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Posts posted by jbrother.1340

  1. > @"Lorin.9564" said:

    > I looked at the website https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ with benchmarks for raids. To what extent does Anet consider such benchmarks regarding PVE content?


    Best guess?


    they never look at those and design the game based on a plan that they came up with only deviating from that out of pure need or total dissent of the player based.


    At least that is how it feels for the last few years.


    I questions why should they look at them?

  2. > @"Kapax.3801" said:

    > I recently returned to the game and I find this, 1200 gems to select a mount to taste, while a random mount costs 400 gems (but eventually you'll end up spending more gems)

    > Basically it has the price of 3 mounts (400x3 = 1200 = 15 $) 15 dollars for a skins seems excessive when the armor skins cost less than that (700 gems, less than 10 dollars).

    > A correct price for me would be between 700-800 gems (the cost of 2 mounts)

    > I never agreed with the Loot boxes, but I knew it was a way for them to also earn some money, but putting prices a bit inflated is not the answer either.

    > I would like that in the next set skins to mounts think a little better at this. And if it is possible to abandon the idea of Loot boxes.

    > After all, people who want to help in this game by buying gems end up discouraged when they do these things.

    > Do not misunderstand, Guild Wars 2 is a very good MMO, but sometimes certain attitudes of companies end up discouraging the people who support the game.


    > And what do other people think, do you agree with the cost of the Mounts Skins?


    It does not matter at all if people agree or disagree.


    what good do these polls do? Is anyone actually looking at the tiny cross section of players that vote? Does ANET even bother looking? I know if it was me and I saw "POLL" I would normally skip it as a moderator. Is that how they are treating these?

  3. > @"Ceit.7619" said:

    > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > >

    > > The problem why boon corruption is such a huge deal in PvP is because ArenaNet took Boon-Spam too far. If it would be like in any other MMORPG and you'd have to use your boons intelligently and actively (instead of just spamming boons and generating them passively), it wouldn't be a problem.

    > >

    > >


    > Considering this is a thread about the PvE balancing of Necromancer, I'd rather not tangent into the pvp talk. I was merely pointing out the reality of what is holding back Necromancer. It does technically have unique tools to the class, but those tools are just not desirable to pve. 8 out of 9 classes can bring some sort of use to raids. Necromancer is just poor at everything in pve because anet equipped it with a screwdriver while everyone else has a hammer.


    I really like your analogy but I think it is more like a shovel without a handle. You can kind of make it work but not as well as all the shovels with a handle... seems like a lot of people are on both sides of the topic and ANET has very little to say about it and the stuff they do doesn't seem to be a scoop of dirt in the right way. I think they are also using a handle-less shovel but more so in their "business and design" processes.


    Feel free to lambaste me I love it on this forum.

  4. > @"zenleto.6179" said:

    > > @"tanf.8917" said:

    > > > @"zenleto.6179" said:

    > > > I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.

    > > >

    > > > As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.

    > >

    > > wow 65, must be very fun switching between them! and yes, mine all got different names. i always had the idea of having no doubles but i feel limited because i have a lot of awesome ideas in my head. (for example asura mesmer - time traveler, charr mesmer - dream eater/breaker).


    > Then be unlimited! :) Let your awesome ideas run free and see where they take you. Just keep your imagination intact so you can see past the fact that eventually they’ll all be doing the same things story wise. There’s so much to do in the game now that you can have them do different things entirely if you wanted.


    > And yes, it’s fun switching between them all :)


    How many of those are at 80 and geared? I am curious where do you find the time?

  5. > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > Ah the good old get rich quick schemes. Your in friends were very disingenuous in not filling you in.

    > >

    > > Don't worry, I can help. Just send me the standard 5 gold fee and I'll be happy to help.


    > During the last winter event one my friends did the jumping piuzzle and got an item worth 600 gold which he immedtiely sold


    Don't count on this outcome.


    This is not the normal scenario for most players.


    You have to play and save play and get coincidence, or play with your wallet if you want gold truly fast.


    Ask yourself this. Is your time worth more or your money worth more to you?

  6. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > We aren't in agreement. You believe Anet is taking small steps to balance, which isn't unreasonable ... I just don't think it's a realistic goal given the amount of combinations of things we have. I don't think they are even attempting balance because it's not necessary in this game ... and for many other reasons.


    You literally did it again and did not really read what I wrote. I never said they are taking small moves I am saying they should. They certainly don't do that. They really really should. Smaller movers more often watching more closely.


    I am curious if you think it completely unnecessary to balance the game why bother even chatting about it?


    I agree it is not a realistic goal with the staff they currently possess but it could be a lot better. It is all just choices. We have them to. Just not much in the way the game is designed and that is fine, it isn't my job or my art.


    We actually are agreeing and you just cannot see through your need to be right that I actually am siding with you on most of what you are saying.


    I do disagree that they should should attempt it. They really really should attempt it and even if it fails keep trying. I would also suggest they test more...

  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > I don't understand this sudden increase of threads about Guild Wars 3


    The young and many others seem to have zero sense of patience anymore.


    People are chomping for the next best thing per normal in the greed that most of the other apes exhibit.


