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Posts posted by jbrother.1340

  1. I wonder if anyone with more experience has an idea here.


    I am by no means a Linux expert and could use other thoughts.


    A friend loaned me his lenovo y520 with hybrid GPU in it. It has an radeon rx560 along with the intel i7700hq. I wanted to test it to see how it would run with linux and gw2.


    I have only tried so far with playonlinux to see if it would work well. I am not sure what expectation I should have in fps and performance at what settings with this laptop. I am using opensuse tumblweed on it right now as I am more use to that than other distro's.


    I am not getting great performance and am not sure I have the rx560 actually running the game. I have read some forums and been messing with the DRI_PRIME=1 command but am not sure I am using it correctly.


    I used this command in the POL console:

    POL_Config_Write BEFORE_WINE 'env DRI_PRIME=1 mesa_glthread=true'


    I have no clue if that activates the card correctly when executing gw2 from in POL? Any thoughts? Is there a way to check which GPU is running gw2? Is there a better method to get what I want here? Should I be using the amdgpu-pro driver?


    thanks for any advice.

  2. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > I'd appreciate if this thread doesn't turn into a Windows vs Linux debate. The game was built for Windows so naturally it performs best on it, however thanks to Wine and some recent improvements, Linux users can get very good performance while still using their OS of choice. For the record, I understand how macOS users felt before the release of the new/native client.


    > Every OS does something better than the other in a sort of way and Linux users are gamers too :-)


    > If it's any indication this site says a lot: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/




    I don't want that either and will refrain from further comments that lead to that road.


    I will however not capitulate to people trying to use their opinions as fact. I won't do that and I won't accept it from others.


    there are reasons I am doing what I am doing and I could care less what others think of that.


    This thread is helpful to people and info about this is more important than my opinions or anyone's about their preference in OS.


    None of them really do what I think most people overall would want when they look deeper into the subject. Humans what can you say :)

  3. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > @"schmots.6803" said:

    > > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > >

    > > > > Why? Currently Bitcoin sells for like 20,000+ USD (with a much higher forecast projection than that) and the game, even an ultimate expansion, is like 100 USD. What could you buy with even 1 BC?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > While it has already been said that bitcoin isn't worth this much anymore, just like you don't buy things on in increments of dollars with no cents, bitcoin can and is broken down incredibly small. For example for a project I did I bought 10 bucks worth of bitcoin and spent some of it. I still have 1.20 left, give or take based on the market. That is .0000124 bitcoins.

    > >

    > > I know you do not spend whole bitcoins all the time but then you are expecting anet to mess with small change. :)


    > *facepalm*


    > Consider if you took $50 to Venezuela and converted it to their currency, you'd be a millionare.


    the real question is... how much is a loaf of bread in the bolívar?

  4. > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > ok thanks, guess that's gonna be long way to go for me. I'm still working on my HoT story, then LW3, then PoF.


    You could just start and finish the POF story out of order. If you want continuity of course you would not but you can play them out of order.

  5. > @"Smiggles.6823" said:

    > I think this settles it. My tastes and my time Have changed. My partner doesn't play mmos. Any time I spend staring at the screen is time I'm not spending with her. Last non chess game I played was Gunpoint which was super short and simple and had a clear end.


    > I had the same experience when I sold my ps4. The last game I enjoyed there was Firewatch with it's clear and well written story and its clear and satisfying end.


    Any good partnership should understand that people all need time for the individual as well. If you are making that choice then that is healthy, just don't feel compelled to out of some possibly misplaced need to make someone else 100% of your time. It generally isn't healthy and leads to failure. We all need time for us too :)


    My marriage is far healthier when we have time for us together and time for each of us for ourselves. Thankfully my wife agrees and we are happy :)

  6. > @"Scrivs.4501" said:

    > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > > From my understanding, it's not regulated. There is no connection to something physical other than a company saying it has worth which means nothing in the real world. Also, it seems shady as hell. I don't understand why people want companies to use it when it's a virtual currency that only has value because people say it does.


    > Funny, if only you realized that you have just literally described your own fiat currency as well.


    > No, I'm definitely not a proponent of bitcoin, but if the above criteria are what make you not have faith in a currency, then you have some serious rethinking to do about your own.


    > Ever since Nixon cancelled the gold standard in 1971, the dollar hasn't been backed by physical gold anymore. The Euro never has been. The only thing that you could say the dollar is sort of backed by right now, is oil. But because more and more Middle-Eastern countries are dropping the dollar and are now only accepting the Russian ruble or the Chinese yen for their oil, the petrodollar is plummeting. Which is one of the many reasons why America has been starting so many illegal wars there.


    > Second, you might think that because bitcoin is more volatile than the dollar or the euro, it is therefore more unreliable. But that's because there's a much larger machine behind the latter two that's working around the clock to keep them in place.

