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Posts posted by Thundabolt.8541

  1. While I don't really intend to leave GW2 unless they shut down the servers, I do occasionally take breaks from the daily routine. You don't *have* to log into the game every single day.


    If you're finding yourself getting more and more annoyed at the game every day, just take a small break and find something else to do for a while. Come back when you've worked out what your problems were or when you really start to miss it.

  2. I've always felt that you should pay for how much you think the game in general is worth. If you're getting more time out of playing it, I don't see why spending a little cash is so bad. I play this game more than any console game I play, so I'm happy to pay for keys or skins, or convert gems to gold from time to time. It keeps me playing for longer.


    I do understand that build templates were free in GW1. I played GW1 and made use of them. I'm not saying it's fair to charge money. I'm just saying I already spend money on this game from time to time, so I wouldn't mind purchasing more BT slots.

  3. This is a feature we've been waiting for since the release of the game. We're excited, and we want to know more about how they're going to work.

    I'm slightly concerned about the same thing happening to Build Templates that happened to Private commander tags, which is that the feature gets released, only to immediately be disabled because they weren't working as intended.


    From the preview trailer, the character is seen walking across what we now know as the bridge leading to the brig in the new map. They switch between Rifle, Hammer, and Sword/Shield. So, it's safe to assume that this is an Engineer switching between Core, Scrapper, and Holosmith. There's also the ghostly infusion, that appears when they swap to Scrapper, and disappears when they swap to Holosmith.


    I don't expect a reply from Aenet but at the very least, we can try to have a discussion about how we'd like to imagine they will work. I'm assuming they will work differently in each game mode.

    Here's how I believe they'll work:


    * **In General:** Does not work during combat. Adds an extra tab to the Hero panel. Can be swapped on the fly, as seen in the preview trailer. Can be mapped to a hotkey with a 5 second cooldown. 3 builds per character, 3 builds per game mode. Does not grant extra storage slots, but keeps gear visible in your inventory screen.


    **QoL bonuses** Gear in build templates cannot be salvaged or destroyed unless they are removed. Gear used in build templates will receive small icons, preferably red cogs, in the top left. BTs can be given names. BTS can also be used to swap armor and accessories/rings/trinkets.


    * **In PvE**: Dungeons, Fractals and Raids will see players making use of BTs between fights. Underwater weapons and aquabreathers are included in the 3 BTs you are given and do not gain their own individual BTs.


    * **In PvP**: Like usual, BTs do not use PvE loadouts, and use the loadouts selected within that game mode. In matches, BTs can only be swapped during the countdown before each match. You cannot swap BTs during a match. Players will find use in BTs when looking at the team preview to see what they are up against, and can swap to a more suitable role if they feel it necessary.


    * **In WvW:** Again, BTs will not use PvE loadouts. Players will find BTs very handy to be able to swap between things such as roaming and zerging builds on the fly.



  4. **A small poll on a small forum cannot be used as a verification of the majority's opinion on each individual class.**

    That said, certain numbers were significantly higher (and lower) than others. I'll provide the results from lowest to highest.


    _The reason I made these polls was because I believe it's very difficult to understand what a community wants just by reading each and every single opinion one-by-one. Sometimes it's best to start off simple, and looking at the highest and lowest numbers couldn't be a simpler way to begin. It's not recommended that changes are made simply based on these numbers, but it is something worth looking at._


    * The class that received the LOWEST amount of nerf votes IN TOTAL was Elementalist.

    * The class that received the HIGHEST amount of nerf votes IN TOTAL was Warrior.

    * The poll that received the least amount of votes in general was the HoT nerf poll.

    * The poll that received the most amount of votes in general was the PoF nerf poll.


    Now for the specifics:


    * CORE Warrior (1st) and CORE Thief (2nd) received the highest amounts of nerf votes in the CORE poll, with the runner-up being CORE Guardian.

    * The lowest CORE nerf score was Revenant, Necromancer and Engineer, each with only 1 vote.

    * HERALD (1st) and DRAGONHUNTER (2nd) received the highest amount of nerf votes in the HoT poll, with the runner-up being CHRONOMANCER.

    * The class that received the lowest HoT nerf score was Reaper, with zero votes.

    * SCOURGE (1st) and FIREBRAND (2nd) received the highest amount of nerf votes in the PoF poll, with the runner-up being HOLOSMITH.

    * The class that received the lowest PoF nerf score was both Weaver and Renegade, with zero votes.


    (There was also a CORE buff poll, in which Engineer and Necro gained the most votes, with Elementalist as the runner-up, and Revenant as a worthy mention.)




    I think I used the wrong terms for these polls. "Nerf" and "buff" are a little too... accusatory? I would probably have gotten more positive responses, had I asked "which classes are in good standards" and "which classes are poorly balanced".


    If you think about it, Warrior, Thief and Guardian are probably good class picks for those with F2P accounts. You have three options, which is a nice number when thinking about what you want out of WvW -- solo roaming (Thief), roaming and zerging (Warrior, Guardian). Reading people's comments there, a lot of people would've preferred to have voted "none" which is fair enough as well.


