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Posts posted by ROMANG.1903

  1. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > Since Living World 3.6 came out there hasn't been any new jumping puzzle of what I know of, in PoF or in Living World 4... Was the idea abandoned completely? Is it too hard to prevent cheating with mounts?

    > > >

    > > > Using mounts IS NOT cheating. Mounts are part of the game that people paid for with expansion purchases. And BTW, Mounts have been disabled in many JP which also tend to ruin/stop their use outside of JP when they are not being used in the JP itself. IMHO mounts should never be disabled anywhere on a map since they are one of the main reasons people bought the EXPs. It should be a players choice to use them or not if doesn't hurt you or the game. I am going to assume that you want mesmers disabled too.

    > >

    > > But then that means you have to design JPs around Mounts, which automatically renders it unplayable by people with out POF. Soon as next expansion hits, thats now forcing players to buy POF just to do the jumpping puzzles.


    > That would be a valid argument, **IF** you didn't need PoF to access the new maps anyway. That just makes it a poor argument. And i'll tell you it took me a lot of willpower to be that polite.


    You know PoF won't be the last expansion right? There will be new ones with new zones that don't require PoF to access. If you design jumping puzzles in these areas with mounts in mind, then you have to buy PoF to do them. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Cheating and whether it breaks any rules are two entirely different things.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > What??

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > [Dictionary.com - Cheat](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cheating "Dictionary.com - Cheat")

    > > > > > > > verb (used without object) to violate rules or regulations:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Rules as in the ToS.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It’s cheating as jumping puzzles are each designed to be completed a specific way but the player is bypassing some parts, or the entire JP, by using something that was not originally accounted for in its initial design. It’s even more apparent if mounts are prohibited around the JP but people still find a way around it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Please show me in the ToS where this is so.

    > > > >

    > > > > I never said that it was against the ToS hence the *“Cheating and whether it breaks any rules are two entirely different things“* statement.

    > > >

    > > > But yet, you seem to maintain that the use of mounts in jumping puzzles is cheating. Unless I'm reading this wrong?

    > >

    > > Because it is as the jumping puzzles were not designed with them in mind and you can bypass some or all of the jumping puzzle.


    > Ok, and how does other players bypassing optional content adversely affect anyone else? Why should it matter? Use of mounts to complete jumping puzzles in no way prevents others from accomplishing the same without using them.


    I'm repeating myself, but why do you want to bypass it? If you don't care? For the end reward? Sorry, but no, you don't do the content, you don't get the reward. No one is asking for raid rewards without having to do the related raid. Jumping puzzles are no different. Especially since you don't need the reward to progress anywhere in the game anyway.


    Also I love jumping puzzles but as I already said, letting people use mounts would remove all the interest I have for them. The joy of having jumping skills, just like some people have the joy of having fighting skills. It's just another kind of content.

  2. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > Path of Fire and Living Story 4 are designed for mounts. So some of the puzzles include some skill with the mounts, often swaping mounts or not to use a mount at all. I often get asked why I spend so much time in the desert, people say it is just empty and they have done all the achievements long ago. The desert maps are filled with secret areas, puzzles and other exciting things. Sometimes I feel, some people just do not want to see them. Here is a little overview about the things I found in the Crystal Oasis so far:

    > - Sanctum of Nabkha: One of the most fun places in the PoF zones. Many people just skiped through it with the guides, because portal-mazes are often seen as a chore and not as a puzzle. Aside from that awesome architecture and for the Mastery Point and the Griffon Egg, more than one way to reach the goal.

    > - Kusini Water Hole: The ruins to the south which lead to the Sanctum of Nabkha have a very funny torch-puzzle. Good to do it with a friend.

    > - Branded Cave: North-west of the Teradohedron (Facet spawnpoint) where you have to follow a glowing orb from platfrom to platform to unlock a chest. Mounts do not really help there.

    > - Temple of Atar: Difficult to access on your first visit and heavily guarded. That early in the game you are mostly just obliterated and do not have enough time to loot the treasure.

    > - Tomb of the Abandoned: The hostile area on top of it also has some secret treasures and some tricky mob-mechanics. Even if you have access to stealth or perma-stability, it can be difficult to get that loot.

    > - Glint's Legacy: Difficult to reach. I consider it a small but tough mount-JP. Frustration is real. The area is also filled with treasure. (if you bother to walk the area with opened eyes)

    > - Temple of Kormir: Mostly the entire area, with the high cliffs arround. The puzzle with the three ghosts is pretty well done. The small tunnel to the north has a good treasure. Luckyly people are just too busy to look up while rushing through it.