    > The American government is bankrupt, and has been for quite a while. This because its debt is greater than its anual GDP (21.7 trillion versus 19.5 trillion respectively). In other words, its debt is about 2 trillion (that's 12 zeros) greater than its actual market value.

    > If we'd be talking about a company everyone would've realized it was bankrupt a long time ago. But somehow a government manages to keep its people from coming to this realization.


    > Do you know why this is? Because its central bank, the Federal Reserve (which isn't actually federal at all, but privately owned) can print as much money as it wants (because it's no longer backed by physical gold) and then lends it to the American government with interest. In other words, every single dollar that enters the American economy carries debt, and for every single dollar that the American government borrows, they have to pay interest to the Federal Reserve.

    > And the exact same thing goes for the European Centeal Bank and all European governments as well.


    > And do you know why we think that our money has value, even though it hasn't actually been interchangable with physical gold for over 40 years and has been largely represented by digital (virtual) numbers on a computer screen? Because some government says it has, and we believe it.


    > Again, bitcoin obviously isn't the answer and I wouldn't recommend any company or person to use it or invest in it.

    > But it's high time for us to realize that our own currencies are just as unreliable. I don't know how many more financial crises and recessions we have to live through to finally come to the realization that this system is apparently heavily flawed...


    I would say they are not unreliable when comparing them to bitcoin. Overall from a financial standpoint only yes that may be partially accurate.


    It would be a risk that most companies would not take currently and one large than they might be able to mitigate which is the first reason they would wait to see if it stabilizes more and they can find a system or tool or technique to mitigate that risk more. If that happens you might see that start more in companies like this one.


    What is more reliable than the humans that administer say... everything. Do you find other humans to be reliable? If you have an answer for that you are most of the way there :)

  7. > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

    > Most of the "challenge" in Not So Secret is artificial. Between launch pads randomly ejecting you out into space and the inability to see your landing area (and the presence of many tiny "kill you instantly" pipes sticking out into your drop zone) the Diving Spot is like trying to play a pinball machine where only one flipper works, and half the time at that.


    > Get yourself a giant pile of Teleport to Friend consumables and join with someone with an alt parked at the top.


    the entire game is "artificial..." I know what you mean but one mans fun is another's sorrow :)

  8. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > To each their own I guess. But 5% performance is 5% performance. But on the other hand I am a person who disabled Meltdown/Spectre fixes and uses no anti virus because that costs performance :P

    > And installing Windows in a VM does not seem that much more practical than multiboot to me. Might as well use Linux in a VM on Windows.


    Yes indeed each his own...


    And since it is obvious for your "each" and "own" Linux is not what you want. I wonder then why you bother commenting? Are you trying to derail a thread that has nothing to do with what you want?


    Some of us have other reasons to run Linux. My reasons are not gaming. I want to play GW2 though still. I do not and will not use MS products and do not have a need to so that helps me out a lot.


    If all I did with a puter was game I would prob have a Windows box and that is all that would happen with it. Seems wasteful.



    I am not sure I am quoting the right user.

  9. > @"ladydemoriel.4658" said:

    > My setup right now is a Linux Mint 18 box, running Ryzen 7 1700 (overclocked mildly to 3.6 with 3200 memory). I am running Guild Wars 2 through Lutris --- thought i would try that out instead of PlayOnLinux.

    > i tried both the pba-2.21 and pba-3.3 versions. In PvE content, i did not have as large a FPS rate as i did with the staging-2.0 (although now staging-2.0 is suspect to time-outs and crashes for me). I did not test pba-3-3 in WvW yet. I did test pba-2.21 and did see very good results in WvW. Though my fps hovered around 20-30, i did not experience any extreme lag in very large zerg fights (although i did stay at range to minimize that). My settings were probably much higher than the OP used (antialiasing set to High FX, Character Model Limit set to medium at last test). Ran well in small scale fighting with no issues whatsoever. I will try the pba-3.3 hopefully this weekend and report my findings.


    I found I had issues with Lutris when testing the various ways to get windows stuff going in linux. I found that I had the same performance using straight wine cli style and PlayOnLinux. Granted my performance is not great overall as I am playing on some fairly old PC parts here but it works. It actually works equal to my tests with windows 7 on this same hardware and overall I would say "better" because I would rather have someone slapping my face with a dead fish than use windows.

  10. > @"dixi.1483" said:

    > > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > > Today I gave a test run with Wine 3.3 + Staging + PBA, the performance was slower than the current build based on Wine 2.21.


    > I have tested _wine-2.21_ on both T430 and X230. Performance increase is very very noticeable. We are able to play PvP without the game freezing for a few seconds and we do not get average of 20fps anymore. My T430 can sit around 40-50fps (small fights) on minimal settings with native sampling at 1920x1080. Interestingly, lowering the resolution does not increase performance at all. Should I build and test the new version as well?


