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Posts posted by jbrother.1340

  1. > @"Morozzko.2136" said:

    > > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > I dont understand what you you are asking.

    > > The policy on multi boxing is in the policies that Inculpadus cedo linked.

    > > This is what it states.

    > >

    > > Dual- or Multi-Boxing

    > > You may use more than one account at the same time.

    > > You may use more than one computer at the same time.

    > > You must be actively playing on each account.

    > > As stated above, you may not program your keyboard to perform functions on more than one account at a time. For example, if you press W on your keyboard to move forward, a single character on a single account should move forward. The keystroke or mouse click should not perform functions on more than one account.

    > >

    > > You can basically do anything you like in the game provided that it complies with the above.

    > >

    > >


    > i ask because i take ban for trying to take mastery point from triple trouble and get banned


    If you truly were using separate keyboards and mice how exactly would they even know and thus ban you? You sure you are not using software to emulate keystrokes?

    You do actually have separate peripherals in play while you are multi-boxing?

  2. > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > We the community have long asked for explanations from the Dev team over certain actions made by them, not (for most of us) to attack, but to clearly help us understand the reasoning behind it.


    > I honestly think the Dev team gets more heat thrown at them for no reason. Reasons which wouldn't exist or in it's form if we had communication.

    > It amazes me more, that after all these years.. even in a controlled environment, communication is still a major issue with Anet and it's Devs.




    they have ideal jobs, they make and maintain a game for money. Not sure what is with all the tight lips lol.


    My job is very satisfying but people die where I work each day. Maybe not as fun as what they do but both are meaningful. One brings joy over a product and one can bring joy over a life saved, wish it always went down that way but we all die eventually.


    They could work on communication to a large degree but maybe they are just afraid or have thinner skin than most. It really is hard to say. It is also possible they have rabid lawyers breathing down their necks over every tiny thing they want to say to us.

  3. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > > > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > > > > > > Here's a better question: Should players only play specs that are good or "top tier"?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you are playing ranked, people expect the players to be bringing _their best_ to it... What is _the best_ is actually questionable tho.

    > > > > > You can tell me Mirage is meta and Chrono is bad, but I'm kitten sure I'll perform much better on Chrono (Which I have about 3k hours on) than on Mirage, which I simply don't play at all because I dislike its mechanics.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So, to answer your first question: No, you're not wrong for playing core Necro in ranked PvP if that's the build you actually perform the best. But if you are purposefully gimping yourself when you could actually be playing better in another build, I'd say you're not being a team player.

    > > > > > In unranked tho you can play whatever you want and nobody have the right to complain. Casual play for shitz and giggles.

    > > > >

    > > > > So you're answer is to only play what you are good on but what If im good on core necro but its still not on-par with elite specs? I mean, I can do decent damage but there's a lot less survivability (which is reallys saying something) and a lot less burst (and burst or surviving burst is everything right now).

    > > > >

    > > > > More to the point, your philosophy is far from my original question. What if your best is a class that you're tired of playing and its not fun anymore to play? So you start playing another spec for fun but it's not that good. What you're saying is Playing Best > Having Fun. So the point isn't about having fun but playing what is best.

    > > > >

    > > > > > As for your new question: No build will be good if the player is bad. Give Firebrand in the hands of a complete moron and watch him die more than a zerker Reaper being focused... So what players should be doing is playing what they play best and not what others consider best.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thats not the question. The question is about playing whats best (or their best) vs what they find fun.

    > > >

    > > > Fun is somenthing subjective...

    > >

    > > And that's the point of playing what you want for some people. You're saying even for those people, they shouldn't play ranked.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Yes, because they are ruining other's people fun by being a liability and bringing the team down in the queue where people are competing to win... If you can't play a character to your level in ranked, **don't do it**.


    > Remember: This isn't a single player game. There are other people playing it too and your actions will have a impact in their experience, just as their actions impact in yours...


    It is not your place to make another's decisions. I know you think that what you are saying here is valid but this is not a job and his time is no less valuable to him than yours is to you. If fun is not derived what is the point and if he has fun with core necro so be it.


    Make arguments until you drop if you like but is subjective opinion on his or her fun is no less valid than yours, you can both be wrong at the same time :)

  4. > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > I get a lot of hate about playing Core Necro on my teams. Should I stop playing it? If so, should anet just ban core necro from spvp?


    If you are not playing the way that makes you happy you should be.


    Don't play the way others want you to do what you want with your time. You cannot get it back so fill it with the things that make you happy within reason.


    It is your playtime and no one else's opinion of how you should spend it is more valid than your own.

  5. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > I usually say "I am God King of PVP. All will be destroyed, you will bow down before Your King"


    > they usually say "Oh really you suck nub, you're not worth my time. I will pwn your face all day"


    > I say "Oh yea? Well why don't you prove it and join PVP so I can destroy you


    > Than Person joins Quene to "show me" regardless if I win or not in the game. I already won by getting them to join the match. Tips you use to get people to join PVP quene early?