    My guess is there will possibly be a GW3 maybe 5 or 6 years from now but if it is not already in design and creation it would be a decade from now at the earliest unless they use this same old tired engine which at that point why bother?



    oh and people on this forum seem to love creating the same basic post over and over once they see one made. They are all the same and if the moderators were present more they could consolidated them faster... not really sure why 3-5 threads on the first page over a topic are needed but everyone wants to be special in a world where no one should be.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > > > I'm interested that people think that balancing has anything at all to do with benchmarks. The logic of this is mind boggling.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > It has. At least for pve. If you can't bring anything to the group. No buffs, no dmg, not the ability to be a real good tank on your own, you are useless to the group.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Benchmarks are a community way of saying that in perfect conditions this particular profession can achieve this much damage. It says nothing about stuff like survivability.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > The percentage of the game's population that use or know about those benchmarks is probably pretty small, as is the percentage of the game that raids. So if 15% of the game's population raid, and 12% of that population are necros, this affects a pretty small group of people by and large. The game isn't going to be balanced around that.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > As you point out. Open world players wouldn't mind, if necro is viable in raids and does therefore more DPS. They wouldn't even notice it, if necro did more dmg. But the players that do actually care are not allowed to raid, because of the majority of the people that don't even care?

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I know in other formats of the game, besides raiding, the necro seems to be fairly popular, so maybe the benchmark isn't the be all end all of balancing, and probably isn't much considered.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Devs are not standing in front of a practice dummy perfecting their rotations, and nor is probably 90% of the game's population. The balance isn't done for one specific demographic, no matter how loud that demographic is.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Sure wvw and PvP needs another balance than pve, that's why anet should skillsplit more than what they actually do.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Okay so let's flip this script, because you're not really getting what I'm saying.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Let's say that every profession did the same damage. Everyone has a benchmark that's identical. Then there is no trade off to taking the most survivable character and that character becomes the first choice of people who care about efficiency over say flavor. People take the necro now, often, because it's easy to play, survive, solo the open world and farm. The trade off is it doesn't kill as fast as other classes, but people are okay with that because they don't die. It's the trade off of the class.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Sure they wouldn't care if it's the most powerful but that doesn't mean the game as a whole wouldn't suffer. There are plenty of necros running around farming the open world now. Once you triple it, the game changes profoundly. People wouldn't want to play other professions. They'd complain I don't want to play a necro but it's better in every way. That's not the way the game works.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You're making the argument that PvE'ers wouldn't care if the necro did more damage and retained the same survivability. Raiders wouldn't care. Other -people would likely care. Anet would certainly care. Regardless of that I'd care. Every profession has to have basic strengths and weaknesses. The necro has a lot of strengths. It's weakness is killing stuff slower.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Do you really wanna argue about necro strength and weaknesses?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Pve-view:

    > > > > > > Cons:

    > > > > > > -Lacks DPS (for raids)

    > > > > > > -Only has sustain with minions (irrelevant for raids)

    > > > > > > -Can't get healed while in shroud (ds and rs)

    > > > > > > -No real mobility

    > > > > > > -No defense (other than a little bit of barrier and shroud which you also need to do dmg)

    > > > > > > -Weak to cc

    > > > > > > -scalings are bad(esp the ones that scale with healpower suck)

    > > > > > > -offers no boon support or unique buff (yes i don't count VP)

    > > > > > > -delay on class mechanic

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Pros:

    > > > > > > -Can corrupt boons (well other classes do that way better)

    > > > > > > -can give small barriers to allies (well 2k is just a joke)

    > > > > > > -the fastest rezzer in the game (well in good groups irrelevant because they shouldn't go down)

    > > > > > > -healthy amount of cc

    > > > > > > -can remove conditions from allies

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Let's go for PvP/wvw-view (mainly wvw)

    > > > > > > Pros:

    > > > > > > -good dmg dealer, not optimal but okay (high burst potential as reaper or as scourge)

    > > > > > > -barriers (even without healpower they stack good if you stack scourges

    > > > > > > - can remove conditions from allies

    > > > > > > - corrupts (main boon remove is still warrior)

    > > > > > > -healthpool

    > > > > > > -ae dmg

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Cons:

    > > > > > > -no mobility

    > > > > > > -No blocks

    > > > > > > -no evades other than the two dodges

    > > > > > > - no invincibility

    > > > > > > - -low amount of armor due to cloth armor

    > > > > > > - highly dependant on support from other in order to survive

    > > > > > > - can't get healed in shroud (rs/ds)

    > > > > > > - Long casttimes on most of the skills

    > > > > > > - weak to long range attacks

    > > > > > > - weak to cc

    > > > > > > - delay on class mechanic

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Do this list for other classes and you will see, that they have way less weaknesses than necro

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > In raids necro isn't much more tanky than all the other classes, due to a lot of mechanix that do %dmg or even oneshot.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You simply don't get it. Probably half the population of this game doesn't raid, or do dungeons or fractals or any group content at all, maybe a bit more maybe a bit less. They're not judging this based on your personal theory on what's important in a game. I'm in the open world all the time pretty much and I see necros pretty much everywhere. Are you telling that that necros aren't a thing in WvW, because I can assure you they are. They have a strong role in WvW, in fact. Are you saying you don't see necros in PvP, because I do.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not playing that kitten gamemode called spvp, that only kids play. But aside that.