    This year's HoT buffs definitely saw an increase in the usage of classes like Berserker, and Tempest. I've personally had a lot of fun with Scrapper this year, too.

    I saw a lot of nerf votes for Chronomancer, but I'm guessing those were just leftover votes from before it got hit with a crippling nerf.

    Reading people's comments, they seemed to mostly feel that HoT's classes were fine.


    The results of the PoF poll... yeesh. I'm glad I didn't make a buff poll for that. But, it seems that most people mentioned the Scourge/Firebrand combo, and the pirateship build.

    I learned how to play Firebrand in PvP, so I admit that when I'm roaming with friends, I tend to jump onto it when we're getting ganked over and over. It does its job very well. A little too well, according to the comments. Since Necro is my least played class, I won't comment on Scourge, other than to say that it got a lot of attention overall.


    I think I understand why it can be difficult to put the right changes on certain classes. WvW has such a massively outspoken community, and roaming and zerging are two completely different things.


    Arenanet are like a socially-awkward person that don't know how to ask the right questions to better ascertain what would be best for everyone. But I think it's a good sign that they're starting to post balance suggestions and are asking for community feedback instead of just dropping the nerfs and buffs on us out of nowhere. However, it would still be nice to hear where they get their source information from.


    I'll finish on the questions I should've asked before:


    **Which classes do you feel are poorly balanced, and which classes do you feel are an example of good balance standards?**

  5. Really pretty map. Sad there's no references to Pyre Fierceshot though.


    Love the unlockable emotes and costumes, weapons, and such. Really hoping we get content like this in the future episodes.


    Looking forward to episode 1, sad it's not already finished and ready to roll out. Still, keep up the hard work you guys!




  6. I won't make the POF poll yet because I know people are just itching to start throwing shade from all sides, so...


    Which CORE class do you feel needs a buff the most, and what would you do to improve it?


    For me, it's Engi. Half of the toolkits have any reason to be used, most elixirs are laughably wasteful... CORE Engi just seems like a mostly-pve class.

    The moment bomb kit finds a legitimate reason to be used in WvW, I'll eat my hat.

  7. Again, for sheer curiosity, which profession released in HoT do you feel sits too highly above the rest of the classes, and why? What would you personally change about it?


    For me, it's going to have to be Dragonhunter. I still to this day occasionally find myself being insta-downed by invisible traps. Plus longbow 5 lasts far too long. If you get caught in that, and your escape skills are on CD, you become nothing more than a slab of meat set out for the wolves to devour.

  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > So, @"Thundabolt.8541" since you created a public poll and you voted warrior would you care to elaborate why?


    As it's been stated, it's true that Warrior has a few more "I win" buttons than other classes.


    On one hand, it's good -- Warrior seems to be the class that has the most diversity. I see core warriors, berserkers and spellbreakers pretty much equally.


    On the other hand, it's bad -- I ONLY see Warrior with this equality.

  9. Aenet either will, or won't fix this. Really wish I knew more about the bug-fixing selection.


    That said, **please don't look at the armorless warclaw's eyes during its walking or running animation.** They never fixed that, and that's a whole model issue.

  10. Engineer's purge gyro staying at 5 pulses is very nice to hear.


    Sneak Gyro getting an increased cooldown isn't really necessary -- it wouldn't change anything except to cause the engineer to stay at a safe distance for even longer [EDIT] while they wait for the cooldown to end. You'd be better off looking at Thief if you're going to tone down anything's stealth. (But as a Deadeye, please don't <3 )


    Also, as someone who is new to Mesmer, all these changes to the class is making the learning process a little uncomfortable.


    As for Warrior... I say this again -- can we please get some kind of downside to Endure Pain?

  11. > @"psizone.8437" said:

    > The main issue I see in WvW specifically is that there are too many "You can't touch me" buttons and traits on some professions. For example, the Warrior class being such a heavy hitter has the option to be almost fully immune to conditions whilst also having multiple blocks and full physical damage immunity skills and traits.


    > If possible, please look into addressing that. At the very least, remove the passive traits that apply these invulnerabilities from classes.


    > Another issue is that condition applications are so unbalanced, especially since the addition of Resistance as a boon. Some classes can apply and reapply conditions rapidly and to a deadly degree that it made sense to add Resistance as a counter. The problem is that some classes cannot apply conditions as rapidly, for example a full condition Ranger or Thief can apply strong conditions but once cleansed or Resisted, they cannot be applied again for 30+ seconds - leaving you completely neutered.


    > I'd suggest going over all classes to see if their condition applications are up to par and also make sure Resistance as a boon is readily available on all classes as a counter.


    100% agreed with the very first thing here. "I win" buttons cause a massive imbalance between classes. Endure Pain and Stone Signet, for example, needs some kind of drawback to their usage. "Halve the damage you deal and become temporarily invulnerable" or "lose access to weapon skills whilst becoming temporarily invulnerable".

  12. Completely agree with the reward boost here. That would definitely get me personally more invested in WvW.


    Can we possibly have an incentive that encourages players to command? There's big expectations of commanders in WvW, and not much room to practice without making mistakes and getting flamed for it.

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