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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. The PvP changes to Druid are necessary. However those changes shouldn't disable Core ranger and SoulBeast Ranger too.


    Please don't nerf the entire Ranger profession when the Bunker support Druid is the only problem in PvP games. No class should be able to survive 1vs 3, which is what was happening with only the Druid.


    No one has ever complained about SoulBeast being overpowered lol.

  2. Condition Mirage has already been nerfed hard with the changes to confusion. The changes to elusive mind has the potential to officially kill the Mirage profession when exhaustion triggers during a stun break. Please reconsider this change as condition Mirage isn't even meta anymore. Focus on the burst potential of the power mesmer while being Invisible, which has been overlooked by the balance team and abused in almost every game that I played in the last month of Season 10 PvP.

  3. Reducing the clutter in the common drop section with more high value items like guarantee wardrobe unlock or black lion scraps will improve the value of each key.


    Take out the Season 1 memory boxes, the metabolic primers, tier 5 crafting bags, black lion coins, and self style hair kits.


    Move the Total Makeover kit drop from rare drop category and make it a common drop or uncommon drop.


    It feels horrible when you get a total makeover kit when you're expecting a rare item. Believe me, it sucks.

  4. Ben, please ban players that use the speed hack. It's an unfair advantage for cheaters that has compromised the integrity of the PvP community.


    It ruins the game for honest players and prevents GW2 being taken seriously by e-sports or other pro leagues communities.


    It's time to take action and stop pretending it isn't happening. Gold and gem sales will increase overall due to the good will created from banning all forms of botting or hackers in this game. This issue can only help your bottom line and generate more revenue.

  5. The problem is that there are so many common drop choices that it become even harder for black lion ticket scraps to drop. If Anet removed the metabolic primers, tier 5 crafting materials (so easy to get), and other junk items, the value of each chest opening would become more valuable. Removing just a few of these junk items would drastically improve the chances of getting scraps or guarantee wardrobe unlocks.


    Some items deserve to be there in the common category like transmutation charges, which may not be that useful for veteran players, but are really useful for new players.

  6. This is a classic example of ANET raising the price from the previous year.


    For example, the standard price of the Survivalist package in 2017 was 1800 gems.


    But Anet artificially raised the price to 2000 gems in 2018, just for the sale of 20% to make it actually 1700 gems.


    When I saw this, I choose not to purchase the item. I was anticipating 20% off 1800 gems, not 20% of 2000 gems. Thanks Anet !


    This instantly turned from a good deal to not a smart buy.

  7. As a Necro, I do the following, but should work for any class really. Once I see a Mesmer stealth, I usually wait 1 second then double dodge. Usually half of the mesmer spike damage is either minimized or only kills me halfway. Which is a huge improvement from dying instantly.


    From there it's easy to either nuke the mesmer or run to teammates for help.

  8. If the problem can't be fixed by changing gameplay mechanics, then at the very least, Anet should be able to detect when players are using hacking software

    on their server.


    Manually ban any players who log on with the hacking software.


    It is a much easier solution then completely rewriting the code for how clients/players interact with Anet's Pvp servers.


    Banning hackers is just as important as banning gold sellers, if not more so.


    I don't think Anet has considered the cost of not banning hackers in PvP or all game modes. I know that I would be more inclined to purchase more gems and gold if I knew that hackers were banned.

  9. I'm considering buying the Path of Fire Survivalist Package on sale for 1530 gems (15% off from 1800 gems) on March 3rd.


    I'm valuing the 10 black lion keys at 900 gems and the 5 heroic boosters at 637 gems


    At 1537 gems, it looks like the Golden Black Lion key is given for free! What is the actual value of the golden black lion key ?


    Currently, there are only 4 ways to get Golden Black Lion keys.


    Either as a rare drop from a black lion chests or trading 50 black statutes for one.


    Also, you can either buy the Path of Fire Survival package at 1800 gems or the Econ Gnashblade Decorative Package for 3000 gems.


