it's annoying because I have to reproduce it every time, so the post is still relevant. I will not tell here what the bug is because I don't want it to be fixed._

  18. > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > > Its not just about the healing stance and no on is talking in that other threat at all.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I see, but anyway my opinion stays the same, cast time for aquatic stance is too large, apart from all the other problems this skill have.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And now for the other stances with cast time there is only weave self, but i havent problem with this skill having cast time because isnt too large and the situations where you need to use it are not so urgent like when you need to use a healing skill.

    > > > > But at the same time, because you have to charge it with all elements before actually triggering its full effect, is a cast time really useful?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > True, while no other stance has a cast time. At least we should be allowed to move... but no... would be OP, I guess.^^

    > >

    > > My point is more about the first cast, the one that you need to do before swapping to all elements. This one doesn't need a cast time. But I think the AOE stun needs a cast time to allow counterplay, but yea being able to move would be a nice thing.


    > Since when does ele has the right to move when casting "big" hitting spells with long cast times? Or when it is allowed to move there is always a delay, big things suspended forever in mid air and what not. There was even a trait that increased your toughness when channeling skills. The trait is gone, not the channels. In the meantime, some specs have perma quickness.


    I don't really get your point. Are you against the idea?



  19. Right now there's nothing that pushes us to go back to area without events. There's nothing to do once you've completed their story component... It would be nice if we could have some kind of exploration mastery that would give us cosmetics related to the areas we explore, like perhaps a hidden jackal puzzle that would give us some sand runes backpeice or something (well actually that would have been the right place to put those Jackal Runes gloves and legs :p). Of course the rewards wouldn't just drop off a chest at the end, we would need to explore the area over several days and discover secrets to reconstitute the artifacts.

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