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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Is there any way Gaile, that ANET will allow players to obtain the Dragon Emblemed Outfit in game?


    I really don't want to provide my information to a website that has been hacked or shut down by hacking/botting.


    I could care less about the heroic edition or boosters, but sincerely just want the Dragon Emblemed outfit. Any information on what ANeT plans to do would be great.


    The downloadable content was intended to be available for everyone world wide. Now King Fu Tea completely shut down the promotion altogether. To address the international gamers, you really should offer this outfit ingame somehow. Thanks!

  2. Although there may be other ways to fix the match making system, these 2 issues would be very easy to program and implement to Track players activity during a match.


    Simplicity is usually the choice that ANET tends to do when it comes to PvP.


    For example, it would be too hard to track how many times a player dies only capping far, mid or home or even off-point throughout a game. It only makes sense to track total deaths throughout a match.


    Can you imagine trying to write a program that tracks second objective activity?


    It's probably the main reason they use the glicko matching making system, which only tracks how many wins and loses a player has to determine their rating:


    However, tracking how many times a player dies a match or whether a player goes AFK for 20 seconds should be extremely easy to execute.


    The game already tracks how many kills and deaths a player makes each match. I'm proposing that when a player dies 6 times or more in a match, they should receive a lower rating gain in the event the team wins the game.


    Players that die multiple times going far by themselves, again and again, will be less likely to be placed in higher skill matches and not be carried by their team again and again.

  3. If you stay on a treb on the battle of kyhlo for more than 1 minute, you bet I'm going to call you out on being a moron.


    I try not to ever blame people, as it always backfires. But sometimes it's so blatantly obvious that someone is doing something wrong and they refuse to listen.


    What were you doing when someone was blaming you? Chances are you did not deserve it, but if it was real honest, blunt feedback, you may want to listen.

  4. Please name 1 profession and role where it is ok to die more than 6 times in a match?


    If you are a Scourge, you will be focused first. However, after the first time you die, you should be playing more careful to survive, to keep spamming conditions.


    A team with a dead Necro who dies 6 times or more, really isn't playing there job properly.


    Same thing with a glass cannon ranger or thief. If you are fighting 1vs1, you are playing your role wrong. Should be fighting 2vs 1 to end the fights and move on.

  5. I propose that when a team wins, and a player dies More than 6 times in a match, that player's hidden rating increases at a lower rate from players that performed well.


    The same thing should happen when your team loses, the match should track when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds (anywhere on the map); those players should lose more of their hidden rating than other players that kept fighting and playing till the end.


    The point is to reward players that are actively trying to improve and play the game from start to finish.


    An MMR algorithm should be fairly easy to make for both situations to track when players die more than 6 times, or when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds when the team loses.


    The reason why the top players choose to play minimal games is due to every win only rewarding +10 points and every loss penalizes them for -20 points. If top performing players were tracked and rewarded for their efforts, they probably would choose to play more PvP games each season.


    When the risk of losing rank is greater than the benefit gained from winning one game, smart players will play fewer games each season.


    When the Risk > Benefit, players will typically choose to play fewer games to keep their rank.


    I sincerely believe implementing these 2 new algorithms will improve the MMR system's intelligence when pairing up teammates together, reward players for playing well and win the match, and reward players that do not go AFK when a loss is coming.


    I know people are going to flame me for being Toxic, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    The Last 2 seasons, it was extremely difficult for me to ever get higher than platinium 1, leaving me stuck at Gold 3 the more games I played. Trying to improve is extremely discouraging as I'm penalized the more I play.


    These 2 algorithms would not just reward the top 200 players, but also the general PvP community to create fairer match ups.


    The more competive players would have fairer matchups, and the players that care more about having fun would be happier too.


    Let everyone have the same amount of Pips for each win and for each loss. But change the rate the Hidden rating is effected for players that are actively trying to win, and penalize players that go AFK when a loss is incoming.


  6. I proposed that when a team wins, and a player dies More than 6 times in a match, their hidden rating decreases at a lower rate from players that actually perform well.


    Same thing should happen when your team loses, the match should track when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds ( anywhere on the map) and those players should lose more of their hidden rating than other players that kept fighting till the end.


    The point is to reward players that are actively trying to improve and play the game from start to finish.


    An algorithm should be fairly easy to make for both situations to track when players die more than 6 times, or when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds when the team loses.