    The Path of Fire Survival Package looks like the better deal to me. Again, what is the value of Golden Black Lion keys to confirm that this Survival package has a good value or not?

  10. Here is my question with the proposed changes to Mirage Elusive Mind.


    If exhaustion only triggers when evading out of a stunned state occurs, then this change is fine.


    However, if exhaustion occurs every time a dodge is used, this will ruin/destroy Mirage as a profession and should not be implemented.


    Elusive Mind is the most reliable way for Mirage members to remove conditions. If exhaustion triggers every time a dodge occurrs , this is an unnecessary change and will effectively ruin Mirage as a profession.


    If a developer or moderator could clarify this proposed change, that would be wonderful, thank you!



  11. Gold 3 to Platinium 1 is absolutely horrible. I lost 8 matches in a row last night and fell down to Gold 3 .


    It would be one thing if the matches were close, but they were complete blow outs.


    This new matching system does not create fair games, but unfair matches again and again. Players are being over-rated and mismatched exponentially.


    It's brutal and doesn't make much sense.

  12. We really need a 1vs1 or 2vs2 ranked PvP team ladder or at least one type of PvP game mode that is Not Conquest or Stronghold.


    If you compare this game to other real time strategy games like Starcraft 2 or Warcraft 3, no one ever respected team games of 3vs3 or 4vs 4. People loved playing them, but no one ever took them seriously.


    The skill level of players was always stronger for solo and 2vs 2 team players battling it out.


    And the problem with WvW is that you rarely have 10vs10 fights. It's always outnumbered battles of 5 vs 10 or even 10 vs 30. This is one of my favorite GW2 game formats, but I have never taken it so seriously.


    This is why a 8vs8 or 10vs10 format for Guilds vs Guilds is extremely important.


    Having Guild vs Guild fights could be balanced more effectively than the massive Zerg vs Zerg fights we currently have.


    Having a new PvP ranked format can only introduce more gamers to the PvP community.


    By the way, I'm extremely excited for the changes coming to World vs World and the game play that will result from having new worlds and players being matched up with each other 8 weeks.


    And I know a new game mode would probably take over 1 year to realistically create, but I guarantee GW2 players will play PvP more if 1vs1, 2vs2 or even Guild vs Guild fights were an option.

  13. We really need a 1vs1 or 2vs2 ranked PvP team ladder or at least one type of PvP game mode that is Not Conquest or Stronghold.


    If you compare this game to other real time strategy games like Starcraft 2 or Warcraft 3, no one ever respected team games of 3vs3 or 4vs 4. People loved playing them, but no one ever took them seriously.


    The skill level of players was always stronger for solo and 2vs 2 team players battling it out.


    And the problem with WvW is that you rarely have 10vs10 fights. It's always outnumbered battles of 5 vs 10 or even 10 vs 30. This is one of my favorite GW2 game formats, but I have never taken it so seriously.


    This is why a 8vs8 or 10vs10 format for Guilds vs Guilds is extremely important.


    Having Guild vs Guild fights could be balanced more effectively than the massive Zerg vs Zerg fights we currently have.


    Having a new PvP ranked format can only introduce more gamers to the PvP community.


    By the way, I'm extremely excited for the changes coming to World vs World and the game play that will result from having new worlds and players being matched up with each other 8 weeks.


    And I know a new game mode would probably take over 1 year to realistically create, but I guarantee GW2 players will play PvP more if 1vs1, 2vs2 or even Guild vs Guild fights were an option.

  14. You can rent a mount to participate in the races. However, what you are suggesting is having access to Adventure type content too which are exclusive to both expansion type activities.


    Adventures are mini-games that do not tie into the personal story. In this case, getting Gold in the firecracker adventure.


    Please be satisfied that you can participate in the races. If you love the mounts, should really consider buying the expansion for $30. In fact, a tank of gas costs more than the expansion :)

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