    Anyone baited by that has some serious emotional issues or is a child. A self respecting adult with out power struggle issues simply joins when they want to play.


    Why not just invite people to join for a match.


    you could try offering copper...

  6. > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

    > > God, I detest it when people trot out the word "literally" when they have no real point in using it other than emphasis. It makes me just ignore the rest of the post.


    > A bit like when there is no real point to using 'God' in a sentence. ;)


    Not sure how anyone's "god" plays into it but the poster is right.


    Sort of the same as people over using the word literally :)

  7. > @"lordbachus.6091" said:

    > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > Necromancer doesn't need to be evil. Evil Necromancers are just a trope. Magic related to death and unlife is not an inherently evil concept. As a roleplayer, I loathe tropes that demand something must be good or must be evil. It removes agency away from the user.


    > Medling with dead and decay to gain personal powers in general makes people atleast frown uppon you..


    > Necromancy is a selfish thing. And while the actions of a necromencer will not allways be evil.. general opinion, the general population will view the datk nature of necromancy as being evil..



    Creepy maybe but not evil.


    We are hanging around with dead things all the time. Sort of like a magical mortician. The world needs them, they just don't want to be seen in public with Uncle Fester.

  8. > @"Doomslayer.3764" said:

    > Hi there South African Gw2 fans(players). Please help my post and support our bad latency we have here to Arenanet servers. I'm in a South African guild and all of us have the same issues and thats the ping we sitting with. In PvE thats not a major problem, but as soon as you go Contest or WvW we as South African players have so much of a disadvantage. How can we compete to playes with 100 or less ping? I honestly feel its unfair and asked Arenanet to help.. They advised that if we have more posts they will look further into it.. Please suppprt and sent your comments. 300 ping is no fun..


    > Regards

    > doomslayer. 3764


    Short of putting servers on your continent there is not much they can do. It is possible. I would not like that either but I don't think they will be doing that.


    A VPN will not solve the issue as it is just latency over the distance you are connecting to the main data centers. Faster internet might help but there are a lot of hops between you and them in your local. It is unfortunate that the world on whole does not want to work together better to improve throughput on the internet for the entire race. Don't blame ANET though blame all of the arrogance our various governments and infrastructure leaders seem to live by. The whole damn planet could be connected faster by far than it is but we as tiny folks don't get much say in it.


    Try a VPN through Singapore.

  9. > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > Ever since the most recent update, I've had this weird issue where sometimes when I log in the FPS will be so low that the game is unplayable. The only way to make the game run smoothly is to close out of it and restart it, sometimes requiring multiple tries before it runs normally. Anyone know if there is a way to fix this?


    More info please.


    Your hardware info please.


    What is your latency each time you log in and out? Has your ISP been having recent issues? What sort of connection do you have? Cable, DSL, Fiber? Are you on wire or wireless?


    Have you changed anything or updated any drivers? What OS do you use?

  10. > @"nukem.1458" said:

    > I will have to disagree with Anet and the players who say no. Cryptic and Star Trek Online has all content from day 1 still up and running. New content is always coming out but they never take it away. And it is always free. Something Anet should learn. Since Anet made the mistake with part 1. They have a responsibility to bring it back. It is part of the story and should never had be removed. They can put a small amount of time to it and bring an episode back but it does not need to be fast. Players understand and if it takes 3 to 6 months per episode so be it.


    Do you actually this they have a duty to do this?


    I would totally play it again if they ever did but there is no expectation it will ever happen. Based on their actions to date the chances of this are very low. Going over and over again on this isn't going to change that.


    They are not cryptic and should not have to be. It really is not up to us no matter how many times it is polled or how many tears are shed. Maybe the will do it who can say but saying they should over and over changes nothing. The have no responsibility at all to even keep the game going and could close the doors tomorrow and it really is not up to us. There is no legal issue here which would denote responsibility, other than that they have agreed to nothing.


    Nothing was removed they just don't currently have a way for this to be replayed as it was LIVE content that happened as it occurred not on a re-playable slide show. The overview you can now watch is most likely all we are ever going to get.


    I guess you can keep checking your stocking though and it might come to pass one day. As a person who does not liked being demanded of though at work I can say if they see these threads it is probably a big turn off to them to really want to look into it very deeply. You have frankly no idea the time nor do I it would take so stop making assumptions.

  11. > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

    > > > @"caias.5346" said:

    > > > > @"Lexan.5930" said:

    > > > > With the changes to abrasive grit and other changes to necro over the existance of GW2, it seems clear what I must do.

