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Posts posted by KidRoleplay.3615

  1. On the contrary, if they introduced a festival event for *all players*, except that it took place in Amnoon, the backlash would be even greater.


    But it's in core Tyria so that all can experience it with the tools they have available. Festival events have always been accessible for everyone. It just so happens that some players have purchased more tools than others, and those tools have been made effective across core Tyria for years.


    Sure, there are minor things like rental services which you have mentioned, but things are otherwise... working as intended.

  2. > @"JEpc.5172" said:

    > I don't know if I'm the only one that think Reaper's utility and healing skills should be renamed-to me it seems they're named a bit "too far" and inappropriate.


    Yes. You are the only one who thinks that.



  3. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

    > > > > People join whith the class they know better. Do you want them to come with a class they have no clue just to fit in the group and die constantly?

    > > > It doesn't matter.

    > > > If someone's LFG says they want their DPS to be a Dire full Turret Holosmith or a Sentinel's Scourge and you are neither of these things then you don't join, even if you are well versed in a different and more effective DPS.

    > > > The End.

    > > > But again, we have the tools to deal with this already.

    > > > Kick. Block if desired and move on.

    > > > Report if they react in a manner that violates the ToS.

    > >

    > > I dont think fractals are so meta to ask for specific class combos and being so elitist. because i've seen pro people soloing most stuff or in duos.


    > And neither are 3 of the strikes. But it's their team and they manage it how they choose.

    > Just because someone *can* do it with anyone doesn't mean they *want* to.


    > I simply do not understand why you would even debate or make excuses.

    > Their Team, their rules... abide or make your own team.


    This. And also as many times as it has been said before.


    No matter how much one feels they know better or how correct they are, it's rude to force one's way onto another's group contrary to their description. That does not mean you can't negotiate however and come to an agreement with the party, but just barging in against the request is inconsiderate.

  4. Considering every race is just recycled ideas anyway... Human has an unfair advantage in this due to having four games and two expansions to go off of, on top of being alien to the world they occupy, suggesting even *more* lore back wherever they came from. So they take my vote only by sheer amount and not necessarily intrigue.

  5. > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > >

    > > > Basically you are agreeing with every single word I said.

    > > >

    > > > Im talking about fitting in the cm parties. Why necros can’t fits in ?

    > > > It’s because necro can’t provide anything close to any other meta classes

    > > >

    > > > You said we can do all fractals and dungeons and strikes but raids and CMs! I got it and I pointed it out already where I said i ran with

    > > > Certain classes and I find out that i was clearly outclassed by miles.

    > > >

    > > > The other dude said nobody holding me from playing power reaper. It’s laughable answer..

    > > > Theres no build the necro can run that will make him valuable in any cm party

    > > >

    > > > To you all i was and still talking about playing at the highest level I don’t talk about playing in ordinary level with mediocre players.

    > > >

    > > > Those people always assuming that whoever is talking about things that’s not right always means the problem is with the one who’s pointing out the things.

    > > >

    > > > Who told y’all i don’t have second ascended armors.

    > > >

    > > > There’s clearly problem with this class and gap that cannot be closed by playing different builds.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Now, I'm not in the business of insulting people over their online opinions. Frankly, I find it to be a waste of energy, and I've grown out of it pretty much.

    > >

    > > But did you not imply that you were using a Condi Scourge build in Swampland? Myself and @"Hannelore.8153" told you why that wasn't effective, and you are already aware of a better alternative.

    > >

    > > This is a game where everything can do everything (except alacrity) where design makes them more befitting or less befitting based on any number of factors. Sure, Reaper brings lower DPS, although decent burst, at higher levels; but it's offset by its exceptional reliability. You have to TRY to mess its rotation up, and even when things go south, it is by default one of the more sturdy professions in the game. Is it the most effective tactic available? No. But it certainly gets the job done as a DPS role, and many groups are accepting of it outside of speedrunners and jack kitten enslaved to the dictation of the highest numbers achieved on a website.

    > >

    > > Now if you're still wanting to just hear from a developer, an email is the way to do it. Posting on the public forum will only draw public ire.


    > Whatever you said.

    > Anyways I have multiple builds but as you know and everyone else knows

    > None of these builds stand any chance. Why can’t you just accept this fact I don’t understand

    > Necro is piece of hot garbage in fractals and literally the necromancer doesn’t have a single aspect where they can be used over any class that share the same mechanism with.


