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Posts posted by jbrother.1340

  1. > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > Generally, yes. Every class has an effective high DPS build that runs berserker gear, and these builds are usually the best one the class can offer. Condi builds run Viper, and there are some specialty builds, but when in doubt run berserker gear.


    > I checked, Viper is locked behind HoT. Core only offers 3 attribute gear ... so like, berserker, assassin ...


    > What about sinister?


    Could be wrong about this cannot remember fully...


    if you are crafting ascended you can just craft another then stat swap it with the mystic forge and some other small mats.


    I personally only craft one stat set as I have the recipes for it already and if I find a need to change it later I use the forge and stat swap it. I have only crafted ascended in berserker. I guess I have no real reason other than I play power more often than hybrid or condition and share the armor sets on more than one toon. I have 2 cloth and 1 leather and soon heavy.

  2. > @"DiabolicBoombox.2946" said:

    > Lets see where to begin. Back in February of this year, I built a new computer. I was playing GW2 for about 2 months with no problems. Then out of no where I get hit with the most bizarre problem. At first, while playing the game my computer would just shutdown and reboot (No Error Messages). Upon googling, I disabled a feature to shutdown on failure. Now, my computer just freezes. This only happens on GW2, no other game. I've had many support tickets with ArenaNet, Asus, EVGA, Corsair, Intel, and even Microsoft. They've led nowhere which is why I am here now. Most hardware companies that couldn't fix the issue with their hardware blamed it on the game. At the time this started happening, my cpu, gpu, and ram were overclocked. Now its set to factory everything. I've replaced my cpu, gpu, power supply, and cpu cooler. Still no luck. My temperatures and wattage are both running fine. I've played in 32bit, 64bit, windowed mode, lowest settings ,etc. I've re-downloaded the game like 5 times. I've also moved GW2 from a 7200RPM Hard drive to an SSD. This is a random issue too. It could not happen for weeks to happening again as soon as I launch the game. I've run out of things to do. It is just so weird that it only happens with GW2, I just don't understand.


    > **OS:** Windows 10 Pro 64bit (Lastest Build)

    > **Processor:** Intel i7-8700k @ 3.7GHz (Stock) with Intel Turbo Boost

    > **CPU Cooler**: Corsair H110i Liquid Cooler

    > **RAM:** Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4 (Tried with stock 2133MHz and XMP Profile of 3600MHz)

    > **MOBO:** Asus ROG Maximus X Hero (Latest BIOS)

    > **GPU:** EVGA GTX 1080 FTW Hybrid

    > **PSU:** EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750W

    > **OS HDD:** Samsung 960 Pro M.2 - 512GB

    > **GW2 SSD:** Kingston V300 240GB


    What about your motherboard? I see you swapped out every else it looks like? You could have some sort of power management issue on the board itself causing random reboots.


    You say that you have companies blaming the game but how do you know those parts are faulty in the first place? Have you tested those components against others on another board?


    No indication of any reason of reboot at all in event viewer system logs? Are there any warnings at the time period it reboots when it was before in event viewer?


    the symptoms you have are all eluding to a hardware issue or maybe a driver issue. If you swapped all that stuff out with the same exact issue though it is less likely especially if that hardware works right normally or in another setup.


    Any other info at all?

  3. everyone wants something...



    Why do you feel your views here should supersede others who don't agree or the company who clearly doesn't agree and keeps rolling away from the place you want?


    why not use boon corruption in various ways?


    why is more health a challenge over different degrees of boon and corruptions? Seems like all that is would be more time consuming and the boons and conditions actually present a challenge to be overcome.

  4. > @"Keira Wildflower.7304" said:

    > Can we bring back the trinity? It is the most balanced system to date and it promotes teamwork and hinders trolls.


    In order to bring back a strict trinity it would have needed to exist here in the first place and it has not while I have been here.


    This game does not lend itself well to that and was not designed around it.


    It works fine the way it is. At this point in the games history as well this is not even something that is regularly complained about anymore. I am just guessing but I am thinking that you are in the small minority of players who want this or even cares to still discuss it.


