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Posts posted by Thundabolt.8541

  1. I have reached day 3 and the idea has grown on me. Feeding and playing with my skyscale is irresistably cute, and does feel very personal.


    I still don't agree that it should be linked to daily reset, however, and would prefer a much less drastic waiting period. Perhaps a day/night cycle in-game would be more fitting? At least then people still have an incentive to take breaks, eat/sleep.


    Again, loving the tasks. Hating the 20+hr wait. 5 hours between each one? I'd be fine with that.

  2. > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > Hi everyone,


    > I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


    > In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


    > We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.


    > Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Thank you so much for the response!

  3. I'm also slightly confused about the arguments in favour of the timegates.


    It seems that 'One Collection Per Day' is your preferred approach. Therefore, this forced restriction has no effect on you. The only timegate would be yourself.


    Your argument seems to be "if I have no issues doing it at my own pace, then other players shouldn't have a problem doing it at my own pace either". But that's not the case.


    We have just as much right to do this at our own personal pace as you do. If you're getting what you want whether it's forced or not, what are you so afraid of losing if it were to change?


    You have nothing to lose here.

  4. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

    > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

    > > > > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

    > > > > My only concern is will this become the norm? If it sets a precedent that is used for items that are really needed for progression in game then you can certainly point at this moment as being a terrible thing.

    > > > I'm not too worried about this. Anet seems to prefer mixing up their gates so it doesn't get stale, and if they did decide to go with precedent in the future they certainly have far worse examples from the recent past that they could follow . . .

    > >

    > > Then you haven't read any comments at all.

    > You are mistaken. It would be helpful for you if you stopped now and considered what led you to make this error . . .

    > > There are plenty of alternatives, like giving the mount at the beginning of the story, or after the first collection, and making the rest of the time gated stuff about something else like an exclusive skin for the skygated that would have matching skins for the other mounts in the gem store. Or just more an ascended gear box.

    > Those are not better, just different. For players who enjoy the getting more than the having they would actually be worse . . .

    > > As for the timegate actually causing harm, look at my case and of many others that are 1 day behind the collections:

    > I'm more than one day behind and I'm doing just fine. Again that's why personal experience is a bad argument. Anyone who feels like the game should be changed bc it would work out better for them has an inflated idea of their importance . . .


    You say personal experience is a bad argument, but you're also arguing against others using your own personal experience -- "more than a day behind and doing fine".


    There's really no need to be shooting down someone's feelings based on something they perceive as a negative experience, just because you're "doing fine". That's still your own personal experience.

  5. That they would merge the poll instead of closing this discussion means that they are still paying attention to what we're saying. I'm certain they didn't do it to hide the poll, I imagine it's just a side effect of merging a poll with a discussion.


    Let's give them a chance to respond, although, almost anything they might say in response to all this would likely be met with more discontent. They know it's not something to be taken lightly, hence the silence.

  6. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > Yikes... the news about the grow lamp is really sky shattering. Does anyone know how many you need so I can get them in advance before the price goes up to 100g. It's already 44g and you need 22 as far as I heard and I want to know if that is truly correct or a mistake.


    You don't need 22 grow lamps, you only need one.

  7. I've been thinking about this since Tuesday.


    The timegate was a bit hard to swallow, but in the end, I agreed that 5 days would seem like nothing. I'm enjoying the scavenger hunts, I'm enjoying visiting previous maps. It's fun, it doesn't require much gold or materials. It's an adventure, which is exactly what I want more of from this game. Less grinding, more exploring.


    The Skyscale was deliberately advertised as THE BIGGEST thing to come from this episode, and looking back, it feels good to know that it wouldn't require a small amount of effort.


    Fast forward to yesterday -- 5 days has been stretched to 9, but it's expected to stretch even further, to at least half a month's worth of waiting. Since I have plenty of free time, I can manage it. But _why_ is it such an extreme waiting period?


    Don't get me wrong -- I understand more than anyone what the intent behind this was. I love the idea of raising my own skyscale so that it feels more personal to me, instead of just being given it off the bat. It feels similar to games I used to play, anyone who knows what "Chao Gardens" are would understand.


    But I just don't understand why the waiting was linked to real-time days, and not in-game days. It's more time spent waiting than playing.


    Again, no problems with the scavenger hunts. No problems with the collections. No problems with raising my own personal skyscale. All fun. Waiting for daily reset just to find out there's more than 5 days worth of waiting? Feels like someone's waving a prize in front of my face, and every time I reach out for it, it gets further away.

  8. > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > What's ruining the game for me is the game rating 12 and up and parent pressure. There is absolutely no logical reason for Anet to have created only one true short skirt for the whole game other than rating and parent pressure. GW 1 got away with skimpy armor for more than 10 year so please spare me the it's inappropriate philosophy.


    > Bikini aside it would be nice to see underwater diving outfits that would switch on as you dive, which of course would make it more natural than diving with a full armor. B)


    I don't remember exactly the location but there's a guard who literally says "I'm not cut out for this sh*t". I think it's somewhere cold.

  9. This wasn't meant to be so much of a speculation post, nor a prediction or even a presumption.


    I enjoy talking about this subject simply because it's fun to think about the possibilities.


