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Posts posted by Thundabolt.8541

  1. there actually might be a way to do this, if you go into first person view mode and unsheath your weapons, you can see them as if you're playing an elder scrolls game, but attacking with them causes them to disappear, I don't think this is accidental but I also don't think aenet would fix it either.


    If you could make a program for VR that works the same way that DS4 works (by mapping keyboard inputs to the controller), it might be your best shot. All you'd have to do is map head movement to mouse control (when in action cam), and the fighting controls to the hand gear.


    It's crazy talk, but with a little bit of innovation, it is very possible to frankenstein a VR experience for GW2 together.

  2. Josh is currently doing a twitch stream of an SAB developer commentary playthrough, and he mentioned something about World 3 and 4 that I just cannot seem to contain my excitement about.


    He said something along the lines of... "World 3 and 4 would start glitching out due to interference with the box from Moto's competitors, which would reference the console wars"...


    So, is that what the Choya are doing, actually datamining the box, and is that what the new glitch features are about? Because if so, that gives me SO much hope for World 3 and 4...

  3. As always, SAB is returning tomorrow, and as always, I can't contain the hype! This is by far my favourite event in the game, and it's even further my favourite thing to do in the game period. Bless the Asura for making this box.


    First things first, I will get this off my chest, as I do yearly -- PLEASE put the tribulation mode balloon in the gem store! I'd be more than happy to carry it around with me outside of the box and give it a wave!


    Anyway, I'm hoping that there'll be new merch for SAB again, new backpacks, gliders... Or maybe even put an SAB weapon pack in the gem store! Super Stick (sword), Super Nunchucks (mace or focus), etcetera. And don't think we don't know about the secret fire sword that's hidden in the game's code! 'Cause we do know about it! Please do something with it!


    Bless this event and Josh Foreman, and thank you Aenet for not ditching this amazing experience!

  4. Hello Aenet! Thank you so much for addressing SAB ~ !


    I am the player mentioned in [this article](https://massivelyop.com/2019/03/15/guild-wars-2-player-builds-guild-hall-in-tribute-to-josh-foremans-super-adventure-box/) and I can't express enough my gratitude for this discussion! It's very heartwarming to see you breathing new life into this event! Now, onto the feedback:


    It's difficult for me to choose a favourite level, as I feel that every level has something exciting and different to offer. Believe me, I have so much love and passion for this event that it's almost painful for me to say that my favourite level is **Sunny Glade** due to its expert design techniques.

    I love the wide open space to freely run around in, so that the player isn't overwhelmed and can take their time getting used to the new physics and mechanics.

    Being able to see far into the distance lets you know what's coming, which is good for the starting level, as the later levels won't go quite so easy on you (but that's the point of increasing difficulty!)

    The song for this level is a nice chiptune remix of Logan's Journey, which is extremely catchy and energetic! It encourages the player to _go forth and explore_!

    I wish I could go into depth about more levels, since all of them seem to have been expertly designed, but I will respect what's been asked.


    I would LOVE to see the weekly vendors offer some unique boxes that take into consideration what the player might be trying to do outside of SAB. Charged Quartz Crystals are not very fun to collect, neither are Amalgamated Gemstones. If you could spare some thought to the suggestion, I'd love to see SAB continue to be used for more than just the items you can receive inside the box. If it could also be used as a way of easing the strain of certain collections, I'm sure more people would warm up to the event.


    I'm going to answer the last question in two parts, starting with:


    **Minigames.** If we're taking the box's theme into consideration, I would LOVE to see something similar to Mario Party. A few multiplayer 4 vs 4 games that take place inside the box would be very warmly welcomed. For example, one game could see four players positioned on the Storm Wizard's platform, each player has the Glove of Wisdom and there's ice physics present. Each player must try to push one another off the platform using the Glove of Wisdom, and the last player remaining wins that round. Just a thought!


    **Gameplay Styles.** 2D Sidescrolling, some kind of sidescrolling minigame - or stage - is probably THE best thing you could bring to the box that it doesn't yet have, which would still fit the theme. From Super Mario to Crash Bandicoot, sidescrolling is a very retro thing in games and it's still being used to this very day. I can't suggest anything above this, but if you were to ask me for more, I could definitely give more.


    Sorry for such a long post, but this was my calling card and I am merely answering to it! I LOVE Super Adventure Box, and I strongly urge you to contact the original designer of it, as he would know what's good for the box better than anyone, of that I can guarantee!

  5. Okay, this has been on my mind for years and I've always questioned it, but never reached out for answers, so now I'd like to know the full story and all the details.


    Why does this item exit?

    Why is it so absurdly rare?

    Will it ever see a decrease in rarity?


    It's not a precursor, it doesn't have unique stats, all it really does is function the same way as a checkbox that hides your armour, yet it is one of, if not the most, valuable item in the entire game, and getting one is nothing short of winning the lottery.


    Anyone know the story behind this, player or Aenet member?

  6. # **No beans. No paw pads. No goods.**

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/de5eiov.png "")

    Of all the minor details you've neglected to include, this is where I draw the line.

