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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Although you may have no interest in PvP now, the entire Guild Wars 2 community is losing the opportunity to aim for these titles in the future.


    For example, can you imagine how upset people would be if the Legendary PvP Backpack was removed so that new players would no longer be able to obtain this item?


    Thankfully, this is not happening. But that's how much this upsets me as gold 3- platinium 1 player trying to remain and achieve a top 250 spot on the Leaderboard for 2 seasons now.

  2. This is a call out to all fans of Guild Wars 2 and why you should be upset about the removal of Ranked PvP titles.


    If you ever decide to play PvP competitively, you will be unable to receive unique top 250 or above titles when playing Ranked PvP.


    Instead of addressing the real problem, ANET is choosing to not permanently ban Win trading accounts after repeat offenses.


    All current and future legitimate players are being punished for actions of a small portion of the player base.


    It's not to late to reverse this poorly thought out decision by ANET before it reduces the PvP player base even more.


    At least give us 1 more season to try to get these titles. Do not just remove them without a Warning. It's extremely unfair and upsetting to your dedicated PvP fan base.


    When you take something away, it only makes sense to replace it with something else.


    This is probably the biggest mistake that ANET will make that will effectively kill this game mode for dedicated and competitive players in Ranked play.


    Please reconsider this action , before it is too late.


    I will still play this game for the love of the game, but I will definitely play ranked PvP considerably less if this is implemented.


    It's wonderful that Duo que is coming back for all players and I'm so glad that this is actually being implemented.


    When Duo que was removed from Season 6, it effectively killed the game mode and we are now currently left with a very low PvP Ranked population from one simple decision.


    History is repeating itself once again. Instead of ANET choosing to actively Ban Win traders and all associated accounts, they took away Duo que to reduce intentionally rigging matches to cheat the system.


    We have a serious problem as Guild wars 2 is now Free to Play and players can virtually make multiple accounts to rig matches with no fear of penalty from ANET.


    Please keep this in the General forum discussion as it effects all future PvE players that may want to play Ranked PvP competitively in the near future. This issue deserves to be discussed and recognized by all fans of Guild Wars 2.

  3. Alert to the new Systems team!


    You are making the biggest mistake in removing leadership titles from Ranked PvP games.


    You are punishing all the players who actively play and try to improve.


    Instead of addressing the real problem, you need to permanently ban Win trading accounts after repeat offenses.


    It's not to late to reverse this action before it reduces the PvP player base even more.


    At least give us 1 more season to try to get these titles. Do not just remove them without a Warning. It's extremely unfair and upsetting to your dedicated PvP fan base.


    When you take something away, it only makes sense to replace it with something else.


    This is probably the biggest mistake that you will make that will effectively kill this game mode for dedicated and competitive players in Ranked play.


    Please reconsider this action , before it is too late.


    I will still play this game for the love of the game, but I will definitely play ranked PvP considerably less.


  4. Please bring back Guild vs Guild ladder system.


    If you don't have the resources to develop 8vs8 or 10vs10 maps and content; at least give Guilds an option to play 5vs5 Conquest on a separate ladder.


    ANET really has nothing to lose as the PvP community has reached an all time low. Just look at the active PvP population on the North American server to see how well the current Conquest solo-duo que is really doing.


    The matching system can't create fair games as there is not enough active players to allow the MMR and rating system to function properly.

  5. Since you mentioned the glory days of PvP with Guild wars 1.


    We desperately need GvG in Guildwars 2. It's in the name and I think we are way over due for a new PvP game mode.


    In fact, I'm convinced this is the only way to save what's left of the PvP community into playing and enjoying this game. 8vs8 or 10vs10 would be incredible and give a real reason for guilds to start PvPing together again.


    This could be the game mode with separate Guild Vs Guild ranking system where 5 vs 5 could exist and remain separate from the Conquest ladder.


    Imagine how much fun it would be playing both solo /duo que ladder and also competing on a different GvsG ladder system.


    Having a GvG game mode will not divide the PvP community, it will only allow it to grow and become competitive again. Guild rank used to mean something in Guild Wars 1.

  6. Sure sounds like we have hit the lowest point of moral ever in PvP.


    You can't take something away without replacing it with something else.


    This is one step forward with bringing Duo que back for all players, but 10 steps backward by removing leaderboard titles.


    I was patient for an official response for what was going to replace the current title system. Now that we know that nothing is coming to replace those top 250 titles, I have every reason to be upset.


    The only good that I can see from this, is that the top 100 will be forced to keep searching as other players will be pushing their player ratings higher with each week. This will make it harder for players to sit at the top of the Leaderboard with minimal games played.


    Perhaps I will be able to push into top 250 with Duo que this season. But where is the incentive for me to keep trying to improve other than climbing the Leaderboard?


    Although I love this game and playing PvP, i don't think ANET marketing has a clue on how to manage their game. It would be great if someone making these important decisions actually play PvP occasionally.


    The rating system and MMR really need to be updated to work with a low population.

  7. Eliminating Leaderboard titles? Can we get an explanation why?


    What is coming to replace the title system that you are taking away?