    > > > >

    > > > > Going to swap my main to a ranger. They do everything better than necro

    > > > > better healing

    > > > > better power damage

    > > > > better condi damage

    > > > > more mobility

    > > > > better buffing (thanks to abrasive grit change) but then again they have always been better with warhorn anyway and pet

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Why not just leave the game, these devs are so incompetent this will happen again and again. Stop rewarding their behavior by patronizing their game.

    > >

    > > Because if there's 1 thing necro mains are good at, its clinging to the vain hope that the class won't be such a hot mess one day


    > this hurts. its so true


    Not sure who you are referring to since that is pretty much the state it has been in since day one and I don't see many folks actually doing that.


    There are many reasons to just play what you feel like we don't need to debate peoples subjective desires and loves, just accept that other people don't want to change for the same reasons the OP posted.


    I have no such dreams or hopes nor do I care. It is just a game. Not one I control. I do however control my joy or sadness surrounding it or any other actions I take. I will be playing necro one way or the other good or bad. I do actually have a ranger to I just don't enjoy playing it that much :)

  12. > @"rosasor.4892" said:

    > look at this graveyard :p

    > I stopped playing GW2 (ages ago) because I fully switched to Linux(and didn't care for playing it on wine at the time). but i am going to give Lutrix(which uses wine :p) a shot and see if its playable who know :p.

    > lots of games coming are to Linux nowadays... but GW2 is to old to be building a Linux port :open_mouth: .

    > With Windows 10 out lots of people want to leave windows now.

    > My whole family is using Linux now even family that is not living in my house.

    > Its a fun thing to see :)

    > Being able to go out and buy computers from Dell that have Linux pre-installed is awesome.


    > Quick Edit: The GW2 installer seems to work fine so far :P


    You should have searched before reviving this dead thread.


    check this thread for more current info and good ideas to get it to run well. There are two different methods described here I have and use both and both are viable in a better way than they were in the past. The package works just fine that ArmoredVehicle has posted for download and yes it is safe. I would post in that thread as well from now on about linux issues as it is actively being looked at by a number of people using this in Linux. I am no guru by any means but often check it as well. Gallium method works pretty well for me right now as well and while I get slightly lower FPS I get almost flawless movement and no stutter at all.




  13. > @"Lexan.5930" said:

    > With the changes to abrasive grit and other changes to necro over the existance of GW2, it seems clear what I must do.


    > Going to swap my main to a ranger. They do everything better than necro

    > better healing

    > better power damage

    > better condi damage

    > more mobility

    > better buffing (thanks to abrasive grit change) but then again they have always been better with warhorn anyway and pet




    You can keep it. Most of us if we wanted to main ranger already would be if not already.


    I don't need better always ever. Sometimes it isn't as important to be the best but to enjoy what you have.


    Not everyone is trying to min/max themselves into oblivion.


    If you must do it go do it but could you leave it to that?

  14. > @"qwerty.8943" said:

    > I wish I could post this anonymously....


    > I write this as a semi-casual, semi-serious player. I've played GW2 off-and-on since launch. I've also raided regularly, in other games, at "competent" levels, but never at top-tier / world-first / competitive levels....In those times, I loved raiding....I loved figuring out that last 1% of mechanics, or positioning. or build....that let us finally beat that "impossible" boss.....and I never gave 2 kitten about the gear! Gear was only a means to an end....to allow us to kill that boss, and have more fun.


    > But in GW2....I see such a huge rift between raiders and not-raiders.....a rift that grows with every update, every raid...


    > Even in my own guilds, when recruiting for their raid team(s)....they are only interested in "experienced" raiders. I understand their view...they did their time in PUG raids back in 2016 and 2017, learning mechanics and classes and how to build a raid team. They don't want to waste infinitely - 1 sec training others! But at the same time, when I look in LFG, every raid wants me to ping a trophy count...to prove to them that I have tons of kill experience, in every raid.. Or they want to sell me boss kills.....something I'd never, ever, consider paying for!


    > So what is a 'semi-casual', "competent-but-not-uber DPS", though "wants-to-learn" supposed to do?












    What reason do you desire being anonymous here? If you cannot stand behind the comments you make one would question if you should be making them.

  15. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > @ArenaNet Boy, you guys sure are proud of your Unbreakable Gathering tools...you're trying to charge twice what they're worth!! I see that there's a slot in these tools for special Glyphs to improve their performance...the problem is they aren't available anywhere in the game, at least not in the game that I'm playing. Drop the price to half and I'll buy them...otherwise I'll just continue using the in-game versions.


    Worth here is subjective. Obviously based on your statement they are not "worth" it to you.


    Your arrogance is getting in the way though of actual fact here.


    the fact is you don't set prices or dictate what is fair to others.


    Your recourse is not to buy them and you have indicated that you are not going to. So there is no problem here that needs solving.


    Money must be made to keep this game running. You can choose to support the game either through gold earning and conversion which in the long run costs you time only or pay money.


