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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > ##Necro


    > ... All of necro weapons are good. This is, perhaps, the one class with the most build diversity. You can practically randomize your build and still perform to some degree. More classes should be like this.


    As a necro main i would say i dont agree

    Staff is in dire need of a baseline update. I shouldnt need soul marks to get lifeforce out of using the marks.

    I like the staffs kit but i hate being hard gated into needing to use soul marks with it.

    Dagger main and off hand are kind of lack luster.

    Bring back the old warhorn 5 i hate the new one its basically uses-less in pvp The duration is too short to be effective for anything especially when you have to stand close to your targets to get the effect.

    GS is also pretty horrible the 5 skill is now to slow for the big visual till it has and the fact that it deals no damage. You won land it really without someone being on the tip of its ranger or being combo with spectral ring.

    GS has roughly other skills are very lack luster but i suppose the 3 skill is decent the 4 skill is like only super effective for the first initial hit imo grave digger is well.... i wont even go into that.


    In terms of build diversity its up there for sure but somethings still need to be addressed.

    Most necros are still hard locking to blood magic even after anet shadow gutted the well trait for something entirely useless in pvp.

    Soul reaping is usually still a must for most people too due to all the life force generation nerfs that were handed out this year.

    I mainly only see 2 necro builds out there core condi and spectral blood reaper. Very rarely you see a scourge but you have to wonder if its just a meme or not.





  2. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > In order to actually apply any meaningful damage, a DH's target has to stand still for at least 3 seconds.


    > Therefore, there are only 2 circumstances under which a burn-DH can actually get a kill:


    > 1) Enemy is brain-dead and stands still in middle of traps, symbols, SoJ

    > 2) Enemy is trapped in Dragon's Maw


    > Assuming you aren't brain-dead, kill-condition 1) is not viable.


    > Therefore the ONLY kill-condition for a burn-DH is 2), i.e., Dragon's Maw.


    > If you save a durational block, a durational evade, an invuln or a teleport for Dragon's Maw, the DH simply cannot kill you.


    > The current "fashion" for burn-DH's comes down to this very basic lack of knowledge from those playing against it.


    > Nevermind the fact that the current build runs 0 stunbreak, 0 stability, 0 insta-cast saves, which means it can be chain-CC'd from 100 to 0 with absolutely no way of doing anything about it, and has only 1 cleanse on 25s CD which is easily interrupted.


    > As soon as people start learning how to counter this, it'll disappear as quickly as it appeared.


    I would agree but thats not really a thing anymore.

    The only way you really hard counter it is by having AI's that can tank the traps for you in many cases its less about the traps and more about the stealth/ superspeed on multiple buttons anyways.

    Those runs grant a unhealthy level of sustain to any build that can use them simply due to the fact that they can vanish better than a core thief can with a better movement bonus. Ideally you could force a reveal by stepping into the trap on purpose but when ever is that a good idea.

    Keep in mind not all classes have the tools you listed. (invulns)

    Evades do not get you out of dragon maw if you dodge into a horrible position.

    Teleports dont always promise your safety either if you get chained by spear of justice while the DH is invis which gives it no tell.


    Ideally the runes are unhealthy

    Reworking it to be on heal or on elite skill only (perform x action) would be much more balanced at least that would make it fair to all professions and not exclusive to DH and Ranger which is another issue i have with it currently.



  3. > @"snoow.1694" said:

    > It’s not like them destroying every viable Guardian build has forced Guard mains to play meme builds.


    > Here a tip, don‘t stay on point against Guards and it is a gg for you. This mentality is what cost us our symbols and every form of power damage we had


    its not but i have no issue abusing it till its removed or reworked considering how much i see it when im not fooling around on DH

  4. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > > > > Immobilize + Cover condis is the single most infuriating thing in this game (to me). If I see a ranger on the enemy team, I will swap to escape runes 100% of the time so I don't get cheesed by Entangle from stealth or an immobilize from the pet.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Entangling Roots are also buggy and some weapons flat out cannot hit them. Condi necro gets destroyed by roots because staff can't hit them (autos miss. marks dont trigger), and scepter takes ages to kill them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I wouldn't mind immobilize so much if skills that utilized it had better telegraphs, but instead it tends to either proc from traits, or it gets slapped on skills with tells far too light for how powerful the condition is.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Are we talking about the same condi core fear cancer spam that can send condis back?

    > > > >

    > > > > this is the worst. im a main necro my self.. and im saying condi necro and its fear must be nerfed !

    > > > > omg.. this endless fear .. and the fear does sooooo much damage !

    > > >

    > > > The fear chain is certainly in the same ballpark of annoyance of immobilize chain

    > >

    > > and the fear does damage like burning with that stupid trait hahah..

    > Enlighten me!


    > We are talking about the 500 dps, the terror trait does while the target is feared? This means 2k damage in 20 seconds, right? You say that is broken for a master trait, right?


    > Is this some kind of "I don't know kitten about what kills me, but blame whatever" here?




    A few questions for everyone

    how many traits do you need to make fear do 2k damage (the answer is 2 from 2 different lines)

    how many traits do you need to make entangle do good damage (a single 1 that says bleeding is more dangerous +33% damage)


    For fear to do roughly 1k per second (you might even need a few might stacks) you need fairly high condition damage something between 900-1300 if im not mistaken

    The thing is most fears only last 1s at their base duration. The only long fear is the core shroud fear and that one now has a cast time meaning its strong but you can react to it and it cant come out while cc'ed.