    How old is the T430 you are using? I can get these things dirt cheap and my current laptop is suck and plays it bad.


    How much ram are you using, is it maxed out?


    What distro are you running on it? I am just curious.



  11. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Everytime I play a story instance that involves old Lion's Arch, I can't help but absorb the unique energy and atmosphere of that place. It is filled with the coziness of a fishers town on one hand, and reeks of adventure and fortune on the other ... and at night of stealth and danger, with sewers to explore etc. None of that can be found in new Lion's Arch.


    > Unfortunately, you cannot replay those old story missions (unlike newer ones), hence it is immensely tedious to get to see the old place again (i.e., create a new character, play for days or even weeks to finally get to those missions, always follow a set path).


    > If you can't add an option that allows you to select which version of Lion's Arch one desires to enter, old or new, then **at least give us a place like the Mistlock Sanctuary, where you can travel via pass and go about your business.** Call it "Historical Lion's Arch" and let it have all the VIP area services that are currently available. <3


    If it will be like the other VIP areas for gems then this time I want to see a preview of it before paying. I think it is only fair for actual money.


    I would pay for this. I liked the old LA far better than the new design. I don't go there much anymore because of it. This current design is pretty I suppose but it has no life. I feel like I am in some cheap set not a vibrant living space.


    It doesn't have to be a full recreation but some little clips of it with stuff to look at and use sort of like Myst Lock but without the floating effect and space theme. They could have little historical themes and fun designs. People took a lot of time to create a unique piece of art with the original, and while I did like getting to experience it being destroyed and playing a truly living story as it unfolded I would have really liked to be able to go back into that space in an instance and hang around. Someplace others can join in.


    They might also consider making it an optional guild hall and an old school event to capture it. Like having a condo in the city for "rich" people.

  12. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > But considering that they do test stuff, this renders having a test server unnecessary.

    > >

    > > Thats really debatable with all the dreadful balance changes, bugs and issues that they always add. They likely "test" it with a 5minute run around an empty map - say they didnt 1 shot anyone and call it a day.


    > Just because you don’t like a change, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t tested. Anet has their own goals on how they want classes to specifically perform.


    Just because you think they test enough does not mean they do. I work for a much larger corporation with a lot more at stake than this company and even this place doesn't always test the way they should. They act like they do but then a system will go live and tank hard for 2 weeks while they sort out what they could have if they had done larger pilots of the changes.


    I would not let players test my game. I would pay professionals to test it with specific sets of criteria and simulate at the very least and as close as possible my production environment. Maybe they do but they are also not very transparent about anything really.

  13. > @"Umadusa.5874" said:

    > I really don't understand all the salt about Reaper. It is tanky as hell and hits like a truck. It's all in how YOU build the character and use it's skills.


    The OP is actually saying exactly the opposite of this???


    You feel it is skill and build, what build are you using?


    I would also like to see the OP build as well for comparison.

  14. > @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

    > > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

    > > So many words. What do they all say? No one will ever know.


    > TL;DR, this person believes that core necromancer is woefully lacking in mobility skills, open world survival, and power based DPS, and requests clarification as to why a large number of people apparently still enjoy the class and insist on it's viability in open world PvE.


    Where is this large number of people? I don't see endless threads on forum about this and do not see people in chat constantly talking in this way???


    Curious what evidence or experiences this user had to arrive at their statements or rather your TLDR because frankly that wall unfortunate text can read itself.

  15. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > i too went back to wow some time last year and it felt....SO kitten SLOW.

    > > swing your sword and only hit a single enemy?

    > > can't do anything while moving?

    > > DOWNTIME?

    > >

    > > and then there is the MONTHLY FEE?!

    > >

    > > yep gw2 is currently the best, i wish there were way more armours though.


    > So GW2 is the best because you don't have to use your brain and you can just do everything with everything, anytime?


    do you actually play this game?

  16. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > Yes, this is still the best value for money MMO in the market which I think is also the reason for their sloppy developments and decisions.


    This is I feel the best way to view this.


    This may or may not be the best mmo on the market but it really does have a lot of value for the money you spend.

  17. > @"dixi.1483" said:

    > I have to confirm that these patches do bring performance boosts.

    > It is noticeable on my T430 with an i5-3632QM and HD4000 at 1920x1080. Frame rate is much more stable and somewhat higher. I have only tested it in low-intensive areas now, but I will do more testing as time goes by. I will try it on an X230 as well.


    x230 so tiny. I would go blind playing on that.


    It runs great on T460p. We have tons of them at work and I "borrowed" one and tested and it runs pretty well overall.

  18. > @"Pigbottom.9837" said:

    > I think we are asking the wrong question to begin with. The right question would be: "What is the alternative to the holy trinity?". The trinity wasn't invented, it evolved from the way people play games together. It sucks sometimes and has a lot of shortcomings, but the fact that even here we seem to always be back to it tells me no one has been able to find a real viable alternative.


