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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. There would have to be ladder requirements and algorithms that would need to be unique for this game mode.


    For example, 1 Guild at a time can be represented for one game at a time . Climbing the Guild ladder would depend on how many games are won and lost when players represent a specific Guild.


    There definitely would need to be new design features to match opponents together to track a Guild's progress up and down the ladder, as well as their win to loss ratio.


    But what I love about this idea, is that ANET would not have to develop new maps and just use the current 5vs5 conquest maps that are being used in solo/duo que Ranked ladder now. In a time where ANET has fewer employees to get the job done, I think this 5vs5 Guild vs Guild ladder could be implemented in the next expansion.


    No new additional maps would need to be implemented, only a new MMR matching system algorithm would need to be developed for this separate Team Ranked ladder.


  2. There was a black lion item that would be exchangeable for every PoF mini that has been released from Black lion Chests - including the Raptor, Jackal, Griffin and Springer.


    The question will be whether the next black lion chest will have this item again. I would say it's a pretty good chance that it will come out next month.


    Please keep in mind this is not the black lion statue exchange of 5 for 1 mini.

  3. WvW dailies are usually the fastest once you learn them.


    Also the mining/harvest dailies are considered the easiest to do once you have the majority of the map unlocked.


    PvP is a fun way to do the dailies too, but takes more effort. If you do decide to PvP, please look up a PvP build on metabattle or godsofpvp.net so you have a competitive build.


    Good luck!

  4. Personally, I just want what's best for Guild Wars 2.


    Whether it takes 1 more year or 2 years to make the next expansion, I just want it to happen and bring new energy to the game.


    I would be cheering for joy if it arrived in the new year for 2020. However, I do feel the community would be happy if they knew for sure that an expansion was being worked on, even if it takes an additional 2 years to happen.


    Of course, people would still whine that 2 years would not be fast enough. However, it would provide gamer's some security and confidence that their favorite game isn't going anywhere. I know that gem sales would definitely increase if consumers know that another expansion is planned at some point.


    In the next 2 years, can we please have ANET implement 5vs5 Guild vs Guild competitive ladder (similar to the original Guild Wars 1 ladder system).


    Here's the link in the PvP forum. Thanks!



  5. To be fair, all of those projects that were mentioned could be considered expansion worthy material when taken together. Not each project on its own, but all the changes including build templates, WvW PvP festival, crafting disciplines jeweling and cooking could be coming in the next expansion, and more.


    But clearly ANET does not want to state all of these projects will be ready to go at the time the expansion is released.


    Communication is greatly appreciated and I hope to see more going forward.

  6. AT's have 20 minute que's. Or at least the 2vs2 tournament did. Players get disconnected and the whole system is buggy.


    AT's are not clearly not working as far as popularity goes.


    Players have been requesting the option to play 5vs5 with friends outside of Unranked for years.


    Having a separate 5vs5 ladder would not require any additional map development. All that would need to be implemented is how the Guild 5vs5 PvP Ladder system would work.

  7. It's normal to take 30 keys to get the uncommon BLC exclusive item.


    It's unlucky to take 60 keys to receive the same item, but also considered normal to get the exclusive item.


    It's absolutely horrible RNG if it takes 120 keys to get that one uncommon item that you want. What people don't realize is that they are usually receiving other uncommon weapon skins they don't necessarily want, before receiving that one exclusive item of the month.


    What most players don't realize is that every type of key for the month has a different theoretical hold behind each type of chest opening. ANET sets the probability before the new black lion chests go live for players to access.


    From working in the Casino industry, in comparison to Slot machines, I can tell you different chests can be adjusted to have a lower, medium, or higher probablity of yielding the 5th category reward.


    For example, the Fortune chests for Lunar year 2019 had a lower chance of producing the uncommon/rate category and could be considered tight Slot machines. However, each guaranteed lunar year item yielded anywhere from 1 to 5 gold with each key.