    ## **Now you've done it.**

    Beans are the most important part of any feline, especially larger felines such as the Warclaw, and here's why:


    Paw pads _"act as a cushion for the load-bearing limbs of the animal"_ - Wikipedia. In other words, the beans will be what ensures that your big buff Norn guy doesn't put too much strain on the poor creature's feet when it's carrying you and your legendary greatsword(s) to Lion's Arch from Ascalon.


    On top of that, they look absolutely fantastic. Take a look:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/eCduD0y.png "")


    How can you neglect to add such an important feature? This is absolutely outrageous. Surely this is fixable? Surely there will be justice for beans in an upcoming patch?


    **I demand answers, Aenet!**

  7. > @"Gryxis.6950" said:

    > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > So, let me get this straight

    > >

    > > You're putting a skill lock on Ele's obsidian flesh, but Warrior STILL gets to use their weapons during defiant stance?

    > >

    > > You're making it really difficult for me to respect you, Aenet.


    > You can cc a war during defiant stance, it's not the same as an invulnerability


    So just run CC on everything now, is that what you're suggesting?

  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > > > Seconding Super Adventure Box mounts

    > > >

    > > > Personally, this would probably be the thing that would make me quit. I detest all of the SAB stuff. But, that's me.

    > >

    > > > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > > > > Seconding Super Adventure Box mounts

    > > > >

    > > > > Personally, this would probably be the thing that would make me quit. I detest all of the SAB stuff. But, that's me.

    > > >

    > > > Not just you. Me too. SAB is awful!!!

    > >

    > > I would expect nothing less haha :D you ought to show it a little more respect, SAB pays tribute to legendary games with legendary legacies. Ya'll are such boomers lol.


    > Boomer? Hardly. I was around well before video games were even invented. :)


    > I'm fine with it paying tribute or whatever. Just keep it in it's own space. It doesn't need to be all over GW2. Again, this is just my opinion.


    I actually figured you weren't very young since it's younger or young-minded people who tend to enjoy SAB more than the grumps of the community haha


    I mean no disrespect, but I think SAB has potential to be its own standalone thing outside of GW2. Josh Foreman deserves for SAB to be respected, not hated.

  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > Seconding Super Adventure Box mounts


    > Personally, this would probably be the thing that would make me quit. I detest all of the SAB stuff. But, that's me.


    > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > > Seconding Super Adventure Box mounts

    > >

    > > Personally, this would probably be the thing that would make me quit. I detest all of the SAB stuff. But, that's me.


    > Not just you. Me too. SAB is awful!!!


    I would expect nothing less haha :D you ought to show it a little more respect, SAB pays tribute to legendary games with legendary legacies. Ya'll are such boomers lol.

  10. Respects to Josh Foreman, SAB is an experience like no other, so I'm hoping to see some new content for it this year, even if it's just gem store items.


    A lot of people were asking for purple varients of the SAB weapon skins during last year's festival, and since every festival so far has come with new weapon skins, I can't see a reason not to do the same for SAB, though I suppose since Crimson Assassin weapons are a thing, they already fit the role of "do dailies for x amount of days, get exclusive weapon skin on the xth time" achievement. Kaiser Snake weapon skins being a rare drop from the chests is also a thing, so I suppose the only way to include purple weapons would be to create World 3, which is ironically another "3" we won't see. But hey, if there's a new in-game achievement for earning purple weapons, that'd be swell.


    SAB also seems to bring out the grumpiest side of GW2 players who love to complain about immersion breaking, which strikes me as odd because it's just as immersion breaking to use the real-life bathroom (which sadly doesn't have any infusion slots), and I assume it's because of that minority that we don't have SAB mount skins.


    Last year we also got some unused weapons released. Can we expect to see the fire-sword this year? Or maybe even an SAB themed outfit?


    Either way, Super Adventure Box is as hype this year as it is every year :)

  11. Okay boys and girls, **this** is the answer you're looking for; the end to this question once and for all.


    **Use your imagination.** Think about everything that has happened over the past two years to the employees behind this game. Without them, the game wouldn't even exist. Also, think about how the game has changed over that timespan.

    A few years ago, new content releases were aplenty, but we were ignored by staff and mocked by forum users about the concept of build templates and capes.

    And now, the situation is the opposite -- new releases are slow, but staff are much more vocal, and we finally have the two things that players asked for the most.


    To elucidate... expansions take a very under-appreciated amount of teamwork to fulfil, of which the current team is lacking in terms of headcount.

    _Does that mean we won't get new especs?_ Not necessarily, but if you'd take a look at the PvP and WvW scene right now, you'd probably understand why that's not such a good idea at this moment in time. Yes, the current team is absolutely capable of making new especs, but it would throw a HUGE curveball at the team that are still trying to tone down the power creep from previous expansions.


    Put simply, the answer is "it's unlikely, but wait and see".

  12. > @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

    > With the mobile game community growing I was wondering if we are gonna get GW2 mobile???

    > Would be nice to have GW2M... anyone have any info about this?


    > Thanks


    As much as I would love to see it on the Switch, the Switch would likely melt considering the absolute CPU power it requires, and touchscreen overlays would be needed due to lack of buttons, which would cover up most of the screen in handheld mode.


    Phones are too small and I refuse to believe otherwise.

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