    Yet tons of people play this game who like it the way it is. They are profiting from it being the way it is. People who came here and preferred "there" complain about it but that is not really valid if you didn't want non-trinity in the first place.


    I would say good or bad this running live game is somewhat of an alternative to it...

  19. I have been running GW2 in linux for a couple years now and must just be lucky to have the right set of older gear.


    I get good performance on an old phenom II deneb. I don't get giant FPS but I don't expect to either. I get around 30 most places and that is fine. I have no issue with the parts of the game that I play.


    Although doric leather farm is like a slide show for me if I go there and 50 people are there :) Somehow I still can farm it lol.

  20. > @"Murdock.6547" said:

    > Raids, fractals, pvp, dungeons.

    > Speedclears, safe clears, experimenting with tactics.


    > Nothing feels rewarding. Sure I got something neat from this or that... But whats the point? Why am I gearing ascended when masterwork is functional?

    > Why am I running these fractals when the only reward is the same few fractals only now with more agony?


    > Why make a legendary when I can literally craft an exotic of each statset for half the price and 10% less stats?


    > Nothing is rewarding. Not even my day 1 desmina clear. Not even my dhuum cm.


    > Maybe this isnt the game for me?


    Maybe look for meaningful things outside of the game and just come here to fool around?


    You could join a club or devote time to volunteer work? I know what you mean in this thread but games no matter how meaningful might not be what you are really looking for...

  21. > @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

    > So i am a new player.

    > Read all this "dont use boost and level one to 80 by yourself". Leveled my guardian to 40. What have i learned ? How to run around on map again and again. Thats it.

    > Nothing about fight/game mechanics , gear progression , vendors , resources , etc. So whats the point ?



    You really should ignore the rants of these people and those here who think they know best for you and just go ahead and do what you want instead.


    You will learn the game just as fast boosting yourself and playing as opposed to just playing from 1. You will still have to go back and run through early content and other areas if you want mats and other stuff. If you want to learn that is all it takes is just play the game read a little and experiment.


    There was no point even to this thread other than some here think they know best for all.


    If you buy something it is simple. If the vendor takes your money then puts artificial barriers in place to using it it reduces the number of customers once the public finds out. I cannot see how that helps this game?

  22. > @"silverfox.1056" said:

    > I know you use to be able to farm them by doing the beginning story over and over, but if I'm not mistaken they nerfed it so you could only do it once a week or something like that. Is buying them really the only (efficient) way?


    yes buying them in the only reliable way to get them with any efficiency. I get them now and again on drops but only a few times a year.


    I also never really get anything of value from the chests. I do get things I want though even though they have no value :)



  23. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

    > >

    > > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)


    > Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


    he didn't speak for everyone or even use that word. He said things like "most of us".


    He is not speaking for you as you are not in the group he is referring to so why are you upset exactly?


    I am not clear even how your statement applies to this thread?


    This is a really simple math...


    if you don't want to spend x ... don't


    if you do then spend it.


    I can promise you that Anet doesn't care at all about the topic in this thread and most likely will not change the practice they are already using unless their bottom line really starts to suffer.

  24. > @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

    > > @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

    > > > @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

    > > > Its poor business practice to go that game you payed 60 dollars for we're gonna make free and kitten you guys for buying early we're all about the new players kitten the old

    > >

    > > If you where truly an old player I bet you wouldn't complain. You are just a player who bought the game and haven't played it for years. I bought GTA1 when it came out on PC, but now they are giving it out for free! It's madness I say! I bought the game for my parent hard earned money and now they are letting new players download it for free!


    > just gonna post what I said in the comment above. Its not that it went free its that they released expansions and did nothing to show appreciation to the individuals who happened to fork over the money early.



    what games release expansions and give discounts to existing players? I am truly asking. I only really play this game I don't have enough time for more in my life and don't keep up on other games.


    Do other companies actually offer the type of discount to expansions for existing players you seem to be asking for? If so how much and what games?

  25. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > > > Better too small than too big. The Balthazar mini is taller than my Asuran toon. It just looks wrong.

    > >

    > > I bet there are a lot of people who actually like this. I love the fact that he is bigger. It looks right to me. The nature of opinion is grand. I want a mini the size of a horse that I can walk in front of.


    > That's fair, but it wouldn't be a 'mini'. It would be I guess a 'maxi'...


    I would think that is just splitting hairs?


    What is the word mini based on in the first place. the size of the person it is next to or the size in comparison with the real counterpart. I am even sure if all the mini's have a counterpart in the game itself outside of them but mini balth is a lot smaller than his real self. It is also better looking :)


    in the end they serve no real purpose other than amusement. that is really all games are in the end isn't it?

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