    Thank you for being civil about it but I don't think that it is the right direction for this game to take. Maybe in the future they will try a more classic game like that but who can say.

  5. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > > As far as I know there are no crafted items which are soulbound on creation.

    > > >

    > > > I believe you're right in GW2, but it isn't universally true. Depending on how you learned the recipe, some extremely ordinary items in Allods Online were their equivalent of soulbound.

    > >

    > > Do you have any examples in GW2 that are soul bound on creation?

    > >

    > > This isn't allods online so it doesn't matter what is happening in that game.


    > No, I said "universally" to mean "across all MMORPGs", meaning "don't count on it being true in some other game that you try out". I know of no "soulbound on acquire" crafted items in GW2. ("Soulbound on create" doesn't exist.)


    okey dokey...


    I searched around and I could not find any listed either.


  6. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > You are actually in Mountain time not "Arizona" time zone.


    > Most of Arizona does not follow daylight savings, so it's actually reasonable to say that there *is* an "Arizona" time zone.



    It is considered to be in mountain time without participating in daylight savings. You can call it whatever you want. I don't need to excuse what I said and you are welcome to disagree.


    In other news daylight savings time should not even exist at this point.

  7. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > As far as I know there are no crafted items which are soulbound on creation.


    > I believe you're right in GW2, but it isn't universally true. Depending on how you learned the recipe, some extremely ordinary items in Allods Online were their equivalent of soulbound.


    Do you have any examples in GW2 that are soul bound on creation?


    This isn't allods online so it doesn't matter what is happening in that game.

  8. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > First, I love the Asura!


    > Second, my (human) ranger is as short as possible, and she's treated just fine. I don't sense any "height discrimination" in Tyria. :)


    > Third, welcome to the game!


    There is only ASURA Overlords all others look down on us in respect and servitude... Don't make me get in my golem...

  9. You are actually in Mountain time not "Arizona" time zone.


    you can always do the daily at the same time regardless of what "timezone" you are in. It really is just an illusion.


    the time is static the only thing that is changing is your location and the location of the sun. The daily resets and goes down everyday at the same time.

  10. > @"Klypto.1703" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Klypto.1703" said:

    > > > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > > > @"Rottie.8596" said:

    > > > > > Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

    > > > >

    > > > > I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

    > > > >

    > > > > Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.

    > > >

    > > > LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.

    > >

    > > We do have a help desk that routes stuff initially and assigns a status to tickets 2-5. 2 being high priority drop everything and go, 5 being best effort might never get done we don't have a time frame outside of sometime someplace.

    > >

    > > Seems like lately because of a lack of staff all they run are "5s".

    > >

    > > My team would get replaced if we moved this slowly.

    > >

    > > No one in the last years of me on this team survived giving this level of support and were fired or moved to other teams they could handle.

    > >

    > > this is a game company though and where I work is life and death. In the long run it is only sensibility and money here being affected and while it seems like life or death it really isn't. that is not an excuse though. They hopefully work hard to close this gap in their support model


    > Yeah I used to do customer service for a natural gas company had some issues that were life and death but even those that weren't majority of things were fixed immediately or if reasonable mostly within one or two days depending on volume of work loads. A lot of the problems I've read here you knew to just not to show up for work if you let issues go unresolved for more than three business days at the most.


    > Edit: I am wondering if Anet has ever considered using remote customer service to get experienced customer service specialists lol.


    I think a lot of it is just a difference in support model.


    we have phone, text, and email support 24/7 365. We have no choice. people live and die based on what happens with some of these issues. It doesn't happen often but I know of at least one instance that someone did die even when we responded fast enough. That is just life.


    I think two things here are important to consider. The CSR's here are not in control and cannot force their bosses to hire more people even if the support is horrible and this seems pretty horrible. Their overlords have to balance what they want to spend against how much they think they will loose if they don't spend more on support. If they won't loose more than they can handle they simply won't spend to increase throughput on their customer service end.


    second thing is this is an item of luxury and no matter how much I don't like it and think they should and can certainly do better no one dies here over botting reports and locked out accounts.


    I say give them and inch and just a little slack no matter what I have already said. I was overly critical possibly.