    > - Kweli: Also near the village, but a little tricky to reach is a cave with treasure and some old "friends." Easily left unnoticed.

    > - Kusini Water Hole (again): The area south-west, on the other side of the mountains. Just talk to the skritt.


    > Again, this is just the Crystal Oasis, the first map of Path of Fire and it is literally filled with puzzles, secrets and treasures. I have not spent a single word about the Drelic Delves in Desert Highlands or the Boneyard in Vabbi, or even Zomorros Cave. I recently found a remote treasure chest high up in rata primus, accessible with a portal which only spawns after a certain boss. The chest was locked, and if noone of you spoils me with a direct dulfy/wiki-link to it I am going to figure it out myself.


    > Every map has its own puzzles. We are just no longer in core tyria. People need to walk the desert with opened eyes and an opened mind, or most of its secrets remain untouched.


    If you would do me the honnor, I would be happy if you could spare time to show me some of those places.

  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > Being able to bypass all of a puzzle's challenge if you paid the expansion would make this game a pay-to-win.

    > >

    > Pay to win what exactly from optional content that has trash rewards?



    If it's optional and has trash rewards why do you want to bypass it?

  4. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > Since Living World 3.6 came out there hasn't been any new jumping puzzle of what I know of, in PoF or in Living World 4... Was the idea abandoned completely? Is it too hard to prevent cheating with mounts?


    > Using mounts IS NOT cheating. Mounts are part of the game that people paid for with expansion purchases. And BTW, Mounts have been disabled in many JP which also tend to ruin/stop their use outside of JP when they are not being used in the JP itself. IMHO mounts should never be disabled anywhere on a map since they are one of the main reasons people bought the EXPs. It should be a players choice to use them or not if doesn't hurt you or the game. I am going to assume that you want mesmers disabled too.


    It is cheating. You paid for having mounts everywhere except in those areas. Being able to bypass all of a puzzle's challenge if you paid the expansion would make this game a pay-to-win.


    Your argument is completely wrong. If you don't want to do the jumping puzzle, don't do it, but don't expect to receive a free chest. It's like saying "I like fractals but there should be a way for people to get the rewards directly if they don't like them". No, you want the reward, you run do the related content.


    And yes, i do have the unpopular opinion that teleportation skills in general, including mesmer portals, should be disabled in jumping puzzles.

    > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > It would be easy to create jumping puzzles without no mount zones. Simply create starting points and end points. Trigger the starting point, then get to end point without using a mount. If the player calls a mount at any point during, the player must restart from starting point. This way, players not doing jumping puzzles won't get randomly dismounted.

    Part of the fun of being in a jumping puzzle is to know few people managed to reached that area. It's not all about the end reward. I personnally wouldn't run jumping puzzles if anyone could come there with their mount, even if I get a reward at the end. I am against this idea.

    > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > Is it too hard to prevent cheating with mounts?


    > No, a [mounts disabled](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mounts_Disabled "mounts disabled") zone is enough to disable them for the area. And maybe a special mounted JP could be possible as well.


    Oh no trust me it isn't. I've managed to bypass 3 or 4 jumping puzzles so far without even trying too hard. The springer already makes it easy, but the griffon makes it ridiculous, just fly from a far away, high point then fly over your jumping puzzle. Then slowly go down until you get dismounted, if you're good or lucky you'll find a high enough point that you won't die from the fall damage, and you'll land just next to the end chest...


  5. > @"Adamarc.7463" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

    > > > Way too much work to implement something that isn't permanent. I don't think it would be fun at all, especially for those who don't own PoF or don't have mounts unlocked. Why waste the dev time when so many other important things need fixed.

    > >

    > > They just need to enable mounts. I don't think it would take more than a few minutes to do


    > If they just enable mounts without doing anything else then walls and gates will cease to have any meaning. You'll be able to fly in with a griffon or jump in with a springer. It would break WvW.

    > Maybe it would be fun for a day but I think people would quickly get sick of it.


    And that's why I suggested it would only last for

    > something like one or two week-end(s)



  6. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > The biggest issues of most skills is cooldown/usefulness ratio.

    > * Tornado is completely useless and it has huge cd. Whirlpool on the other hand has pretty good damage.

    > * Fgs is the only elite that you can say is useful in any type of content, but it's on way too high cd (same cd as battle standard which revives 5 downeds). I think that conjureds should really work with ammo or at least have their cd reduced when you dont pick up 2nd weapon after 30 seconds.