    > > > > I never said necro is bad in wvw. Right now it does get outclassed by other classes, but it's not bad.

    > > > >

    > > > > But for pve i assume u don't get it not i.

    > > > > Even if it's only 5% of the people playing raids. Necro should be an option there.

    > > > > But guess what. It's not.

    > > > > So if you don't care and all the other people playing open world would also not care if necro would do like 3-5k more DPS on that golem.

    > > > > Most of those people wouldn't even notice that necro suddenly does more dmg with the optimum buffs.

    > > > > I'm speaking of a buff only for pve. You know, the thing they introduced called skill split.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The point is with all the supposed this class can't do anything, it's probably one of the most popular professions. It obviously has to have something, like you know, maybe a second health bar that you can run to to keep yourself alive? Or a bunch of minions to take some aggro off of you. All the things you list change nothing I've said. Not one single thing.

    > > > >

    > > > > Skill split again. And are you really arguing with that .

    > > > > Second health at is kitten argument, same as minions. Second health at yes, but necro has no other ways of dmg mitigation.

    > > > > And i really think they should patch out minions.

    > > > > The big reason: remove afk farm from necro

    > > > > Second reason: remove afk brain-dead Playstyle.

    > > > > I think it should make a video where i only summon minions to play through the story. I think that might work. And i can even go afk while playing.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Unless you think necros aren't over-represented in the population as a whole, I'm not sure what you're arguing. Not every profession is going to be great at everything and necros aren't great at raiding. But they are good for farming, solo, PvP and WvW. Dropping your marks on a bridge, or against a wall to get the guys behind the door and keep them away...it's a thing you know.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just like some months ago there was a cake diagram. That showed which professions are played the most. If i remember correctly guard was number 1 and ranger number 2

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your logical reasoning is belied by the number of necros in every single area of the game, except perhaps raids. Making them also more powerful isn't going to make the rest of the game better.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm not speaking about numbers in gamemodes. Or maybe yes i do.

    > > > > Zero necros in raids is kitten.

    > > > >

    > > > > But that's the whole point. Making them more powerful in pve only.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > Necros can raid. They simply aren't going to balance the entire class around benchmarks, period full stop and it's ridiculous to expect them too. Not unless they balance raid stuff separately from everything else in the game, which is unlikely to happen.

    > > >

    > > > I get it. You're a necro, you think you can't raid and the community backs you up on it, even though some necros do manage to raid. If you're looking for the most efficient run, and that's all you want, it's not acceptable to you. You guys don't exist in enough numbers, in my opinion, to make changed to balance based on your needs. It's just a business decision at the end of the day.

    > > >

    > >

    > > are you even trying to create a cogent argument and this is all you came up with? Or do you actually think this logic is logical? One could say exactly the same of any class and regardless of the mathematical reality if the community on whole will not take a certain class it sort of destroys your argument. this game is not just driven by stats and class it is largely driven by the attitudes of those playing.

    > >

    > > This is not a skill issue either it is an issue of Anet learning to appropriately balance the game they have created around their own motto's for said game.

    > >

    > > you are actually making an argument for ANET to do something about it here.


    > That's a complete valid argument ... especially considering he's making reasonable arguments against people making sensational statements. The fault in your statement is that you are assuming Anet is still 'learning to appropriately balance the game'. I guess it never occurred to you they aren't even trying to do that. It's beyond your consideration that the range in DPS benchmarks is reasonable to them and when it isn't, we know they do something about it. So ... in short, what we have isn't actually too far off from where Anet probably wants it.


    > Necros can and do raid, and any idea that there is a GAME limitation that prevents them from doing so is ridiculous. It's not a function of their DPS benchmark. It's a function of who people play with.


    Try again your are completely misreading what I am saying. You are actually in agreement with me and read this backwards... we actually both feel the same about this :)


    it is indeed a function of people, the issue on ANETS end is there inability to create a more stable balance in this game in general. Which so many years later should not be so problematic each time they issue a balance patch. Small moves.

  9. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > I'm interested that people think that balancing has anything at all to do with benchmarks. The logic of this is mind boggling.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It has. At least for pve. If you can't bring anything to the group. No buffs, no dmg, not the ability to be a real good tank on your own, you are useless to the group.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Benchmarks are a community way of saying that in perfect conditions this particular profession can achieve this much damage. It says nothing about stuff like survivability.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > The percentage of the game's population that use or know about those benchmarks is probably pretty small, as is the percentage of the game that raids. So if 15% of the game's population raid, and 12% of that population are necros, this affects a pretty small group of people by and large. The game isn't going to be balanced around that.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > As you point out. Open world players wouldn't mind, if necro is viable in raids and does therefore more DPS. They wouldn't even notice it, if necro did more dmg. But the players that do actually care are not allowed to raid, because of the majority of the people that don't even care?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I know in other formats of the game, besides raiding, the necro seems to be fairly popular, so maybe the benchmark isn't the be all end all of balancing, and probably isn't much considered.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Devs are not standing in front of a practice dummy perfecting their rotations, and nor is probably 90% of the game's population. The balance isn't done for one specific demographic, no matter how loud that demographic is.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Sure wvw and PvP needs another balance than pve, that's why anet should skillsplit more than what they actually do.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Okay so let's flip this script, because you're not really getting what I'm saying.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Let's say that every profession did the same damage. Everyone has a benchmark that's identical. Then there is no trade off to taking the most survivable character and that character becomes the first choice of people who care about efficiency over say flavor. People take the necro now, often, because it's easy to play, survive, solo the open world and farm. The trade off is it doesn't kill as fast as other classes, but people are okay with that because they don't die. It's the trade off of the class.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sure they wouldn't care if it's the most powerful but that doesn't mean the game as a whole wouldn't suffer. There are plenty of necros running around farming the open world now. Once you triple it, the game changes profoundly. People wouldn't want to play other professions. They'd complain I don't want to play a necro but it's better in every way. That's not the way the game works.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You're making the argument that PvE'ers wouldn't care if the necro did more damage and retained the same survivability. Raiders wouldn't care. Other -people would likely care. Anet would certainly care. Regardless of that I'd care. Every profession has to have basic strengths and weaknesses. The necro has a lot of strengths. It's weakness is killing stuff slower.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you really wanna argue about necro strength and weaknesses?

