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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Please don't play Reaper in ranked games unless you are platinium 1 or higher. Unfortunately, for the average gamer, playing Reaper will put your entire team at a disadvantage.


    Its like having a Thief on your team that doesn't know how to Decap nodes or fight 2vs1, Reaper is statistically not a good choice for most players.


    Why would you pick Reaper and force your team to carry you, when you could pick Scourge and carry your team.

  2. People would Completely lose their minds and rage if Scourge abilities Dhumfire and Sand Savant were both nerfed in the same patch.


    I am confident that Anet is now aware of the Mirage being over powered. So nerfing axe and torch combo is a good start and I'm sure more changes will follow.


    Elusive mind now grants exhaustion when breaking stun. Now Jaunt has a 30 second cooldown and Rune of Adventurer grants 25% endurance gain instead of 50 %.


    These are all good starts. Honestly, Anet needs to stop nerfing Scourge now. Otherwise Necro will be completely useless or at least not competitive anymore.

  3. Natural frenzy is the only water skill that does not hit behind the elementalist now. It even had a 33 % damage buff.


    Now if Riptide was effected or other water sword skills were effected and you can no longer hit someone behind you while kiting, that would be awful.


    Natural frenzy is only a Water / Earth skill and there are 3 other elemental dual sword skills that were left untouched.


    Correct me wrong, but I think only Natural frenzy from a Sword Weaver no longer hits from behind.


    Yes Staff elementalist was nerfed.

  4. Actually genuine. Probably not enough changes, but if we got a balance patch like this every 2 months, PvP will be in much better state.


    I main Scourge and Weaver by the way. So.... bias?


    It actually really upsets me when players just pick Scourge and play the class poorly. Will have to wait and see whether the Scourge changes to Sceptor Boon corruption nerf or Dhummfire + Blood as Sand nerf will be enough to make bad players stop picking Scourge and win with it anyway.

  5. The best way to improve ranked play would be to only award Pips when games are won .


    Dishonor could also be given to players that don't leave the spawning area after 30 seconds of Re-Spawning.


    But honestly, only awarding pips when a match is won will solve the majority of problems.


    People will still rage quit or intentionally run into the enemy to die, but at least they won't be able to AFK anymore with no penalty.

  6. The best way to improve ranked play would be to only award Pips when games are won .


    Dishonor could also be given to players that don't leave the spawning area after 30 seconds Respawn


    But honestly, only awarding pips when a match is won will solve the majority of problems.


    People will still rage quit or intentionally run into the enemy to die, but at least they won't be able to AFK anymore.

  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=whfuD8A9c88


    Check out this guy's video post. It captures the spirit of the changes to the DeadEye Sniper fan base.


    It's a unique specialization and draw of First Person shooters and competitive games to a MMO RPG genre. It's a niche and selling point of this expansion. I definitely did not buy this expansion for Mounts, it was to play as a Sniper in my favorite modern rpg of all time.


    Overpriced Mounts with forced RNG ruined gemstore purchases for some people and sent the player base into an Outrage. ( I was not one of those players). However, killing the Deadeye Spec really has upset me way more than I ever expected. The changes to the Deadeye has upset me way more than Mount-Gate ever did.


    Please review high level play of PvP where Deadeye is still rarely used. The numbers won't lie as the class really appears to be dead now. The only viable builds were P/P and shortbow Deadeyes.


    Please save the Deadeye, revert some changes back so the Sniper identity stays intact.

  8. I just don't understand why any of these changes were made.


    If a certain build was dealing too much damage, then nerf the damage that skill combo was creating.


    Completely reworking the Deadeye, has destroyed the concept of the class as a "sniper".


    This class made Guildwars 2 better than any MMoRPG with the first Sniper class.


    These changes were unnecesary, and this balance patch was rushed and not tested properly before being implemented.


    Please redesign the DeadEye again, you failed Anet this time. Although I appreciate you trying to make changes, this time you royally screwed up.

  9. Obviously, faster internet gives a stronger competitive advantage.


    I'm currently deciding between Comcast infinity with either 150 mpbs or 250 mpbs download speed.


    However, AT&T offers a 50 mpbs and I'm wondering if this speed will be fast enough to be competitive platinum ranked PvP.


    I have the 150 mpbs download speed plan, but did not notice a big difference when I upgraded to 250 mpbs. My ping to ANET averages between 90 and 100 based on F11 .


    Also, How important is the upload speed for PvP in general?


    Or is the download speed all that matters when it comes gaming online?


    I'm currently on day 10 of a 30 day trial period and trying to decide what I actually need.


    Paying for the 250 mpbs is what I'm planning and capable of paying for and I'm currently signed up with Comcast xfinity for.

  10. Now that concentration Infusions are an option for support firebrands in WvW, are concentration infusions more effective than healing infusions for a Ministrel Firebrand for Zerg vs Zerg combat?


    With the proposed healing reduction in the next patch, I'm considering changing my healing infusions to concentration infusions.


    Naturally, boon duration will improve, but healing power will decrease by not having 18x healing infusions.


    Metabuilds still has Healing infusions listed for support Firebrands, but has not been updated since feb 11, 2018.


    Should I still be running superior Monk or Water Runes, with concentration infusions for the next patch?

  11. Now that concentration Infusions are an option for support firebrands, are concentration infusions more effective than healing infusions for a Ministrel Firebrand for Zerg vs Zerg combat?


    with the proposed healing reduction in the next patch, I'm considering changing my healing infusions to concentration infusions.

  12. Also, the game should only be balanced based on intermediate and high level players.


    Please start listening to the player base that actively plays PvP. There are players that will whine about everything.


    For example, players were whining about the Deadeye profession when it first came out. But in fact , deadeyes are rarely seen in high level play and rifle damage should be actually improved!


    Now I sincerely appreciate the effort that Anet is making to receive feedback from players on these forums. Just please don't over nerf a class unless it is actually warranted based on gaming data or win/loss information of the top 1000 players.

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