    > * Glyph is pretty good for open world and good option for lazy condi builds. Elemental skills are also pretty good besides earth and maybe air ones. It's bad that they dont scale, but base values on fire/water look pretty good.

    > * Rebound is also pretty balanced with its cooldown and base heal.

    > * Weave self is also pretty strong and useful on many builds, especially sword ones.


    > So the only things that need bigger changes are conjured weapons in general and tornado. Skills aren't really stressful, it's just a personal issue which can be solved with practice.

    Well I don't think you can deny that it's useless that the elemental skill isn't automatic, for example. It's this kind of quality of life issues that make me unconfortable with the elite skills

    > @"Chasind.3128" said:

    > Wait, elementalists have Elites? I thought it was just abunch of useless skills with cool animations! Silly me.

    Î Agreed x)

  7. ## Personnal Outfit slot


    * Everyone would have one baseline Personnal Outfit slot, which would simply be our current armor skin. In that Personnal Outfit, any element can be changed with a transmutation charge, just as it works now.

    * Purchasing additionnal Personnal Outfit slots would allow us to make a second armor skin. There too, the elements of this second Personnal Outfit can be changed with transmutation charges.


    Having 2 or more Personnal Outfit slots would allow us to swap between several armor (And weapons!) skin sets without having to spend any transmutation charge. A nice thing would be to have the possibility of naming these different outfits. :)


    If you're nice, you can make a pack with one slot and 10 transmutation charges so people can make a full set right away. :p


    ~~If you're very very nice, you can give everyone a second slot as a demonstration of the new system...~~

  8. I feel like all of the elementalist's elite skills are clunky and stressful to use...


    * The Glyph of Elementals (that goes for the minor version as well) pushes me to watch for a cooldown that I'm going to spam anyway. Having to press that button every 10 seconds isn't fun, and doesn't give the feeling of kit management. It's an added distraction and it brings nothing to the table to have to use it myself. Why can't the elemental cast the skill himself?

    * The Fiery Greatsword (that too goes for others conjured weapons) is nice, but it has that ground weapon component that always stresses me when I use it. I'm always afraid an ally might pick it before I can (sometimes even by mistake so they don't even use it and toss it right away). Also, there's that chance that I'm running towards my sword and it disappears right before I can pick it up. If the skill is meant to be shared, why allow the elementalist to pick it? If it's not meant to, why make it a ground conjured weapon instead of simply having 2 charges?

    * The Tornado... Well I don't feel it has any use. It's not stressful to use, but it's not a good feeling to pick it because then I know my build could be better with literally any other elite.

    * Weave Self actually is a very interesting idea. However I find it has drawbacks: Should I attune to all the elements, I will prematurely loose the reduced attunement cooldown boon. In others words, its mechanic pushes me to not use it to its full potential. Should I weave all elements anyway, the window of time to use Tailored Victory is 10 seconds, which is huge in PvP but very short in boss fights when I'm waiting for the breakbar to pop. Using it also removes all the Woven elements boons... On top of all this, I don't feel like having that faster rotation increases my DPS as mutch as I'd expect it to.

    * Rebound is a barrier. It's okay I guess but I'd like it to be more interesting than that... :/


    So even as an Elementalist main, I still don't find any elite skill I'm confortable with. I don't know if I should ask for a rework of those or more elite skills (we still don't have an arcane or signet elite), or if I should just try to roll with it, but I wanted to tell how I feel about the current state of things. All of this would be less of a problem if we could put utility skills in the elite slot, but that's an other debate entirely.

  9. I think it would be fun if the mounts had a little bit more variety in their tool. What if the Jackal could place a rift (the same as those in the open world) that it could teleport back to ? And why not give the Skimmer a Dive ability?

  10. > @"kenny leone.2973" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > Nope. Because the effectiveness has to be kept low to avoid competition with class skills. When the game first launched, there were a hand full of Class/Race Combos that were disturbingly powerful due to nature of certain skills (especially among the elites). In a couple of cases it was the due to not having a practical Elite to make use of.

    > >

    > > At any rate, they've indefinitely pushed those aside, with no plans to revisit them at all, unless one somehow becomes a problem again. Bear and Snow leopard skills are borderline OP if they can manage to connect, so that lack of mobility is the one thing thats let it slide this long. Engineer tool belt also gave a second life to certain skills, with the long cool downs keeping them less practical then most engineer skills.

    > >

    > > As much as its been talked about in the community to revamp them for more theatrics at the cost of utility, Anet doesn't really want to spend resources on something they've been trying to keep out of circulation for a few years now.