    It takes 1 trait to make the fears do damage (in curses)

    IT takes a 2nd trait to extend fear duration by 50% turning 1s fears into 1.5s fears and the core shroud 2s fear into a 3s fear. (this trait has already been nerfed from100% duration down to 50% duration this year and had its life force gain nerfed from 15% to 7%)


    The only reason cmc is ok with fear doing damage is because it effectively takes a commitment to 2 whole traitlines to make it work.

    Thats a lot of investment for damage on fairly high cooldown skills. Just about any condi necro biuld has 3 fears at most in its kit so you are looking between 3k for the base shroud fear, 2k for the staff 5, and another 2k to 2.2k for spectral ring assuming you only hit the ring once and assuming all these fears run the full duration without being broken. Thats about 7 to 7.5 k damage over 7 to 7.5 seconds in which you had to break stun or condi clear. In comparison it wont take condi thieff or burn guardian or even a condi weaver to erase that much of your hp with their burst setups right... so really i fail to understand how people cry over fear. In truth if you ate that many full duration fears you probably did something wrong.

    Just saying ?

  5. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > -snip-


    > As I have stated before : **if you lose to average ele while using a necro class you're accustomed to.......you may want to spend less time try to preach others** , there is a very good reason why we don't see LR ele played at the any point of the game where and when it counts , the spec is 90% melee based and lacks decent condi removal for the positioning required hence **massive outplay of the enemy** becomes a necessity and here we see the huge disparity in skill requirements to play an ele compared to...a necro.


    and i stated before stop trying to use other players as and excuse to sound like you are better than other people. If you are ok good great carry on.

    Just deal with the fact that your counter is necro and always has been probably always will be.

    Or if you really want to not have to deal with necros play holo or thief, or guardian, or renegade. You have plenty of options that actually perform well over necro. The idea of saying something should be nerfed because its harder to play is not valid. By that logic scourge would be stronger than what it is right now and you certainly would take issue with that so **stop it.**


    > The average necro should be able to lay down few chill/fear marks underneath (unblockable marks btw) and just wait for the ele to forces his way at melee range; between **ghastly claws** and that staff, the necro has got all the tools **to play the long game** while ele hasn't got that luxury. Now the ele will have to be 4-5x better in order to have a chance...all the while he runs the risk of being +1 from all directions and just when the class lacks the tools to run away efficiently **at the highest levels**



    Unblockable marks means nothing to to the majority of classes and builds in the game only the most useful against warriors, guardians, and some times revs.

    Everything else really lacks effective blocks or blocks entirely for that reasoning to matter.

    Yes we have a good axe weapon but our melee weapons (outside of shroud) suck

    Dagger is pretty trash and GS is slow generally mad unreliable (outside of a few setups) since they (fixed) gs5.


    Eele has better options for cc, invunerablity, better mobility skills, vigor access, a wider boon pool, and evade, and much faster dps ramp speed options that necro does not get in any of its elite specs so you can shut that argument down here and now. If you dont think ele has the above things then you are doing it wrong sorry to tell you. End of story.


    > There is no comparison between a necro and ele in terms of commitment required, the first will require almost no effort compared to the latter at all times.


    Necro = no effort to play offensively i agree , how ever defensively requires good positioning and knowlage of other classes options and dodge management as you only get 2 with no raw access to vigor or skill that evade on use. Stability is now also super limited making you extremly weak to cc.


    Ele = takes more effort to play offensively and less to play defensively as it has hard defenses and good access to things like vigor, extra evade skills, better movement skills, and depending on the elite superior access to stability when compared to necromancer.


    > Either way, I posted already a graph showing the popularity of each profession atm and I am sure the devs have noticed the huge influx of necros lately, at the very least I hope my suggested changes will be introduced as soon as possible


    Graphs like that show popularity across all game modes not just in pvp that graph means nothing in this post. further more both percentiles between necro and ele are less than 1% making it even more irrelevant.


    We already covered all this and as i started nothing you have said is really warrant for nerfs.

    Good day

  6. one of the raptors (dreadnought) is specifically made for charr and its considerably thicker and bulkier than the other raptor mounts built for carrying charr.

    Some other mounts already look big and strong enough to hold charr with a few exceptions. The roller is probably the one i would complain about personally as all the saddles for most of the skins are way to small for charr.


    Every other mount has skin options that i would say fit almost any charr.

  7. so far seems like a prolog to the actual chapters coming inthe future. I think this episode would have been better titled as another prolog to the fire dragon. So far its not worthy of being titled a chapter imo.... That said it was short cause its split over some weeks im guessing which i dont mind cause im playing other games along side gw2 atm. So i didnt have a need to hard grind for several hours on masteries or achievements etc etc.


    The mission bosses could have a 33% reduction in their health pools as the fights drag on a bit to long in pug groups and this is coming from some one with raid exp, gear, etc. The fights last too long without any real heavy mechanics behind them. Especially the 2nd and 3rd missions

    The first missions usually clears a bit quicker from my exp so far. The 2nd mission takes AGES to complete in the final fight it just drags on for way to long where you are just basically slapping a dps golem. The 3rd mission at least has you move around a bit but the fight could end quicker imo.

    Another thing that could be done is to remove the timer at the start of each mission once all 3 moral boost goals are reached there really seems to be no point in having to wait the extra 2 or some times 3 mins once all the goals are done.


    The amount of time it takes to complete these fights is a bit to long for me when thinking about long term replay value.... The missions either need to be more like the old dungeons were at minimum or they just need to be out right shorter. You can do most strikes bosses faster than you can do these mission bosses and thats not a good thing because the strike missions have more appeal to them in replay value than the missions do at least right now.