    The reason why the top players choose to play minimal games because every win they only get +10 points and every loss they lose -20 points. If top performing players were tracked and rewarded for their efforts, they probably would choose to play more PvP games each season.


    The risk of losing is greater than the benefit gained from winning one game.


    When the Risk > Benefit, players will normally play fewer games to keep the rank they have.

  7. Where is the Dragon Emblem clothing outfit from Black Lion Statutes ?


    I was so happy to see that the old causal clothing outfits were added to Black Lion Statutes selection. But then also sad to see that the Dragon Emblem clothing outfit was not available to be chosen. Feelsbadman...



    Obviously, this would be a top seller to return to the gemstore as everyone would want their characters to wear a Guild wars 2 shirt !

  8. Should change this to any player that dies 5 times or more a Match, should not gain as much hidden MMR rating when the team wins.


    Although there will be some false positives, where you are playing well and it's just a tough game where you are 1 vs 2 again and again. But overall it would help reduce most players from being carried into matches where they never should have been in in the first place.


    It would also be easier to write an algorithm that only tracks how often teammates die and only reduces how much a player's hidden rating increases when the team still wins the match.


    Of course, no penalty to a player's hidden rating should happen when your team loses and you die more than 5 times.


    While we're at it, players that idle for longer than 40 seconds should be effected the same way. If your team manages to win, even with 1 player AFK for 40 seconds , that player should receive no benefit to their hidden MMR from winning.


    Some of these things could already be implemented and the PvP community would never know about it. I can only hope that something like this is already there, but I seriously doubt it. It would be easy to write the algorithm though, now whether it would be fair or not or even help we will never know.

  9. Thank you for this info Cedo.


    Looks liked the Hexed Outfit was a one in a kind :) This outfit is obtainable from completing Halloween events only.


    Everyone else should know that those clothing tonics are not available from the black lion outfit vouchers yet.


    I just wanted to make sure that other Outfits I was planning to buy could not be easily obtained in another way.


    Good to know about the Royal Guard outfit too, as I forgot how I received that one :)

  10. Now that I've stated why I feel ANET is making a huge mistake by eliminating leaderboard titles, let's talk about the positives.


    1) Re-Balancing classes with upcoming Revenant, Deadeye and Mesmer changes. Although you could argue that these profession changes are made from a PvE perspective without the changes to PvP in mind, they are still postive attempts to balance/change the game.


    2) Alliance system coming for WvW to improve match making system.


    3) love the black lion outfit vouchers. Good change to the gemstore for outdated items, which are easier to obtain now.


    4) ANeT banned some win traders and hackers once in 2018. Please start doing this More frequently as the PvP community really deserves this.


    At the end of the day, a balanced game is what always keeps me coming back towards PvP. It's why I still enjoy playing Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 every once in awhile. It will be interesting to see how the MMR handles the return of Duo que this season.


    But my general complaint with the MMR system is unfair games are set up far too often, and the matching system needs to be adjusted for a low PvP population.

  11. what are your favorite outfits that have additional animations with it?


    For example, the Ghostly outfit has the ghost hands coming from the ground.


    The Ice Encasement outfit has the snow fall/ sparkle effect.


    Mad King and Lunatic Guard both have the fire effect from having a flame head :)


    I ask because I'm planning on buying the black lion outfit 10 pack, and want to make the best purchases possible.


    The outfits have great value for me since I play mainly WvW and PvP, and usually don't buy Mount skins.

  12. If you are interested in the black lion chest exclusive items, elementalist sword, wild magic or gryphon backpack, then the keys are worth it.


    As long as you are willing to save your black lion statutes, 60 for the exclusive items, then they are definitely worth it.


    If you are really lucky, you can get the monthly exclusive items in 10 to 20 keys or less. (Storm dagger). But please keep in mind it is possible that 50-60 keys will be required to get that monthly exclusive item in the rotation. (There is no guarantee unfortunately)


    Just hold on to the Statutes, but the wardobe unlocks for 15 statutes is a good buy too :)

  13. Not banning win traders and hackers more frequently, creates a non-competitive game mode.


    Eliminating Leaderboard titles without replacing or upgrading the current system, equals ANET does not care about the PvP community.


    Poor marketing decisions by ANET in favor of only casual players is destroying the competitive PvP community and turning the game into a PvE Random Newb Arena.

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