    > > > >

    > > > > Pve-view:

    > > > > Cons:

    > > > > -Lacks DPS (for raids)

    > > > > -Only has sustain with minions (irrelevant for raids)

    > > > > -Can't get healed while in shroud (ds and rs)

    > > > > -No real mobility

    > > > > -No defense (other than a little bit of barrier and shroud which you also need to do dmg)

    > > > > -Weak to cc

    > > > > -scalings are bad(esp the ones that scale with healpower suck)

    > > > > -offers no boon support or unique buff (yes i don't count VP)

    > > > > -delay on class mechanic

    > > > >

    > > > > Pros:

    > > > > -Can corrupt boons (well other classes do that way better)

    > > > > -can give small barriers to allies (well 2k is just a joke)

    > > > > -the fastest rezzer in the game (well in good groups irrelevant because they shouldn't go down)

    > > > > -healthy amount of cc

    > > > > -can remove conditions from allies

    > > > >

    > > > > Let's go for PvP/wvw-view (mainly wvw)

    > > > > Pros:

    > > > > -good dmg dealer, not optimal but okay (high burst potential as reaper or as scourge)

    > > > > -barriers (even without healpower they stack good if you stack scourges

    > > > > - can remove conditions from allies

    > > > > - corrupts (main boon remove is still warrior)

    > > > > -healthpool

    > > > > -ae dmg

    > > > >

    > > > > Cons:

    > > > > -no mobility

    > > > > -No blocks

    > > > > -no evades other than the two dodges

    > > > > - no invincibility

    > > > > - -low amount of armor due to cloth armor

    > > > > - highly dependant on support from other in order to survive

    > > > > - can't get healed in shroud (rs/ds)

    > > > > - Long casttimes on most of the skills

    > > > > - weak to long range attacks

    > > > > - weak to cc

    > > > > - delay on class mechanic

    > > > >

    > > > > Do this list for other classes and you will see, that they have way less weaknesses than necro

    > > > >

    > > > > In raids necro isn't much more tanky than all the other classes, due to a lot of mechanix that do %dmg or even oneshot.

    > > >

    > > > You simply don't get it. Probably half the population of this game doesn't raid, or do dungeons or fractals or any group content at all, maybe a bit more maybe a bit less. They're not judging this based on your personal theory on what's important in a game. I'm in the open world all the time pretty much and I see necros pretty much everywhere. Are you telling that that necros aren't a thing in WvW, because I can assure you they are. They have a strong role in WvW, in fact. Are you saying you don't see necros in PvP, because I do.

    > >

    > > Not playing that kitten gamemode called spvp, that only kids play. But aside that.

    > > I never said necro is bad in wvw. Right now it does get outclassed by other classes, but it's not bad.

    > >

    > > But for pve i assume u don't get it not i.

    > > Even if it's only 5% of the people playing raids. Necro should be an option there.

    > > But guess what. It's not.

    > > So if you don't care and all the other people playing open world would also not care if necro would do like 3-5k more DPS on that golem.

    > > Most of those people wouldn't even notice that necro suddenly does more dmg with the optimum buffs.

    > > I'm speaking of a buff only for pve. You know, the thing they introduced called skill split.

    > > >

    > > > The point is with all the supposed this class can't do anything, it's probably one of the most popular professions. It obviously has to have something, like you know, maybe a second health bar that you can run to to keep yourself alive? Or a bunch of minions to take some aggro off of you. All the things you list change nothing I've said. Not one single thing.

    > >

    > > Skill split again. And are you really arguing with that .

    > > Second health at is kitten argument, same as minions. Second health at yes, but necro has no other ways of dmg mitigation.

    > > And i really think they should patch out minions.

    > > The big reason: remove afk farm from necro

    > > Second reason: remove afk brain-dead Playstyle.

    > > I think it should make a video where i only summon minions to play through the story. I think that might work. And i can even go afk while playing.

    > >

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Unless you think necros aren't over-represented in the population as a whole, I'm not sure what you're arguing. Not every profession is going to be great at everything and necros aren't great at raiding. But they are good for farming, solo, PvP and WvW. Dropping your marks on a bridge, or against a wall to get the guys behind the door and keep them away...it's a thing you know.