    I feel like the missions as they are with no additional substance after the first play through should be able to be done in like 5-10 mins max not 15-20 mins or more.


    To be clear i was not expecting anything super amazing or hard from this chapter i was more interested in character dialog than game play this time around which was good enough to pass in my book seeing all the interesting interactions.


    I do like the use of old maps and I dont feel like every update needs a new map its always good to see new content and story rolling back through old maps. The bad part is that this content instanced which i get so people can always play it or go back and play it however that makes the impact of it weaker than what it could have been overall.


    im not like upset about the update but its not something that kept me hyped after the first play through. That said for a first time play through it was decently enjoyable from a story advancement perspective. Game play wise nothing new.


  8. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > Removing damage from CCs was a stupid decision -one which, not surprisingly, came from CmC.

    > > >

    > > > I've heard people complaining about being kamehameha'd by holosmiths for 12k with Prime Light Beam as an example of why damage on CC is toxic, nobody ever explained me why in the world wouldn't some reasonable multipliers do the trick -which is what happens to literally any skill in game; if something hits too hard it's brought back in line, unless you are a engi with grenades, in which case you can keep the craziest multipliers ever.

    > > >

    > > > And this comes from a mesmer, I have nothing to gain from damage on CC since all of my CCs never dealt damage to begin with, this didn't nerf me in the slightest.

    > >

    > > idk some cc's certainly did need the reduction like cc's that were kinda quick ish and did high damage certainly were getting unhealthy but some the the big tell slower ones that most people with any kind of exp knows how to dodge when they see it coming could have probably kept the damage on. In the case of warrior most cc's keeping their damage might have been ok... the exceptions start for me with rampage because getting hit with a bolder for 8k damage then rushed at for another 8k damage then kicked for 4k damage was just dumb af.

    > >

    > > Then you have cc like big ol bomb and things that actaully take a long time to go off that really should do damage and now dont do damage.

    > > CC's that have damage modifiers like Reaper shroud 5 , warrior berserker's headbutt, etc that have modifiers that say if this then you get rewarded with increased damage not doing damage kinda feels bad.

    > >

    > > Big aoe elites that cc im ok with not doing damage things like jade winds, chill to the bone, gravity well, etc those losing damage was totally fine imo.

    > > So for me its a love hate i think they could have broken it down a little bit better on what should and shouldnt keep damage but in the quite sight of things they didnt want one set of class players complaining about another class that got to keep its cc damage on a particular base skill while everyone else lost theirs.

    > >

    > > They did say they would rework or bring the damage back to some skills in question but that was months ago i have the feeling it wont happen now. If it is going to happen it wont happen till another big standardize patch comes which probably wont be for a while my guess is some months or weeks before End of Dragons is set to release.


    > I'm a minority, but the problem with the boulder wasn't the damage per se (even though it was too high; I'd have it lowered by 33%); the problem with the boulder was that they made it a heatseeking missile. The problem from CC as a whole could be solved by just applying some reasonable modifiers, just as it happens for every other skill in game.

    I generally dont agree heatseeking or not the fact that it was a set of skills which was chained together unless you were thief or rev or another warrior at the time you were pretty much promised to land some kind of damage or burn a ton of your foes resources imo its never ok to have a cc attack in a competitive mode doing 8k damage when most professions have on average between 11 and 15k hp in their builds.


    > Pistol 5 from mesmer deals 500 damage? It's a 0.5s cast time with 25s cooldown, the low damage is fair. Prime light beam deals 5-6k damage? 1s cast time, 60s cooldown, the high damage is fair. Now they are all on the same level when they clearly aren't the same thing.


    Pistol 5 from mesmer is too fast and does not have enough visual tell in general this is something most people wont argue against.

    Prime light beam actually had enough of a a big tell imo.

    The difference is it only takes 1 dodge to get out of these


    Vs rampage You needed to dodge everything which was chained together I cant stand by cc doing 8k knowing that 3 other button on the bar also dealt high damage and 2 of those other buttons are also cc buttons.

    The best change they maybe could have done was kept cc power scaling as is and just took away their ability to critically hit. This would have at least left them doing some damage but the reason they probably didnt do this is because that would have been a game wide change meaning the skill become super lackluster to use in pve aswell. They could probably look to make traits that give some of the power scaling back to certain cc attacks that way trait investment is required but it would mean likely having to give up things you generally already like to take. Similar to the necro's terror traits which requires 2 traits from 2 different lines to actually get damage out of their fear cc's. IF they did this for other classes i wouldnt have any issues with their cc's doing damage.



  9. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > Removing damage from CCs was a stupid decision -one which, not surprisingly, came from CmC.


    > I've heard people complaining about being kamehameha'd by holosmiths for 12k with Prime Light Beam as an example of why damage on CC is toxic, nobody ever explained me why in the world wouldn't some reasonable multipliers do the trick -which is what happens to literally any skill in game; if something hits too hard it's brought back in line, unless you are a engi with grenades, in which case you can keep the craziest multipliers ever.


    > And this comes from a mesmer, I have nothing to gain from damage on CC since all of my CCs never dealt damage to begin with, this didn't nerf me in the slightest.


    idk some cc's certainly did need the reduction like cc's that were kinda quick ish and did high damage certainly were getting unhealthy but some the the big tell slower ones that most people with any kind of exp knows how to dodge when they see it coming could have probably kept the damage on. In the case of warrior most cc's keeping their damage might have been ok... the exceptions start for me with rampage because getting hit with a bolder for 8k damage then rushed at for another 8k damage then kicked for 4k damage was just dumb af.