    > I respect your opinion and as I said before I don’t want any class to get nerfed (im talking about mesmers,guardians,thieves,warriors)

    > All I wanted is to have similar meta shiit that necro can not only be accepted but to be a key with some kind of rule.


    > Is that too much to ask?


    > If I showed you how many messages I have between me and the devs and how many times they banned me you will be in shock

    > I quit before for that reason and i thought things have changed after two good years

    > But it’s worse than before. At least we had our (single skill that made us kind of valuable in epidemic)

    > Now it’s straight up hot garbage



    Well then, apology accepted. :p


    The response given to you was mainly to go against the argument of necro being unviable at the high end, which isnt true. I was never arguing against their lack of a niche in PvE. Except for ... maybe barrier spam.


    However, unfortunate to say, but you may as well quit again, as the strengths of your favorite class aren't applicable to high end PvE by (inconsiderate) design. The things necro is absolutely the best at is debuffing, and every encounter that might pose a threat is immune to said debuffs. And since there is no alternate way to deal with something other than to kill it as fast as possible, necro suffers.


    This is something I mentioned in the past myself, in that all abilities should be useful on all mobs, bosses, etc.; and if that leads to them being overpowered, then adjust the encounter to compensate. Either by way of more mobs, enemy cleansing skills (that can be interrupted and thus encourages timely interrupts instead of just draining a blue bar), better AI, whatever. Heck, even if those skills worked while said bar was orange/ recharging, that'd be an improvement! World bosses and similar would be a necessary exception to this.


    But, nope. Seems like we're stuck with what we've got. Now, these tools are highly effective in competitive play, but outside of that... yeah. :(

  6. > @"silent killer.5732" said:


    > Basically you are agreeing with every single word I said.


    > Im talking about fitting in the cm parties. Why necros can’t fits in ?

    > It’s because necro can’t provide anything close to any other meta classes


    > You said we can do all fractals and dungeons and strikes but raids and CMs! I got it and I pointed it out already where I said i ran with

    > Certain classes and I find out that i was clearly outclassed by miles.


    > The other dude said nobody holding me from playing power reaper. It’s laughable answer..

    > Theres no build the necro can run that will make him valuable in any cm party


    > To you all i was and still talking about playing at the highest level I don’t talk about playing in ordinary level with mediocre players.


    > Those people always assuming that whoever is talking about things that’s not right always means the problem is with the one who’s pointing out the things.


    > Who told y’all i don’t have second ascended armors.


    > There’s clearly problem with this class and gap that cannot be closed by playing different builds.



    Now, I'm not in the business of insulting people over their online opinions. Frankly, I find it to be a waste of energy, and I've grown out of it pretty much.


    But did you not imply that you were using a Condi Scourge build in Swampland? Myself and @"Hannelore.8153" told you why that wasn't effective, and you are already aware of a better alternative.


    This is a game where everything can do everything (except alacrity) where design makes them more befitting or less befitting based on any number of factors. Sure, Reaper brings lower DPS, although decent burst, at higher levels; but it's offset by its exceptional reliability. You have to TRY to mess its rotation up, and even when things go south, it is by default one of the more sturdy professions in the game. Is it the most effective tactic available? No. But it certainly gets the job done as a DPS role, and many groups are accepting of it outside of speedrunners and jack asses enslaved to the dictation of the highest numbers achieved on a website.


    Now if you're still wanting to just hear from a developer, an email is the way to do it. Posting on the public forum will only draw public ire.

  7. The developers do not determine the meta.


    For fractals, due to many trash mobs as well as bosses that tend to have invulnerability phases and the like, power damage is preferred and more optimal. It appears your group had no issue with you running Condi Scourge though, and you're free to run whatever you wish within the mutual agreement/ acceptance of a party, but a group knowing what to bring and what works best for their environment isn't a design issue.


    Nothing stopped you from going Power Reaper in this situation; it just seemed like your preference not to. And there's no harm in that. Deflecting blame towards the developers in this instance, however, is erroneous.


    I hope this clears up things for you.


    Heck, even I run substandard stuff all the time for the sake of mixing things up or to accommodate for a group's shortcomings, but they wont ever be as good as an entire group who've put together optimal synergy.

  8. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > In my opinion, both Siren's Reef and Shattered Observatory are **significantly** worse than Deepstone.


    They all feel around the same length to me, if that's what you're meaning, with Deepstone only slightly longer due to the pit.


    But if you mean design, I would have to *hard* disagree.

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