    Do you have any actual reasons other than what you have listed that might be valid business case reasons they should lower the price?


    These items are perks not necessary to actually play the game. You have a course of action and I suggest you take the option you already indicated.

  16. > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > Not attempting to be flippant or silly or mean. I respect the OPs position and opinion. To me, this is always the answer, and I can't say it any better. Plus I enjoy remembering Robin from time to time. :3




    > "I'm exercising the right not to walk."

    > "Thank you Mr. Dalton. You just illustrated the point."


    Most people here probably won't understand but I do. Your differences enrich this game and this life. Your unique path and how you choose to walk it enrich my life. This game can be viewed in so many different ways if people would just open their eyes and let their feet fall where they may and stop feeling like they should spend that energy seeking to control the foot fall of others.


    We can all find value in the differences both in this game and in life. These multitude of views only can make us strong if we are together in agreement of the value of our different views and this poster sees that worth, and I feel wealthier for having seen it.

  17. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > > Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you main each just one day a month?

    > > >

    > > > Oh, no. I'll play at least 5 a day, maybe 10. Weekends even more.

    > > >

    > > > But, I usually have a target. Like, I have 10 level 80s at the 10 sunken chest locations to harvest them on their turn. But, I also take them for a spin around the zone each time I go in, and do a few hearts and events along the way. So, I get on one of those 10 every day.

    > > >

    > > > Then, I have guys scattered all over the maps to do dailies.

    > >

    > > I would not personally call parked toons as "main" but the real issue I have is that I have...

    > >

    > > to little free time for this and wish I had more :)


    > I call them mains if they're not mules. And, I'm active on all of them at least a time or two a month each. But, I will say that I'm not ready to buy any more character slots just now. :)


    You are privileged to have this much free time as an adult, it is nice to see people enjoy what they are doing and have time to do it over working their lives away.


    Maybe you are retired. I hope to one day have enough time to run a few alts more often than I can now. Probably won't happen :)



    Then again if you are just rich with family money and hang out doing nothing but gaming my opinion above would not apply.

  18. > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > > > `[3404:3455:1015/132325.720559:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > > [23392:23455:1015/133538.762692:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > > `

    > > > I got a weird error any idea what this means?

    > >

    > > Under what conditions are you getting this error? Trying to launch or taking an action in game like trying to open the Trading post of BL Store?

    > >

    > > as VAN said the only thing that really seems to error in this way that people talk about is chrome/chromium?

    > >

    > > You might try to reinstall your video drivers depending on what you are using and maybe a clean download of the package here if you are using it. If that doesn't work then maybe try a full wine reinstall?

    > >

    > > Do you use chrome/chromium? If so does that error like this if you launch from CLI?


    > Yea I launched chrome from a terminal and got the same error. So I need to restall drivers then?


    I would try uninstalling chrome first and then launch GW2 and see if you still get those errors.


    Could be a driver issue but I would try the most simple thing first.

  19. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.

    > > >

    > > > Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.

    > >

    > > Do you main each just one day a month?


    > Oh, no. I'll play at least 5 a day, maybe 10. Weekends even more.


    > But, I usually have a target. Like, I have 10 level 80s at the 10 sunken chest locations to harvest them on their turn. But, I also take them for a spin around the zone each time I go in, and do a few hearts and events along the way. So, I get on one of those 10 every day.


    > Then, I have guys scattered all over the maps to do dailies.


    I would not personally call parked toons as "main" but the real issue I have is that I have...


    to little free time for this and wish I had more :)

  20. > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > `[3404:3455:1015/132325.720559:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > [23392:23455:1015/133538.762692:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > `

    > I got a weird error any idea what this means?


    Under what conditions are you getting this error? Trying to launch or taking an action in game like trying to open the Trading post of BL Store?


    as VAN said the only thing that really seems to error in this way that people talk about is chrome/chromium?


    You might try to reinstall your video drivers depending on what you are using and maybe a clean download of the package here if you are using it. If that doesn't work then maybe try a full wine reinstall?


    Do you use chrome/chromium? If so does that error like this if you launch from CLI?

  21. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.


    > Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.


    Do you main each just one day a month?

  22. > @"SunShamon.4320" said:

    > Thank you for your answers. Im only asking this because i understand that arenanet needs to keep making money. Im more than glad to support Arenanet

    > but i never ever spended any money on the store because it didnt seem like something fun to do and i belive that spending money can be fun sometimes especialy if you are invested in the game. The worst thing that can happen is a player is cornered to spend money just to get buyers remorse and never use money in game again. "sry about my english :bleep_bloop:"


    Nothing in there should be making you feel this way.


    In no way is anything in there needed. yes some of it is a nice perk but can easily play this game to its fullest with none of it.


    These items are luxury and priced accordingly.


    You own the "car" you don't need that 1000$ stereo in reality.

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