    Then you have cc like big ol bomb and things that actaully take a long time to go off that really should do damage and now dont do damage.

    CC's that have damage modifiers like Reaper shroud 5 , warrior berserker's headbutt, etc that have modifiers that say if this then you get rewarded with increased damage not doing damage kinda feels bad.


    Big aoe elites that cc im ok with not doing damage things like jade winds, chill to the bone, gravity well, etc those losing damage was totally fine imo.

    So for me its a love hate i think they could have broken it down a little bit better on what should and shouldnt keep damage but in the quite sight of things they didnt want one set of class players complaining about another class that got to keep its cc damage on a particular base skill while everyone else lost theirs.


    They did say they would rework or bring the damage back to some skills in question but that was months ago i have the feeling it wont happen now. If it is going to happen it wont happen till another big standardize patch comes which probably wont be for a while my guess is some months or weeks before End of Dragons is set to release.

  10. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > Most, if not all core specs and a handful of elite specs need a damage buff. Nerfing everything doesn't work. It's just slowed the game down to a snail's pace and killed build diversity. Aside from a few elite spec tradeoffs, the entirety of the big nerf patch and all subsequent nerfs to this point were kinda pointless.


    > To get back to the OP: Healbreaker good for me warrior with tiny brain, but tiny brain no like Healbreaker because me tiny brain been smash for all of time be playing Guild Wars 2. Healbreaker be good side option when bored but mostly want smash tinies hurr hurr hurr. But smash warrior not good side pick. Very squish like tinies and less damage than light beam people doing same job. So no smash, only Healbreaker and spam CC. Peaceful, pacifist, immortal, but me no care about live forever or being tiny beta healer. Me alpha and me want smash. See problem?



  11. i still think LR is fine as is it would be better to just look at the engi shield stun and put a icd on how often it can stun a person just like shocking aura that way the odds of you getting stuck with LR is less likely. complain about the real issue which is the shield block having no icd per target not about oh my skill needs the damage removed so i dont get trapped or it needs more damage to make it worth getting trapped every so often.


    Like everyone one else said LR is one of the best evasion tools in the game simply based on its cd alone thats not even counting all its other trait boosted functions.

    Sorry @"Trevor Boyer.6524" I cant agree with a QoL change on a meta skill thats already far better than other skills similar to it.


    At best you should be asking why passive cc is not being addressed properly as it effects all classes not just ranger which would be more reasonable to debate from several perspectives.

  12. lmao ive revealed myself so many times with this skill but im not a ranger main so thats probably why. I often press it without thinking about that tiny damage portion. If i was a ranger main i would probably be more careful about it though. What would really be funny is downing someone with that tiny zap of damage I cant say ive done that before.


    How about not removing the damage from lightning reflexes and just fixing the silly things like shocking aura and engi shock shield (mainly the shock shield)

    Ideally if you get stunned by shocking aura you should be able to use LR and get out before the aura is actually allowed to stun you again. But you might need good ping and really good reaction time.... waiting too long and you will be set up to trigger another stun.




    **ENGI SHILED SHOCK** is how ever even more busted than shocking aura as there is no delay at all between one stun to the next. You should get a necro warhorn press 5 next to an engi holding that block and see what happens. You basically get locked for the full duration of the block and that skill does not even deal direct strike damage. Skills that dont even proc full counter still proc the shock stun on engi shield and it triggers me to this day how they are allowed to have a block that's so powerful. They could just make the thing where it can only stun a target once over the duration of the whole block. You usually wouldn't try to roll out with lightning reflexes if you were not already stunned by it or something else anyways which would at least make the issue of triggering it with LR far less likely


    As others pointed out Full counter is not really an issue as you will just evade it best thing a warrior gets from that is a free reset on their other burst skill and nothing more.

  13. My guess is be cause conditions in gw2 dont exactly work like dots in many other mmo games.

    Where dots usually are also able to deal critical damage even if its not scaled to the same extent as direct strike damage which results in them having a lower base damage which also results in the caster having to build more offensively to get good damage which does not always allow them to be per say as tanky as some professions are when built to condi in gw2.


    Basically what @"Master Ketsu.4569" said but they worded it better im happy they pointed this out.

  14. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > If you are an ele player just stop while you are a head... ele has always been weak to necro and it likely always will be because chill counters your ability to rapidly attune. You can beat necros with ele but it wont be easy just like its not easy for necro to beat thieves just deal with it and learn to handle the counter match up better.

    > > >

    > > > ...That's rich coming from necros...truly rich...I remember few years back ....

    > > >

    > > > > Does Diamond skin need a nerf ?

    > > > >You can be the best condi necro of the world and have not a single chance in a 1 v 1 against the worst ele of the world

    > >

    > > The jokes on you ive always been a power player even for core necro before reaper came out. While you can attempt to come at me with that diamond skin stuff there were ways around it like having more power and crit chance in your build and not fully investing in condi alone

    > > >

    > > > **Practice what you preach** is what necros should do, at the time you'd rather play the victim card instead than **learn to handle the counter match up better**

    > >

    > > We have been nerfed plenty alreayd if any thing the biggest advantage you got came with the feb patch with the removal of instant doom. Which was fair as it was a get out of jail free card even while stunned etc.

    > > But there have also been several life force generating reductions, the removal of certain amulets, and an increase on life force per second with core shroud.

