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Posts posted by Thundabolt.8541

  1. I don't think Engineer deserves any more nerfs. That's really all I have to say.


    EDIT: Okay, here's why I believe Engineer shouldn't be touched.


    I haven't seen half as many Scrapper players as I did ever since the nerf of all the barrier they got. I'd like to know where the decision came from to give them further nerfs.


    The nerf to purge gyro is unreasonable imo. Every class deserves a decent condition cleanse.

  2. Jormag is the ** biggest ** threat to quaggans, seeing as they live in water. He can easily freeze their villages, and turn the villagers into icebrood. We've seen them take a stand against their enemies before, but this is the dragon that should be within their best interest to cull.


    I know the main focus here is Norn and Charr, but we've not seen any serious focus on quaggans since personal story.


    The quaggans need this. They need to take revenge on Jormag for all the _Bad Ice_ he's spread across their homes, and for all the quaggans he's turned to icebrood.


    Let the quaggans fight!

  3. I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.


    I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.


    It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.


    Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.


    I now officially fear for the future of this game.

  4. I was expecting an "announcement".


    I learned that build templates aren't even finished yet.

    I got a very small preview of the new map.


    What was there to announce? Nothing really, it's just a regular old Living World season which was hyped up to the same levels as a new expansion.

  5. Typically there was bound to be an influx of suggestions for the game once WoW Classic arrived, and far be it from me to kerb the expression of wanting more out of GW2.


    But I don't play GW2 for WoW inspired content. If I wanted an experience that only WoW offers, I'd just play WoW.


    You get a lot more uniqueness out of games that stand up on their own two feet instead of bootlegging ideas from another game.


    I just feel people currently playing WoW are thinking "I wish this was in GW2" simply because the games have similarities. But the whole point is still that they do their own thing instead of copying one another.

  6. I'm gonna pull up a weird one that nobody's mentioned before, or likely going to remember.


    There's a moment in PoF where your character is stripped of all their belongings and placed into a cage. When you approach the door, a dialogue window comes up giving you different options to break out. Those options are dependent on your profession. I really enjoyed exploring the different profession's options here.


    I know it's not a big epic moment, but it's definintely a memorable moment for me.

  7. I've spent years playing this game with friends, and I don't think I could just move onto another MMO. It's Guild Wars 2 or nothing for me. I know that, eventually, it will be put on maintainence mode, but that's a distant vision. Right now, we're looking at a very peculiar circumstance, and it's probably best not to get too excited.


    There does seem to be an awful lot of hype for, as far as what the past has provided, a bunch of very minor additions to the game alongside very short chapters in the LW story. There's a whole conference planned for the announcement of LWS5, and probably the most ambitious people are suggesting it could be game-changing.


    A few things come to mind... aside from the fact that it's very clearly going to revolve around Jormag, there's no way a 45 minute conference would just talk about story and minor content... I expect it to involve trying to appeal to a wider variety of investors and putting down a very good reason as to why you should start playing Guild Wars 2 if you've not done so already.


    So... there's definitely _something_ big coming, but the definition of "big content" has been a bit warped over time, so all the most ambitious expectations are confusing to me.

  8. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > Every day I grow more bored of this pre millennial masculinity front. Are things just never allowed to be cute and appealing? Is there some kind of fear of cute things affecting the way you play? I'm almost certain this is the same attitude of "female charr shouldn't wear feminine clothing" and "the SAB weapons break muh immersion".

    > > I don't believe there's such a thing as "too many cute things". I just think people are trying way too hard to be manly men.


    > Imagine trying this hard to be anti-cool and anti-kitten, by writing off legit concerns as a front. I'm actually astounded that you didn't attach the typical post-millenial buzzword 'toxic' to that.


    Imagine trying so hard to be cool that you can't do it if there's cute things in the vicinity.

  9. Every day I grow more bored of this pre millennial masculinity front. Are things just never allowed to be cute and appealing? Is there some kind of fear of cute things affecting the way you play? I'm almost certain this is the same attitude of "female charr shouldn't wear feminine clothing" and "the SAB weapons break muh immersion".


    I don't believe there's such a thing as "too many cute things". I just think people are trying way too hard to be manly men.

  10. I love how 3 is always the number that causes the most controversy and theorizing, speculations, etc. Half life 3, sonic adventure 3, kingdom hearts 3, guild wars 3.


    But one thing's for sure; all of the games' prequals of the above came out at a time where videogames in general were much, much different. It's sad, but true, that the whole "look at my upgraded graphics super high-end PC" shebang is nowhere near as popular as "I am a 12 year old child I wanna play bubble dragons"


    Everything is changing. Even the new pokemon games are looking abysmal.


    If we got Guild Wars 3, it would need to be one of two things: a mind-blowing immersive experience that promises to allow account-linking between GW2 and GW3, like GW1 did with GW2, with new classes, a completely new way to play (first person-view mode), more races, better PvP/WvW, build templates not being a meme... AND it's coming to consoles as well as PC.


    Or, it would be a mobile phone game that you tap the screen with your finger to do literally everything, including accidentally tapping ads at the top of the screen, being forced to sit behind more timegates than you can shake a skyscale at...


    But I don't want Guild Wars 3. I want Guild Wars 2 to get the same treatment that WoW is promising to give to players. They're upgrading models, optimising the game better... etc.

  11. I will say that this event reminds me of gw1's hybrid classes. I've always wanted to go Ele/War in gw2. Not quite the same, but I've had a lot of fun pretending that that's what this event was supposed to represent.


    Unfortunately, the only way to get the core swap is to kill a player of a different class. Had some kind of broken combination been discovered, for example, Revenant with Thief utilities, that would've caused a massive focus on Thief roamers and zergers alike, so that all the Revs can pick up the Thief's skills, and then you get swept by the enemy squad.


    Luckily that's not the case. But it absolutely could have been.


    I do think it's a fun event, but I also agree it needs a little bit of fine-tuning before it can return again.

  12. > @"hostileskeleton.7364" said:

    > To start, I don't have the Skyscale so you can enter into this discussion with whatever bias you would like. I started the process of getting it but when met with the currency grind I pretty much stopped playing Guild Wars entirely. Recently, I got back into it for the mystic forge events and I have to say I'm really sick of seeing skyscales. There's so many more than the few I saw when I was still grinding for it. My issue is more with the skyscales whole appeal, the hovering. Every city, wb zone, whatever, is littered with players afk hovering above everyone. I thought at first the hovering mechanic was a pretty sweet but not after seeing 10+ skyscale riders blocking my view of the sky with their hugeass mounts. The wingspan on the skyscale is ridiculous, especially on the new skin. When they're on the ground, no problem. When they're in the sky, say goodbye to your field of view. Ultimately it's not a big deal and this is just whining for the sake of whining(because absolutely nothing will change) but I was just wondering if anyone else was as annoyed by it as well. Thanks


    The nerve of this thread after the antagonising you did in the Skyscale collection thread.



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