    > >

    > > Just like some months ago there was a cake diagram. That showed which professions are played the most. If i remember correctly guard was number 1 and ranger number 2

    > > >

    > > > Your logical reasoning is belied by the number of necros in every single area of the game, except perhaps raids. Making them also more powerful isn't going to make the rest of the game better.

    > >

    > > I'm not speaking about numbers in gamemodes. Or maybe yes i do.

    > > Zero necros in raids is kitten.

    > >

    > > But that's the whole point. Making them more powerful in pve only.

    > >

    > >

    > Necros can raid. They simply aren't going to balance the entire class around benchmarks, period full stop and it's ridiculous to expect them too. Not unless they balance raid stuff separately from everything else in the game, which is unlikely to happen.


    > I get it. You're a necro, you think you can't raid and the community backs you up on it, even though some necros do manage to raid. If you're looking for the most efficient run, and that's all you want, it's not acceptable to you. You guys don't exist in enough numbers, in my opinion, to make changed to balance based on your needs. It's just a business decision at the end of the day.



    are you even trying to create a cogent argument and this is all you came up with? Or do you actually think this logic is logical? One could say exactly the same of any class and regardless of the mathematical reality if the community on whole will not take a certain class it sort of destroys your argument. this game is not just driven by stats and class it is largely driven by the attitudes of those playing.


    This is not a skill issue either it is an issue of Anet learning to appropriately balance the game they have created around their own motto's for said game.


    you are actually making an argument for ANET to do something about it here.

  10. > @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

    > I'll post it here because one of the Mods deleted my topic on Reddit without reason at all, but okay.


    > I have 250 Dragonite Ore x7 and 250 Pile of Bloodstone Dust x6 and it bothers me to have to store the objects in my bank. And that by the way, I only have one Bank Tab. I don't have gems to expand my bank (I'm saving my gold for the Griffon). I'm not complaining, but I really want to be able to sell those items.


    > I know about Princess and Mawdrey II, but honestly, all I want now is to sell those objects, not to exchange them for something else. Anet, can we please just sell those items to Merchants


    > Sorry for my English.


    are you planning on using it? make multiple sets of ascended later maybe?


    I have thousands of each and it doesn't bother me but I am using a toon to store it not my bank. If you think you might need it just make it into what is needed to use later and store that as well it will reduce your stash.

  11. > @"Vector.6731" said:

    > I know -- I know its been discussed before... but really ? This game needs it.. Peeps that do not want it -- don't wear it !!! Those that do like me and a thousand other peeps --- at least give us a CHOICE !!!


    what they need to do it fix issues and not add more needless features until those issues are fixed. By the way if they did add this they will simply sell it not make it available freely in game.


    Capes and cloaks are just your opinion and a desire you have but not needed.


    For me I would not use and I don't want to see them but that is just my OPINION.

  12. > @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

    > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > > @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

    > > > > So why is this thread allowed to continue? The very nature of it violates the "we do not intend to host comments that are disrespectful towards current or former employees" intent no?

    > > >

    > > > Three possible reasons:

    > > > 1) They think if they close this 3 more will pop up, which is highly likely as that's what happened when JP started this mess. Multiple threads appearing constantly.

    > > > 2) Those with the authority to close it are on vacation, which is quite possible we are mid summer after all, perfect time for a vacation

    > > > 3) They don't find the comments here disrespectful, after all some posters have been banned/reported for posts in this thread, so they might well look at this thread and take action when needed

    > >

    > > 4) If ANet were to close the discussion, the gaming "media" would jump all over it. Consider the impact of the headline: "ArenaNet shuts down forum discussion of Dev dismissal." Compare that to the fact that there is a lot of support for ANet in this thread, and they aren't reporting that at all.


    > If 71 pages is not enough, what is?


    this thread can be safely locked at this point. Nothing new is being presented and it is not really productive at this point. Yes this is my opinion but this is just going around in circles at this point.

  13. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > New update is out. See first post for Changelog and Download links, now with 100% more Mesa friendly :-)




    Thanks for doing the work on this.


    your self contained wine and launcher works much better on my laptop than PlayonLinux was. It ran fine but I get better performance without it no matter how I set it up.



    I was wondering about the version of wine you used and how I can go about changing and updating that to run with what you already have setup? I am not that savvy with scripting but pretty good at figuring things out overall. I have been looking at your configs for user and such and made some changes slightly. I would like to try your setup here with wine-staging 3.10. I am not sure it matters at all from what I think is 3.7 in your package but am always up to experiment.


    I am trying to learn more about wine in general as well.


    Thanks again.


    PS it also helped on my old desktop as well and can get the details twice as high with same FPS and some screens that never loaded right in guild hall now load right for me. :)

  14. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > So, for the first time in the 5+ years I've been playing GW2, I had someone attempt to take over my account. I received a two-factor authentication code on my cell phone when I hadn't requested one. I immediately changed my password.


    > This is just a friendly reminder to check your security settings and implement two-factor authentication if you haven't already done so. Additionally, it might be a good practice to change your password if you haven't done that in a while.


    There is validity in what you are saying however I wonder?


    did you stop to consider how they got your password in the first place.


    This is directed at anyone not you OP.


    Don't use the same password over and over.


    I agree that changing it is a good idea. I would change it several times per year at least 1 time per quarter if you feel unsafe. in the end though it is not about feeling you need to use all the means you have to protect yourself online not just your account for this game.