    > > If you are still struggling at this point (not factoring in cheese lich for 10s every 3 minutes ) then its a you problem not the necro problem.

    > >

    > > I already said how i feel above and that some things do still need some changes but you skipped all that but if we are really going to balance things there are still many tools that ele needs nerfed as well i wont call them out but you should understand what i mean.

    > >

    > > So instead of telling me to practice what I preach how about you just generally practice.

    > > Just go out and fight necros im sure you can ask around for some players to help you get better at the match up.

    > > Truth is you have nothing to lose if necro nerfs do come you will be even better off at dealing with them. Stop praying to anet to nerf something into unplayability so you dont have a counter matchup every class is going to have a hard counter match up or two but that does not mean you cant win against them.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > **There is nothing on ele I can't overcome while playing 3 other different professions** and if I had time I'd play the remaining 5 and deal with ele just as easily, there are no big hits "to avoid at all costs" on ele , the best an average player can hope to do is gear up with a healing amulet and **bother you to death**......unless ofc we start talking about Piano musicians who reached Master level and had the patience to deal with the all the kitten coming from the balance patches...I am not one of those and that's why I started multiclassing years ago.


    False there are things you want to avoid on ele at all cost depending on the build they run

    FA ele is particularly deadly any time they land a cc on you

    CC / Lightning rod weaver is also rather dangerous and has many things you want to avoid being hit by

    Certain condi weaver setups also have things you want to avoid unless you like burning to death.


    If you think that ele has no big hits to worry about thats saying a lot about your knowledge of the game **OR** maybe as a multi classer thats how you feel because you have options on those other classes to just negate what they can do. But as someone who spends most of their time playing necro because its my fav class thematically there are a lot of things that i dont want to be hit with because i dont have hard defenses to negate them. Its either burn one of my two dodges to avoid it or soak the damage. Those are the only options i get. I dont get blocks, or extra evades, stealth or invulns. Conditioning (blind/weakness) is an option some times but not always.

    My perspective is clearly different from yours.



    > **Any ele build with the sole exception of some healbot build will be always far harder than anything a necro can use** and with that said I rebuke this fact : no average necro should lose to an average ele; any necro player who fall in that category....is not a position to preach anybody about "GITGUD"


    I think thats debatable go take a none minion master scourge build into pvp and see how well that goes for you. (Thats a joke by the way)

    Do not assume that effort should determine heavily how something should be balanced. Do not also assume that players dont put in effort to get better with the classes they love to play even if the tools are basic and simple. Mastering those basic tools can take someone along way. Like i said you sound just really upset that you lost the matchup too many times and here we are.


    I really dont get you though... you really are here going in on necro which is i mean i guess ok but in reality if we really look at things right now necro is far closer to balanced than many other classes in the game currently.

    The best you can do is pick out a few niche skills or triats that need some tweaks or reworks but every class and elite spec in the game has this issue thought... So i gotta say i really dont get the point...


    > To put in low terms : any player who can best a necro while using the current iteration of elementalist.......hes' a far better player than me and you combined....try to remember that next time you try to use "L2P" against me, current necro has got all the tools to shut down your average ele without breaking a sweat .....if you lose to average ele while using a necro class you're accustomed to.......you may want to spend less time try to preach others


    **^You added this at some point when originally started writing my post so i figured i would respond to it also^**


    lol it sounds like you want these hands in game but ima let you go i dont have anymore brain power to waist on this nonsense.

    Its almost like you are trying to be superior/threatening through other players whom are not you and better skilled than you which is kind of mind blowing.

    Ive said what i had to say. Your options are deal with it or hope that anet agrees with you and gives you your wish list of nerfs to solve all your problems while ignoring other obvious broken things that probably should be handled first. Either way i dont really care ill be playing necro as my main regardless. ITs what i do through the good and or bad as far as im concerned been there done that.

  15. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > Anet is thinking of a sustain nerf? Why? Sustain has already been cut drastically across the board. Even the previous worst offenders like Water Weaver and Firebrand have been nerfed to the ground.


    > What Anet needs to do first if damage is too low is reevaluate damage on CC, and determine which CC's should be allowed to deal damage again. A few that I believe shoudl deal damage include:


    > Backbreaker

    > Earthshaker

    > Executioner's Scythe (Why does this still have the execute mechanic if it does 7 damage?)

    > Drop the hammer

    > Overcharged Shot (or remove the self knock back. It has enough tradeoffs)

    > Prime Light Beam

    > Rocket turret


    > See where we stand after that in terms of damage vs sustain. Reevaluate from there.


    You forgot about warriors headbutt! (extra damage if you remove stab from yourself)

  16. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > If you are an ele player just stop while you are a head... ele has always been weak to necro and it likely always will be because chill counters your ability to rapidly attune. You can beat necros with ele but it wont be easy just like its not easy for necro to beat thieves just deal with it and learn to handle the counter match up better.


    > ...That's rich coming from necros...truly rich...I remember few years back ....


    > > Does Diamond skin need a nerf ?

    > >You can be the best condi necro of the world and have not a single chance in a 1 v 1 against the worst ele of the world


    The jokes on you ive always been a power player even for core necro before reaper came out. While you can attempt to come at me with that diamond skin stuff there were ways around it like having more power and crit chance in your build and not fully investing in condi alone


    > **Practice what you preach** is what necros should do, at the time you'd rather play the victim card instead than **learn to handle the counter match up better**


    We have been nerfed plenty alreayd if any thing the biggest advantage you got came with the feb patch with the removal of instant doom. Which was fair as it was a get out of jail free card even while stunned etc.