    This is extremely lazy from an Auditing standpoint, and you really should just permanent ban win traders after the second offense.


    Why are you punishing the entire player base for the actions of a few?


    I have been actively trying to improve every season with the end goal of having the top 250 title at the end of a Season.


    But it looks like I will never have the opportunity to ever receive this. I play at a Gold 3 or platinium 1 tier and within the top 500 range.


    This is extremely unfair and is going to drive the competitive players away from PvP. I guess I will be playing more Starcraft 2 or Overwatch in the near future.

  8. Right. When win trading was more widespread, many titles were gained unfairly.


    Removing PvP titles all together is extremely lazy from an auditing perspective and will not improve PvP at all.


    It is also extremely unfair to not allow future players like me who would like to try to be the top 250 and have something to show for it.


    Could you imagine what would happen if you removed the PvP Legendary Backpack and Glider and would not allow players to obtain it in the future? Both the PvE and PvP players would riot and cry for years to come.


    Removing the top 250 titles or higher will upset most competitive PvP players in exactly the same way.


    We don't necessarily want more Pips in order to get More Gold. We want a balanced game with fair match ups and climbing the leader board to actually mean something.


    If titles are removed altogether, what incentive do I have to ever get or maintain platinium 1 or higher? Right now I play at a Gold 3 level, but have always tried to get better.


    So whenever you take something away, you have to give something back. Anet took away duo quo for high level players, but finally brought it back.


    I am willing to wait for the official blog with details on what exactly is happening, but some titles need to still be achievable.


    I will riot by the way if all titles are removed. I am willing to accept that some titles will no longer be obtainable, but I will be extremely upset and go play Starcraft 2 or OverWatch and leave this game for good if all titles related to rank are removed.


    ANET could learn a lot from looking at their main competitor Blizzard and their marketing team and how they approach the PvP community.


    For example, more hacking and win trading bans need to be implemented to make this game more fun and fair for everyone.


    Stop catering to just the PvE community and actually focus on what PvP players come back for. You can give players both by the way.


    I really hope the next Guildwars 2 expansion has a greater emphasis on PvP and revamping titles, achievements and the match making system.


    You have the best PvP mechanics in a RPG and are really not capitalizing on building and marketing towards the PvP community.


    Whatever happened to a release of Guild Wars 2 on a Console platform for Play Station or X-Box ?


    Why is there not a minI-Game GuildWars 2 app in development? Would it really be that hard to create a Polymock game using Mini's Obtained from GW2 game?


    If you don't devote resources to developing the PvP game mode, then you are not willing to taking a risk. And without being willing to take a risk, you can't ever receive the rewards of becoming even more successful.

  9. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


    > Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


    > **We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


    The official Blog is still coming. Reading is important.

  10. The intention of the survey was to determine the general mood of the PvP community.


    There are currently 37 votes for different variations of "Yes" to remove receiving pips even when a game is lost.


    There are also another 27 votes that say they are completely against removing Pips from ranked play.


    There are 10 votes saying they don't care either way.


    So for all fairness, let's say 37 people said "No" to removing Pips.


    And the most interesting is that 13 people wanted to for pips to be awarded for UnRanked play too :astonished:

  11. I think we really have to wait for the official statement from ANET. Any changes to improve the PvP experience should be encouraged.


    Bringing back duo quo for high level players will improve the general quality of matches for everyone. Yes some players will be stomped in some games and will be carried in others. But casual players will also learn from the competitive players and will also improve if they choose to. Sadly, players being stomped still happens due to the a low PvP population on the North America server and an outdated match making system.


    However, eliminating some of the PvP rewards forever makes no sense whatsoever. For example, I really want to make the top 250 title and hold it at the end of a Season. I have never done it before and want to keep improving.


    However, the community is assuming that's Anet is going to continue to do nothing with PvP. However, Anet is currently trying to overhaul WvW with the Alliance system. I sincerely believe they will try to do the same for PvP.


    They have hinted that they are working on a new PvP mode that utilitizes the current system but for GvG. However, Anet doesn't release information until they 100% know the content will be made. There is too much backlash for saying that content is coming and they fail to deliver.


    So perhaps the start of the process is completely overhauling the titles that were in place by taking some of them away.


    But I'm waiting for an official announcement on what else they will be changing going forward.


    Perhaps they are working on new PvP titles with the next expansion.


    On another note, ANET really needs to ban all hackers with no exceptions from Pvp. They also need someone actively investigating win trading with Gold sent to PvP players before, during or after a match. And look for patterns of similar behavior between 2 accounts.


    They also need to find a way to report desertion and team griefing. Whenever someone goes AFK on my team when they are still Insulting the team, I report it as "Idle" and "Match Manipulation". However "AFK or Desertion" would be more accurate.


    If ANET does review any of this, please review my history of G2-G3 Season 12 play of 700 games. Whenever I reported someone of being AFK or intentionally throwing the game, I reported them as Idle and Match Manipulation. I then asked all 4 team members to do the same.


    However, we definitely need another option for reporting players that AFK and would be easy to implement (but hard to review).

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