    2 factor auth is a good thing and should be used, but it can still be defeated. Granted it makes it a lot harder but social eng is the way these days.



    So delete your email and facebook accounts never use credit cards and make sure you get a good price on the bomb shelter because you need the extra money to buy another GW2 account when you get hacked :) (just kidding on all that but I am wearing a shirt that says "1984 George Orwell" on it. (That part I am not kidding about...))

  15. > @"silverfox.1056" said:

    > Guild Wars 2 Massive Update?

    > For some time now, I have been an on and off player, WVW, PVP and PVE lover since the day Guild Wars 2 was introduced. However, since the game has become more stable and the player base is more solid. I think it’s time for a large quality of life update for all the players to enjoy. Below are details in each broad category to better enhance the way the game operates. These are simply my opinion or my friends that play the games opinions and ideas.


    > WVW:

    > -Make an invite to duel option against enemy players in WVW and PVE.

    > -Create dynamic events that take place in WVW, for players who want to contribute to overall points by completing said events. That being said, the events should be hard.

    > -Have a statistic system in place to monitor classes that may be overpowered or overused. There is absolutely no reason for a zerg to be nothing but Firebrands or Scourges. After the statistics are clear and precise, nerf those certain classes slightly to be more in tune with other classes. I realize balance is a tricky beast, but sometimes when introducing new classes yall really go overboard.

    > -Take off the annoying exploit where you can’t rez in combat, more than half the time we aren’t even in combat and I still can’t rez.

    > -Introduce mounts into WVW, the movement speed of all characters is pretty unbalanced anyways. Obviously if you are brought into combat you can’t use your mount.

    > -Limit number of players who can have commander tabs on at one time.

    > -Introduce a commander rating system, no one wants to follow a bad commander.

    > -Introduce better rewards for being the number one world spot before reset.


    > Loot/Rewards:


    > -Increase rare drop rates.

    > -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content, not every player has the time or money to commit to create a legendary weapon. Also, map completion shouldn’t be mandatory to make one.

    > -Stop with the useless runes and gear that no one obviously wants. Unless I am getting exotics, don’t get me a bunch of useless stuff. Its not fun to zerg for hours or pve for hours only to get my inventory full every 10 mins with stuff I don’t need.

    > -Introduce New Elite sigils and Runes that would have higher stats then Superior. Quality of these items would be Ascended. The rune would have 7 to 8 stats depending completely on their bonuses, weapons would also play a part in completely all necessary stat placement to complete the rune.



    > Marketplace:

    > -I realize that the marketplace is mostly player controlled, but just like in real life there needs to be some king of regulation of that market. Especially, for some of those items that are going for over 2000 gold. Reduce the price by half of all items above 2000 gold.

    > -Considering legendary weapons are nothing more than cosmetic, offering no stat increase from ascended. Then they shouldn’t be worth more than 100 dollars in real life money.

    > -Make it possible to players to sell ascended items at weapons, not just crafting material.


    > PVE:

    > -Reduce the number of nonessential NPCs in the world. The amount of EXP you get from killing them are minuscule at best and aren’t efficient enough for farming. Furthermore, often times they are more annoying getting involved in fights or slowing you down while you travel.

    > -Introduce more diverse mounts.

    > -Add the ability to teleport to party member.

    > -Add Elite only areas on PVE map, a place where a party of 2 people or more are required to go to and fight Elite/Legendary bosses.

    > -Raise character level cap to 100 to help contribute to Elite status.

    > -Introduce the ability to start HoT or PoF story with one character and have the ability to continue that story at the same spot with a different character. Which only makes sense, considering you can replay story missions anyways.


    > PVP:

    > -Introduce more game modes into PVP; For example: a football orientated game mode.

    > -Have better PVP rewards and titles.

    > -Raise power level cap.

    > -Introduce the ability to acquire a legendary weapon by competing in the highest levels of PVP.



    > Class Rebalancing:

    > -Fix retaliation buff and make it work against conditions as well as direct damage.

    > -Increase base health stats for all characters. Getting “one-shotted” shouldn’t be a possibility.

    > -Fix the staff weapon on guardians and make it more viable than just being a buff stick.

    > -Increase scourge AOE cooldowns and reduce AOE sizes by 25%. Increase number of targets the AOE’s can hit to 10.

    > -Increase base movement speed by 25%. We shouldn’t wear stats we don’t want, just so we can move a little bit faster.

    > -Increase range of Mirage Elite teleport from 450 to 1000, decrease to charges to 2.

    > -Make Thief Deadeyes more viable in WVW, literally never see one.

    > -Fix Renegade Class, just never see any so I am assuming the class is awful and misplaced.


    > General:

    > -Have the option to auto ignore guild invites.

    > -Take responsibility and permanently ban spammers, not by their account but by their IP Address.

    > -Increase rare drop ration for the Mystic Forge and increase number of available recipes.

    > -Create a real/large casino in Lions Arch, with actual games and good prizes. The casino in PoF is utter garbage.

    > - Introduce AOE taunts into the game, there really is no place for tanks and they should be just as important a DPS class.

    > -Increase number of gems you receive for real currency.

    > -Introduce dueling into the game, as well as wagers for the outcome of the duel. Example: Gold, Items, Gear or Skins.



