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Posts posted by Makuragee.3058

  1. As a engineer main and a wvw support those scrapper change look bad. The smoke field on f4 is a great tool in melee fight to reduce enemy zerk heal or to cleave body. And dont reduce the condi of pirge gyro its gonna make this skill so bad l, yes there is a problem and purge gyro is not, the problem is the antitoxin rune jjst had an icd. This rune is not baseline on the scrapper XD some dont use it and nerfing the skill instead of the rune would make the rune nearly a must. Overrall for the engineer its does not feel great, for me its a miss

  2. I've watch the event of the 30 august, and I must say, you look overwhelm... Dear developer, we love your work, we are behind you, we encourage you with fan creation, with our money, with our time. I know we, some time, sound rude, but its because we care for guild wars, we care for the univers you're building, we care for you! This game is as important for us that it is important for you. It's been 6 years since I step up in this adventure with you, I know game developing is hard, but you dont have to take it all on your shoulder, we're not your enemy, we're your friend, your supporter! Talk to us! Be honest with us! The community is ready to share their idea, just listen a bit to us. We do have some bad idea sometime XD , but other time, we have some great idea! We dont want to give up on this game, we love it!, As much if not more than you do! I know, or I least I'm pretty sure that the 30 august was not the best day for you, we've seen it in your face, be honest with us, listen to us... work with us. Again, we, your community, is not your enemy, but your friend, your follower, your supporter. The futur may seem rough and dark, but if we work TOGETHER, we can make this game the greatest mmorpg! But you need to talk to us, to listen to us.


    I truly love this univers and I dont want to fail to save it from the greatest elder dragon it have ever face... your silence and your voiceless...

    And dont forget, we're still with you after all those years...


    From a huge fan...

  3. > @"Warrior Xsr.1672" said:

    > Also Anet. I don't Pvp. And it seems all these changes are due to "Pvp problems". Not necessarily WvW and Pve. Why make us suffer in other game modes? You can not make Engineer with 1 balance for all game modes. I guess that's your ultimate goal. It doesn't work! It pooches the innocent , non hard ball, fun loving players. (Fyi Now that I'm dying a poop ton more in my game. It's not the fun game I was playing a few weeks ago. ) Fix it and quit messing up our game! You give so much love to other professions. Stop circumventing us and nerfing anything that might be good or decent for us. Engineer deserves the same attention and time as Necros, Guards , and Warriors get. It's only the right and fair thing to do. Reaper and Scourge have a lot more of your time and development. It's blatantly obvious. Almost cruel. :/ Thanks for listening. ( If u are)


    You know they arent listening XD

  4. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > It's really hard to say until we see what they do with LW5. I have always had a slight bias for expansions over the LW because they tend to accomplish a lot more, but that could change with the announcement they made a few months back about giving teams more control.


    > My main issue is that they're focusing too much on the LW at the expense of everything else. At this point we need a renewed focus on new and revamped features/systems instead of story content. Not to say we should get none of the latter, but it really should take a back seat for a while. Maybe work on bringing back LW1 or adding new dungeon/raid content at a faster rate.


    Everything but raid please.

  5. Yeah in another 6 months... if we re lucky... firebrand and scourge have been toxic in wvw since PoF... mirage... well fuck mirage in pvp.... What a suprise no huge shack up there since what a years or 2... but scrapper oooooh cant let this be leggit at best, oir golden child cant 1 shot/burst the scrapper well remove every substain and also remove 4k HP that should do it. As engi weve learn a leason domt you there resist anet golden childs...

  6. Must say I was defending this game hard! Limit of in territory of blind fanboy. But the last balance patch... they buff giardian and destroy healer/support scrapper... give portal to thief... sidnt nerf mirage from what I remember... but really the scrapper bullshit and no expansion on the horizon... after 5 years Im starting to give up Ive stick with the alright at best season 4 just in the hope of an expansion... now I have to endure another season (expectation are lot)... after 5 years its my first time feeling to give up on anet will stick till start of season 5 to see there "expension like feature" but my hope are lot.... and before you ask no you cant have my stuff everything is account bound anyway nowday...

  7. First sorry for my bad english. Ok well I play this game for more than 5 years I main engi since the start. Welp today the balance patch was terrible... terrible my healer scrapper is nerf into oblivion, the trait rework are soooo bad it feel so weird how? Did they even play once a scrapper the new traut are just so underwhelming, all our "tool" are worst version of other class "core" skill scrapper is just dead to me (looking at you -300 vit and removal of rapid regen holy potato wtf) and Holo... welp at least its still fun to play... for now... but the damage is sub part and the toolbelt lock on cooldown is kind of overkill. Is it me or arenanet his doing awfull job at balancing in wich world did they need to destroy scrapper (its was a bit op right, nerf it not remove every single nice trait for garbage one) and why just did they buff guardian fucking guradian wtf... I give up on anet. Ill comme back in a month or 2 to look if they fix a little the pooor pitifull stade of engi its not even fun. Sorry I needed to rant a bit...

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