    > I already said I know they are made intentionally worse, not saying they need to compete with profession skills, just little tweak to make them more usable at least, is that too much to ask? The race and their abilities are there for a reason; to add flavour to the game, just a little changes to make it more fun not to compete.


    Actually I think if Anet had to do it again, they probably wouldn't add racial skills. Or they would make them more aestetic than useful. Not saying I agree with them :P

  11. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Most heals are balanced around healing you for around 50% of your HP


    Except they don't. Only the glyph heals for 60% of your health if you play DPS, Ether Renewal goes a little less than 50%, the rest don't go above 35% in a matter of burst heal, and in PvE burst heal is all that matters because most mechanics revolve around big chunks of damage to dodge and counter. There are very little damage over time mechanics on bosses.

  12. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > what are you basing "viability" on? Because the fact you look down on Ether Renewal, when its currently the single strongest Ele heal, makes me wonder what you're doing that makes it not an obvious best choice.....


    While I agree that Ether Renewal is strong, the glyph still offers more healing, faster, and grants a boon. So if you don't need condi cleanse, it's clearly the best choice.

  13. > @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

    > Way too much work to implement something that isn't permanent. I don't think it would be fun at all, especially for those who don't own PoF or don't have mounts unlocked. Why waste the dev time when so many other important things need fixed.


    They just need to enable mounts. I don't think it would take more than a few minutes to do

  14. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > So, what exactly is the point of having an armor damage system?


    > The higher challenge during instances. One more motivation to focus more and avoid dying. :+1:


    > Also, I love [this thing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Repair_Canister "this thing") and would be quite miffed if I had gotten it in vain. ;)


    There is an anvil in evey dungeon and mistlock singularities in every fractal. Which instances exactly are you talking about?


    And yes we already talked about cannisters. They are already useless, Anet might as well let us echange them for something else if they remove armor damage. I personally destroy my cannisters when I loot them in daily log rewards or black lion chests.

  15. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Trouble is I wouldn't want to see it removed because I think it's important that death is a bad thing in games.

    I couldn't agree more, but that is the issue, besides pushing you to talk to a npc or click on an anvil every once in a while (if you don't egt revived or use mistlock, that is...), it does absolutely nothing. It is not a penalty, just a mild annoyance.

  16. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > Armor damage is just to let you know you've died several times and to take a break to repair. There won't be another penalty, because that's why they removed the cost; they felt dying and waypointing was already enough.

    Then why do we still have to click on an anvil? This has absolutely no point. I don't really care if they want to replace the system or remove it entirely, but right now it's just an annoying icon under your health bar...


    > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > Can you explain the GW1 system? I didn't play it


    > Every time you died your health and energy (used by skills) was reduced by 15%, up to 60%. It was cleared once you went back to town, or you could partially "repair" it by killing bosses or using consumables.


    That's an interesting system but to make it in GW2 it would need to wear off over time, I think.

  17. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > Did you like the Death Penalty system of GW1?

    > I don't want to start to pay for armor repairs after going so long without paying. There would have to be a good reason to do so. It would put repair canisters out of business (if they even sell independently now).


    Just checked, there are still cannisters in the shop, 35 gems each

    Repair cannisters are already useless... :/

    When removing/changing the armor damage system, Anet could simply give some sort of compensation to people who have some of these.


    Can you explain the GW1 system? I didn't play it

  18. When the game came out you had no way of repairing your armor other than paying a npc. From update to update, the point of armor damage seems to have disappeared...


    Being revived repairs your armor.

    Using mistlock repairs your armor.

    Having a damaged armor does nothing if you don't have at least 8 stacks of it, which is almost never reached.

    There's an anvil behind every rock in Tyria.

    And repairing is completely free.


    So, what exactly is the point of having an armor damage system? Shouldn't it simply be removed, or replaced by some other form of penalty for dying a lot?

  19. The support is randomly fast these days. I had a ticket wait one month before being answered, then a few days after I had another one that had an answer within 2 hours.


    If this can reassure you, I see no reason to why they wouldn't want to replace your items. If the purchase is old, it might take them a bit of time before finding the purchase history, but I'm sure they won't pose any problem once they've found it. But do be careful before deleting a character, personnally I always check all of their bags and equipment before doing anything.


    See the very bottom of this page for the list of unlimitted gathering tools: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering_tool

    If you can find the one you had and give them the name of it, it might make their research easyer, though that's just a supposition.

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