    Most of this would go really badly.


    I do agree with one thing. There should be 1-2 more PVP modes. "Football" should not be one of them. Although something with a symmetrical capture and return mechanism could be fun. Like the old "FACE" map in UT2k4 for capture flag. Having a map that incorporates mounts in a strategic fashion might work if done right. It would have to be carefully approached in the design though.


    The rest of this seems strongly motivated by your personal greed.

  16. > @"Majic.4801" said:

    > Let's not forget the Asura voice acting.


    > Genius!


    It is the best among all the voice over work. The actors they got for those ones just seem to do it slightly better. Not wildly better but enough I have 90% asura toons.

  17. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Drexl.7049" said:

    > > And now it's back. It feels like someone is having a laugh at my expense.


    > Vastly more likely there was some sort of mistake that got fixed, not least because that'd be a "marched out of the building" sort of offense. ANet operate on trust, basically, and if they mess around with accounts -- especially real money stuff on them -- it'd be ... well, like Facebook giving all your personal details to shady companies, except without the huge money and user base. This story would not end well...


    Things don't always go down like you are proposing here. Not every bad act is punished and corporations are becoming less and less accountable regardless of what it seems like in the media.


    Facebook did do what you suggest above... ANet is not some saint and while they may not be selling your info (may not be) don't just give them trust. Profit has a way of making people do some messed up stuff. I don't think they are doing anything here and the only thing they are really guilty of is to much arrogance in development of this game not some shady business practices like this.


    I agree he is probably paranoid and a change or glitch caused this.

  18. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > If you're gonna be a Hero, at least learn how to do something heroic without being told how to do it.


    > This is none of: helpful, appropriate, funny. Please, try and be more productive in your forum interactions. Nobody benefits from rudeness.



    You know I tend to agree however it is obvious that either the OP does not have the desire or the patience to simply practice. Regardless of what was said either they have the ability to practice and get better or they practice and don't get better in which case even attempting another class would be futile.


    I tend to believe that this OP will get better with practice if they simply play more with purpose and some back reading about the class and style before, then go practice starting in simple ways that do not crush their spirits.


    Go check out all the skills on a training dummy but seriously if you want something done right do it yourself don't expect others to do it and limit your need to have someone else teach you by teaching yourself to learn in new ways.


    Start a lvl 1 character and run the story from start to finish and see how you are doing at the end maybe?

  19. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > If you need ANET to constantly tell you why you should keep playing... nevermind.


    > They shoud because there isnt much in game.


    i will simply repeat what I said. if you cannot figure out what to do in game or have nothing left to do why would you keep playing? Even though your opinion might dictate to you that there is nothing to do, that is just subjective in your mind. Many others have no shortage of stuff to do including myself.


    Then again I have always lived by the theory that I will have to make my own fun :)


    Do what you will have fun or don't :)

  20. > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > @"Furesy.6935" said:

    > > > Hey there,

    > > >

    > > > Now these kind of topics come a long quite a bit I think and the obvious answer is "just re-install and see for yourself", but yea, I might just do that, but before I do!

    > > >

    > > > I play GW2 the same way I played GW1... I played GW1 for a long time, then left it for a few months/years just to come back and catch up with everything. It was good fun. I wanted to do the same with GW2 and I'm fine with buying the DLC's as I did with GW1 but....

    > > >

    > > > - Is Living World still a thing? And primarily the "if you didn't login during the time period it was active you now need to pay half your soul to play it" part?

    > > > - We can go to Elona now, true?

    > > > - Last thing I remember playing is the story mission where the Pale Tree was attacked by a Dragon, a lot more content now after that I guess? :D

    > > > - I was busy working on my first Legendary but kinda quit with that cause I got bored, is it easier / different now? (I still got some Gold I think)

    > > >

    > > > I don't mind paying for the DLC's but paying gems / money for mini stories etc is a massive no-go for me I guess.

    > > >

    > > > Cheers,

    > > >

    > > > P.S. to add, I currently live in a place where I have like 200kb/s download speed so hence this topic before I even attempt to download it... lol

    > >

    > > I wonder why no one else is asking this...

    > >

    > > What is your performance like with 200Kb download speeds? That is not fast and I am truly curious how well this runs for you with that low speed? Can you run high settings and go to larger events without massive lag?


    > I can kinda answer this, because in the past I did play GW2 with similar speeds. Performance is fine for the most part, but I did have issues at times when there were lots of players doing a big world event in a single area, or when there were particularly large zergs in WvW. It was usually hit or miss - sometimes I could do Tequatl with no issues (for example) and yet other times the latency would spike so high that it was basically unplayable. Graphical settings didn't appear to make any difference, it was more about the amount of players or the general integrity of my connection at the time.


    > But, that was quite some time ago, I am not sure if it would be any different now with two expacs launching.


    Well I get lag in larger groups on a 60Mb service. I cannot imagine it runs well at all in that setting with those speeds.


    Thanks for the response.




    to the OP;


    sounds like you don't want to spend anything and I totally understand but no one is making you and it is not required. I have a fully updated account and one vanilla account that I got cheap on some sale a long time back. I still play that one as well and it is fun. I just don't do the same things. I did buy some of LS2 as I missed it as I could not play during that time.


    the overall cost I have incurred in this game is so much cheaper than any other mmo I have played. far far less than15$ apx in most pay monthly games.