    Anet really should be working harder though to close the gap in their customer service model over the next year. No one reasonable expect instant action but at this point anytime anything happens support times jumps from day to days and then to weeks and weeks. They should examine why that is and have a work around for those few times a year that it goes out of control. That is why we have 24/7 support both at a help desk and on local teams at all of our sites. Without that people die. All they need is a back up plan for when it all goes wrong. Right now they don't seem to have one. I guess giving them some time to sort that out would be kind. If they don't soon though all they will do is lose customers and thankfully not lives.




    Maybe a little double overtime is needed. Maybe keep some contractors close that you can call in when you are in a bind or need overflow support. There are a lot of options for support you just need to try something. Hiring may not be viable based on your income ratios but contractors cost a lot less and can save you a lot over lost customers and wasted salaries. Just a thought and only one of many possible.



  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

    > > > Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.

    > > >

    > > > [i purchased from the listing that sells the 2000 gems cards for $25. The item was sold by Amazon.com Services, Inc.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009AYOFI0/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 "I purchased from the listing that sells the 2000 gems cards for $25. The item was sold by Amazon.com Services, Inc.") No funny business here. The reason I purchased the cards through Amazon is that I had something else I wanted to order and figured I'd throw some money ArenaNet's way. Plus, I like getting packages in the mail. :)

    > > >

    > > > As some other posters suggested, I contacted ArenaNet to see if they can help. If not, I'll just hit Amazon up and see if they can refund or replace.

    > >

    > > next time don't waste your time and contact Amazon directly. I am sure others have had different experiences but I have never in years had a bad experience with their customer support and they ALWAYS resolve the issue. Often they just refund my money or send me a new item.

    > >

    > > They will make it right for you just give them a chance. For the volume of sales they are doing they really have great customer service.


    > I'd guess the issue was resolved months ago.


    that may be but there is no admission of that here and at least my statement was of some value even if very late.


    Amazon does in fact have great customer service.

    Anet could take a lesson. So could the company I work for.

  12. > @"Klypto.1703" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Rottie.8596" said:

    > > > Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

    > >

    > > I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

    > >

    > > Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.


    > LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.


    We do have a help desk that routes stuff initially and assigns a status to tickets 2-5. 2 being high priority drop everything and go, 5 being best effort might never get done we don't have a time frame outside of sometime someplace.


    Seems like lately because of a lack of staff all they run are "5s".


    My team would get replaced if we moved this slowly.


    No one in the last years of me on this team survived giving this level of support and were fired or moved to other teams they could handle.


    this is a game company though and where I work is life and death. In the long run it is only sensibility and money here being affected and while it seems like life or death it really isn't. that is not an excuse though. They hopefully work hard to close this gap in their support model

  13. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > If you had to come here and ask this then you probably already realize this is something you can report but are scared or worried to do so? if you feel your are founded in your opinion of this other players actions you should take the risk and report it. If you feel the risk is to great I would look inside yourself and try and answer why it is you think this offends you? If it truly does please report it and let it go.


    > It doesn't offend him; OP is just trolling again.


    That may be. It does not invalidate what I said.

  14. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > She said the A word. It was a cuss word. I was about to report her and sick the hellhounds on her but I noticed it said "you can report this but it also can lead to termination of your account" why that language before we report something?


    If you had to come here and ask this then you probably already realize this is something you can report but are scared or worried to do so? if you feel your are founded in your opinion of this other players actions you should take the risk and report it. If you feel the risk is to great I would look inside yourself and try and answer why it is you think this offends you? If it truly does please report it and let it go.

  15. > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

    > Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.


    > [i purchased from the listing that sells the 2000 gems cards for $25. The item was sold by Amazon.com Services, Inc.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009AYOFI0/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 "I purchased from the listing that sells the 2000 gems cards for $25. The item was sold by Amazon.com Services, Inc.") No funny business here. The reason I purchased the cards through Amazon is that I had something else I wanted to order and figured I'd throw some money ArenaNet's way. Plus, I like getting packages in the mail. :)


    > As some other posters suggested, I contacted ArenaNet to see if they can help. If not, I'll just hit Amazon up and see if they can refund or replace.


    next time don't waste your time and contact Amazon directly. I am sure others have had different experiences but I have never in years had a bad experience with their customer support and they ALWAYS resolve the issue. Often they just refund my money or send me a new item.


