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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Yes. Very few USA stores actually carry Gem cards anymore. If they are becoming more scarce in the USA, I can’t imagine what they would cost overseas. Wow .


    We could turn this into the game is dying thread due to the decline in gem card sales in the US and overseas !

  2. Despite over nerfing Chronomancer again, I feel the last patch was extremely PvP oriented with toning down some of the power creep.


    I don’t feel the PvP team gets much credit, and finally feel they are balancing the game in the right direction.


    I just hope all elites are brought into line and not just HoT elite specializations. For example, Scourge/Necro in particular was toned down over the previous 3 patches in a similar fashion that Chronomancer was continuously nerfed.


    Change can’t happen in one patch, otherwise players will riot and rage quit. Hopefully, more changes are coming to balance the game and PvP in general that will be good for the health of the game.

  3. I don’t think function gyro should have been messed with personally. Did not realize the range was nerfed and the frequency of rez’s.


    But reducing the scrapper sustain was extremely broken. Any class should not be able to 1vs3 and was horrible for the game mode.

  4. Thanks for getting back to me on this issue. It is possible that some things just need to be reset:


    We’d like you to try the following:


    Please go to your Guild Wars 2 shortcut and right click it, then choose “Properties.”

    In the line that says “Target,” add a space at the end of the target line and then add the following: -prefreset (with the dash)

    Your target line then should look something like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe” -prefreset

    Click “Apply” and then “OK.”


    Once you have completed the steps above, try launching the game and logging into the character with which you’ve been having issues. If this resolves the issue, go back into your shortcut and remove the–prefreset string from the target line.


    This worked for me, this is what ANET customer service helped resolve this issue for me.

  5. Crafting in this game is primarily used to make ascended armor or weapons, which is rather expensive. But it’s the only way to reliably obtain 6 ascended armor pieces and not rely on RNG for random ascended armor drops (which could take 6 months or more).


    There is no need to rush into crafting as it’s very difficult to make money and sell on trading post with those crafting specialities. These specialities don’t focus on making money, but producing 3 different armor sets or weapon sets for personal use only.


    You will get all the currency you will need by actively playing each campaign or trying out other game types. As long as you are actively playing, you will always be generating money.


    Now there are veterans that make ton of gold selling on the trading post, but using crafting specialities to sell items on the trading post doesn’t normally happen. (As far as I Know )

  6. Ok. I’m going to have to retract my original statement that black lion statuettes should cost more than the price of a regular key.


    The reason is that there is the value of actually obtaining “that item of the month exclusive” that hasn’t even been released at the black lion statuette vendor (and may not for another 4 monthes or more). (Or other rare/ uncommon weapon skins)


    But the value/cost should be at least 100 gems per black lion statuette or a discount if you buy in bulk.


    And just like how black lion keys go on sale sometimes, so would black lion statuettes as well. The value should never go below 70 gems though.


  7. The black lion statuette vendor rotates 3 black lion chest exclusive items roughly once a month that cost 60 statuettes.


    So this discussion is that most consumers want to buy black lion statuettes for primarily those items. Otherwise players would not be asking to buy black lion statuettes in the first place.


    This is a great idea to allow countries and consumers have access to purchase black lion statuettes that currently cannot buy black lion keys.


    However, I am against the same discount offered to the rest of the community that can already buy keys for less than the cost of one black lion key. It devalues any additional prestige of having those items as I have already put the time and money into black lion keys to obtain them. I cannot be the only consumer that would feel this way, if black lion statuettes were sold for even less.

  8. No. Belgium players should definitely be able to buy black lion statuettes or other country’s that have or will ban questionable gambling entertainment or consumer purchases.


    But the 90% of other consumers that can already black lion keys should pay the same price for 1 black lion statuette as one black lion key.


    Either take the gamble and buy keys , or pay a small premium from buying exactly what you want without any risk. You could still buy 60 black lion keys and not get the current monthly item that you want. That is the risk that some players are willing to take.


    I think a 60 black lion statuette purchase of 5000 gems in exchange for a black lion exclusive item is completely fair.

  9. Also 9 out of 10 black lion keys typically award junk items, with 1 out of 10 BLC award uncommon and rare category items.


    So in all honestly, you should be paying at least the price of a black lion key for 1 black lion statuette of 100 gems or more.


    The exception to this junk item rule is when you receive guarantee Wardrobe unlocks which has the potential to be more valuable than the uncommon or rare category.

  10. Well. If they offered those few countries that don’t have access to black lion chests/keys an option to buy black lion statuettes, I would have no problem with this.


    But if ANET were to offer black lion statuettes to be bought by everyone, I would want them to be more expensive than a regular black lion key.


    RNG comes with a discount, whereas paying for a specific skin should be more expensive.


    Although I understand you want to receive the best value possible and avoid RNG altogether, it will upset previous buyers that paid a premium for those items.

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