    But, if I had to argue, I'd say that it's healthy to discuss things like this, especially in public where Aenet can see our thoughts, you never know what you might accidentally inspire them to do.


    There's no harm in just thinking about it, right?

  10. I'm surprised I haven't seen this question constantly popping up! (If there has, it must've been titled something else, I did search for it and couldn't find one) I play all classes except Engi and Necro, but I'll just name four of the ones I play.


    Since I play Ele the most, I'd love to see mainhand Mace. It's not a conjured weapon, and I don't see Mace being used very often. I imagine the skills would be slow, leaving you vulnerable, but strong, inflicting things like weakness, cripple and vulnerability, in addition to the conditions dealt with the elements. Also, here's a weird thought -- Elementalist gains access to a new element: Venom.

    Basically, Ele gets Condi-Mace.


    Warrior is my second-most played, I'd love to see them get Pistols. Though I recall seeing Rytlock dual wielding Pistol-Sword and wasn't he a Warrior? I guess if they gave Warrior pistols, people would think Rytlock was running the new elite from the very beginning. In which case, maybe Warrior could get melee-Staff, which can dish out things like stun, knockdown, and even reflect projectiles.


    Revenant is my third-most played, and I feel like they could come out with something that, as far as I'm aware, hasn't been seen yet -- Melee Sceptre, which could be used to inflict the wrath of the channelled legend -- which I strongly believe should be Kuunavang from GW1, because there's a dozen dragon antagonists and scarce dragon protagonists. Yes, I know Glint exists, but dragons are cool. And if **not **a dragon, then a recently deceased character from PoF. There's a few, I won't name any to avoid spoilers.


    Finally, I'll go ahead and say that I'd like to see Ranger use Rifle! I can understand why they _shouldn't_ , because hunters, animals, pets, etc. But maybe they're using the gun to protect the animals, idk. Though I wouldn't want to encourage pewpew memes any further, it just seems Ranger can't escape it. It just feels like a Ranger would naturally carry a rifle around.


    But that's just me. What about you?

  11. And if so, is there a way similar to the practice DPS golems to keep tabs on how much healing you're doing?


    I play Firebrand in PvP, and I've just picked up Mesmer for WvW. I also have a Druid, but I'm a little anxious about my healing capabilities, and there's not many accessible ways for me to practice them.


    Just thinking about whether or not a practice golem for healing would be helpful. And you can add conditions to it, or set the conditions to be inflicted on a timer, grant it boons...


    Wishful thinking, but any kind of way to practice healing besides launching myself into battle would be helpful, at least for me.

  12. I'm sad it's come to an end, but I'm happy we still got it this year.


    Even when farming furniture tokens, SAB never felt like a chore. I got both infusions last year, so this year's SAB was leisurely, whilst still daily.


    I got to enjoy the event more for what it is rather than what it offers. I never turned off the music, I always listened to Duskk's covers in trib. This time, it was nonstop fun.


    My favourite memory was managing to pull off a 5-man run through normal mode with friends. Everything except King Toad got nuked. We were far from perfectly synched but that was the fun of it.


    Regardless of what's still missing, SAB manages to provide a truly wholesome experience. Thank you for keeping it on, Aenet!

  13. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > I love me some SAB but I think you're overstating its mass appeal. Fewer than 10k gw2efficiency accounts have finished the mindbendingly easy 50ap nostalgia cheeve that requires only a single trip through w1&2 infantile and normal. Also, the festival calendar is becoming a little bloated, I'd like to see more 'down time' to explore permanent content. And please everyone give up on w3&4. It's not happening and it's like poking an open wound every time y'all bring it up . . .


    > EDIT: 'trip' not 'trib'. Like I said, I love me some SAB :p


    You'd probably say "give up on the mega bomb and boomerang" if it weren't included in this year's SAB

  14. Ever since SAB started in 2013, it hasn't had two openings in one year since. I understand the reason was because back then, World 2 hadn't been fully finished until August.


    This year, I've noticed SAB being attended by more players than any other event, some even saying it's the only reason they logged in. No matter how hard the salty minority complain, the praise for this event is deafeningly positive, which is frustrating considering W3 and W4 still aren't available. (Does NCsoft even know about SAB? Because if they did, they'd have surely realised the release of W3 and W4 would have done wonders for the GW2 community even temporarily)


    This event has so much potential no matter how you look at it; I let my 10 year old cousin play tribulation mode, and he ended up wanting a PC for his birthday just so he could play it himself. To only have it available for 3 weeks every year is madness.


    I feel that a Back to School Edition reopening could have a positive impact, even if it isn't for 3 weeks and instead just 2, or even 1. That said, I don't think it would work if nothing would have changed since April. Maybe Purple weapon skins for completing the races? An actual Kaiser Snake boss battle, if the thing was ever supposed to exist?


    It would be considered a miracle if even the preview for W3 was put back in. But if the extra worlds really aren't going to happen, then at the very least, a skip straight to the final boss would be an appreciated gesture, so the princess can finally be saved. Throwing out a random idea, it could even be presented as a silly secret level skip cheat like in the first Mario game.


    I guess it'd give an extra opportunity to get one more Crimson Assassin weapon skin too :p food for thought.

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