    They will make it right for you just give them a chance. For the volume of sales they are doing they really have great customer service.

  16. > @"Zahld.4956" said:

    > Add emoticons to in-game chatting. Makes it more fun and expressive.


    plenty of other places to make that mess. Happy to have them leave text and times in the chat box and nothing else.


    Expression can also come from your ability to express yourself cogently in chat.


    Unless it is a swirly poo pile with flies on it like my company just decided to add to our jabber chat client. It was not a well thought out move... already some issues and bad blood over it being sic'd on others out of spite...

  17. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > You should check the boat ride.

    > Anyway events should't be about grind and tons of gold. They should be a fun fillers between LS releases and a way for people to take a break too.

    > I don't see why everything in this game needs AP, gold and exotic/ascended/legendary items attached to it, to make it fun and "worth playing".


    you are right it should be just about the fun. However that fun is highly subjective to the person deriving that fun from these activities.


    Some people find reward fun while others find the actions of the activity fun.


    However if it is only about the activity and that fun then it better be good and fun. This stuff they turn out is no better than other content that has better reward so ... what can you say?

  18. > @"Rawbbeh.9542" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Rawbbeh.9542" said:

    > > > Hey Everyone...hoping you can help me out with this.

    > > >

    > > > Recently I upgraded my PC (New mobo, processor, RAM) got back into the game, and everything was fine.

    > > >

    > > > Then on Friday I installed a new graphics card. Upgraded from 2x GTX 970 SLI to a single GTX 1080ti (EVGA GTX 1080ti FTW3). I DDU'ed my graphics drivers and updated to the most recent (released 8/1) and proceeded to log into Guild Wars 2 to play and check it out.

    > > >

    > > > I was able to play for about 30 minutes before I encountered my first issue. Without any warning my computer just blacked out and restarted. Logged back in, got to playing again and a few minutes later it did it again.

    > > >

    > > > I've gone into troubleshooting, PSU is 850 watts and working fine, CPU and GPU temps are good (ran benchmarks/stress tests to see if its a power/heat issue), I've re-seated the graphics card (and swapped PCI slots), I've played other games to see if they have any kind of issues (none found). I have run the GW2 Repair feature. I have Reinstalled GW2. I have DDU'ed and Re-installed the graphics drivers again. I've tried running the graphics card on "Debug Mode" which runs the card at Base clock speeds (for testing/possibly OC sensitive games). With all of these computer restarts while playing, I receive no error messages and the windows Event Logs show nothing other than the computer restarting without being properly shut down.

    > > >

    > > > I am at the end of ideas...The only thing I can think that could be causing these reboots is the latest Nvidia driver having some kind of issue with GW2...or GW2 having an issue. I know many will jump on here and say this is a Hardware issue, or a heat issue, or a PSU/Power issue... But it is not...as I have run stress tests to push the system much further than GW2 could ever do...and it runs flawlessly.

    > > >

    > > > I've sent in a ticket...but...Help?

    > >

    > > no error code in event viewer at all? Is it overheating your card when GW2 is running? you say it is good but how did you determine it is? Have your tried an alternate card if you might have one and started GW2? I know you might not have one but it is worth trying regardless of whether it runs right in other software. Seems like a possible driver issue but hard to say.

    > >

    > > I would imagine it is not causing it but is the firmware for your BIOS current? At least something else to check.


    > No error code in event viewer that would signify a critical cause for a shut down. Temps are not getting above 73C. Determined also by running a stress test/benchmark program to make it run at its fullest. No shutdowns/issues there (power or heat). The 2 cards I was using (2x GTX 970's) ran the game without any issues (in regards to shutting down, freezing, or anything like that..game ran as intended.) but it wasnt until i changed them out for the 1080ti that this issue of my computer restarting while the game was running began. (It has already happened a couple times today. one was after 58 minutes of playing, and the most recent, just now, after 3 hours 18 minutes.)


