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Posts posted by Makuragee.3058

  1. After some look and testing, they didnt change the over shield trait (well trchnically yes, but gameplay wise no, not really) we still have the 20% cooldown reduction and the protection buff. Speed of synergy is welp, not that bad but I dont like it, I prefer the old one, but its not as bad, I guess,. Soothing detonation is pure buff for heal/suppprt scrapper, so thats that. The rest dont matter, youll hardly see a difference.

  2. > @"Donutdude.9582" said:

    > > @"Lumikki.1725" said:

    > > If GW2 developers want to balance someting in this game, they should play they own game with all different classes in many different samekind of situations. Not just look some statics as what players have done. Then think, players don't use that how we where design or use something too much or too little. Game developers need to understand more deeply why players do what they do. Only way to do it, is actually play the game.


    > Whilst you do have a point, they cannot be solely responsible for balance. Asking for input from your playerbase opens up the opportunity for a _lot_ more feedback than any in-house testing could possibly grant.


    > In my opinion, ArenaNet have always balance well. I have been affected by it since the early Guild Wars days and have always found it to be as fair as possible, though I am not ignorant to difficulties that come with balance.


    Go and main engineer, than tell how their balance is fair? Support scrapper and dps scrapper are getting slap, holosmith as been set back dps wise compare go other, now in term of good build we basically have proc holo for pvp and that more or less about it. And the worst is not even this, they dont just nerf they change fun trait with interaction, and gameplay change effect, for passiv boring one. Patch after patch the class is less and less fun to play.

  3. Now that they are nerfing over shield, even for support this line is useless? Ok ok lets be seriois why did they feel the need to nerf support build? I its because of pvp... no one care about pvp balance its already a wasteland of game mode and for wvw I doudbt this trait was overperforming. Want to nerf proc Holo, result buff proc holo and nerf the rest. And the scrapper new speed of synergy just sound bad, really really bad trait, wont be good for support and wont be good for dps, it will be a useless minor

  4. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > weaver is dead in guilds and almost unwanted in squads. Revs do the same amount of damage, while pushing boons like mad

    > Scrappers with their bombs also push out massive damage, while bringing stealth.


    > Balanced?

    > Scrapper is prefered over tempest by many, if not most because you have to be an excellent tempest to outcleanse a decent scrapper - and the scrapper brings stealth and and gyros.


    > Balanced?


    > Warrior: gunflame hits for 22k


    > Balanced?


    > Thief: Vault 11k per hit.


    > Balanced?


    > Thief: Attack from stealth and if you do not succeed, just retreat into stealth. No risk, massive reward.


    > Balanced?


    > Mirages can keep 3,4 people busy and just retreat whenever they want.


    > Balanced?


    > So ANET HATES eles, and loves engi, warrior, guard, mesmer and thieves.


    > Balanced?


    > This patch is another bad joke. I request ANET FINALLY adressing the real problem classes once and for all.


    > Which means: either reduce rev damage a lot, or their boon output. Reduce damage out of stealth. Make fleeing into stealth not a thing (by, for example, reducing speed by 80% and make the thief/mesmer unable to port with shadowstep etc). Hit scrapper with two nerf hammers.


    As an engi main I would not say they love us, they just forgot we exist and some time to time they throw a random thing in our stuff just to say hi! This patch hurt more than it buff trust me, nobody is playing with pistol or flamethrower XD

  5. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > I mean sry but buffing anything that can be used by Holos is just plain stupid atm. Same for Necro but ty for the free no brain needed Top 10 title next season i guess. The teleport changes for Rev are just stupid, make them useless pretty much, and why Thief teleports are not ruined too? Inconsistent nonsense once again. And the Rev teleports where not the issue. Condirev doesn't even use most of them. Another bad change makes another class unnecessary clunky and destroys gameplay flow (ignore my writing about Rev teleports when i misunderstood them and it is only a quality of life change and they will still work through walls).


    > What is needed instead, are insane sustain reductions on Condirev, Necros and even Eles and maybe some others (DH bunker). Some dmg reduction on grenates and a look at explosive traitline for Holo, sure no defensive buffs for Engi (shield is good enough already). Dmg reduction on Lich. Nothing else. Except for Mesmer elites nothing needs buffs at this point, not even Warrior. A nerf to the broken stuff like Condirev would have been enough to bring him back.


    > Grats to Chrono players, at least they aditted this nonsense and changed it. Hf Mirage players to fight vs stronger classes with more sustain and more dmg with still only one dodge.


    Its not a shield buff, but a nerf to be honest, over shiled look way more bad than it is. Lets be honest it will in principale hurt support engineer more than Holo :pensive:

  6. > @"BoostedFC.6812" said:

    > I dont really see the point of this change. Speed of Synergy: This trait has been reworked. It will now grant superspeed for 5 seconds to allies in a radius of 240 around the engineer when using a healing skill. Using a healing tool-belt skill grants the engineer 7 seconds of superspeed.


    Its a huge nerf to power scrapper, now it will be way harder to maintain a reasonable superspeed uptime those loosing 5% damage...

  7. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > My experience (WvW and all forms of PvE) least seen classes have been Mesmer in WvW and (unlike others I have seen and fought tons of warriors) and in PvE (instanced fractals) believe it or not it's been guardians. In open world/dungeons it's been thief.


    Lol guardians, I see generally between 1 and 3 guardians by run :/

  8. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > Thinking of the Golemancers of our time Zojja and Taimi, we could follow those examples and control our own golem(suit). Combat with two phases.

    > Phase 1: Golem is standing next to us, Utilities, Heal and Elite Skills come from the golem to either aid us or harm the enemy.

    > Phase 2: We enter the golem, Utilities, Heal and Elite Skills change/have slightly different effects. Similar mechanic as Beastmaster.


    > For the AI, we could use turret mechanics. The golem just stands near us, walks with us and shoots/launches its abilities on us/our opponents within a certain range. As with Scruffy and Mr. Sparkles, the golem would move slower than the player, so you either have to buff it up or mount up. Using the Elite Specialization could come with the trade-off of sacrificing our precious mobility for ... whatever they come up with.


    > Not a huge fan of Minion-Master or yet a 2nd Photon Forge. Beastmaster fusion mechanic might be better.


    I like your idea, we could have glyph utility skill it fit with the flip skill idea.

  9. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > I think it should be a racial mastery to get people to play other races, not an engineer Elite!


    > Additionally, I'd like to see mace as a baseline core power melee weapon, because CORE ENGINEER DOESNT HAVE A MELEE WEAPON AT ALL, OR A MH POWER WEAPON!!!


    Or a offhand power weapons, shield with due respect is kind of one isssssh (more utility than dps to be honest). But yeah core should have main hand and offhand mace.


    Edit: Also Holo should had offhand sword with the main hand one.

  10. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > > > I dont know about other class but in pve and wvw engineer feal weak

    > > >

    > > > Why would you vote on a thread like this if you dont have any other experience with other classes? lmao

    > >

    > > Because I can :smiley:


    > Funny since Scrapper is Meta in WvW


    After sometime in WvW yeah I must say you right scrapper aint bad at all, in this game mode.

  11. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > Dominion engineer's turrets are immune to conditions and critical strikes (that sounds oddly familiar...), their mines are launching enemies instead of just knocking them back.


    > It's time to collect some of the scrap from the battlefield and finding out why their devices are so efficient.


    They also have gatling turret wich hurt, not like our potato launcher we call a "rifle turret"

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