    But there have also been several life force generating reductions, the removal of certain amulets, and an increase on life force per second with core shroud.

    If you are still struggling at this point (not factoring in cheese lich for 10s every 3 minutes ) then its a you problem not the necro problem.


    I already said how i feel above and that some things do still need some changes but you skipped all that but if we are really going to balance things there are still many tools that ele needs nerfed as well i wont call them out but you should understand what i mean.


    So instead of telling me to practice what I preach how about you just generally practice.

    Just go out and fight necros im sure you can ask around for some players to help you get better at the match up.

    Truth is you have nothing to lose if necro nerfs do come you will be even better off at dealing with them. Stop praying to anet to nerf something into unplayability so you dont have a counter matchup every class is going to have a hard counter match up or two but that does not mean you cant win against them.




  17. I hate to tell you but necro/ reaper is probably one of the more balanced classes / elites in the game right now when you compare it too things on other professions just to name a few

    engineer (nades, EE)

    ele (lightning rod still)

    Heck even the standard hearald revs or the new renegade/jails rev short bow builds are more oppressive imo than necros are



    While i do agree that RO should probably be nerfed ive also said it should come with a base shroud buff to attacking speed base reaper speed is a bit too slow and without some form of speed increase it likely warranted to have more damage than it does now if you take the current quickness away which im sure you wont agree to.... So is the argument really worth making?



    Nerf RO and make the base shroud a bit faster to compensate just not quickness level fast

    Nerf RO and make base shroud hit harder to compensate

    Leave it alone and learn to kite stop turning your brain off against reaper shroud.


    **Rune issues.**

    Take rune of speed out of your argument there are far more abusive runes in the game LIKE RUNE OF THE TRAPPER that only 2 professions can make use of and it provides a much more advantageous boost than something like the basic rune of speed that everyone has access to using on any class.

    But if you really feel so bad about rune of speed on necros then remove every current meta rune used on every other class too while we are at it so we dont have to deal with the issue in the future. What ever you current rune of preference is also remove it for the sake of balance right? But no you wont agree to this so why make the argument.


    Have you ever thought of just using rune of speed yourself to cancel out the bonus when another player is using it.... you could just do that and their mobility wouldnt be an issue it would basically be the same as it was without it.


    Again rune of the trapper is more of an issue imo simply because every class cannot make use of it making it more unbalanced

    Even rune of resistance is a bit more of an issue on classes that have low cd elite skills like rev etc being able to pop the resistance effect every 20s very most other classes who have to wait the full 2-3 mins per pop etc.


    **Addressing Lich**

    Lich form is its own issue and you should be leaving core and reaper out of it.

    Im all for lich form nerfs only if the other parts of its kit get a buff to balance it out in some way.

    Skill 1 has too much power (i agree its a bit too strong but it should not be so weak that you feel free to just ignore getting hit by it either im not for nerfing things so you can turn your brain off to fight them.)

    skill 2 starts with 0 charges on use and is basically not effective. (fix this)

    skill 3 roots you on cast making it a pain to use in the heat of the moment. (fix this)

    skill 4 has way too long of a cast time for the short duration of current lich form its almost half the duration just to use it (fix this)

    skill 5 is ok as is....


    **In short**

    I'll be real with you you kinda sound like an ele main (may not be the case though) who simply has not gotten it to click yet that necro is one of the few hard counter match ups it has and that fighting a necro will never be easy for unless that person is far above the average decent player.


    Most other people dont have issues killing necros right now. Speed rune is not even used that heavily last time i checked but i could be wrong i stopped using it back after the nerfs earlier this year because my whole build had to change around. But thats just me personally.

    but i would be upset if anet removed a rune that everyone could optionally used for a tiny bit of increased mobility (only under the effect of a boon) vs runes like rune of the trapper which only provides heavily advantageous things like stealth and super speed for 2 of the 9 classes.


    If you really think reaper is oppressive i hate to say it but you are gonna have a hard time fighting other classes that have far better cc and damage pressure like nade holo, burst mesmers, rangers and their pets, trapper dragon hunter, trapper ranger, condi thieves... just to name a few... if you dont have issues fighting the things i just listed you shouldnt be having issues with reaper or necro either.


    If you got time to come here the way you have you got time to learn the match up and get good and countering it.

    If you are an ele player just stop while you are a head... ele has always been weak to necro and it likely always will be because chill counters your ability to rapidly attune. You can beat necros with ele but it wont be easy just like its not easy for necro to beat thieves just deal with it and learn to handle the counter match up better.

  18. Not even sure why you are trying to say this.

    Guardians were slowly shifting into bunker builds already and thats with the trait making symbols bigger now it just means you cant smash symbols down stand on them and expect them to be as effective as before.


    But yah more and more guaridans i saw before this patch were already building more and more bunker/condi even starting to use mace's in their builds. Oh well.

  19. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Its a poor idea to buff other especs as that leads to even more rampant powercreep, such as what Anet have been trying to rein in with espec tradeoffs.

    > "Rampant powercreep" is something that can happen to dps builds, but can't really happen to boon support, unless you introduce some completely new (and desirable) boons or make them stronger. Once you get to 100% upkeep (which is something we've achieved long before PoF), it's literally impossible to have a powercreep from this point up, as adding more doesn't matter at this point. So, it's better to not use that specific argument when discussing support builds.