    I buy gems about once every 2 months for fun get some keys or a mini or something just for fun. I do it out of amusement not obligation. It is totally fun to play without that as well and nothing I have done required it. I would try this out again and see if you can find some gaming happiness.

  21. > @"Furesy.6935" said:

    > Hey there,


    > Now these kind of topics come a long quite a bit I think and the obvious answer is "just re-install and see for yourself", but yea, I might just do that, but before I do!


    > I play GW2 the same way I played GW1... I played GW1 for a long time, then left it for a few months/years just to come back and catch up with everything. It was good fun. I wanted to do the same with GW2 and I'm fine with buying the DLC's as I did with GW1 but....


    > - Is Living World still a thing? And primarily the "if you didn't login during the time period it was active you now need to pay half your soul to play it" part?

    > - We can go to Elona now, true?

    > - Last thing I remember playing is the story mission where the Pale Tree was attacked by a Dragon, a lot more content now after that I guess? :D

    > - I was busy working on my first Legendary but kinda quit with that cause I got bored, is it easier / different now? (I still got some Gold I think)


    > I don't mind paying for the DLC's but paying gems / money for mini stories etc is a massive no-go for me I guess.


    > Cheers,


    > P.S. to add, I currently live in a place where I have like 200kb/s download speed so hence this topic before I even attempt to download it... lol


    I wonder why no one else is asking this...


    What is your performance like with 200Kb download speeds? That is not fast and I am truly curious how well this runs for you with that low speed? Can you run high settings and go to larger events without massive lag?

  22. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > >

    > > I am working through this stuff and seeing if I get any better performance. I do for some reason get around 65fps on the character select screen now but I am not getting more than 20fps in game with medium-ish settings. Even "best performance" doesn't change it that much so far. I have not worked through everything here outside that I am currently using Playonlinux and not wine from cli.

    > >

    > > per your last point, How do I set the cpu in performance mode with this model laptop if you know. Is it a variable to set in OS? I am running Opensuse Tumbleweed by the way not sure if I said that someplace.

    > >

    > > Appreciate the advice so far. I am not even really sure what FPS I should expect from this setup but I thought better than 18-20 with i7700hq and the hybrid gpu. I might be wrong.


    > It seems to me that you're running the game off of the Intel GPU not the Nvidia one. If you have your drivers and software setup correctly, you need to run your game with "optirun" or "primusrun" to use the Nvidia GPU, for example: optirun ./play_GW2.sh


    I am not using a laptop with an Nvidia discrete GPU in it. I am using a laptop with the following it might not make a difference but I want to be accurate here:


    **radeon rx560 **


    for clarity sake as well I am using distro:

    Opensuse Tumbleweed with the most recent distribution updates.


    I have been looking into using the DRI_PRIME=1 setting that many forums talk about on the webz. I am using as I stated before playonlinux not running it straight with WINE From cli.


    I agree that it is most likely using intel gpu on the chip here and not the discrete rx560. I am trying to find a way to verify what starts when it runs.


    does anyone know the proper way to force the use of the discrete card using the standard amdgpu driver. I am NOT using the amdgpu-pro driver.



    I have adjusted some of the stuff that VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618 said in his post and the character screen is now double what it was in FPS at around 60-65 but still getting no real higher than 20-28ish in game no matter what I am doing unless I am looking at the sky. Maybe that is as good as I will get but I would love to figure out if the rx560 is the GPU in play here or if the issue is as you suggest it is using the intel gpu still.


    I am getting better perfomance with the phenom II 955 I have in the desktop I have here with a HD 7950 than I am with this setup up right now which seems wrong.


    thanks to everyone for the tips and advice so far, I feel like I am getting closer so it is helping.





    would the "cpupower frequency" command also be a valid way to change my CPU power scaling?

  23. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > ok, make sure you are using the amd graphics, not the intel one.

    > first make sure your environment includes this: R600_DEBUG='sbcl hyperz llvms sisched forcedma'

    > second, for decend radeon performance use this:

    > echo high > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level

    > (card1 if that is your amd gpu)

    > third, make sure your wine version includes d3d9 and staging.

    > fourth enable d3d9 in wineconfig

    > fifth run this command to start the game:

    > STAGING_SHARED_MEMORY=1 WINEDEBUG="-all" csmt_force=1 wine-any-2.21 Gw2-64.exe -maploadinfo -dx9single

    > replace wine-any-2.21 with the wine version you run.

    > it also helps to put the cpu in performance mode. Up to 20%fps increase can be found just there.


    I am working through this stuff and seeing if I get any better performance. I do for some reason get around 65fps on the character select screen now but I am not getting more than 20fps in game with medium-ish settings. Even "best performance" doesn't change it that much so far. I have not worked through everything here outside that I am currently using Playonlinux and not wine from cli.


    per your last point, How do I set the cpu in performance mode with this model laptop if you know. Is it a variable to set in OS? I am running Opensuse Tumbleweed by the way not sure if I said that someplace.


    Appreciate the advice so far. I am not even really sure what FPS I should expect from this setup but I thought better than 18-20 with i7700hq and the hybrid gpu. I might be wrong.

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