    Whereas the current War-Torn chests have a higher probability of yielding the 5th uncommon/rare category. But the WvW/PvP boost item isn't really that valuable or unique. But each key also awards 1 gold per key on average.


    I'm making these observations based on my own experience opening keys and based on watching several Streamers opening Black Lion chests for 2019.


    Some particular streamers that I have watched are Cellofrag, Mighty Teapot and Vallun. If you don't believe that the theoretical hold can be adjusted every month depending on the potential rewards, please Watch those streamers videos :)

  8. With the changes to drop rates and magic find, has the rewards in WvW become even worse than before?


    I remember getting low tier exotics when I would level up in WvW.


    Now I'm lucky to get 1 unidentified rare when it's normal to get 2 unidentied uncommon greens.


    Although pip rewards are good on their own, it sure felt more rewarding than it is now.


    I have roughly 215% magic find and I was wondering if any one else felt the drop rate from leveling up in WvW has been reduced?


    The intention of the change was to make rewards more even for everyone, so there is not a huge gap between new players and veterans (more than 1 year).


    However, it sure feels like the rewards drop rate when leveling up in WvW for all players has been Nerfed.

  9. Well the odds are different for new players vs veterans.


    On my alt account which I have never bought keys for before, I got both the Exalted shoulders and the New glider/backpack from only 21 keys.


    But on my main account, it usually takes 37 keys and sometimes 63 keys to get the unique BLC exclusive item.


    I suppose I could have just been extremely lucky on the alt account, but typically 1 uncommon drops every 10-15 keys. 10 being normal versus 15 being unlucky,

  10. I play primarily Blood Scourge, but figured this question applies to any class that may take some healing power .


    Is the Revive rate for rezzing an ally increased by taking additional healing power?


    In the example of a blood Scourge with Sage amulet, clearly, the additional healing power grants more barrier to allies. But I am trying to determine if I even need to take Sage amulet if the revive rate for rezzing an ally is not influenced by healing power.


    I tried checking wiki, but it wasn't as clear as I hoped. Thanks!

  11. Does a Scourge benefit from taking Vital Persistance and receive additional healing from their own barrier (heals) from shroud f3 and f5?


    Or does incoming healing only trigger when healing comes from an ally.


    How about the Necro's own heal skill like consume conditions?


    I'm trying to figure out whether to take Vital Persistance or Fear of Death in PvP.


    Obviously, a Necro should take Vital Persistance when playing with an ally that is a firebrand or a tempest.

  12. There are tons of scrapper builds like demolisher or paladin's amulet that didn't require any healing power to be effective.


    At least now a scrapper has to take mender's or a little healing power amulet to utilize bulwark gyro. It was overpowered, and the 33% barrier reduction was completely justified.


    The only question is whether it will be enough to stop a full bunker meta this season.


    But my point, is that if more frequent changes are coming to address balance issues, PvP and WvW will be better off.


    Look at all the old PvP players that came back after Mirage was nerfed. It needed to happen, but took way to long to happen.


    Scourge has been changed multiple times as well. At least ANET fixed the necro bug that prevented Boons from being corrupted on their new nerfed ability.


    If it makes you feel better, call these hot fixes and not a balance patch. But small frequent changes, no matter what you want to call them, is what PvP and WvW desperately needs.


    Keep up the good work ANET!

  13. Thank you for this update on March 26 with meaningful balance changes that impact WvW and PvP gameplay. For the first time, I am beginning to think the balance team is dedicating more time to balancing these game modes,


    The 33% barrier reduction on Bulwark gyro should reduce the bunkering sustain ability for all scrapper builds. Now Scrapper's have to take some healing power to benefit more from taking this skill.


    Fixing the Necro bug that prevented boons from being corrupted upon detonation.


    And multiple WvW Warclaw changes and more.


    Now I know some players will say it's not enough, but honestly, this is exactly what we needed as a gaming community.


    More frequent small updates with meaningful changes to appropriately balance the game.


    Thank you !

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