    It could by giving them longer base boon duration's which means less concentration is required allowing them to invest in other stats which could put them closer to over performing in multiple roles or giving them bigger boon tables that include boons from the previous elite spec which invalidates the previous elite spec because why wouldnt you take the support that gives more than the last. You can always powercreep something dont be tricked into thinking that you cannot.

    Im sorry to say your statement is 100% false my friend.

  20. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > So too is there is plenty room on Guard for new specs, without the need to obliterate either DH or FB.

    Generally dont agree here firebrand is too good at too many roles the only way any people would play any role for the next elite spec of gaurdian is if its simply better from a numbers prespective aka power creep which is bad for 2 reasons

    1 its gross to see that kind of power creep added to the game

    2 it would just invalidate Firebrand anyways for those roles its power crept in.


    It would overall be better to cut firebrand back and then make the new elite spec perform decent in line rather than over boosting it just so people feel the need to use it. Either way you end up with some role of firebrands getting put into the trashcan. I would prefer anet do proper balancing than invalidating through power creep.



    > Unless the designers are creatively bankrupt, there are plenty ways of drastically differentiating Elite specs gameplay wise, even if they fill the same role in a group.

    Generally not anets goal going forward with elite specs to have them do the same roles over and over even if they can perform the same roles there should be a massive difference in how well they can perform them. Yes i can take blood magic and build healing power on reaper but is it going to be as effective as it is on scourge? No its not. Does this mean reaper should be buffed because scourge heals better no it does not. If reaper was performing better as a support healer than scourge i would argue that it needed a nerf so that scourge could fill that role as thats technically the role it was marketed and built for.


    So if anything be happy that who ever does guardian balance is generous and usually provides compensation for most things they take in some way or another. I think if we see firebrand nerfs we will also see buffs in the areas they want to keep it dedicated too all im saying is that there shouldn't be too many roles that it can fill so well.


    > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > Druid cant heal 10 but can provide might for 10 but its heals isnt really very strong and might is something other classes except mesmer can grant


    > Druid can heal enough to keep a 10 man Squad alive on it's own, while generating Might for 10 people and giving out unique buffs (while also being able to tank).

    > That's a value package nothing else can compete with.

    > Yes, other classes can give might too, but either only 5 man and/or without unique buffs, which means you need double the support slots for likely lower effect.

    > The healing itself you actually need with half decent player's is minimal, and pretty much all healers in GW2 massively overheal.


    Lol no... Druid cannot do that it provides might and even thats not the best value package in a lot of cases.

    I think the only time i see druid these days is in boneskinner strike missions. Generally heal brand is the go to healer for most content like raids, fractals, and most of the other strikes. EVEN in strikes scourge is more value than druids due to its ability to power res, barrier, and it even can provide might to some extent. I generally dont see alot of druids these days unless its a friend of a friend who just wants to play druid. The go to staple for pugs is basically locked into firebrand for healing a utility + boons.


  21. My personal thoughts on whats likely going to happen based on how they view elite specs now and are slowly forcing them into specific roles.


    Realistically they will have to nerf firebrand into the dirt (ok maybe not into the dirt but expect some heavy reductions would be my rough guess) with the upcoming specs

    Reason number 1

    Firebrand does way too many different task all in one go. It heals good, it boons good, it tanks good, its good dps, and good utility in terms of projectile hate, stability, and hard blocks.

    Reason number 2

    To it will be darn near impossible to fit a new elite that outperforms firebrand in anyway if they dont nerf it hard in at least a few aspects because it already does every thing so good. To make something that people will want in groups or want to play over the current existing firebrand would require an unholy amount of power creep.


    The proper way to do things would be to rework a lot of firebrands kit to limit it to maybe one or two things out of the following

    Good tank

    Good dps

    Good boon / utility support

    Good healer


    Next we need to look at the things firebrand does well and share it to some of the other classes to bring them back into the meta now that their roles have been more so forced int the support aspect.

    Aka Druid, Tempest, and to some extent Chrono.


    There is no reason why Quick and heal brand should be the only go too required staples in support roles every time i look for some end game content in LFG and the obvious reason are already called out above it just does a lot of everything while Druid,Tempest, and Chrono have limits that don't allow them to shine as hard in all those roles.


    I would like to open the LFG and see looking for healer or boon support which implies many options are available across multiple professions rather than people zeroing in on heal brand or quick brand all the darn time. Its kind of upsetting to be waiting to do content when you have 4/5 players or 9/10 players and you are waiting for the group to find a heal or quick brand and you see that 5 other groups are also looking for the same thing.

  22. > @"kai.5149" said:

    > > . **Stealth gives you the ability to lose 1v1s when you should never be able to lose them**.


    > That is one of the stupidest statements on this forums i have seen in quite some time xD...


    > There are many problems with thieves like evade spam & **instant** teleporting all over the place (wvw - wide open spaces), so stealth is a minor offender of the three.


    > Imo instant abilities are the worst offender .. just make them telegraphed like the warrior skills


    Instant movement is fine in tbh in short amounts like thief has just enough instant movement imo that its not really broken. IF they should be able to do it through solid obstructions is another argument however but putting that aside.... When combined with stealth it can be a bit much but thats mainly because anets current version of stealth has limited counter play especially when a thief wants to play very timid which can be super frustrating when fighting one alone. Other than guessing where they might be or are going. Not every profession has easy access to reveal or good tools to give up so that they can take it in their builds.


    I dont think most instant movement needs telegraphs though. The main instnat movement skill that most people are likely to complain about is sword 2 and there are many ways anet could technically balance that without giving it a telegraph if it even needed it and im not suggesting it does at the current moment.