    > Since the new graphics card installation, I have not had a computer shutdown running any other game/program except for GW2.


    Is your heat sink making the correct contact to your CPU? I know it probably is but those times it is taking to tank on you is a bit weird and not even close the same.


    I am guessing you checked the temps while the game was running as well.


    Try a new driver just don't try the most current driver. See if you can load one that is 1 or 2 steps back from the current one and play more and see if it changes maybe. Not sure what the dates are on their most current driver. I don't use a NVidia card and I use Linux so it has been a while since I tinkered with MS Windows video drivers.

  19. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > Check your cpu fan and maybe replace the thermal paste on it too.


    > My cpu fan wasn't able to keep up with gw2 on my laptop, as it's an awkward size to replace, I got a usb fan that pulls the air out the back. It's lowered CPU temperature by 15-20*C.


    > You can also download HWMonitor to find out if it's your gpu or cpu overheating. More likely cpu as gw2 is cpu intensive.




    check your thermal paste and replace it regardless of how long you have had it.


    What OS are you using what are you monitoring with and how do you know it overheats? Getting loud and pouring out heat doesn't mean it overheated. If it truly is overheating it seems like your bios have a thermal threshold but maybe it doesn't.


    My laptop I play this with if I use a laptop gets nice a warm and fans kick on at 100%. it is a similar setup as yours with a AMD video card instead. In mine it is the CPU getting very warm but it is an i7 7th it can damn near turn to lava without damage.


    Does it reboot or crash when that hot?

  20. > @"Rawbbeh.9542" said:

    > Hey Everyone...hoping you can help me out with this.


    > Recently I upgraded my PC (New mobo, processor, RAM) got back into the game, and everything was fine.


    > Then on Friday I installed a new graphics card. Upgraded from 2x GTX 970 SLI to a single GTX 1080ti (EVGA GTX 1080ti FTW3). I DDU'ed my graphics drivers and updated to the most recent (released 8/1) and proceeded to log into Guild Wars 2 to play and check it out.


    > I was able to play for about 30 minutes before I encountered my first issue. Without any warning my computer just blacked out and restarted. Logged back in, got to playing again and a few minutes later it did it again.


    > I've gone into troubleshooting, PSU is 850 watts and working fine, CPU and GPU temps are good (ran benchmarks/stress tests to see if its a power/heat issue), I've re-seated the graphics card (and swapped PCI slots), I've played other games to see if they have any kind of issues (none found). I have run the GW2 Repair feature. I have Reinstalled GW2. I have DDU'ed and Re-installed the graphics drivers again. I've tried running the graphics card on "Debug Mode" which runs the card at Base clock speeds (for testing/possibly OC sensitive games). With all of these computer restarts while playing, I receive no error messages and the windows Event Logs show nothing other than the computer restarting without being properly shut down.


    > I am at the end of ideas...The only thing I can think that could be causing these reboots is the latest Nvidia driver having some kind of issue with GW2...or GW2 having an issue. I know many will jump on here and say this is a Hardware issue, or a heat issue, or a PSU/Power issue... But it is not...as I have run stress tests to push the system much further than GW2 could ever do...and it runs flawlessly.


    > I've sent in a ticket...but...Help?


    no error code in event viewer at all? Is it overheating your card when GW2 is running? you say it is good but how did you determine it is? Have your tried an alternate card if you might have one and started GW2? I know you might not have one but it is worth trying regardless of whether it runs right in other software. Seems like a possible driver issue but hard to say.


    I would imagine it is not causing it but is the firmware for your BIOS current? At least something else to check.

  21. > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > It does not matter at all if people agree or disagree.

    > >

    > > what good do these polls do? Is anyone actually looking at the tiny cross section of players that vote? Does ANET even bother looking? I know if it was me and I saw "POLL" I would normally skip it as a moderator. Is that how they are treating these?


    > I guess, sparking up a discussion that heats up over its three-day-course, creates two wholly mutually exclusive oppinions and then finally confirms Godwin's law?



    You know I had this great witty response here.


    I deleted it.


    Polls on this forum and in most areas of life total waste of time nothing more to say about it see if you can approach +1 on your own

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