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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Mantra of truth and mantra of solace are pretty useless now, except for the final charge.


    That is a pretty hard nerf for zeal firebrands or any dps firebrand in general.


    Firebrand still has plenty of boons, but tempest is now the best healer in the game for team fights.


    Overall, the patch was incredible as it nerfed over performing Core Necro bunker build, which was ruining 2vs2 and probably conquest if it arrived in that state in 5vs5.

  2. I learned symbolbrand this season, as I used to be a Scourge main.(Dead PvP profession)


    Although you can win some 1vs1 as firebrand, you still have to really outplay those fights as you are better in team fights. But the moment an enemy shows up, you can’t survive a 1vs2 and are forced to run away.


    That’s the difference between a side noder and a team fighter. Just try to fight the firebrand outside the symbols even if it means the node is lost. It’s better to make the kill and wait, then to stand in the Guardians symbols. Dodge out of the symbols.


    Condi Mirage and Fire Weaver are still over-performing way more than firebrand as it is easier to climb and carry your team.


    It’s very hard to carry your team as a guardian or a necro. I’m afraid this may be more of a learn to play issue rather than a balance issue.

  3. I spent 50,000 gems in 2019. As soon as Scourge nerfs came with no counter play options, i have spent $0 on the game. ANET really messed up and completely killed Scourge in PvP and all game modes.


    Another additional nerf to manifest shade this patch , Removing cripple from shades in all game modes.

  4. Lol. These whiners on the forums. Symbol brand is countered by not standing in the symbols by Dodging. Just like how you should not stand in Scourge Shades.


    Also Ranged Damage eats symbolbrand before even having a chance to block it. Of course, if you fire into the fb’s reflect more than once then that’s your fault.

  5. All of these changes are targeting the correct classes that have been considered Meta PvP classes based on metabattle and godsofpvp website communities.


    I really feel the Holosmith elite traits should be focused on more than just nerfing Elixir U as it also effects Scrapper and core engineer. Holosmith Dps is still way to high and even has access to invisibility of all things. Please focus on Holosmith dps and the CC chain.


    Balance is really tricky as nerfing mesmer staff condition damage doesn’t just effect condi Mirage, but also chronomancers and core mesmer. However, staff has been meta for condition Mirage for over 2 years and is probably the right direction to take. But again, the Mirage spec should really be focused on whenever possible. I actually don’t have a problem with Mirage cloak, but Mirage condition damage really comes from infinite horizon.


    However, focusing on Rampage for Warrior is definitely the right direction to take as it’s been over performing for over a year. Although I don’t think the Rampage stun skills should do zero damage, those skills should at least do 50% less damage.


    Now that Holosmith and Warrior are recognized as needing to be toned down, it now makes me feel less upset about my Scourge main being nerfed so hard last patch.


    Thank you for the open communication and for reading feedback.


    I think the PvP team should reconsider the shade mechanic changes to Scourge last patch as it removed Scourge Out of the meta, and is no longer considered even viable. However, if there are new changes coming to the Scourge to make it more support oriented that would be great. But if no changes are planned to improve Scourge, you should probably revert these changes to the Shade mechanic as it that really destroyed Scourge in PvP and PvE.


    The problem of Scourge in WvW has always been Sand Savant and the changes last patch improved Scourge in WvW and destroyed Scourge in PVP. When you are in a party of 20 or more in WvW, it doesn’t matter as much as a Scourge cannot do damage simultaneously by both a shade and around you. However, when there is a team fight of 3vs3, or even 1vs1, it matters a whole lot more for a Scourge to place a shade offensively and turn around and place the shade directly on you when pressure starts to hit. Sometimes there is not enough time to place that 2nd shade on yourself when focused by 3 enemies.


    My point is focusing on the real problem that makes a class imbalanced is crucial to keeping this game mode alive and having a future. You could completely destroy an elite spec or do nothing to change what is really the problem. Pinpointing what is really wrong and balancing it appropriately will make all the difference.

  6. If you really want to find out what is wrong with PvP, an actual ArenaNet employee should actually play PvP more than 200 games a season.


    Track and give dishonor to players that AFK in match’s and have a pattern of frequently doing this. Players should be rewarded for playing and should not profit at all if they go AFk and ruin matches for their team.


    Do more investigations on potential win trading and more frequent botting bans. If a player has more than 1,000 games a season, that account should be flagged for review to determine whether botting or other illegal programs are being used.


    In fact, an ArenaNet employee really should discuss how many accounts were suspended on October 19. The player base will applaud you if you listed how many accounts were actually banned. Of course, don’t release the identity of who was banned, Just the Number of accounts that were banned.


    Nerf Rampage on warrior, and nerf Holosmith into the ground it as it is overpowered in just about every category.


    When you nerf a class, provide some counter play to the class . For example, Scourge was nerfed into the ground by changing the shade mechanics in PvP . There was mention of possible buffs to Support Scourge that may be coming, but right now, Scourge is almost unplayable in PvP even with a dedicated support to keep a Necro alive. By the way, the changes to Death magic are completely unviable in PvP as a Scourge, and even as Minion Core Necro with Death magic.

    Give viable counter play please, not just random changes. In contrast, the changes to Warrior tactics were phenomenal and actually make Core Warrior as strong as Spellbreaker, or at least a viable option.

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