    Instant movement is fine for a class that should be mobile over having high defense.

    Instant 100-0 damage is not fine (you dont see too much of this in the game now but it still exist in some forms.


    This whole argument started over stealth complaints which likely comes from a very few select builds/play styles usually found on deadeye / or condi pistol daredevil where they will hide for 90% of the fight duration. Regardless of what you play, builds like that dont feel fun to fight even if you manage to catch / beat them.

  23. Another stealth thread...

    Ill keep it short-ish


    Anet give us 2 versions of stealth please and do some QoL overall.


    **Camouflage and True stealth**

    Camouflage = something similar to the mount stealth 2.0 ability in terms of visual effect basically a lesser stealth

    - Gained by easier forms of access to stealth we see today, leaping through smoke field combos or low cooldown traits/weapon skills like rifle dodge etc.

    - Player can not directly been seen but are shrouded in some kind of blurred /smoky visual similar to the mount stealth skill

    - Breaks targeting negating a large portion of skills in the game from being able to target the player and hides your name plate and hp bar.

    - Duration generally last longer than 3s standard smoke combo leap so long as the player does not attack or cast any offensive ability.

    - The visual should be hard to see at distant range (600 +units) especially when not moving.

    - Not countered by the revealed status effect but the player will still exposed if they attack and cannot re-enter it for a few seconds. (you can just use your eyes for hard reads now if good enough)

    - Does not stack with True stealth. True stealth removes this effect and overwrites it.


    True stealth = basically the same thing we have now. Total 100% invisibility

    - Total invisibility you cant be seen at all

    - Still breaks targeting obviously

    - Gained only from utility skills mainly or traits that have higher cooldowns.

    - Buff these skills to make those stealth effects last longer when used to give them more value sense this will only be tied to higher cooldown skills

    - Countered by the revealed status effect


    New goals for both mechanics

    - Casting any offensive ability reveals the player upon starting the cast of the skill regardless if it lands or not. (this is one of the biggest issues with why most people see stealth as an issue when it boils down massive outgoing dps from stealth. The player being revealed at the start of a cast makes a major difference than them being revealed once the damage is already being applied. People really should only be able to literally get good if it was done like this and there should be no reason to complain.)

    - In the case of thief traits need to be reworked to bolster the defensive aspects of camouflage in terms of duration, defense, mobility, etc. Now that the counter-play should be tracking to some extent with your eyes for most applications of stealth or should i say camouflage this would mean that thief's, defense, movement speed, and possibly many stealth attacks when utilizing that mechanic needs to be a good bit higher.

    - As someone else suggested above thief will or should be given a skill allowing them to maintain/access Camouflage when out of combat to start combat from that status if they wish (this should have a long duration but not be permanent and only available when not in combat. (perhaps give this to core thief as a bonus and daredevil and deadeye lose it similar to what was done with the rev and its unique core skill.)

    - Camouflage also applies to professions with easier access on weapon skills, Mesmer torch, ranger longbow, etc, but not utility skills like mass invisibility. Unlike thief they do not gain traits to boost camouflage.

    - In the future more professions might be able to gain access to the camouflage mechanic as its not as powerful as 100% invisibility opening up new concepts and designs for traits or skills across all professions or at least the majority of them.


  24. im still thinking about it while i would like to see the rng of it get better i dont want its effects to be so mild that they can be ignored. If weakness actually becomes weaker than that leads to a whole new round of how they should probably look at might generation is across all professions.

    Some professions still have outliers that need to be addressed in their own kits once thats done weakness rng might be ok as is even if im not a 100% fan of it currently because either it works super effectively or it does not work at all and yous still get omega bursted into the floor.


    Generally though off the top of my head i ant think of any changes to weakness that i would be happy with or that i doubt anyone else would be happy with.

    First fix other things then lets circle back around to this when the over performing things are fixed.

    As someone who plays a professions whos sustain heavily depends on something like weakness output to not be instantly ran over this is a rather hard thing to suggest changing even if im not 100% happy with the rng style of how it works.

  25. > @"Lurana.7506" said:

    > I disagree. There are enough easy strike missions and by nerf WoJ and Boneskinner the whole point of strikes leading to raids would be gone. I've done WoJ and Boneskinner with many PUG groups - sometimes as commander and in that case never asked for KP or LI - and even though Boneskinner may be hard with PUGs killed both of them succesfully many times. In my experience it is a great feeling for some players who never killed them before to actually succeed after some tries. Yes, there are groups that get frustrated and player leave but that's normally the case when there is a different skill level among players. If some players want to learn and others (experienced players) just want to get their dailies done it can lead to frustration. But if u set up a LFG and clearly state it's a learning/beginner group that's not a problem. Because if experienced players join those groups, they know what they get and just want to help.


    the only part i dont agree with like many other people who make this argument is that boneskinners mechanics are nearly fully ignored not because its easier but because the intended mechanics are bad to perform in comparison to the time given for good rewards. If strikes are intended to be stepping stones to raids why would you want a strike that teaches people to basically not perform mechanics and embraces the brute force method (which is exactly what the meta strategy for boneskinner is currently)


    But yes the rest of your statement is generally facts.


    Brute force certainly can work but thats a far cry from some peoples skill levels in the game especially those with no raid exp.

    Im ok with Brute force being an option or even a meta option but it kind of bugs me that its the only option only because the intended mechanical way is just poorly constructed in comparison to time given to complete the strike for good rewards it is designed rather poorly compared to all other strikes.

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